Hell Will Break Loose

Alric stood thee as his personal knights pulled the guard away and started whipping them. One.. two, three..



The sound of cutting the flesh by leather and their screams reverberated in the air. He knew that the guards believed that they would be punished tomorrow. But it was their mistake to not ask questions before accepting the punishment.

His dark green eyes were like two vortex sucking all the light from their surroundings. He was the very definition of darkness in this moment.

It was the fifty sixty whipping when the door of the prison opened again and Isabella entered the room followed by two maids and two knights.

Her beautiful features were covered with sharp coldness that could make others bleed. She scanned the room and her eyes stilled on her two guards that were getting whipped.

And then at Alric who was standing in the middle of the room making the whole place tiny with his presence.