Poison In The Meal

Elara should have felt the fear in the suppressed rage of that voice. But she felt she had become numb to it. Her body ached as if she had suffered physical wounds when no one had laid a finger on her.

It must be his orders, Lenhart's! He just wanted to keep the flight for himself. For so long he had hated her, loathed her for marrying someone else when it was him who had left her with no choice. If only, he had accepted to run away with her. But he did not! And now they have met again on the narrow roads. She was a fool to believe that he would trust her. 

"You have come to take revenge on me. Have you ever thought how many things would have changed if you would have come that night to take me away from my mariage? To save me so that.. So that.." she could not bring herself to say further. Not when she could feel the intensity of his eyes even in this darkness.