Shopping center

In this world, loving anything may prove to be one's downfall even if that thing is as simple as a flower. Victor had to change his appearance many times because his family was always on his trail trying to find him.

Before he was always traced by tracking the most expensive flower purchases in the market. When he realized this fact he gave up his hobby of collecting flowers.

When he was young he used to take care of a garden because he is half elf his senses are very intimate with nature even as his demonic side wished to devour and dominate.

Victor has always had a better grasp over his temper as a result the other royal children thought he was putting on airs pretending to be superior.

These days he lives in this backwater county because he wanted a break from running so much. This place is also far away from the buzzing capital but lately he hasn't been so bored with Kai around.

In their first meeting Victor had decided that Kai is very dangerous but he didn't get any bloodthirsty vibe from him. If anything Kai is closer to a normal human with the occasional moments of exception.

The problem is the intense attraction between them, when Kai didn't recoil away from his advances it made Victor bolder. However, since there can not be a passionate conclusion to their attraction for each other it means this will be a chapter that will remain unfinished.

He wants Kai to belong to him and have his entire world be engulfed by all that is Victor but that is just his demon side trying to turn him into a dominating lover and Kai into his submissive slave. Loving someone is no excuse to harm them.

Victor doesn't want to hurt Kai so he decided to leave for his trip to the capital without Kai he will call him and make excuses at that time. Victor just needs a break from his raging hot body that wants touch from Kai.

Kai at this same time is using the mental ore to refine his golems and make them somewhat intelligently aware. He is excited because it means his creation will be that much closer to perfection. He chose 10 golems. Six men and four women.

The first 5 included his favourite lord Zhai then another similar to Pepper then twins with green eyes and red hair. There is one in tribute to Kai's adoptive brother Wang Chen but it's called Bai Ming. When he was creating the synthetic material body for all his golems he would sometimes repeat what he already knows and a familiar face would come out as a result.

"You come here. How do you feel?" Kai asked Pepper whose eyes are now filled with curiosity.

"I feel different. Master, is there a particular way I should feel?" She asked Kai.

He doesn't know what they should feel so he just assigned tasks for them. The twins will go with a small team undercover and learn relevant information about this world, record it before sending it back.

Pepper is going to teach the small magicians with Bai Ming and Zhai will supervise the sword lessons and recommend each child to a suitable technique from the database lists of sword techniques.

The exact manuals information was not stored for long time because Kai is not oblivious enough to think others won't be able to crack his liquid chip and get all the information inside.

This is why when it comes to the library data he won't risk it so a list with each technique characters and demands on a swordsman is all that is available in the mainstream database. This is used to check which one suits each child then a copy will be requested from Kai.

These techniques are in jade slips and each is incomplete. The child will need to finish and master the first part before moving on to the next part.

The children keep coming to stay in the orphanage and Kai is not chasing them away because as long as they take his cleansing and nourishing potions they are already loyal to him. He has them ingest a loyalty soup on their first meal in the orphanage.

It protects them from others reading their thoughts, from harmful or simply influential medicine such as aphrodisiac or truth serum. They will hold a favourable impression for the orphanage and can not betray its values and trust.

After testing there are three thousand children without the potential to awaken magic.

As soon as they reach level two of the Pearl body technique, they are given the incantations to intoduce aura into their bodies. It only took three days and all the children became a light bronze rank swordsman. They are daster than normal humans but they are still very weak. To compensate for this, they were moved to the meditation chambers.

The Pear body technique will turn even stone suitable for cultivation. It was made to cleanse and purify all negative effects of the environment to a cultivator.

As a result, no matter what the person decides to do after cleansing themselves it will work unless it needs something like a missing spirit root. Luckily magic uses the same channels but it's origin energy is different.

If Kai is not mistaken, the origin energy in the mental stone is the same as the energy used by magicians. Magicians are beings who have evolved their mental state from the basic to a higher level allowing them to use their minds to manipulate world energies.

Which means if he feeds them this stone, they will have enough mental power to manipulate magic in the air. This is the difference between eatinng the mental fruit that looks like a tomato to eating this crystal witch was formed by the convergence of world energies.

The mental fruit will increase the mental power while the mennta ore will evolve your mental power allowing one to manipulate magic in the air.

But it is good for them to work on a sword technique and become tempered by the harsh breath on a cold steel. There are now 2200 young magicians but because 600 of them are too young, Kai has them doing the cleansing routine, the Pearl cultivation technique and some basic exercises to keep healthy.

Kai is still decorating the shopping center even when three months have passed by. This is because there was a sudden change in the weather, it pickedd up a powerful windstorm for an entire month.

Apparantly this is not something uncommon in this world. Kai is delighted that his construction has been reinforced by the combination of rune talisman carved on the walls, floor and the occasional bullet proof material for glass doors and windows.

He was just being extra cautious but it turned out necessary. Kai decided to make a small hotel on the upper floors of the shopping center. Because even though this world has bathing tubs and showers it is only accessible to the nobles and the commoners have to collect water and boil it before they drink it.

