Part 47

A faster read:


The upper part of the stranger's face was hidden by a decorative veil sewn from a soft fabric.

"This must be the alien whose ship I saw in one of the hangars," Harry thought mentally, and then he removed the veil and stepped forward and used a couple of spells to free the prisoner from her shackles. The Miraluka girl fell to the floor and tried to catch her breath for a while.

- You saved me," she said, not getting up from her knees.

- Yes. I think we should hurry out of here," Harry said, moving closer to the Miraluka.

- I...I...My life is yours," the girl said, still on all fours. The clawed man clearly hadn't expected this. The magic responded to the girl's statement and Harry felt a strong connection between him and the girl.

Deciding to deal with this a little later, Potter helped the miraluka to her feet.

- Let's go

- Yes, Master.

- Hold it right there. What's your name, anyway? - Harry asked, stopping the girl briefly.

- Visas Marr, sir," she said. Suddenly there were explosions in the distance and a siren wailed.

- Oh shit," Harry cursed, realising that they had been discovered. An alarm went off instantly throughout the base. A discreet exit was now out of the question. The boy decided to deal with Miraluka later. After opening the door, Harry hurried towards the direction where the explosions were coming from, as it was impossible to stay here. The alarm sensors in the room were also howling with a prolonged sound. It was possible to destroy them, but Harry was in a hurry and the space in the room where he had found Miraluka was very limited and if Potter used any spell he could hurt the girl.

As her new master rushed towards the gunfire and explosions, Miraluka quickly ran to one of the safes and used the Force to open it, taking her laser sword out of the hiding place. Activating the scarlet blade and making sure that the safe was in working order, the girl hurried after her new master.


Lying on her bunk as usual, Nymphadora stared at the ceiling with an unreadable gaze. Metamorphine had been in an apathetic state for days now. Torture followed one after another, but magic was healing the girl's body. However, the mind to keep Tonks from becoming insane simply shut down. Staring at one point, the girl didn't react to anything around her.

Even the explosions and gunfire that rang out a few dozen minutes later did not elicit any response from the captive at all.

Smiling faintly, the violet-haired metamorphine continued to stare at one point, after a few moments she passed out.


After running down several corridors and taking down the soldiers guarding the base in the process, Harry reached his ladies and the two Jedi. The girls were standing in a semi-circle, using spells and lightsabers to get rid of enemies. After a while, a miraluka showed up.

- Is that a miraluka? I can't believe my eyes. Isn't this race dead?" said Bastila, looking at Marr as she approached. For Shan to see a representative of a race thought to be dead in the Galaxy was incomprehensible.

- So someone survived," said Mitra Surik, looking at the Miraluka walking towards them. The blonde-haired Jedi Knight frowned slightly. She had long suspected that the death of an entire race of miralukas was not a simple event. The Dark Side of the Force was clearly at work here, and in its most horrific manifestation, the devouring of life energy. The only creature Mithra knew of capable of such a thing was Darth Nihilus, but she would not mention the name of this monster, who had long since lost his human form.

"No need to talk about that monster. But how this Miraluka ended up here, and trained in the Force, is one big mystery," Mithra said mentally, looking at the approaching girl.

- Master, who is this? - Hela was the first of all the ladies to ask, being the most curious and brash of the claw champions.

- Her name is, Visas Marr. She, too, was a prisoner of those scholarly fiends. But let's concentrate on getting Tonks out," Harry answered the black-haired goddess of death's question.

- Of course, Master," his ladies said simultaneously, except for Mithras and Bastila. The latter wanted to speak up, but changed her mind when she met Surik's eyes.

After splitting into several squads, Harry and the girls continued to slay the enemy soldiers.

Realising that they couldn't stand up to these invaders, the camp guards called in some tanks and they started firing their large guns. But Wanda, along with the other sorceresses, managed to put up a strong shield that the tank shells could not penetrate.

