20. Unwanted encounter - Part 2

"Is everything alright, Elise?" Kai looked at her questioningly the moment she left her Chief's office.

Shaking her head, Elise sighed softly and Kai got his answer. What else did he expect from the scum in their office?

"Is he being a douchebag early in the morning?"

"He seems to have lost a lot more screws today. The man is a menace to the society. I hope someone takes care of him soon." Elise mumbled in dismay before pushing him away from her mind. They had important issues to handle first.

"Forget him. We have got the orders to arrest Boris Green. Let's go. We have to make a trip to the police station later."

Kai just nodded as he followed her while he arranged for a backup in case they were to face trouble at Boris' house.

This time, they took the NCI car as they drove toward where Boris Green was residing. Even though they got the man they had been looking for quite some time, Elise was dissatisfied with the achievement. 

Elise didn't mind the external help she had received to track Boris and find evidence of his crimes. It was the people who helped her that rendered her unsettled and disgruntled.

All of a sudden, she started to have a premonition and as they approached Boris' place, the feeling became fervid. She glanced at Kai who had no idea about her dilemma and looked out the window immediately after to hide herself from her friend. 

Elise was disturbed. But she didn't intend to pull Kai along with her. If he were to notice her perturbed state, he was sure to question about it and that was the last thing she wanted. 

By the time they reached Boris' house, Elise had calmed her restless heart significantly. Her face was expressionless and she had donned a facade that even Kai couldn't break through. 

"Let's go and kick some ass," Kia remarked as they got out of the car.

"We're from the NCI." Elise showed her badge to the watchman and even before he could comprehend what was happening, she entered the place as if she owned it while Kai followed cautiously, his hand on his gun ready to shoot anyone who dared to mess with them. The backup they had would handle the guards.

The door to the bungalow was wide open and they heard laughter from inside. 

"There seems to be a party going on inside," Kai muttered as he prepared himself for a fight.

"Then, let's wreck the party." Elise was nonchalant about it. It didn't matter they were about to face a hooligan who had a long list of crimes in his kitty. They were here to arrest him and they wouldn't leave until they captured him.

"Well, well, well, looks like the party is bang on. We came at the right time, didn't we?." Elise said enthusiastically, gaining everyone's attention to her and Kai. "Are we welcome to join you guys?"

There were six men, apart from Boris Green, and Elise and Kai recognized all of them. Weren't they Boris' partners who were involved in shady business just like him? What luck! They were about to harvest a lot of treasure.

Elise glanced at Kai and he nodded discreetly as he messaged his people who were nearby for backup.

"Who are you?" Boris Green questioned her, the beer mug in his hand was raised high in the air as if he was about to clink the glass with the man beside him.

"Let's say I'm your nightmare." Elise chimed and walked closer to the group who seemed to be involved in some kind of celebration. 

"I seemed to have intruded while you were doing business." She glanced at the documents at the table and smiled faintly. "You guys continue. I'll wait."

"Who the fuck are you? Guards, throw this woman out..."

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Elise smirked as she pushed her hands into the pockets of her trousers. "Hindering an NCI officer's work would extend your list of crimes. Do you want to add more to your punishment?"

"NCI?" The beer mug in his hand dropped, spilling the liquid all over the expensive carpet and his partner's trousers. The man beside him jumped in shock. But Boris didn't heed his reaction. His wide eyes were fixed on Elise as he stared at her speechlessly.

"That was a good reaction. I liked it. Now, finish your business so that we can go." 

"Go? Go where?" Boris Green was obviously spooked. His eyes quivered while his legs were close to giving away. 

"Did I forget to mention that we are here to arrest you?" Elise pulled out her hands and showed a pair of handcuffs to all the present before her. "If you are done with your business, shall we start with ours?"

"How can you arrest me?" Boris felt his mind buzz as he stared at the two people who had come to him as his death hoarders. 

"Why can't we arrest you?" Elise gave him an innocent look. "And mind you, not just Boris Green, everyone present here is under arrest."

Chaos erupted immediately and the men who were sitting in their spots too jumped to their feet. Although they were slow to react, they did pull out their guns in the end. But Kai was faster and kicked the man nearby, sending him tumbling towards the three men at the back. 

The impact of his kick rendered the men incapable of dodging it and they fell heavily to the floor. Meanwhile, Elise wasn't idle either. She jumped over the couch and approached Boris who was about to escape and kicked his shin.

With a wail, the man kneeled on the floor and Elise was swift to cuff his hand along with the man beside him whose pants were stained with beer.

Elise and Kai didn't have to wait for a long time. Their backup had arrived and in no time, Boris and his party had been subdued.

"Well, that went quick." Kai clapped his hands to ward off any dust on his palms.

"Well, they were unprepared and we were quick to subdue them. I don't think it would've been possible if they had been alert." Elise pursed her lips as she looked at the documents on the table. It seemed to be a transaction of some sort and she understood at once that it might serve as a piece of evidence to put Boris and his men behind bars.

"I'll call the team to seal the house." Kai started to make the next arrangements while Elise took a glance around the place before leaving the house.

Elise was halfway towards her car when she noticed the two men she so badly wanted to avoid leaning against their car, parked right beside hers.