18. Cryptic words

Elise's eyes narrowed as she saw the two names at the bottom. Alarm bells went off in her mind and she pinched her thighs to clarify if she was dreaming.

'This is not good. How did they find out?' Elise wondered. More than being frightened, she was vexed and she couldn't put a reason behind it. She didn't know why she was exasperated. But she was. The twins were getting on her nerves and she didn't like it.

Elise wanted to inform Kai about the email. But she thought against it. The twins were clearly targeting her. Otherwise, she wouldn't have received the email out of nowhere.

'But why?' Elise pursed her lips as she read the two names again and again.

Elise pushed her against her cheek thoughtfully as she composed a reply.

'Although I should be scared that you two know the reason why I was at your club earlier this evening, I'm more miffed because you're crossing your limits here. Please stay within your limits. Otherwise, it'll do you no good.'


Elise sent the email before she called Rosy.

"Officer, two calls in a day. I must be blessed today." Rosy slurred. She sounded intoxicated over the phone but Elise knew that it was all her act.

"Rosy, thank you for earlier. I have another request."

"Officer, I don't promise anything. I already put my life at risk before. I hope the Sephyr twins will not come for my ass for what I did." Rosy joked, her tone filled with sass.

Elise was rattled and she went silent. She didn't know how to put forth her request before Rosy. She didn't intend to bring any harm to the lady. Rosy was already in a pit hole. If she got caught by the Sephyr twins, she'd be completely buried.

Rosy let out a soft chuckle when Elise didn't speak for a long time.

"Officer, are you hesitating?"

"Rosy, I don't want to put you in danger."

"Officer, do you think I'm in any less danger now?"

"Rosy..." Elise felt terrible for her.

"Officer, at least I will die an honorable death if I get caught. The world is a shit hole. I don't have any expectations from anyone. Is it strange that I suddenly want to help you? At least, I'll rest in peace thinking that I did a great deed."

Elise frowned, not liking Rosy's tone. Hidden behind her laid-back attitude, she detected a sense of melancholy and defeat. She was not like the Rosy she had spoken to some time ago. Something about her was different.

"Rosy, what happened?" Elise became alert at once as she gripped her phone tight.

"Officer, don't worry about me. I'm fine."

"Rosy!" Elise admonished her.

"I'm fine, Officer. I'm not lying." Rosy replied with a giggle. "Now, tell me. What kind of help do you want from me?"

Elise wasn't willing to seek her help. But among all her sources, Rosy was the more resourceful and connected. So, she could only reach out to her.

"Can you find out what's happening now that Criag Tyrell is no more and his empire is gone?"

"Oh, is he dead?" Rosy was surprised.

"Yes. Although his body is yet to be found, I'm certain that he's dead." Elise sighed and tugged her hair in frustration.

"Are you interested in the Sephyr twins or Rowen Andrews?"

Elise was not astonished by Rosy's guess. Instead, she only smiled as she leaned against the table and crossed her legs. "Both."

"Officer, you're asking me to become a daredevil."

"Aren't you one already?" Elise teased and Rosy went silent for a moment.

"Officer, you're asking a lot. But I'll do it."

"Rosy, be careful. It's fine if you give up. Just be safe."

"Officer, Rosy may be scared. But Rosy never goes back on her words. Since I said it, I'll do it. Wait for my call."

The call ended before Elise could reply and she sighed in defeat. Rosy was a stubborn woman. Nothing she said or did could change her mind once she decided on it. So, she gave up persuading her.

A notification on her phone caught her attention and Elise felt her heart skip a beat as she opened it.

'Elise, it was never our intention to irk you. We were trying to help you. We don't think we crossed any limits here. If you think we did, do you mind shedding more light on it?'

Azael & Reuel.

Elise gnashed her teeth as she stared at the email. Even though she was angry, her emotions were in control. Taking a deep breath, she composed another email.

'I don't know how you guys found out I was at your club looking for Boris Green. It's creepy and I don't like that you're invading my privacy and work.'


Barely a few seconds after she sent the email, she got their response.

'We are neither invading your work nor your privacy. Being the responsible citizens of the country, we're just assisting you in catching a criminal. Please don't misunderstand us. We mean no harm.'

Azael & Reuel.

Elise's lips twitched as she read their obnoxious email. Responsible? And them? What irony! She scoffed in disdain.

'I don't trust you. After all, you're the mafia. Harm and you go hand in hand.'


Elise knew it'd be a sleepless night. So, she opened her laptop and started reading the documents related to Boris Green. Since the twins had already helped her, there was no need for her to not use the information they had given her freely.

'We may be the mafia, Elise. But we'll never hurt you, not in the way you're thinking. Not you at least. After a long time, someone has captured our interest and we've no intentions of letting our interest dwindle just like that.'

Azael & Reuel.

Elise felt her hands run cold at their words. The entire email was filled with cryptic words and she couldn't make out what they were trying to tell her. But she was damn sure that they were hinting at something... something dangerous and dark.

Another email popped up immediately after.

'Good night, Elise. Don't worry too much. We don't have any bad intentions towards you. Rest well and don't forget us. We'll meet again soon. And before we forget, please note that we don't harm anyone innocent. Never did, never will.'

Azael & Reuel.