Kai has a morden drainage system with hot and cold water on the taps of hiss orphanage. He will do the same for the shopping center and the hotel. There are only nine bedrooms in this hotel because of its small size.

There is a join bathroom with a steam room, a pool room and a raw of showers separate into men and women. There are also a few rooms with their separate bathrooms and balconies. The place is not overly fancy but because even commoners can enter here as long as they can afford, it will surprise many.

Kai improved his golems further and left the establishment to them, ofcourse he will be summoned if there is a need.

After the windstorm, the sword instructors took those nearly three thousand 10 to 17 year olds to practice their respective techniques in the forest. Kai only opened a channel and watched them slay low level monsters in the forests.

Some of them workd harder than others because they have now reached dark bronze level. Some are reluctant to harm while others are relishing in their power. It's a peculiar thing to see just how different children growing under the same roof can be.

The older children want to reach silver rank and they can go and try their luck in the real world or even enlist with the imperial knights. There is a status and a fixed fee due to each imperial knight even during times of peace so their thinking is not wrong.

Some want to go search for their biological parents and families. This is not the case with the majority because they are aware of how life is out there when you don't have a backer. These are all the small considerations of the children.

Five months later the shopping center is now complete with even the outside of the center having a calming atmosphere with a beautiful cherry blossom forest and a few wooden chairs, tables and a beautiful umbrella under some of the trees.

There are beautiful flower paths to make the place more beautiful than some nobles gardens. The front doors are big glass doors that open whenever they sense someone coming in or going out.

The floor is marble the walls have pretty plants near making the place very vibrant. A reception desk will have a person who will help those coming in to find their way.

The first floor has clothing from shoes to hats, ladies, men babies and teenagers. There is also a side where average fresh food is sold. From juice, tea, cheese, sausages and regular meat. The second floor has some food as well but the quality is very high and so is the price. This is why the store is cold with a air conditioner when they walk towards the foof section.

The same floor has a large area selling blankets, bedding, floor carpets and some small home furniture. The county has many big and small villages with people mostly dying from sudden cold or hunger when there is no one to hunt and farm in the family. This is why most of the children are now under his care.

It is safe to say the first floor has very cheap but durable and beautiful materials that the locals will appreciate. Such as the various basic cleaning materials mostly washing and bathing soap.

The second floor is jewelry. Jade, silver, gold and platinum exquisite designs are found in this floor. Kai thinks this place will probably remain untouched for a long time which is why he put the expensive clothes from high end brands here.

They are too high quality to be placed in lower floors but they are still just clothes. This section is not as large as the first floor so there is a separate section with perfumes, beauty products, skin care products and luxury items like a bubble bath soap.

The smart bracelets are also separated into basic, smart and star bracelets. The basic is in the ground floor with cell phone functions and a 10 cubic meter storage space, can teleport small objects to other locations. Receive and send items from its storage.

The smart bracelets have a bigger space of up to a small room. There is an option to teleport oneself if one can afford it. The star bracelets is found on the third floor, it can teleport a small group of people, the storage space is three rooms large and comes with an AI pet.

In the third floor there is a gymnasium, a restuarant and a small book store. The gym has trainers who will take people on a realistic journey to train their bodies, complete showers and changing rooms with separate lockers.

The book store has private reading rooms where tea and biscuits will be served. There is a menu and prices for each pastry and beverage. The customer can change into comfortable wear while reading and such robes and sleepers are offered at a price.The only free thing is reading the books.

All the machines will be able to handle being used by very powerful or weak people. They are all enforced by runes so Kai is not worried that some strong warriors will find his equipment useless. He has made similar items for cultivators before so he is sure of his products.

The next floor is the hotel and its entertainment facilities. Specifically the bar Kai spent a lot of effort makig it look perfect. There's the dance floor, the drinking tables and the chilling luxury couches. The light and color of the place let people unwind.

The center opened six months after Kai bought the land. When the passing people saw its transformation they wanted to entere but Kai as an apocalyptic world survivor has built a large but good looking wall and made a large gate that can accept carriages inside using the small road that will lead to the stables with staff to take care of the horses while the visitors are shopping.

The wall has peach blooms paintings with beautiful men and women dancing elegantly nearby. When they enter they will see similar trees, lush green grass and beautiful garden patterns away from the concrete road.

The group of people waiting to enter outside is a lot but Kai can accommodate all of them since he was not shy and employed some space magic in the place. He looked at the Zira person with her five knights trailing behind her.

"Your lordship, I am honored to have you grace my humble establishment with your presence." Kai bowed and kissed the lady's hand. She didn't show any animosity to him.

Looking at the splendid picture she doesn't think this can also be called humble.

"Let's go in." She said taking her hand back from him. The doors opened and a few nobles some from afar entered the place.

The commoners are also let in by Kai's staff members which surprised the nobles because they are even ushered through to another entrance.

Kai doesn't want nobles to find fault and harm his customers so he allowed them a different entrance but if they feel up to it, they can use the main entrance. The commoners are mostlt practical people who are looking to better their families way of life. He hopes his items and food shop will make them have less load on their shoulders.

