31. Asking out on a date - Part 2

Elise smirked when the twins didn't respond or react to her question. Their silence had given her the answer she was looking for.

"You had long wanted to kill Craig Tyrell. Otherwise, you wouldn't have bought a villa in his name," Elise stated with her hands folded and legs crossed.

"You were waiting for the perfect opportunity to end him. But none of you had envisioned that he would attack Mr. Azael or maybe even Mr. Reuel, who I believe was fortunate enough to have escaped unscathed."

Elise tapped her right index finger against her forearm thoughtfully while she studied the twins' expressions and temperament. Despite them not showing it on their faces, she was certain that they were shocked. She had analyzed the case correctly.

"Since blood was spilled, you sought revenge and your aim was just Craig Tyrell, no one else," Elise continued, her eyes diverting behind the two men for a moment as she observed the view from the window.

"The explosion just happened to coincide with the day he was killed." Elise returned her gaze to the two men who were listening to her with faint smiles on their faces. "Or, you already learned about the explosion beforehand and used it to your advantage to carry out the plan."

Elise raised a brow challengingly and leaned forward, her elbows now on the desk. "Am I right?"

Neither Azael nor Reuel responded for some time and Elise wasn't in a hurry either. She had all the time as she waited for the men to react.

"I must say, Officer, you are incredibly smart." Reuel was the first to break the silence. 

Elise was surprised that they had agreed to her words directly this time. There was no foul play, no manipulation, no lie, just blatant acceptance. 

"Aren't you worried that I may have recorded this conversation?"

"I know you haven't. Otherwise, the alarms would have gone off the moment you entered the room," Azael remarked immediately, not hiding the truth from her. "Other than your phone, you have nothing on you, not even a gun or any other weapon, shockingly. May I ask why?"

"I don't need it." Elise didn't surrender under their intense gazes and maintained her stance, making sure to keep her eyes trained on the two. "You two are not a danger to me and even if you are, I have my ways to escape from you two."

"Brilliant." Reuel applauded, not hiding his admiration for her. "You're the first person, Officer, who hasn't shown nothing but courage and cleverness before us. We can't help but be impressed."

"I'll accept the compliment. Thank you. As for your assumption, can't I be recording this conversation on my phone?"

"You could, but you can't." Azael looked at her smugly.

"May I ask why are you so certain?"

"I turned off your phone the moment you entered the building."

"That explains it." Elise accepted the truth impassively, much to the twins' astonishment.

"I should leave now." Elise stood up while the twins remained seated. "I have got the answers I wanted. Now, all I have to do is find the evidence."

"Are you sure you aren't forgetting anything, Officer?" Reuel wasn't willing to send Elise off this soon. They still had a lot to talk about and a lot more to accomplish. Until they got what they wanted, the door to the office wouldn't be opening.

"What might that be?" Elise was apprehensive. The twins' friendly attitude was concerning, especially when she knew what they wanted from her, what they thought of her.

"Aren't you going to ask us who the mastermind behind the explosion is?"

"Do you know who it is?"

"What if we do?" Azael's eyes sparkled, and Elise was damn sure she saw a flash of wickedness in his bluish-green hues.

"That's quite omniscient of you. Would you tell me if I ask you?" Elise threw the question back at them and watched the men stand up.

"What if we do? What are you going to do?" Azael threw the ball back into her court.

"Nothing." Elise shrugged. "Maybe a word of praise."

"We aren't here to receive praise from anyone, Officer." Reuel chuckled as he circled around the desk with Azael taking the other direction until they were on either side of Elise, trapping her between them.

"Then, I have nothing for you." Elise held her stance, ignoring the power the two men were radiating. She now understood how dominating they were and why the world was scared of them. If she was any ordinary person, she would have succumbed to their powerful aura as well.

However, Elise was anything but ordinary and she remained unfazed as they inched closer to her until they were just a breath away from her personal space, but not quite at the same time.

"Oh, you do, Officer," Azael mumbled and since she was close to him, she heard him clearly.

Elise remained silent and took a step back. "It's time for me to leave. Thank you for your cooperation."

"Aren't you curious to find out what we want from you, Elise?" Reuel stepped closer to her, narrowing the distance Elise had created between them and Azael followed suit.

Elise felt her stomach flip and goosebumps rise on her skin. Her name sounded incredibly sexy from Reuel's lips, she noted and she clenched her fists tight to stop herself from falling for the twins' charms.

The men were hellishly attractive and the proximity was making her unable to concentrate. She was close to losing her mind.

"I'm fine. Thank you." Elise turned around to leave and this time, the men didn't pressure her anymore. But that didn't mean, they allowed her to leave.

"If you say so, Officer." Azael shrugged as if he wasn't bothered by it. "But let me assure you, other than us no one knows who the mastermind behind the explosion is. And here's a piece of advice, your direction of investigation is wrong."

Elise's heart dropped at his words and she stopped walking. The only person she had suspected other than the twins was Rowen Andrews. If he too wasn't the culprit, then who was?

'Are the twins trying to manipulate me or...' Elise was in a dilemma. The matter was critical and she had to solve the case quickly. However, if she was suspecting the wrong person, it would be complicated beyond measure. She now had no idea who else could be the culprit.

Elise sucked in a deep breath and turned around to face the two men who were waiting for her patiently. "What if you are lying to me? What if this is one of your tricks?"

"We aren't, Officer and we can prove it to you," Reuel assured.

"What do you want in return?"

Azael smiled triumphantly while Reuel smirked in amusement. 

"Go on a date with us, Elise," Reuel stated. "Go on a date with us and we will provide you with all the evidence you want."