Chapter 13: Best friend showdown

Ding dong. The door bell rang

" I'm coming" someone answered from inside the villa.

The large door was opened and tbe maid said " welcome young miss, miss Mahira and master Rajveer"

" Thank you aunt Mira, is mom home"

" Yes, madam is home. Sorry for keeping you standing please come in"

Priyanka stood outside. Mahira notice and she went to bring her in but Priyanka said " no,no,no. I wasn't invited in so I won't come in"

" Miss..."

" Priyanka. Priyanka Khana"Mahira completed

" So sorry miss Priyanka I was ignorant please don't take it to heart"

" I'm not angry" Priyanka shrugged.

" That's a relief. So please miss Priyanka come in to our humble abode"

" Thank you".

Mahira was given the room on the first floor along with Raj, Priyanka was given a room on the floor below them- the last floor.

The three of them freshend up and rested before coming down for lunch.



" Oh Mahira, Rajveer welcome and I'm guessing this is Priyanka"

" Well you're right, I'm Priyanka" Priyanka answered " so aunt what did this pig here tell you about me"

" Well good and bad"

"I missed you aunt" whined Raj " but all your attention is on Priyanka"

" I always see you so let me talk to someone new"

" Aunt do you have Raspberries?"

Said Raj with an expentant gaze

" No "

Raj pouted

" Ha, you look so cute.mifa bring the Raspberries"

" My dear, how was your trip "

" It was fine aunt" answered Mahira

" Not just good , it was great" Priyanka butted in " the hand was so beautiful and it loojed yummy also I can't just explain it but it was amazing"

" A lover of nature I see"

" Yeah but some people can't appreciate it" Priyanka said glaring at Raj

" I too love nature. I was a famous artist one of my most beautiful painting is THE EVERLANDS it was a combination of the forest, desert and morden day. Starting from the forest to mordenlization. The beginning to the ending or now.quite complicating.

" Wait you are pallivi Dale"

Pallivi nodded

" Omg, tell more "

" After eating"

Lunch came and Monica kept trying to make Priyanka jealous but Priyanka showed her that she ain't no pushover. Monica left angrily but she later spent the afternoon with Mahira.

Don't think Priyanka lodt cause she was busy listening and seeing different beautiful paintings"



Priyanka always go to Mahira room at night so Mahira would take her to sleep and if she's not at Mahira house or mahira is not at her house thhey do a video call but as she was going to Mahira room what ahe saw made her stop.