
The couple of parents had come to the gate with agression making all sorts of demands. It came to Kai's attention that they had seen the children practice their sword skills out in the forest and realized their children are now dragons and phoenix among men.

They can now use them to make their own lives better and this country has a very harsh law that allows parents such rights. They are allowed to make decisions for their children until they reach marriage age which is 15. There is nothing that Kai can do to prevent them from claiming back their children.

"Mr Kai, we want to thank you for taking care of our child but now that we have finally found him, we would like to take him home where he belongs. That child had ran away from home because he is stubborn but thank god he is found again." This line has repeatedly been said to Kai but he hasn't allowed one family to take back their child so now he is being called to the office for disciplinary proceedings.

"Is your name Kai and you are in charge of the local orphanage?" They had given him three days to prepare defending his actions against the court since the parents have the right to get their children back according to the law.

"Yes, I am Kai." He said when he took the stand surrounded by the locals, the nobles and lastly the lord in charge of the case. This is still the lady that Kai had met at the Binusin estate with purple eyes and hair the difference is that she is wearing the magic necklace she bought for cheap in his store.

She is the one in charge here and will be asking Kai the questions. "Do you acknowledge that the children you have refused to return to their parents are indeed related to them by blood and therefore according to the kingdom's laws and regulations have right of custidy for them?"

"I acknowledge their blood relationship but It is not I who is refusing the children the chance to go back, they don't want to go back because they will be sold, abused and used upon their arrival into these homes where they were once chased away for being useless."

"Are you all saying that parents have the right to abuse their children just because they are related to them?" Kai asked them.

"According to the law, this is not something an outsider can meddle in." She said in response.

"Indeed. And just like all of you I am willing to look the other way even as children are being abused by adults but then you people went and made me an orphanage director. Now I have to do my job, even if a couple wants to adopt any of these children they will have to pass my tests first."

"Why is that?" She seemed curious.

"The people who are adopting and buying children slaves are performing horrible things to them. In the past three days I have managed to gather a few examples but if I get a little bit more time, who knows what skeletons I may dig up?"

A large three D screen is placed where everyone can watch. Many three d glasses are distributed to everyone before a scene of a young slave girl started playing. Her face is blurred of course. She is cleaning the floor, washing clothes and then cooking only for the man in expensive clothes to drag her into a dark corner and started forcing himself on her. When he finished, he left her bruised and battered on the ground.

The next scenes are no better as either the noble children or their parents performed various abuse on the outsider children while calling them names.

This scene happened a couple more times with each location marked. The nobles are shocked to have witnessed such cruelty but Kai is not done.

"These people who would do such things on a growing body are not human beings. This is only the surface of their depravity they will soon grow tired of the helpless rough skinned slaves and turn their eyes to your plump noble children with bright eyes and well maintained skin." Kai said and the entire court room became deadly silent.

"You will have no one to blame at that time because your laws are fully supported by all of you nobles while you forget the fact that you also have children who are small and helpless against grown ups." Kai delivered a blow that caused the court to be disorganized for a while.

"Your sons will grow used to using women this way and find no joy in marrying a noble woman who will not satisfy them. You may end up having a thousand bastard grand children but not a single legitimate one because of this. Your daughters will have unpleasant marriages just like what you have currently because your own husbands are busy with young slaves on the side."

"Mr Kai! What is it that you hope to achieve here with all of this?" Zira lost her composure seeing the chaos Kai's words caused in the courtroom.

"I want the orphans in my orphanage to be under my protection As soon as they enter my domain and become one of mine, they will be under my exclusive care until they are 15, no one else is allowed to intervene. They are not in isolation or in jail so they can be visited by their relatives if they themselves allow it." Kai said dispelling the fog.

"All this just to ask for only this, do you realize the damage you have done?" She folded her arms looking at Kai unhappily.

"I want to report to your ladyship that I was holding back, this is but a taste of how much push I am able to unleash." Kai shrugged off her unhappiness.

"Because the request is only concerning those with in your domain, there is no major implications to it so I will grant it. As of now, you have all the authority rights on the livelihood of each orphan under your care." She declared but the court is still shaken by the last videotapes.

Kai thought, 'huh? I hadn't even shown them the thousand slave agreements in my hands for the children I took from Victor's establishment.' Three of these are of the four parents who wanted to be given back custody.

In Kai's books this case was too easy but he has a feeling that it won't end like this. There is a celebration party in the orphanage with colorful fireworks going off most of the night. Alcohol is offered but in moderation and only for those above 15 years.

The next morning training continued as usual making the trainees very unhappy but no one was forced to drink alcohol.

In the evening, Kai called the 1200 children who are now above 15 years and have reached 2nd level in Pearl body cultivation technique, the dark bronze level of swordsmanship and third level of mage novice which can take down a level two evolved monster.

Kai took his seat and looked at the many faces in front of him and realized they have changed so much from their previous listless eyes. The eyes in front of him are full of hope and dreams for a better future. This part makes him very proud.

