21. Unwanted encounter - Part 3

'What the fuck!' Elise was just short of hurling profanities at the two devilish men standing before her. She now understood why she was having a sense of foreboding some time ago. It had to be because of the twins.

Azael and Reuel waved at her as they watched her freeze in her spot when she noticed them. Her face started to flush red slowly in rage and they didn't have to ask her what was running through her mind. Her expression said it all.

Elise was utterly displeased to see them there. But what could they do? They were desperate to see her again. She had left a profound impression on them and the entire night was spent with them thinking how to meet her again and find a way to bring her to their side.

So, the first thing they did when dawn broke out was to send their man to keep an eye on the NCI and intimate them the moment Elise headed towards Boris Green's house to arrest him. What a brilliant way to meet her again!

Elise scowled when she saw them wave at her, a reaction that made the twins smile wider.

'Fuck! She is gorgeous.' Azael thought while Reuel wanted to hold her in his arms and kiss her until she forgot everything else and they were the only ones on her mind.

Kai too didn't miss the two men and his brows contorted into a frown for a moment. He quirked a brow, silently showing them that he was suspicious and wary of them.

Elise was peeved and she didn't hide it from the twins. Glancing at Kai who was staring at them dubiously, she made her way towards their car.

"Hello, Officer Winslow," Azael shouted loud enough for everyone in the vicinity to hear and waved at her again.

"Good Morning, Officer Winslow, Officer Anderson." Unlike Azael, Reuel hid his intentions and greeted poor the ignored man.

"What are you two doing here?" Elise interrogated, her tone harsh and slightly demanding. "Are you here to attend Boris Green's party as well?"

Kai didn't catch onto her tone of sarcasm and his suspicions deepened. "Are you involved with Boris Green?"

"Wow, wow, wow, wow, hold on." Azael stopped him before he could start interrogating them. "We have nothing to do with the disgusting man. Don't associate him with us." 

His clarification came out more like an order and Kai was bereft of speech by his domineering attitude. What an aura!

Even Elise was stunned by his sudden intimidating temperament. But it was only momentary. She was not affected by it as much as she was annoyed by him.

"And Elise, didn't you inform your colleague that it was us who sent you the information and evidence related to Boris Green's crimes?" He quirked his brows mischievously at her and Elise deduced at once that he was the wicked twin.

While Reuel was not any divergent, at least he hadn't done anything that made her want to smack him until he cried and begged for mercy.

Elise loured at him and this time, she was genuinely incensed. The twins realized it and Azael immediately understood he had committed a sin. 

But what to do? He loved riling her up. Elise looked alluring with her flushed cheeks as fire burst through her eyes while she glared at them. It was sight worthy of being captured in his heart and mind. What a divine being Elise was!

"Azael, cut it out." Reuel chastised his brother, but his tone said he didn't even mean it. He too was infatuated with Elise and her current expression was something he was slowly coming to admire.

Instantly, his mind started to conjure a scenario, a different setting altogether where Elise was blindfolded and tied to their bed while they had their way with her. Her cheeks were hot, rosy, and glowing while she panted and held back her moans. Oh, what a lovely scene! 

Reuel felt his body burning with desire and he had to utilize a lot of willpower to clear the sexy image in his mind. 'Soon.' He thought and sucked in a deep breath before he returned to normal.

Elise had no idea what the man was thinking a moment ago. She was focused on leaving and not giving a damn about them or the reason why they were even here.

But she couldn't. The twins were making things difficult for them, especially her.

"What do you want?" She questioned and folded her hands.

"Oh, you wouldn't want to know the reply to that, Officer. Not now, at least. Maybe in the future when you're ready." Reuel replied, his words barely above a whisper at the end. So, Elise only heard half of his answer.

"What do you mean?" Elise's brows narrowed as she tapped her foot.

"Nothing, Officer. We just wanted to check if you were successful in catching your target." Azael covered for his brother. "And we see that you were. Congratulations."

"Thank you." Elise remained perfunctory. "If you are done, we are in a hurry to leave. We'll see you later."

"Well, sure. But something tells me it'll not be our only meeting for the day. Your team will soon be coming to us." Reuel stated and Elise didn't doubt him on it. The police had the warrant to take a look at the CCTV footage of the club. Since she was assisting the police in the case, she had to accompany them even if she didn't want to.

Elise blood boiled. If only she was powerful enough to pull out her gun and put the twins to sleep forever. How amazing would that be! The menace to society and her would be gone forever and she would get back her peaceful life.

Elise didn't reply to them. Instead, she put on her sunglasses and returned to the car while Kai followed her, but not before flashing them a look of disapproval.

"Isn't she lovely?" Azael sighed as Kai reversed the car and soon, the woman who occupied their thoughts was out of sight.

"We need to buck up. Currently, Elise hates us." Reuel pointed as he continued to stare in the direction Elise had gone. "If this continues, it'll be a long while before we get into her good books, let alone accomplish what we want."

Even though Reuel showed him the harsh reality, Azael wasn't unfazed. Instead, he continued smiling. "Elise might despise us currently. But you and I both know it's going to change soon."

"Today?" Reuel raised his brows questioningly.

"Today," Azael affirmed.

Reuel's lips arched up into a delightful smile. "What are we waiting for then? Let's go and prepare to welcome Elise."


Hey guys,

I have created a new discord server. I was facing problems making changes in the old one as it was created by a friend. 

The first 25 people to join will have access to the advance chapters of The Darker Sins for 2 weeks from July 1. (10 chapters ahead of the normal release schedule)
