32. Asking out on a date - Part 3

Elise blinked, once, twice, thrice, wondering if she was hallucinating. 'Did the twins go insane or am I dreaming?' she wondered as she continued to gawk at them speechlessly.

"You're joking, right?" They had to be. Otherwise, they wouldn't have stated such a ridiculous condition.

Neither Azael nor Reuel replied, showing her their sincerity and seriousness. When it came to her, nothing was a joke to them.

"Why?" Elise was having a hard time accepting the truth. 

"We find you incredibly attractive and sexy and want to get to know you better," Azael explained, putting forth their intentions before her clearly. She had to know what they wanted from her before they got to the next stage.

"Both of you?"

Reuel nodded rendering Elise speechless. She had already known the twins had a thing for her. However, she was still taken aback when she heard them speak their mind directly.

"Why me?" Elise was confused. She didn't know what about her had attracted the two men. 

"Do we have to tell you explicitly, Elise?" Reuel sighed. "How do you want us to convince you that we are fascinated by you?"

"Isn't your fascination limited to physical desires?" Elise folded her hands and leaned on her right, shifting all her weight to her right leg. Though she was puzzled at first, she composed herself within seconds and donned a nonchalant face.

"We do agree we were sexually attracted to you first. But it's a lot more than that now after getting to know you," Azael clarified. "Even though we have met only a few times, you managed to leave a deep impression on us which no one ever did in the past and I doubt anyone would ever in the future as well."

"Are you fine with both of you being attracted to me?" Elise couldn't fathom why the two men were so relaxed and calm about it. 'Was it normal between them?' she thought, curiosity now building in her mind.

"There is nothing wrong with it. Great minds think alike and we have similar preferences when it comes to women as well. And considering our lifestyle, it isn't uncommon, if that is what you are thinking," Reuel answered, slowly diverting the topic in the direction they had long wanted to.

It took a few moments to understand what he meant and Elise's brows shot up in realization. BDSM - their lifestyle.

"Are you two dominants?" The question left her lips before she could stop herself and she gave him a sheepish smile. "Sorry about that. I overstepped my boundaries."

"Not at all. It's good that you're inquisitive. It'll help us in the long run," Azael mumbled the last sentence to himself. "And to answer your question, yes, we are dominants."

"Oh, well, I guess I should leave." Elise's mind was spinning and she felt strange feelings erupt inside her. She couldn't fathom what they were. But she was certain that if she stayed a moment longer in the presence of the twins, she was bound to do something she'd regret later.

"Sure. We'll give you time to think about it, Elise. We are patient men and we'll wait for you." Reuel smiled at her, a genuine smile that meant no malice or anything that made her uncomfortable.

"Thank you." Elise didn't know what else to say and she turned around, leaving the two men to themselves. Fortunately for her, the men didn't follow her or escort her out. Otherwise, she would have suffocated to death.

As soon as she stepped out of the office, she patted her heart. Only she knew how difficult it had been for her to remain calm while her heart had started a gymnastics performance. Elise wasn't an idiot to not understand what had happened back there.

For a moment, even though it was for a moment, she had been attracted to the two men and the thought rendered her worried and antsy.

The Sephyr twins were devilishly charming; Elise didn't deny it. If it was in any other circumstance, they weren't the mafia and dangerous, she would gladly accept her attraction to them, although she would be far from accepting it before anyone else. 

Elise had an intuition that she would surely fall for their charms if she continued to hang around with them. She had to stop before it was too late.

'Get a hold of yourself, Elise. They aren't the ones you should get involved with,' she kept repeating in her mind as she entered the elevator.

Although the twins hadn't been direct, she had perceived what they were trying to convey, what they wanted of her. They wanted her, not just sexually but in other ways as well, one that involved emotional attachment, and Elise was unwilling to involve herself in any relationship.

Erasing and deleting all the desires and feelings that had cropped up in her mind, she cleared her mind and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, she was back to the NCI officer the world knew her to be - bold, confident, and impassive.

Handing over the guest pass back to the receptionist, she called Kai immediately. She wasn't surprised that her phone had been turned on once she was out of the building. 

"Kai, where are you?"

"We are still at Craig's villa. What's wrong? Did you find anything?" Kai questioned in concern.

"Yes and no. I'll be there soon. Wait for me," Elise ordered and entered her car.

Meanwhile, back in the office, Azael and Reuel remained rooted in their spots for a few seconds.

"Did you notice that?" Azael questioned, a small smile creeping its way onto his lips.

"I sure did. Even though it was fleeting, I caught it." Reuel gave his brother a victorious look.

"We would have had her today if Elise hadn't stopped herself in time." Azael clicked his tongue in disappointment.

"Elise has amazing willpower. It won't be that easy to get her," Reuel ran a hand through his hair and walked towards the table by the couch to pour himself a glass of water.

"And that's what makes it all the more thrilling," Azael remarked and took the swivel chair Elise had been sitting on some time ago. The fragrance of her perfume lingered in the air and he was enthralled by it. He then composed a mail before sending it to Elise.

'Think about it, Elise. Just a date, nothing more, nothing that'll make you uncomfortable and we'll provide you all the evidence related to the explosion. You have our word.'

Azael & Reuel.