Part 44

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After that incident in the Room of Requirement, Astoria began to see Harry frequently. The dark-haired Slytherin girl had become addicted to the green-eyed claw's cock. The girl was tireless in bed. After a while Harry met with the Malfoys and Lord Greengrass and got the union between Draco and Astoria dissolved. Skilfully acting as a diplomat, Harry managed to persuade the two lords to give up the old arrangement, paying both of them compensation for the broken agreement and making the Malfoys and Greengrass dependent on him in the future. In addition to paying the compensation, Harry, as the head of his kind, offered the two men to invest in one promising project that the boy planned to organise in the future. Potter wanted to create an alternative bank to Gringotts. Since the goblins monopolised all the money in magical England, the country's economy was developing extremely lopsidedly and very slowly. But before acting Harry planned to withdraw all his funds from the goblin bank. In addition, the guy did not forget that goblins are very unfriendly to mages and keep further funds from the creatures that at any time could rise again, was not reasonable. That's why Potter was so keen on the idea.

When Astoria learnt that she was not in danger of marrying Draco, she literally jumped on Harry when she met him again in the Room of Requirement. The girl had already made the final decision to join the Claw's harem and to cancel this choice, the Slytherin girl had no plans to do so. However, Astoria soon had an idea - to convince Daphne to join Harry's harem as well.

But as it turned out, the blonde Slytherin didn't need any help in this matter. She was perfectly capable of doing it herself.

Seeing that her sister had been following Potter around lately, the eldest of the Greengrass sisters gave the matter serious thought. Daphne had been interested in the green-eyed clawed man for a long time, but she hadn't taken any active steps yet. But seeing how Astoria was almost clinging to the guy, the blonde decided that she shouldn't lag behind her sister. So she decided to set up a meeting with the guy. Using a spell to change her handwriting, Daphne wrote a letter to Harry, which she sent with the help of one of the school House elf.

- Hmm, interesting. So your sister has made up her mind after all - while reading Daphne's letter, Harry was sitting in the Room of Requirement, next to a naked Astoria, after another session of hot sex with the black-haired Slytherin.

- I guess so," the brunette smiled slyly, leisurely running her palm along his thigh.

- Well, I guess I'll go to Daphne's meeting and agree to a meeting," Harry said. Thanks to his magical vision, he could tell at once who had sent him the letter. Putting the message aside, the clawed man pounced on the black-haired Slytherin, who began moaning loudly <...>.


Twenty-four hours after receiving the letter.

A naked Daphne Greengrass lay on a transfiguration-created bed in one of the abandoned classrooms. She squealed with pleasure as Harry spanked her tempting bottom. She wanted it so badly. And with each stroke, moaned louder and harder. Potter, in turn, smirked wryly and continued to apply light strokes to the blonde Slytherin's snow-white buttocks.

- You like it, babe," he said, giving another blow to Greengrass's bottom.

- Yes," the girl moaned.

The only thing she was thinking about at the moment was pure pleasure.Harry gave another stroke.

Looking at the moaning sexy Slytherin girl, Harry smiled contentedly. . She really wanted this. Well, he didn't plan on disappointing the girl.

- Lift your arse up like this," Harry ordered and the girl did as he asked raising her arse to the proper angle. Daphne cried out loudly as her lover jammed his face into her arse. She could feel him licking her arse. Harry licked her buttocks, up and down. He even went over her virgin point, making her moan like an anal slut. Unable to contain her urges, Daphne thrust her arse upwards even harder and wiggled it like a lustful bitch. Her fists gripped the blankets and she clenched them tightly, moaning into the bed as Harry's tongue moved around her anus. Daphne gasped as Harry's hand slid between her legs and pinched her throbbing clit. The girl's pussy was wet. Daphne mewled sexily as Harry squeezed her clit as well

She was about to make a comment about slowing down when the clawed man pulled his tongue out of her anus, whereupon the blonde gave a panicked shriek as she felt something hard pressed against her arse. Potter's cock was huge and the girl felt the anticipation wash over her. She gasped and looked wildly over her shoulder, only to see Harry sliding a finger into her arse first. She turned round, pressed her face against the bed and moaned louder than ever.

- Who would have thought that the Snow Queen of Slytherin would actually turn out to be an anal slut. That's quite the unexpected twist isn't it? - The clawed man teased as his finger found itself completely inside Greengrass's arse. She moaned again as he slowly pulled it out, and moaned again when he pushed it back in. The fact that he was still touching her clit made the experience one she would never forget.

- 'How about this baby,' Harry said caustically.He then slid his finger fully into his new lover's arse, but before doing so he surrounded his finger with magic.

Daphne's eyes widened at the sensation of pure magic being sent straight to her arse. She could feel saliva coming out of her mouth as she bit into the blanket. Her body trembled with pleasure. She was about to experience the most intense orgasm of her life.

- How was it? - Harry asked. The pleasure intensified and Daphne screamed loudly, but thankfully the bed muffled her. She raised her head.

- Yes! That's good! - she admitted, hiding her face in the bed again as his finger continued to thrust into her virgin point. Her toes curled as he caressed her arse and pinched her sensitive clit. She chirped as he ran his warm wet tongue over her buttock and kissed her lower back. Daphne's body trembled and she could feel drops of arousal dripping down her smooth inner thighs.

