Chapter 100 A chat with the Empress.

When Simon reached his quarters the notification of an incoming communication was already displayed on the holo-screen above his desk.

He sat down and answered the call and Liara's face showed up on the screen.

-Welcome Liara,It's been a long time.

He started the conversation.

-Spare me the pleasantries Simon.

She said with an irritation in her voice.

She was always irritated with Simon's calm voice whenever they talked through the communication devices.

-As you what do you want?

Simon asked with a much colder tone.

-I want to know what it will take for you to spare my people?

Liara asked with desperation as she knew that her entire species was at his mercy.

-Nothing,There is nothing you can do to stop me, especially after what you have done.

You were on the council and they informed you of the punishment for betrayal.

It took a while longer than I thought but the punishment will be served and I am the executioner.

He said without any emotion just as he would talk with someone about the weather.

Liara paled when she heard that,She was sure that humanity was extinct and there would be no more repercussions from them.

-If you really must have your revenge or distribute a punishment then just kill me and be done with it.

Why must you exterminate my whole species?

She pleaded with him.

Liara knew that it was most likely useless but she had to try.

-You know,if humanity wasn't almost wiped out by your actions then we might have settled on executing just you for treason and letting your people go.

However we were almost exterminated and it took us over a century to reach the numbers that allowed us to take revenge for all the people that died.

So there will be no negotiations about the outcome of our attack.

You made a poor decision and now you will pay the price for it along with all of your people.

Simon said with a look of a predator stalking his prey.

Liara's last hope vanished as she would gladly give her life and even the lives of all her family to save her species but this was not good enough to satisfy the humans and lizardmen not to mention the A.I who also lost some of their friends as their planet was destroyed from orbit.

It was exactly as The Admiral said,she made that decision and now she and all her people will pay the price.

The worst thing was that she couldn't blame them as her actions almost wiped them out and it was entirely reasonable for them to seek retribution by wiping out her species.

-Can you at least let some of us go so that our species will have a chance at survival?

She pleaded once more,hoping for a chance for her people.

This whole conversation was both a negotiation attempt and a tactic to buy the time for the evacuation ships to finish their preparations and attempt an escape.

She knew that she had to prolong the conversation as much as she could.

What Liara didn't know was that the moment the fleet launched from their bases hidden underground,they would be destroyed as humans knew about the existence of this fleet and they wanted to repay the Elani for their own Arc ships that were destroyed before they could even launch.

Simon knew of course that she was buying time for the evacuation fleet,but he decided to indulge her and give her some false hope before he crushed it all into dust right before her eyes.

He knew that it was his evil side taking over but in this case he didn't mind especially since he knew now that it was Irio that specifically ordered the bombardment of his home town.

The suffering of losing his family,his home,his planet and over 99% of his people,he swore that given the opportunity he would make the Elani suffer for all of it.

Unfortunately the main culprit wasn't on Elani 's home world as he went to the Federation capital world a few weeks ago.

-Why are you doing this Simon,especially when you had your revenge already when you attacked us and detonated ships all over our system over a hundred years ago.

The destruction and the death toll was enormous back then.

Luiara asked,trying to reason with a man that almost became her son in law.

-That was just a diversion,as I'm sure that the federation and the alliance would not rest if they knew that we were still very much alive and had a chance to rebuild our species.

He answered by simply stating the fact.

-Then why did you upload that video with the custom of abandonment at that time?

If you knew that you had to disappear?

Liara asked,buying some more time.

-The wedding that was about to happen was clearly aimed at destroying my reputation and I guess it was an idea of that cowardly idiot Irio.

But what really pissed me off was the fact that Alesia would do that to me and trample all over my feelings.

Since she could do this to me then I decided to break up with her once and for all as she essentially cheated on me with a man that lost our duel and managed to survive by sheer luck.

Simon explained without emotions other than a bit of anger in his voice.

Liara understood his position at that time and if she was in his place then she would probably do the same.

-You know that this video of yours stopped the wedding as Alesia fainted and slipped into a coma when she saw it?

Liara asked.

-I heard,and after that even Irio didn't want to marry her which is not surprising as he is more concerned about his tarnished reputation than anything else.

Simon said with amusement.

This was karma at work and everyone knew that karma is a bitch.

-There is still a chance for you to be with my daughter.

Liara said.

This revelation surprised Simon.

-And what would that be?

I already went by the custom and as far as I know there is no way to reverse it,additionally she is an Elani ,who are hated by all humans as traitors.

Simon asked with a hint of curiosity.

-We created a new custom that allows you to reverse the abandonment and remove the revocation from Alesia.

Luiara said she still had some hope seeing that Simon was interested in this development.

-So what? Do you really think that we could just start over?

He asked her with amusement.

This statement had the effect of a bucket of cold water poured on her.

She really started to have hope that she could use her daughter to save her people once again.

-I already have three wives and to join the family she would have to convince all of them that she is worthy of it.

Let's just say that it's impossible for her to achieve that and besides,there is no way I will marry a cheater who changes her mind whenever the benefits suit her.

Simon crushed Liara's hope without mercy.

She never considered that he had married another woman and not just one but three of them.

When she was thinking of another way to persuade him,she received a notification that the evacuation fleet was ready to launch and a request for her to board her ship.

She quickly sent a reply that she would not be joining them as she was busy distracting the enemy leader and to take off without her.

At the same time Simon opened a secondary window on his display and saw that the Elani fleet was ready to leave.

He had given orders beforehand that any ship attempting to flee the planet was to be destroyed as soon as it took off.

The fleet tried to increase their chances by launching all the ships simultaneously but the moment they were off the ground ,the Confederation fleet opened fire and took them all down in less than a minute.

Liara was horrified when she saw what happened.

-You knew all along that I was buying time for this fleet.

She asked with anger.

-Yes and it was fun talking to you for one last time but now that the fun is over,let's end this.

Simon said and his cold tone sent a chill down the empress's spine.

-Wait, Simon….

The transmission was cut by the admiral.

-Begin bombardment,I don't want to see a single Elani life sign on this planet.

Simon ordered as soon as he entered the bridge.

-With pleasure.

The weapons officer answered.

The admiral smiled when he saw how eager the bridge crew was to be done with this world.

-What were you doing for so long?

Athena asked as her avatar materialized on the bridge.

-Don't act like you didn't hear the whole conversation.

He laughed at her expression when she got busted.

She pouted adorably at his amusement which resulted in even more laughter this time from the whole bridge crew.

-Don't get angry.

He said, trying to pacify his wife who was on the verge of exploding.

-What's wrong with having a chat with the Empress right before her empire falls?

Simon asked with an innocent expression on his face,this made Athena laugh as well.