A little theft

After four months~~~


"Where did she go?"

"I don't know. She was so fast that I couldn't see a thing,"

"Quickly, you go that way, and I will go this way," 

"Did you find her?"

"Not yet,"

"Damn it! This is the seventh time this has happened!" 

The voice of the two men along with their hurried footsteps as they talked about finding someone, echoed in the area.

Who am I kidding? They were looking for me only.


I smiled cunningly as I looked at the food in my hand, unapologetically and shamelessly happy about my little theft.

'I can't believe you are happy with this little thing and used my powers for this kind of work,' My conscience interrupted, and I scoffed at it.

'What kind of powers? It's a shameful thing that I am making good use of,' I grinned proud of myself as I looked behind the tree to see if they left. 

"I am not going back without finding her today. There is a limit to everything. Do you think I liked hearing words like incapable and worthless when I am one of the strongest members in the pack?"

That man, probably the one who had seen me stealing the packet of food first, said.

I looked at the food in my hand and pressed my lips into a thin line, feeling troubled.

This food was only enough to last me for tonight. I will have to steal again tomorrow to fill up my stomach.

A tired sigh escaped my lips.

'There is still some time, Valencia. Quickly contact someone from the council. You have humiliated me enough. If we got caught, I can't even imagine what kind of laughing stock you would make me into,' My conscience interrupted again, and I rolled my eyes.

'As you can see, that's not happening anytime soon. For the umpteenth time, do you really think the council will help and favor me? It was okay until I was a pack member. Now I am nothing more than a rogue lantern who rejected an Alpha,' I scoffed, moving my hand through my hair before tying my hair as I prepared myself to run again.

'But how would you know if you don't even try?' My conscience asked. 

'Shut up and let me work in peace. You are not the one working here,' I retorted.

Now you guys must be confused as to why I keep talking to myself in the name of conscience, and how the heck my conscience is so sarcastic towards me.

Well, after I rejected Alpha Tyler that night and became the first omega and lantern to reject an Alpha mate, something even more drastic and unbelievable happened after I exited the pack.

I transitioned. 

Yes, I transitioned. However, it wasn't in a wolf that I transitioned. I transitioned into-

"Leave it, Cole. Let's just go and report it to the authorities in the theft sections," One of the men trying to look for me said.

"Yeah? And what am I going to report? This is the seventh freaking time! Should I just go and say a freaking CAT stole my food packet again, and that to be from right in front of me? And I was chasing her but couldn't find where the hell did it go?" Cole said, and I smiled, unapologetically.

You guys heard it right.

The thing I transitioned into was not a wolf, but a cat. 

Honestly, I am happy that I left the pack.

Just imagine their horror when they would've found out about it. I was okay with having no wolf, but can a werewolf really turn into a cat? A completely different species? 

'Hey, there is a reason behind that,' My conscience said, my conscience who calls herself my wolf.

Oh, and she has a name too. She calls herself Aurora. 

'I am indeed your wolf!' Aurora shouted at me, and I rolled my eyes at her.

There she goes again.

With a sigh, I picked up a random stone and threw it in another direction to distract them before I started running again. 

After running for some time when I was sure no one was following me, I finally breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the food.

I was temporarily staying in an abandoned wooden house near the river. 

It was the eighth theft in a week, and it was clear I needed to move out again. That was the most I could go without being caught. 

That's how I have been surviving for the last four months. 

Life is tough and gaining food is even tougher, I admit, but it is far better than that humiliating free food.

I don't always steal…

'Really?' Aurora rolled her eyes at me, making me sigh.

Okay. Who am I kidding? In fear that some pack would catch me and kill me in the name of being a rogue, I haven't dared to go too close to any city.

I steal my necessities from here and there. But I have my morals intact.

When it comes to the packs, I always steal food only. The money and other necessities are taken care of by stealing from other rogues. 

That has become my favorite pastime these days. There were times when I was terribly wounded, but some rogues helped me too, making me believe not all rogues were bad. 

I have been offered a place in rogue pacts before, but can I really live in a pact with my secret? 

Who will accept a werewolf that mysteriously turns into a cat? 

It was mocking even to me, let alone to others. 

As I was eating my food in silence after washing my hands in the river, my senses immediately became alert when I heard some commotion outside.

It was just the rustling of leaves, but after living in the forests for so long, I knew this wasn't normal.

Someone was here. And it wasn't just one person. 

Well, if this wasn't just great timing. I looked at my leftover food dejectedly.

I stood from my place, wiping my hands on her napkin (Yes, I stole the napkins too. A cat can steal anything) before I went out to see who it was. 

Since it was a Noman's land, I was sure the pack members wouldn't come here to hurt me because according to laws, they couldn't hurt the rogues in these lands until the rogue had directly offended them. Besides, can they really recognize that the cat was me? Pfftt. Obviously no. 

Seeing the three rogues standing in front of me, I felt the sudden urge to roll my eyes.

"Brother, look. I told you we should go alongside the river. Not only did we find a place to spend our night, but we also found beauty to spend our night with," one of the rogues said, and the other two chuckled at the pathetic words while I just looked at them up and down.

"I am in no mood for any kind of fighting. Just get lost," I said.

"Are you looking down on us, woman? How dare you?!"

"Some rogue she-wolves really think they are all that just by surviving in the wild for a couple of days,"

"It's okay. We will teach her a great lesson," 

The rogues started speaking one by one, and I just stood there, watching them speak about me.

Well, I wasn't planning on attacking until they did something. 

"We have found this place suitable, and I can smell some food too. It's all beneficial for you to let us in and have us our way. Do you really think you can fight us three? We will only take one turn each and be as gentle as we can. It's better than being killed. The deal is fair," the rogue said.

I didn't know what dirt really goes inside some men's minds.

A fair deal? They were offering to rape me gently and expected me to accept it thinking that it was the easy way out since living was more important?

I scoffed.

In that case…

"I will take one kidney out from each of your bodies so that I can sell it in her black market which will help me and even you guys last for quite some time. I promise I will be as gentle as I can be. Will you allow it?" I asked, and the anger in their eyes was a clear indication they didn't like my suggestion.

I was the same rogue who rejected my mate for my self-respect, who did they think they were?

"Leave it, brother. Who wants to be gentle? Some b*tches deserve it rough only," The rogue said before he rushed towards me in anger, raising his fist towards me, but before he could I pulled out the sharp pointed stick from my behind and plunged it straight into his neck.

The blood immediately splattered on the side as the rogue screamed in agony.


"You b*tch!" The two rogues attacked me.

I crouched down as soon as the second rogue raised his fists at me, plunging the other stick into his abdomen before dodging the kick from the third rogue.

"Take it, you b*tch,"

The cold slap landed on the nape of my neck, and I almost stumbled forward, feeling my head ring because of the hit. He was quite faster than the other rogues, and I gritted my teeth before throwing my stick towards him when he was about to punch him, the sharp stick immediately going straight through his chest, making him pause mid-actions.

These sticks wouldn't have affected them much, but the concentrated wolfsbane they were laced in would definitely kill them slowly.

"Let's see how much money you have?" I shamelessly pulled out their wallets, throwing the wallets back on their faces for their identity, stuffing the dollar bills in my pocket. 

I sighed and was about to walk back into the house when I felt something sharp pressed on my back, making me freeze in my place.

"Caught you. You have become quite a killer, haven't you?" The man behind me whispered, and I gulped. 

"D-Dylan?" I stuttered as I tried to turn around, but he pressed the dagger harder into my back, making me wince slightly.

"Don't try to be smart with me, rogue," He said, and I gritted my teeth.