Part 58

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Burning with impatience, the brunette quickly pulled down her master's trousers and with the help of her hands began to bring Harry's cock into a battle-ready state. As soon as Harry's cock was hard, Eldrif immediately put her lips on it and began to suck it with vigour.

Placing his hands on the girl's head, Harry began to move his pelvis vigorously, penetrating as deeply as possible into the warm mouth of the brown-haired beauty.

With squelching sounds, Potter continued to mouth-fuck his maid, who tried harder and harder. But five minutes after he started, the door opened again and one of the harem members entered the room.

- 'Master, I want...' the girl said, stopping in front of the couch and noticing Eldrif sucking Harry's cock, she abruptly stopped talking.

"What a lousy girl, beat me to it," Susan said mentally as she came in and stopped by the door.

- "Sue, don't just stand there, come join us," Harry said, looking in the direction of the blonde girl.

Smiling languidly at her master, the blonde began to slowly remove her clothes while Eldrif continued to suck the green-eyed wizard's cock. Wrapping her hand around the guy's shaft, the redhead was actively moving her head up and down, sucking Potter's cock with smacking sounds. She clearly wasn't going to stop. Holding the brown-haired beauty firmly by the head and making deep thrusts into Eldrif's warm mouth, Harry continued to sit on the sofa.

Dropping all her clothes, Susan hurried to join the couple. Sitting down next to Eldrif, the blonde beauty began to play with Harry's balls, licking them. She slipped a couple of fingers into the Asgardian princess's arse, causing her to moan in pleasure.

Eldrif pulled away from her master's cock and kissed Susan passionately and within minutes the two sexy beauties were sucking each other. Harry watched this with interest.

Breaking the kiss, Susan moved ahead of Eldrif and sat on her master's lap, fully engulfing his cock with her wet pussy. Resting her hands on the back of the sofa, Susan looked up at Harry with a lustful smile.

- Master, fuck me properly," she whispered languidly before bouncing vigorously on the wizard's cock.

- Of course, my sweet Sue - smiled slyly, the wizard replied and started thrusting into the girl's warm bosom, holding her tightly by the waist.

- Ah! Yes! Deeper!!! - The blonde beauty began to moan loudly and voluptuously, making wild jumps on the shaft of her master. While Susan was bouncing on Harry, Eldrif crawled away from him and spread out on the warm carpet and began to pleasure herself, actively playing with her pussy and gently squeezing her voluminous breasts. The Asgardian princess watched Susan riding their lord's cock as she caressed herself.

Turning her back to Harry, the blonde beauty with a lecherous smile continued to bounce on his cock, undulating her hips back and forth. Clutching her own breasts, Susan moaned louder and louder.

- Yes, Master! More!" the superheroine continued to bounce on the green-eyed wizard's cock.

The slapping of flesh against flesh and other sounds of debauchery completely covered the room. So that his daughters wouldn't hear anything, Harry quickly set up a powerful privacy spell and then continued to fuck Susan, who had no intention of getting off her master.


Standing beside the cots her daughters slept in, Hela looked lovingly and fondly at her babies she had borne to her master. With the birth of her two twin daughters, the black-haired Asgardian goddess of death had softened greatly, but woe betide anyone who wronged her girls. For in such a case, Hela was ready to show her ruthless nature again.

After the birth of her daughters, the black-haired Asgardian finally decided not to return to the realm of eternity. Now she wanted to stay in Midgard, where she had a real family.

- Sleep my stars, I will not let anyone hurt you - whispered quietly Hela, looking at her sleeping daughters.


Meanwhile, in another part of the Potter mansion, Harry with Susan and Eldrif, continued to indulge in debauchery.

Placing the shawl on all fours, Potter was invading her womb from behind at a rapid pace, holding Hela's sister firmly by the waist.

- Yes, Master, more! - Eldrif squealed with intense pleasure, wiggling her hips in time with Harry's movements. Standing next to her, in the same position as the former angelic warrior, Susan was pleasuring herself with the strapon that the brown-haired woman had made. Inserting the phallus from behind into her pussy, the blonde beauty moaned loudly and waited for her turn when Harry deigned to pay attention to her.

For now, however, the wizard was focused on Hela's sister. Holding the girl firmly by the waist, Harry continued to thrust into his champion, whose squeals and moans were full of pure pleasure.

- Faster, Master. More!" Eldrif literally begged her master, writhing in pure pleasure.

With a sly smile, Harry continued to thrust into the warm bosom of the brown-haired beauty.


An unknown place.

In a cell, two girls sat on the cold floor. One had blue skin and bright red hair, and the other had blonde hair and was wearing a red and blue tight-fitting suit that emphasised all the girl's prominent features. They had been in this cell for quite some time, not knowing how they had ended up here.

Carol and Raven had been trying to figure out what this place was for some time, but had not succeeded.

The only thing they had in common was that they had been captured and brought here by some space mercenaries who had used beam weapons against them.

Of course, Mystique and Captain Marvel did not let themselves be captured, destroying about two hundred enemies and a couple of ships in addition. But there were more enemies and soon the girls were captured.

- I think someone's coming," Raven said as she heard footsteps in the corridor. Carol was immediately alert. The blonde superheroine had some of her past memories erased and even telepaths of Emma Frost's or Charles Xavier's level couldn't restore them.

And indeed after a while footsteps were clearly audible in the corridor. A pair of mercenaries passed the cell in which the two girls were sitting.

- When will the employer take these whores? - said one of the mercenaries.

- Soon, I think. He must have had some problems," said the other.

- Hmm. Maybe then the commander will let us have fun with the captives. Especially since I like blondes and this Danvers has a lot to cheer for," the first mercenary grinned.

The blonde-haired girl heard this and clenched her fists. Unfortunately, the cell she was in with Raven blocked all of Carol's skills. So there was no way for Danvers to break down or blow the door.

The two mercenaries soon left, leaving the two captives alone.

- We need to figure out how to get out of here," Carol said, standing up and pacing the cell from side to side.

- I agree. But how are we going to do it? - supported her friend, Raven. The two girls had become good friends during their long time in captivity.

- We'll figure something out," the blonde superheroine said with a smile.