The people marveled at the landscape of the place and the beauty those cherry blossoms forest brings to the entire picture it made them want to have a tea party there. The men on the other hand wanted to entere the main store.

They found the reception desk but Kai is there is guide them. Zira looked at the floor and turned to Kai. "Did you have someone from the imperial builders assist you?" The marble technique is in the hands of a powerful construction team in the capital that is very expensive so people started calling them the imperial builders because only the royals can buy their services.

"No. Why would the lady asks such a vexing question?" Kai asked taking them to the second floor. He didn't want to make them shop on the ground floor.

"Are we to crowd into this small metal box to reach the next floor?" A noble with clear claustrophobia asked.

"We also have stairs if you can not wait for it to come back." Kai explained. The man took the stairs.

The clothes nobles wear in this world reminds Kai of ancient England. They are embroidered and lavish perhaps to show their status. Even the tie for men is not a simple material but has to have layers with colors and designs.

This is to also show the difference between the nobles and commoners consideringg they wear rags and barely any shoes. It's like saying, my tie is warmer than your newborn baby. The ground floor has many cheap baby clothes children can wear regular morden clothes after this day.

Kai is now sure the nobles will not buy his clothes. He doesn't mind this was supposed to be his vacation anyways. He can just sell to the commoners exchanging wild game with baby formula and blankets. This is a not bad outcome.

The first thing they saw were the clothes. They entered and marveled at the materials. These look to have been properly processed and less likely to harm the delicate skin of the nobles. Kai called a few woman and men shop assistants to give the tour.

What Kai had overlooked is the impact of lingerie on ancient women and men. They bought most of the stock even for just wearing to be comfortable they bought bras and underwear. Kai had not realized that this world doesn't have the morden designs of underwear but use some crude methods which is usually bad for the skin.

Even men found the idea of wearing briefs appealing. Kai's only job was to introduce the center to the lady of the count. He did just that. They found the gym and Kai explained the concept of working out using these equipment to her and she had her knights try to test is durability.

The restuarant is still not open so they passed it and went to the hotel. Kai made sure they don't touch anything incase they break something and refuse to pay.

After seeing the showers and hot water coming out they were all astonished. Only royals live such a lavish life. Kai explained that it is not magic and they it is only construction system. But they seem to beush off his words thinking he is hiding a mage who ďid all this for him.

"I have to say this place is full of wonder. Where do you get your products from?" She finally smiled and asked Kai.

"Not from your enemies if that's what you are worried about." Kai said not really knowing what the woman wants.

"I saw you sell to the commoners here as well, how does that work?" She changed the subject when she saw he doesn't want to talk about his source.

"I have these Items but of lower quality and large quantities. I figured they will be able to afford it since I take materials too." Kai explained.

"Are you trying to help the poor people of this town?" She narrowed her eyes. Kai felt a chill when he saw her focused gaze.

"I don't know." Kai said honestly.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I need materials to study and find their usefulness while the commoners have these materials. I can get them to hand them over if I exchange for what they want. I am helping myself, I don't know if I am also helping them." Kai explained.

She walked towards a thin necklace with red ruby. It is not obvious but this is a magic artifact that can keep the wearer sharp and focused. It will sell well with researchers but Kai put it here for the chance encounter.

"Tell me about this gem." She asked suddenly.

"Are you a mage?" Kai asked her but she shook her head.

"No, I am a latestage silver rank swordsman." She put her hand on her sword handle.

"It is a mind stability stone necklace. No illusion can work on you if

you wear it. Don't get agitated, it is the only magic item I placed here. I see now that I will have to hide the magic more firmly for the next item." Kai smacked his lips.

"Are you saying this item will sell for this ordinary price?" She reached for the necklace feeling like it is calling for her.

"The goal was to find its destined partner. I have other magic items mixed in with the products for a lucky customer." Kai admitted after he nodded at her question.

"Are you so rich?" Maggic items are very rare some nonles will go their entire lives without even seeing one magic item. For her to suddenly be able to buy one is veryy suspicious.

"Bored, I am bored and thought to amuse myself with such things." Kai said.

"Sell me this necklace."

"You can call the clerk to wrap it up for you." Kai adviced. When she wanted to check what the other ladies were buying, he found an excuse and left.

His factory can make a mountain of clothes and if need be, it can just focus on making lingerie instead. The clothes he took to sell are not even one tenth of the supplies in his space but if no one needs them he will put them back.

The women bought the facials and luxury items in the third floor. When they learnt of the gym in the fourth floor, the men wanted to givbe it a try so they registered and paid before getting a membership jade slip which will allow them to use the gym exclusive lift and gain access to the entrance of the gym.

Kai lamented that this shopping center is not overly large but because of norden technology and space magic he turned it space able toaccommodate all his needs. He feels like he has worked hard and should take a break.

However when he arrived home he found people waiting at the gate claiming to be some child parents and they have come to retrieve this child. Kai knew his cherished break will be cut short by these people.