This was too good!!! Greengrass heard Potter's quiet laughter as her juices flowed down her legs and wet the bed beneath her. Daphne gasped as he pulled his finger out of her and she collapsed onto her stomach, breathing heavily. She gave herself over completely to the pleasure and couldn't respond wryly when he slapped her arse and moved away from her. The girl's body shook with pleasure as she was bathed in pure desire. It didn't last long, however, because the sound of Harry's snort brought her out of her daze again. She didn't even have time to ask for some as she was roughly rolled over until she was lying on her back. Her sexy legs were thrown over his broad shoulders and his big cock was shoved into her tiny slit in one powerful thrust.

Daphne moaned loudly, arching her back hard. Harry's cock was too big She had never felt so stretched. Thankfully Potter had given her time to get used to his size. She was euphoric and excited again. Daphne, being a good girl, arched her back and presented her beautiful breasts to him. His head dipped down and the guy started licking her tits. The blonde Slytherin's body wriggled as Harry's tongue slid over her perfect mounds and licked her nipples. He built up some energy on his finger and brought it to her lips as an offering. Without hesitation, she sucked his finger in as far as it would go. It was then that he began to thrust into Daphne's warm womb.

Daphne Greengrass never thought she would find herself in this position. She was already beginning to idolise the black-haired clawed man for the pleasure he was now giving her.

- We shouldn't have taken so long," Daphne whispered quietly. Harry soon took his finger out of her mouth and ran it down the girl's body from her breasts to her navel. It felt wonderful. The Slytherin girl moaned even louder. It tickled a little, but not enough to detract from the m pleasure. Her body twitched as Harry's cock entered her pussy fully.

- Ohhhhhhhhhh, that feels really good, Harry," Daphne moaned. Her body shuddered continuously from the incredible sensations. Potter after a few dozen sweet minutes, managed to bring her to orgasm. That's why when the guy lowered his hand and quickly stroked her wet clit, Daphne arched up and moaned loudly, reaching the strongest orgasm of her life.

- YES!!! - Daphne moaned loudly, shuddering from the intense orgasm.

- OOOOOO!!! - That was all she could say as her pussy clenched hard as the girl cummed. Her juices spurted from her pussy, splashing onto Harry's chest. Her body continued to shudder and twitch with pleasure. Daphne moaned into Harry's face as he kissed, licked and nibbled on her delicate dainty neck. Several minutes passed and her pussy was still trying to milk his cock. They lay together, entangled and kissing hard. Harry and Daphne snuggled against each other and fell fast asleep. Her last thought was that she had agreed to join the harem of the black-haired clawed man. She fell asleep with a wide smile on her face after such a bed round.


Daphne like Astoria was quickly drawn into the comforts with Harry. Both of the Greengrass sisters began referring to the boy in bed as their master. Many of the Hogwarts students soon began to notice that Potter began to constantly walk in the company of the two Greengrass sisters. But the whispering and constant gossip did not go any further than that.


While their master was at Hogwarts, and the champions were on a mission to find traces of the missing Nymphadora, Andromeda and Bellatrix were helping Bastila and Mitra get settled into their new world. For starters, the sisters gave the two Jedi ladies a tour of Potter's private island. Harry had shown the ladies all the important sights of the island beforehand.

Unlike Mithras, who was interested in nature and other aspects of the world, Bastila remained stubborn and kept her distance from the wizards. And when the sisters were giving them a tour of the island, Shan walked slightly away from Surik and the two sorceresses.

While Andromeda, Bella and Mitra were talking about something, standing at the edge of the freshwater lake, Bastila sat under a palm tree and crossed her legs to meditate. The brown-haired girl was extremely stubborn and did not want to make any contact, limiting herself to talking to Mitra. Sometimes their conversations ended in arguments.

Entering meditation, the brown-haired Jedi Knight closed her eyes and tried to detach herself from the surrounding reality.

For a few dozen minutes, Bastila's meditation went quietly until the girl found herself drawn back into another vision of the Force.

"No, not again," the stubborn beauty mentally pleaded, but the Force ignored Shan's plea.

Just like the first time, the girl saw her second self, who was once again having fun with Potter. This time, the second Bastila was dressed in a tight-fitting nurse's outfit, with no underwear underneath.

- So patient, let's get to the treatment," the future Bastila said languidly, licking her lips as she turned to Harry.

- Of course, Dr Shan," the young man replied snidely, and then the girl threw off her dressing gown and walked naked towards the boy.

- NO! - Bastila managed to get out of the vision this time. Jumping to her feet, the brown-haired Jedi walked away from the tree she was sitting under.

- Bastila, what's the matter? - Mitra immediately walked over to Shan. The older Jedi girl was staring intently at the younger one.

- Nothing-" Bastila tried to evade the answer. However, she failed.

- Bastila, I can see that something is bothering you.

- But--

- No buts, come on, Bastila. We need to talk about your troubling behaviour," Mitra said firmly, and then taking the stubborn girl by the arm, dragged her back to Harry's house, the Jedi remembering the way to the mansion.