30. Asking out on a date - Part 1

Elise stepped out of the cafe and looked at the sky. Although it wasn't a bright day, it wasn't cloudy either. The weather was pleasant, a perfect day for a date or a picnic. 

But Elise was in the mood for neither of them. Now that the case had fallen into her lap, her responsibilities and stress had increased and she had to work harder than before. She couldn't lax away and leave everything for others to handle. 

Elise glanced at the cafe behind her. She had met one out of the three men she had in mind. Now, it was time for the other two. Pulling out her phone, she sent a quick message and waited for the reply as she made her way to her car.

Her eyes narrowed when she saw the location the other party had sent. Albeit skeptical, she had no choice. She had to meet the two men and had to do it soon. She had quite some questions to ask them and it didn't matter anymore if the police were with her or not. After all, the case was now hers. She had the final say.

Twenty minutes later, she stared at the sleek building before her. It wasn't the first time she saw the building. However, it was definitely the first time she was looking at it in such proximity. Elise marveled at the structure. The skyscraper was definitely a beauty on its own.

Elise sighed when she saw the name at the top of the tower. Sephyr. How majestic and suave, just like the two men who owned it.

Entering the building, she made her way towards the reception. "Hello, I am here to meet Mr. Sephyr." 

"Yes, please. May I know your name?" The receptionist gave her a kind smile.

"I'm Officer Winslow. I'm from the NCI."

"Ohh, yes. I was informed of your arrival. Please take this guest's pass. It'll provide you access to the turnstiles and the elevator." The secretary entered her name on the laptop and printed a guest pass with a bar code.

"Please take elevator 2 and go to the fifty-second floor."

"Thank you." Elise flashed a smile at her, impressed by the professionalism the people around her exhibited. They weren't judgmental or obnoxious like some of the people she had met in other companies.

Doing as she was told, she took elevator 2 to the fifty-second floor and once the doors separated, she was greeted by a man who she assumed was the twins' assistant.

"Officer Winslow, please follow me. My Boss is waiting for you." The man smiled and Elise nodded as she studied the surroundings around her while following him. The interior was just as she had expected, stylish and modern, a strong representation of the twins and their characters.

Knocking at the door, the assistant waited until he received permission to enter before he pushed the door open, allowing Elise to enter first.

"Sir, Officer Winslow is here," the man stated, addressing the only man in the room.

"Thank you, Micah. That'll be all for now and postpone all the meetings for the next two hours."

"Yes, Sir." Micah then left the office and closed the door after him.

"We meet again, Officer." Azael stood up and beamed at Elise who was already scowling.

"Are you the only one?" Elise hadn't expected to meet just Azael. She was here for both the twins.

"Don't worry, Officer. My brother will be here soon. You may take a seat in the meantime."

Elise looked at two options available - the swivel chair for the guest by the desk or the couch. The couch looked too personal and she wasn't here for personal talk. 

Elise took the swivel chair and leaned back, creating as much distance between her and Azael as possible.

"Would you like to have something to drink? Tea or coffee perhaps?" Azael offered.

"No, thank you."

"So tell me, Officer. How may I help you?"

"I have a few questions to ask you. I hope you'll answer to them honestly."

"Sure. Ask away, Officer."

"When was the last time you met Craig Tyrell?"

Elise repeated the question Daniel and Derek had already asked on their first meeting with the twins.

"That would be a week ago. We met at a business party." Azael repeated the answer he had given them.

"Can you explain more about your injury, Mr. Azael?" So what if Reuel wasn't present, she could drill the man before her for answers until the other twin arrived.

"I can only blame my carelessness, Officer."

"You sure are careless to have gotten shot." Elise gave him a reproachful look and Azael was taken aback for a moment. It was the first time she had witnessed his expression crack and she couldn't help but smile in victory.

"Anyway, I was told your brother and you are protective of each other."

Azael nodded, having a faint inkling as to where the conversation was heading.

"I'm sure the person who shot you is dead by now," Elise concluded while Azael didn't react. 

"And the man who gave the orders to shoot you was Craig Tyrell. Am I right?" she questioned, her eyes oddly calm considering the person before her.

"Go ahead, please. Let me listen to all that you have to say," Azael prompted, allowing her to continue.

"And your brother and you sought revenge by killing him and destroying his empire."

"Would you believe us if we say we didn't destroy his empire?" Azael gave her an indiscernible look. Something in his eyes said that he was telling the truth. But Elise was far from believing him.

"I believe in evidence, Mr. Azael. You provide me evidence to prove your innocence and I'll believe you." 

Elise hadn't missed how the man had disregarded the first part of her statement. Although he hadn't agreed and accepted her claims, his question had given her the answer as well as the culprit she was looking for.

The door opened suddenly and Reuel entered, gaining Elise attention to him. The man was wearing a full suit unlike a few hours ago when he had discarded his suit jacket.

"Hello, Officer. We meet again."

Elise noted how oddly similar the twins' mannerisms were. She watched the man remove his suit jacket before her eyes fell on the gun secured to the holster. 

Elise didn't react. She wasn't scared, nor was she worried. She had no enmity with the Sephyr twins and even if she did, it didn't matter. They wouldn't kill her for doing her work. Hopefully.

"I apologize for being late, Officer. I hope I didn't keep you waiting for a long time." He smiled and took the chair beside his brother as he gave Elise his undivided attention.

"Not at all, Brother. I kept her occupied until now." Azael quirked his brows at Elise who rolled her eyes in return.

'That's the second time, darling. You're only adding to your punishments,' Reuel thought, his hands itching to pull her over his lap. He just needed her consent and then...

"I did gain some information from your brother while you were absent, Mr. Reuel." 

Elise's voice brought him out of his sinful thoughts and he glanced at Azael who nodded at him in return.

"Oh, what might that be?" Reuel tilted his head, his lips arching up into a smirk.

"Apparently, you two aren't responsible for the explosion."

"That's correct," Reuel agreed.

"But I can't say the same for Craig's death. Am I right?"