
It had been a long time since Elara slept for the last time. But food had made her weak and she felt like her eyes were too heavy to stay vigil. Her body started to sway, and before she knew it, she fell on the wooden bench, her eyes closed and her exhausted body at rest.

She could faintly hear the opening of the door, but her eyes refused to open when she heard steps entering in.

Faint gazes burning her skin. She shifted as if she was trying to guard her body from those scorching gazes but her torn dress did not help at all.

The guards licked their lips. Her body was succulent, her fair skin was so enticing. Elara could compete against the crown princess and win. Her beauty was the reason that Philip wanted her.

She was the desire of many at that time. Though her face was gaunt, her thin body only looked more alluring. They could not help but feast with their gazes first.