Chapter 99 Price of betrayal.

When all of the fleet's destroyed their first targets,they sent reports to Simon as he was in charge of this whole operation.

He read through the reports and was very satisfied with the progress;his forces didn't lose a single soldier, not to mention a ship in the first stage.

This was mainly thanks to their technology and the element of surprise but if they worked too slowly then the situation would change as their enemies would sooner or later figure out that there was someone targeting them.

-Continue with the operations and take down the second set of targets,be more careful and vigilant this time as the enemy might have discovered that some of their allies are gone.

Simon said and all the admirals acknowledged their orders.

After that Simon went to his quarters as Mikael and Steuner wanted to talk to him privately.

-Simon,do you want to change your second target?

We both would trade with you.

Mikeal started without beating around the bush. 

Simon knew that they would try to do this as his friends were worried that he couldn't bring himself to destroy the people he knew and the woman he once loved. 

-Thank you both for your concern but the past is in the past and I won't hesitate to destroy a bunch of traitors no matter who they are.

Besides I did the custom the last time I was here and since that moment there is nothing between Alesia and me anymore not to mention that I already have three beautiful and talented wives and don't need another one especially one that I know woul;d betray me the moment it was in her interest.

Simon said with a smile on his face.

Both of his friends were a bit shocked at what he said but it made a lot of sense.

-Very well then,but if you have any trouble with them just contact us.

Steuner said.

-And don't overdo it, kid.

Mikael said with a smile.

-You know I'm almost a hundred and fifty.

When will you stop calling me a kid?

Simion asked amused.

-Never, as for me you will always be a kid that I meet on that junk planet.

Mikael said with a hearty laugh.

After some more chatting they went back to their duties.

Simon ordered his fleet to prepare to jump to the Elani empire.

He was more than ready to get this over with as he wanted to atone for his mistake back then.

If he didn't fall in love with Alesia then the Elani would have nothing to do with the council space and the outcome might have been different as there would not be anyone to betray them.

This time he would not play any games but thoroughly destroy them all and be done with it.

It didn't take long for the fleet to arrive at their destination.

Just like before,they entered the system at full stealth and the preparations began.

Simon wanted to neutralize the Elani fleet first and then the defense systems around the system but the sensors also detected massive mine fields in the system that made the operation more difficult.

However if the Elani thought that those mines would protect them then they were dead wrong.

When his fleet was in position and the relays were planted with explosives by his stealth drones,he gave the order.

-The traitors are before us and they will now pay the price for what they did.

Open fire and fire till there is not a single target left.

Right after that the relays exploded and the Confederation fleet dropped their cloak at the same time opening fire on all the Elani vessels and defenses.

At the same time the smaller ships fired a volley of mine destroyers that made quick work of the minefields.

The mine destroyers were special munitions that would burst once they hit a target and spread many small devices that simulated ship emissions which lured the smart mines and then destroyed them with small explosive charges.

The dumb mines were even easier to destroy as the other type of mine destroyer worked like a claymore mine but in all directions.

The metal balls were more than enough to take out the mines that were activated by proximity fuses.

The Elani were in shock when they were attacked without any warning and their communications were cut off.

Their fleet was being decimated and the ships that were docked never even had a chance to get out there to fight as they were destroyed by the dozens.

The space stagnation,the shipyard and even some space docks that the older generation of humans recognized as their own docks from earth were now targeted and systematically annihilated.

The Elani command attempted to hail the attacking force but to no avail as they were ignored.

After a few attempts at communication the Elani tried to send a signal of surrender that was accepted by most races.

This also failed and soon there were no forces to surrender as their fleet and all their assets in space were destroyed.

Their Attackers didn't even spare the life pods and exterminated every last one of the soldiers,sailors and civilians that were in the system at this time.

Liara was watching the slaughter of her people and she was terrified.

The enemy ships did not match anything in their database but the names of the ships that were painted on their hulls told her who was attacking them and she was shocked and terrified at the same time.

Thanks to the Federation's rejuvenation she was again young but it seemed that she wouldn't be able to enjoy her youth as the Terrans came seeking revenge.

She immediately used a frequency that Simon had given to her and Alesia to contact him if they ever needed help.

It was over a century ago but she keeped the frequency and the codes in her personal communicator.

-Admiral we have incoming communications,the frequency is an old one and the authentication codes are yours but they are from over a hundred years ago.

The comms officer reported.

Simon knew that there were only two Elani who had this frequency and his authentication codes as he was the one that had given them to Alesia and Liara in case that they needed help.

He never thought that they still had the frequency and codes but that was also good since he could tell them personally that their species was coming to an end.

Looking at the tactical display he saw that everything in space was destroyed and the fleet was wiping out the last survivors right now so he had all the time in the world to have a little chat with the empress.

-Send the connection to my quarters and as for the enemy,after you make sure that all of them in space are dead,restock our munitions and await further orders.

Do not get near the planet as they may still have some weapons capable of reaching us,if they try to launch any kind of ship or anything else into space,destroy it immediately.

Simon said and went to his quarters for a chat with the empress.