Only A Prisoner

It had been two days since they had returned, he was injured and she was sick to her stomach. She realized it late that her husband did not need the parchments, he knew that she would fool him. And he wanted revenge.

He had calculated that she would find the woods best place to confess the truth so he waited for them there. And like a fool she did it. She took Lenhart there and then Philip attacked them and now she had taken the blame for things she had not done.

Like always.. So many years had passed but nothing had changed. Neither his cold eyes full of rage and neither her pale face full of guilt.

He would not believe her if she said she was innocent. But for now, nothing matters.

It had been two days and no one told her if he was sick or better. He had killed all of them. But he was not a superhero, the attack had left a wound on his body.

She had asked him again and again on their way but he refused to tell her?