- Master, I think one of us should go after Tonks while the rest of us hold off those bastards," Bella spoke up.

- Yes, Andi, you come with me. The rest of you destroy this base," Harry said after a moment's deliberation, and together with the brown-haired wizard hurried towards the still undestroyed box.

- Stop them. They mustn't break through to the facility-" Noticing Harry and Andromeda's movement, one of the officers shouted. And several soldiers rushed towards Potter and Black, firing their automatic rifles at them. But they could not catch up with the two mages, for soon a greenish flame appeared in front of them.

- Where do you think you're going? - Hela said snidely, with Emma standing next to her.

- We won't let you interfere with our master," the blonde telepath replied, shifting into her diamond form.

- Oh, this is going to be fun," Hela said with anticipation in her voice.

- Just don't get carried away," her partner said.

- Emma, you know I love a good fight as well as hot sex with our lord," said the black-haired goddess of death.

- You're not fixable," Frost said with a shake of her head. The Asgardian only smiled wryly at this statement of the blonde telepath.

After that, the two girls began to mercilessly exterminate the enemy soldiers. A little aside, three Forsuiters - Mitra, Bastila and Visas, with the help of their lightsabers, began to deal with both the tanks and the armoured vehicles that arrived a little later. The rest of the ladies concentrated on destroying all the buildings inside the base, using all their abilities and the most destructive spells.


Running into one of the corridors, Harry and Andromeda knocked out two guards, sending the soldiers on a long flight to the wall. Covering each other, the boy and woman looked carefully through each room, searching for the metamorphini. Several rooms that housed science labs and archives with descriptions of all the experiments conducted here, Harry and Andromeda destroyed with a hellfire spell, locking the doors afterwards.

- She's not here. Adesco Fyar," Andromeda said as she closed another room after she'd started the flames.

- Don't worry Andi, we'll definitely find naughty Nymphadora - hugging his woman around the waist and gently squeezing her bottom - said Harry.

- Of course, Sir - the brown-haired beauty whispered languidly and then kissed the boy's lips passionately. After kissing a little, Harry and Andromeda continued their search.

After exploring several floors of the underground box, the pair reached the right room. Kicking the door with the help of a spell, the boy and the woman rushed inside.

- Nymphadora - seeing her only daughter lying motionless, Andromeda exclaimed. However, the metamorphine did not react in any way to her mother's exclamation, continuing to lie on the couch and stare at the ceiling.

Releasing the girl from the shackles that kept her from getting out of bed, Harry lifted Tonks into his arms and headed for the exit. Andromeda did her best to keep up and covered her master with her daughter. Seeing the state her Nymphadora was in, Andromeda went into a true Black rage and destroyed all the soldiers and scholarly fiends that got in their way with extreme ferocity.

It took Harry's ladies several dozen minutes to slay all the defenders of this camp.

- That's it, she's with us. Let's go," Harry said to his ladies as he got to the surface, still carrying the unconscious Tonks in his arms.

- Yes, lord," they replied in unison. And Mithras and Bastila simply nodded and hurried away.

- But this place must not survive. Hela, destroy the place," Harry looked towards his first champion.

- Oh, it would be my pleasure, master," the black-haired beauty purred, and with the help of greenish magical fire began to destroy the remains of the camp, so that soon there was only a scorched wasteland.


After being transported through the portal to the island, Harry and the rest of the ladies made their way to their mansion. Once inside, Harry took Tonks to the first guest room he could find and laid her on the soft bed.

Leaving Tonks in the company of her mother, Harry and the rest of the ladies left for the ground floor. It was the right thing to do.


The violet-haired metamorphine struggled to open her eyes and stretched slightly, only now realising that she was not restrained by chains and that the room was not like the one she had been kept in for so long. The girl stood up and looked around.

- Nymphadora? - Soon a familiar voice sounded and she turned round to see her mother.

- Mum - quietly whispered metamorphinya. After which Andromeda quickly walked over to her and gently hugged her daughter.....