Chapter 12: Monica

Mahira had a peaceful sleep with Rhea off her back ( speaking of Rhea she's stabbing a pretty doll in her suite) and Simon off her mind. The plane landed smoothly without any mishaps then a voice with an Indian accent sounded " passengers we have arrived safely at Los Angeles,you may now get of the plane"



Mahira, Priyanka and Rajveer got off the plane and a drowsy Priyanka kept on clinging to Rajveer.

" It's Mahira you suppose to cling on not me ,she's your best friend"

" Well my best friend is my sister and you are her brother sooo that makes you my brother"

" Mahira please do something"

Mahira didn't get to say anything cause a girl jumped on Mahira giving her a big bear hug.

Priyanka suddenly stopped feeling drowsy.

" Hey ,girl why are you hugging my bff so thightly" Priyanka voice was calm but laced with jealousy and killing intent. Yeah, she gets jealous easily; she pulled the girl off Mahira and stood between them.

" Who- who are you " asked the girl in a timid voice

" I..."

" She is my best friend Monica" answered Mahira

" Hey, I thought i- i- I was your best friend" said Monica as she was choked with sobs

" Yes, you are , well not , but you are"

" Mahira who is this girl Claiming to be your best friend"

Priyanka asked looking stern." Answer me"

" Oh, um, err,she- she"Mahira looked at Monica teary eyes and Priyanka stern eyes and felt like being caught cheating on your wife

" Priyanka calm down.she is our cousin whom Mahira and I visit every two months; remember when me and Mahira go to visit someone every two months it's her, she is Monica Dale our second cousin, my dad's younger I mean second younger sister daughter" Raj explained

" Oh I get it"

" Phew" Mahira raised her hands to thank god.

" But that doesn't explain why she's Mahira's best friend while I'm still alive"

" Priyanka, I'm so tired can we go home and have some rest" Mahira pleaded in a cute voice.

" Ok" Priyanka agreed " ahhh, I'm also tired " before she walked away she did " eyes on you" sign to Monica who hid behind Mahira and stuck out her tounge at her, Priyanka sneered and walked away.


Thanks to those who read this book.

Notice i' m not plagiarising the other book it still the same but on different account