19. Unwanted encounter - Part 1

It was a sleepless night for quite a lot of people. While the twins' thoughts were filled with Elise as they planned their next step to get her attention and catch her interest, the lady in question, however, had fixed all her focus on Boris Green. She had been looking for a good moment to capture him and had finally got it.

Although she was vexed because it was the Sephyr twins who had helped her reach him, she wasn't a stupid person to not accept their help. Their intentions could be anything but innocent. But it didn't erase the fact that they had helped her catch a certain drug lord and for this at least, she was grateful to them.

"Are we going to meet Chief now?" Kai questioned as he got inside the car.

"Yes. Before we start, take a look at this." Elise handed a file to Kai who took it with a questioning look.

"What's this?"

"That's about the prey we were trying to catch yesterday," Elise muttered as she buckled her seatbelt while she waited for Kai to finish reading.

"Holy fucking hell!" Kai's eyes widened while his hands shook as he read through the information in the file. "How did you get this information?"

"Let's say I got some help secretly." Elie shrugged lightly, not willing to speak about the twins who had helped her on their accord. Why though? She didn't know.

"This is one hell of an information. Boris Green is a dead man now."

"He sure is." Elise agreed. "We'll meet Chief first before we arrest Boris. The man's done staying outside. It's now time for him to spend his remaining life in prison."

"It's going to be interesting," Kai mumbled as he started the car and drove towards the NCI.

Silence ensued between them for quite some time and it continued until Elise's phone dinged.

'Good Morning, Elise. Have a good day!"

Azael & Reuel.

Elise frowned, her mood taking for a worse early in the morning. The twins had managed to rile her up just by sending her an email. She didn't know how they had got her email id. It was utterly creepy of them and she felt chills run down her spine as she thought about it.

'What the fuck! Why are they behind me? What do they want from me?' She wondered with a scowl.

Elise wasn't interested in replying to them this time and she conveniently blocked them. Although that wouldn't stop them from sending her more emails, they would end up in the spam folder. At least, she wouldn't receive any annoying notifications.

It took them another twenty minutes to reach the NCI and Elise and Kai entered the building without any delay. They didn't halt anywhere on the way and went to their Chief's office directly.

"Are you freaking kidding me? What kind of shitty excuse is this?"

Elise and Kai heard the annoying man howl from the other side and they felt a headache creeping in on them early in the morning, especially Elise who hadn't slept well all night.

"You're all in the NCI. What kind of crappy work are you doing here? A school student will investigate better than you all."

Elise scoffed in disgust as she heard the man insulting her colleagues. If it was told by anyone else, she might have understood them to some extent. But not her Chief. Not Chief Tobias at least.

Chief Tobias was terrible when it came to work. No one was as horrible as him and if not for his subordinates doing a good job of cracking all the cases in time, there was no way in hell he could have shown himself to be a capable man to the world.

Tobias had a powerful backer. Elise knew it and so did everyone else. Otherwise, he wouldn't have become the Chief of NCI. Never. The man was a scaredy cat and had never investigated a case himself. His intelligence was questionable and his courage even more so.

Even though they knew what kind of man he was, they were helpless as well. All the people who had tried to protest and complain against him had lost their jobs for shitty reasons. Tobias was well protected by his backer and unless he died or retired, there wouldn't be peace in the NCI.

Taking a deep breath, Elise knocked at the door and entered the office before the man permitted her to while Kai remained outside.

"Good Morning, Chief. I have something important to report to you." Elise stated and glanced at her colleagues standing before the trash of a man with stony expressions.

Despite being reprimanded, they showed no traces of anger. It was not that they weren't furious. Nope. The man before them was unworthy of them getting angry.

Moreover, getting irked would lead to nothing. He'd still be their Chief at the end of the day while they'd still be his subordinates. They'd have to face his long and despicable face tomorrow as well. It was better to keep their blood pressure in check. So, they remained calm as they endured his insults.

Elise nodded at them which they returned immediately. She then turned towards the man she didn't want to face, not this early in the morning. But she had no choice. Her mood was already spoiled due to the twins. She hoped it to not turn any worse. Otherwise, someone would get it for sure.

"Chief, I have received evidence against Boris Green." Elise placed the file on the table and pushed it towards him. "We will be arresting him today."

Tobias glanced at the two men he was berating a minute before Elise and Kai interrupted. "Look for more clues. We are bound to find something."

"Yes, Chief." The men replied monotonously before they took their leave.

"How did you find it?" Chief Tobias' tone was skeptical as he read through the information in the file.

"One of my sources sent this to me." Elise lied conveniently and the man didn't probe any further.

"Are you sure this is true?"

"Verified," Elise replied with a nod.

"Fine. You may issue a no-bail arrest warrant."

"Yes, Chief." Elise nodded and waited. The man hadn't dismissed her yet and why would he when he was yet to ask her about the previous night?

"Tell me everything about yesterday night." He ordered, not caring to offer her a seat.

"Chief, I have relayed all that I found out to you. I need to contact the police officers to find out what else they have found out."

"Hmm." The man contemplated before he clasped his hands.

"After you arrest Boris Green, go to the police station and find out the progress. We cannot ignore this matter, Elise. This is an important issue."

Elise's lips arched into a smirk subtly. She more or less had an inkling as to why the man was speaking this way. The case was bound to be transferred to the NCI soon and her Chief didn't want to deal with the hot potato that was bound to burn him considering how dangerous the case was.

Chief Tobias had no choice. He could insult his subordinates as much as he wanted. But he could never disregard the orders from the higher authorities. The man feared the powerful and this time, they were dealing with not just a few but a lot of them.

'Your pants must be on fire.' Elise thought as she maintained a nonchalant expression. 'Let me see how long you'll remain on this seat before you crazy.' She sneered.

"You may leave now," The man flicked his hand as he dismissed her. "And Elise, keep me informed. I need to know every minute detail to prepare for the future."

'What future? Don't we all know what's going to happen?' Elise rolled her eyes as she recalled all the times when the man had thrown all dangerous cases at her.

'Your cowardice is commendable. At least, there's something in you worthy of being applauded.' She mocked him in her mind before she left the office.


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