Chaos In The Heavens (II) : Betrayal

While Kael was still observing them in silence and trying to devise a plan to get out of this situation, Razak clearly didn't have that much patience within him.

"What are the infamous Gilded Hands doing here?"

Razak asked in an angry tone, gritting his teeth in sheer frustration. 

The people, who were surrounding them, started to laugh among themselves as they heard Razak's angry and frustrated tone, while one of them started walking away towards them.

Kael began to observe the man who was coming towards them carefully.

Although every one of these people had a golden mask on their face to hide their distinct facial characteristics and also to not disclose their identities, they didn't bother to change their appearances or clothing at all. 

If they wanted to ambush or capture them, it would've been for the best if they didn't let them know about their affiliations with the Gilded Hands, the Shadow Organization of the Golden Circle.