Chaos In The Heavens (III) : Realization and Negotiations

The man in the golden robes chuckled lightly as he heard the demand of the right-hand man of Tharkos.

At any other time, if he demanded something like that from anyone else, they would've ended up meeting his demands ... but that wasn't the case for him.

"You truly did many things to set Tharkos straight. Among those people at the top, you were the primary reason why Tharkos still has much dominance in Kaldor. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid that Tharkos would've broken apart into bits and pieces by now and also would've been devoured by the surrounding powers, including us.

But you didn't let that happen. You sacrificed a lot for them and for what? For a petty betrayal ... hahaaa, no one gives you any value there, that I must say."

Razak harrumphed while listening to his monologue, without speaking a word.