chapter 6

Would I say I was relieved when I woke up fully and realized that it was Pastor Ebuka and not mummy?

Was he going to tell my parents that he saw me n a k e d with a fellow guy? I had no idea.

"Wake him up!" Pastor Ebuka instructed, referring to Andy.

I did as instructed and he asked Andy to pack his stuff and leave.

"Clean this mess up and meet me in my house immediately." Pastor Ebuka instructed again when Andy was out of sight.

From his tone, I could sense that he was angry and disappointed.

Pastor Ebuka was one of the young pastors in church. He had a good relationship with everyone, especially the teenagers and youths of the church.

I didn't know why he was at my house, but I picked up my phone and realized he had called earlier before coming.

If only I had not left my phone on silent!

I cleaned up the house, eliminated every evidence of any sexual activity, and headed to Pastor Ebuka's house which was down the street.

"Good afternoon, sir." I greeted when he opened the door after I knocked twice.

"Afternoon! Sit down." He replied, pointing towards the only chair in his one room apartment.

I sat down nervously, praying that I don't pee on my pants.

"Mind telling me what you involved in whatever I bumped into at your parents' house?" Pastor Ebuka asked after a long moment of silence.

For the first time in forever, I told my story, leaving no stone unturned.

I felt I could trust Pastor Ebuka. I felt it. So I didn't hold back the tears when my struggles replayed in my head.

I cried more when he pulled me into a brotherly hug. An elder brother that I didn't have.

For the first time, I felt peace that disappeared as soon as it came.

I slept off after I got tired of crying and when I woke up by past 4pm, I felt better.

The moment I was stable, Pastor Ebuka engaged me in what he called "a long heart to heart talk."

Surprisingly, he said he understood my struggles because "he had been there," and went ahead to clarify my confused mind when he confessed that he was once attracted to guys, too.

According to him, after he long period of intensive prayers and counseling, "he got changed and transformed."

I believed him. C'mon, it was Pastor Ebuka.

Before leaving his house, we prayed. I prayed my heart out to God. I kept reminding him of the line "from my heart to your ears."

Pastor Ebuka urged me to visit him more and cut ties with Andy if truly I wanted to change.

So, for the next few weeks, Pastor Ebuka's house became my next home. I believed I could change, too.

But then, I felt I had exhausted my welcome package when things got out of hand. A new development I was definitely not ready for….