"When I was preparing for the the trial I stumbled upon some gossip. After verifying it I wanted to run it by you all first. I have here your slave contracts which you can take back and destroy to regain your freedom before I say anything more." The contracts will grant them the confidence to make the following decisions without any reservations.

They seem very happy to have received these contracts and they started burning them in a nearby fire place and watch each contract turn to dust. Jumping up and celebrating, they hugged each other with tears in their eyes.

Kai is moved watching this scene, it seems he really did something good this time. "These are ID cards with your photo and basic information such as name, age, race and the height. For the address I hope you don't mind that I put this address with the name of the orphanage which is the Iron daisy with a picture of daisy flower made from iron ore."

"These will serve as your identity documents but if they want the old fashioned ones I have them too. This is your official graduation day, from now on you may do as you wish with your lives. I heard there are recruiting both imperial knights and the academy for swordsman and mages. If you leave, I will give you the last version of the pearl body cultivation technique at level three.

"You will be able to draw aura into your body even at black gold level. Your sword technique will still need to be evaluated if you have mastered the last part before you get the next part. Use your bracelets to report." The room became silent.

It seems they feelas if they are about to be abandoned. Kai is also feeling sad for some unknown reason. "You can stay here because this is your home I am only allowing you the option to do something if you had previously harbored grand dreams about becoming a noble knight or something like that, go and fulfill them. Both tests are a few weeks from now so you have plenty of time." Seeing them not moving or saying anything. Kai felt very awkward.

"The shopping center will no doubt need to employ some people so you can also apply there. There is a discount if you buy items and you are a staff member." Kai is now rambling just to fill the gaps. Someone raised their hand to ask something.

"Is it possible to stay here all our lives?"

"You have to move out at 18 years." Kai answered.

"What if you haven't refined your sword technique by then?"

"You can come in to receive guidance and when you master your part, you can come in to receive the next part. If you are someone from here, you will always have a home here." Kai explained. A few more questions and they all went back to their rooms having a lot to consider about their future.

The shopping center restaurant is still not open. Kai is not thinking of doing it any time soon because he has men out doing research on the most expensive and rare dishes in this world.

The next few days many orphans went away to try their luck in the outside world. Some went to the accadamy while others went towards the church, being a holy knight is very honorable it is a step above normal nobles.

Others went for the imperial knights training. Kai is not afraid of them sharing his secrets because they can not. Even if they try, they will not be able to he made sure of it.

But most stayed wanting to at least reach silver rank before venturing outside. The discouraging thing is that they still receive training of their level from the sword masters in the orphanage.

Weeks later many things happened. The accadamy is a colossal institute with a long history of training royals from all large and small nations. The people testing the students are used to meeting boastful youngsters who end up quitting halfway through.

This year is also just as hard many giving up as soon as they saw the three main challenges they need to pass in order to make it through to the novice apprenticeship.

Just like the previous years, the nobles planned on making things very difficult for the audacious filthy commoners. They grouped themselves into cliches, isolated and ridiculed.

The first test is to last as long as you can against a golem enemy. If you are a swordsman it will also have a sword to fight against you. If you are a mage it will fight you with projectiles of opposing to your magic.

"This year there is even a few healing mages."

"I heard there are many aura sword masters than mages."

"Who are they? What are they wearing?"

"Apparently they come from. some rich orphanage."

"I like their simple clothing style and those shoes look light and practical."

"I heard they are all either aura swordsman or mages. What orphanage has this many talented people at once?"

"There's like 14 of them. Why are they all so good looking?"

"They don't look like orphans at all. Their skin is bright and beautiful even the boys."

"Is that a demi human?"

"She is adorable. That fox tail looks so fluffy."

"Ahem may I have your attention. The first challenge will commence soon get yourselves ready." The teacher announced and the people entered the rooms respectively.

The trials are not inhumane or overly hard but with in reason to weed out the extras. Ten minutes later someone came out but when the teachers thought he had failed they found out it was because he destroyed the golem so many times that it will no longer revive.

This happened 13 more times and it became clear they were all from the iron daisy orphanage. One who remained inside is because he is a mage focused on healing and purification magic. He was using the basic sword technique that all orphans learn to fight and last longer.

He came out 38 minutes later which is very admirable for a healer. Just like that, they all passed but the healer will now take on more physical training. It is a good thing he has a few workouts machines in his storage space.

The one who came out of the test quickly is called Aaron and since he is a commoner he doesn't have a last name. He is a very promising talent teachers are lining up to take him as their disciple.

The second one is Barth who is not even 12 years but has reached the dark bronze rank thereby earning the right to venture outside the orphanage by himself. In this group there are 9 males and five females.

The second test will take place in the controlled forest where wild beasts roam and hunt for food. All they have to do is to survive the place for one week without any provisions. All the candidates turned in their storage devices and went radio silence.

The orphans also turned in their smart bracelets without explaining anything. The noble children use this opportunity to hunt and kill all the commoners. They never face any repercussions before since the upperclassmen also considers this cutting the root of many future problems.

All the students are teleported to different places within the forest so everyone has to look out for themselves. A week later, Kai is being called in to answer for the crimes of his children in the prestigious academy.
