Part 30

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Having brought Emma to ecstasy three times, Harry focused his attention on Hela. Entering the black-haired goddess of death's arse, he began to move at a faster pace as the brunette enjoyed faster sex. Hela's moans and squeals of pure pleasure were more intense than Emma's. Actively thrusting her hips in time with her master's movements, the black-haired goddess of death tried to outdo her blonde rival. Hela smirked wryly as she looked towards Frost, hoping that she would prevail over the blonde mutant in this contest.

- We'll see about that," Emma said, answering Hela's snide look. The blonde was determined to win, and she wouldn't settle for anything less. The black-haired goddess of death was just as determined and looked at her blonde opponent with a slight superiority.

- Don't even dream about it, blondie. You're not going to win this contest," Hela said in a high-pitched voice as she continued to wiggle her hips in time with her master's movements.

Harry didn't intervene in the conversation between the two champions, continuing to thrust into Hela's ass, holding the black-haired goddess of death tightly around her waist.

- Master, what do you say, whose arse is better? - After a few dozen minutes Emma turned to her master as he finished driving Hela to a sweet frenzy.

- Hmm, I think we need another round. Not now, though. You rest for a while, and I'll go wash up. One," Harry said, glaring at Hela, who had already jumped up from the floor and was clearly eager to follow her master into the shower.

- Of course lord, we understand," the two girls said at the same time, bowing respectfully to their master. The blonde and brunette both gave the guy a stare and as soon as he was out the door, Hela and Emma entered the pool and began to swim naked. They swam in different parts of the vast pool, not particularly keen to talk to each other.


Standing under the shower and enjoying the warm water, Harry contemplated the competition he had arranged.

"I think it's worth getting the rest of my champions involved as well, and a few girls from the magical world a little later. Yes, I will. The more contestants there are, the better off I'll be," Harry thought to himself as he stood under the warm water in the shower stall.

After taking a shower for a while, he stepped out and headed back to the pool. As soon as he was inside the room, Hela and Emma got up from the loungers they had been lying on after their swim in the pool.

- Master," the girls said at the same time.

- So far, I have come to the conclusion that there is a tie in our peculiar contest. And to make it more interesting and intrigue was fuller, I'll call the other champions and then separately hold the same competition with the wizards with whom I'll be connected - said Harry instantly. Hela and Emma did not argue with their master.

- As you wish lord.... - The blonde and brunette said erotically and then left the room together with the boy. The mutant and the goddess of death did not dress, preferring to walk around naked.

After leaving the mansion, Harry pulled out his magic notebook and quickly summoned the rest of his champions. And after a few moments Natasha, Wanda and Susan appeared before the wizard's eyes. The three girls, like Emma and Hela earlier, began to look around with interest.

- Welcome to my private island, my champions," Potter said slyly.

- Master, this is a wonderful place," Susan was the first of the three girls to speak, while Natasha and Wanda continued to study the area.

- I agree with you completely, Sue. Emma, Hela, show the new arrivals to my mansion, while I go and have a swim in the sea - Harry gave instructions to the blonde and brunette and headed towards the beach.

- As you command sir - Hela and Emma replied at the same time and then led the other girls towards their lord's two-storey mansion. While his champions were touring his house, Harry went into the warm sea and swam a few metres from the shore and began to float leisurely in the tropical waters, lying on his back. Admiring the vast blue sky, Harry relaxed and tried not to think about anything else.

When he came ashore a few dozen minutes later, the young man noticed that all of his champions had already returned from the mansion and were lined up silently looking at their master.

- So, have Emma and Hela given you a tour yet? - Harry turned to Wanda, Natasha and Susan.

- Of course lord. But they did tell us a few things, Master. Specifically about a competition and we want to participate in it," Natasha answered for all the newcomers. The red-haired beauty did not take her gaze off her master.

- Well, then, this is what we'll do. Emma, Hela, you have already participated in the competition and therefore you are free to go now. As for the three of you, it will be Natasha's turn, then Susan's, and lastly Wanda's," Harry turned to his ladies.

- As you command, lord," his champions replied in unison. Hela, Emma, Wanda and Susan quickly bowed to their master and left, leaving Harry and Natasha alone. As soon as the extra champions left, the red-haired spy began to slowly unbutton her jumpsuit. She was then left in only one black lace lingerie and smiled seductively as she slowly walked towards her master.

- Master, I know that Emma and Hela have already participated in this interesting competition. But let me tell you that I am not inferior to them," Natasha whispered erotically, licking her lips vulgarly. When she got close to Harry, she pulled off her bra, tossing it aside and revealing her soft size four breasts. Kneeling down in front of the wizard, Romanova carefully removed his trunks and began to prepare the shaft of his lord for action.

As soon as Harry's cock stood up, Natasha clung to it with her scarlet lips and began sucking it with zeal. Wrapping his arms around his champion's head, Potter began to make deep reciprocating movements with his pelvis, penetrating as deeply as possible into Natasha's warm mouth.

- Oh yeah, baby, keep going," Harry said, quickening the pace of his thrusts into the redheaded spy's mouth. Natasha was soon purring, sending sweet vibrations all over her master's cock, making him even more aroused. At the same time, the redhead was caressing the wizard's balls and scrotum with her hands. The blowjob performed by the former Shield agentess was extremely professional and Harry was completely lost in the sweet sensations.

- But that's not the main course my lord - after a few dozen minutes, Natasha said, wiping the guy's cum off her face. After a few dozen minutes Natasha said, wiping the guy's cum off her face, she got up on her feet and turned round with her backside turned around and started to pull down her panties. When she was completely naked, Natasha wiggled her ass.

- Master, I think you should see for yourself that I am not inferior to the rest of my sister champions. Come and take me - the red-haired spy whispered erotically and slapped her snow-white buttocks a couple of times to make sure.

- Well, let's see - Harry said rather snidely, walking over to Natasha. Lubricating his cock with a special spell, Potter carefully positioned himself behind the redheaded champion. Gently grabbing Natasha by the waist, Harry began to slowly invade the spy's seductive arse.

- Ah!!! My lord!!! - feeling the hot and hard cock of her master inside her, the red-haired beauty moaned loudly as she began to move her hips leisurely in time with the wizard's movements. Standing in the centre of the beach, under the tropical sun, Harry and Natasha began to indulge in debauchery. The redhead did not bend over, preferring to stand straight and accept the cock of her lord. With each thrust, the slapping of flesh against flesh grew stronger and Natasha's moans grew louder.

- More!!! Deeper!!! Yes!!! Oh, Master!!! - squealed with pure pleasure as the redheaded beauty took Harry's full length cock inside her.

Gently squeezing the soft breasts of his champion, Potter quickened the pace of his thrusts into Natasha's arse, causing the redhead to go into a frenzy and not to stop. Only the sound of the waves of the sea lapping against the shore muffled the sounds of Harry and Natasha's pleasure.