Living with Humans



"Cia, you got a parcel in your name again," Angela shouted from the hall, and I frowned while making the last stroke on my painting, adding a little shade to the side to make the shadow of the tree.

"Any name?" I asked Angela, who just like always barged into my room with a sheepish smile on her face.

I swear she has won me over with just her smile. If it had been anyone else entering my room without knocking, I would've really seen to it they learned their lesson.

"What are you painting?" Angela walked to my canvas while I looked at the parcel she had in hand. 

There was no name on it once again. 

And I didn't need anyone to tell me who it belonged to. 

I walked to the balcony to open the parcel, ensuring I closed the door so that Angela didn't come around peeking at the letter once again.


First, let me tell you, this is going to be a long letter. Open the gift later.

How have you been? Sorry, I couldn't come to check up on you this time again. I will be coming soon though. I haven't heard of any of your mischievous activities at your University recently. It means you are adjusting well among humans like I had guessed. 

Now do me a favor, keep staying like this. I have already asked Dad about the transfer program at your University, and you will be transferred to the University sponsored by the council in your second year. 

Keep acting cute and like a human for these 6 months too. You will be able to do that, right? Dad says hi and asks if you want some pocket money. Yeah, we know you are earning through your hard work but still…. 

The last report you sent about the rogues was well received by the council members, and Marcus wants to appeal to enhance your perks as the council's official spy. Poor guy still doesn't know it was you who made the report.

We have suppressed the news. No one knows about you. Would you be down for a spying mission? It's near your place and you won't have to go anywhere. Do let me know through another letter. 

It would've been better if I could get your number. This letter thing is really risky. 

Anyway, take care and eat healthy. I hope you are not stealing food anymore and being a nuisance to the alphas.

Love you,

Your crush,"

The letter brought a smile to my face before I pulled out the lighter from my pocket and burnt it. 

No, I don't smoke. I keep a lighter, well, just because it keeps in handy sometimes, just like the three wolfsbane daggers that I still keep by my side just in case. 

"Cia, what are you hiding from me? Is it a love letter again?" Angela asked, banging the balcony door softly as she watched me burn the letter again.

I smiled and shook my head at her before opening the so-called gift from Uncle Jonathan.

It was a beautiful pair of raindrop earrings.

That day after Dylan found me, the first thing he did was smack my head and ask me why I didn't go looking for them.

When I expressed my concern about being a rogue and rejecting an Alpha that was highly frowned upon as she-wolves are still expected to bear all the humiliation and stay true to their bonds in this modern world, Dylan only had one thing to say.

"If it were in my hands, I would keep you in the council in a heartbeat. But I don't want people to think I am taking advantage of the situation and you rejected your alpha mate because of me. So let's give it some time," 

Yes. That was the only thing he said before he literally kidnapped me and took me to the cottage that belonged to the council chambers. 

I got quite a scolding from Uncle Jonathan.

I didn't want to live in any packs, unsure how they would treat me after knowing my secret, and that's why only Uncle Jonathan and Dylan knew about it. 

I came here to live among humans, studying in an all-human University.

I was their unofficial worker too and only three people knew about me so far in the council. 

Uncle Jonathan, Dylan, and Marcus (who still don't know who V is). 

"Cia, we are getting late for the classes already. Let's go," Angela said, and I opened the balcony door.

She eyed the gift in my hand immediately.

"Is it your secret lover? You already burnt the letter. Tell me it's true," She beamed at me, truly invested in the lies I told her as I gave the gift to her. 

Angela was a human, just like her boyfriend and everyone near me here, and had no idea about supernatural species like werewolves.

That was why whenever I received a letter from the council under no name, I just told them it was someone who had been writing to me for quite some time, and I didn't even know who that was.

Yes. I was breaking laws by living among humans, but who cares? It wasn't my fault that the werewolves couldn't accept me. I had a full right to live in a society that would accept me as it was, without bullying me. 

There were times when I met quite a few werewolves in this area too, but they couldn't recognise my scent. 

'The pendant in your neck won't protect you for the rest of your life,' Aurora reminded me, and I rolled my eyes at her for bursting my happy bubble. 

She was right. The reason no one could find out about me for the last six months was because of the scent pendant on my neck that hides my scent and lets me adapt to the scent of the environment I am in. 

"Babe, are you ready?" Casper rushed to our room before attacking Angela into a bear hug, making me smile as I looked at the couple.

"Hey, no boys allowed inside the house," I wriggled my brows at Angela, who blushed hard.

"Hi, Cia," Casper walked to me with his open arms, making me widen my eyes as I dodged his hug.

"Hehe, come to your brother from another mother," Casper teased me, knowing all too well how much I hate people invading my personal space. 

"I swear if you needed me, Casper, I would steal your girlfriend and run far away," I threatened as I distanced myself and stood behind the couch just in case.

Casper looked at Angela who didn't look like she had any problems with my arrangements.

"I don't doubt that," he said before he kissed the corner of her lips.

"What's this, babe?" He asked, his gaze shifting to me.

"Yeah yeah, I got a lover on the loose, now can we leave?" I asked, my mind going to what Dylan asked me. 

Should I really take this opportunity to make more money?

'Yes, make more money. I want a luxurious life,' My materialistic Aurora said, and I sighed.

"Are you sure we don't need to report it? I mean, it can be a stalker with some ill intentions for all we know. And not all stalkers are romantic husband material," Casper said, the last line directed to Angela who is a little too infatuated with stalker stories and is a big fan of dark romance.

"I got it covered. Don't worry about it. I kind of have an idea who it is. I am just waiting for that person to reveal themselves and make a move," I smiled, making them grin back at me.

"By the way, Angela, do you know that an audit check will happen soon? We don't know who will come from the founders, but the dean is quite serious about it," Casper talked to his girlfriend, making me press my lips into a thin line as he shifted his gaze to me.

I knew where he was going. Staying out of trouble didn't mean I was the best student in the University. 

You can say that the addition of half of the class's demerit points was on my name alone, and a few more would land me in deep trouble. 

"Ohh, it's decided just some random founder's secretaries of the University would be arriving with his audit team," Angela said as she read the post, and I hummed.

Well, who cares? It's not like they can catch me. I'll just take a leave for the said lectures like I always do when this audit happens. 

I mean, I know they can't smell me because of my scent, but it's better to be safe than sorry, right? 

"Guys, you know what? I actually feel my stomach aching terribly. I'll have to return to the room," I said, ready to leave when Angela held my hand. 

"Unfortunately, the dean says that there will be 50 points of demerits, and 100 deductions in internal marking if anyone is absent," Angela said, and I furrowed my eyes in frustration.

Seriously? Uhhh, why was this day starting in annoying terms? 

"By the way, Cia, what did you decide about the gig I told you about? I showed your paintings to the man, and he was quite fond of them. I think he wants to buy some of your work," Casper said, and I hummed.

"Did you mention that I am not down for a meeting? I don't want anyone to know who I am or my name," I asked.

"Don't worry. I will be your dealer. All I need is one trip in return. You know Angela's mom will let her go on the trip only if you are coming," Casper looked at me with puppy eyes, and I rolled my eyes before humming.

'Valencia, let's move out of here,' Aurora suddenly said, and I furrowed my brows at her sudden concerned voice.

'What happened, Aurora? Do you smell some cat food?' I joked, but when I didn't hear any response from the other side, I knew it was serious.

'What's wrong?' I asked her.

'I don't know but my instincts strongly tell me that we shouldn't be here. Let's go inside the class already. I don't feel good. Like something bad is about to happen,' Aurora said, and I hummed, listening to her this time.