CH4 Breakthrough!

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On the first day of advent, a Castle Lord who can take out fifty units of food is definitely someone with extremely strong troops.

After all, there are many castle owners who dare not even let their troops go out to their own castles, let alone kill wild monsters and gather food.

Even if the Castle Lord dares to go out, the initial units under their command are not the opponents of wild monsters. At most, the castle owners can only collect some wood, stone and other materials near the castle. Once the wild monsters attack, they will immediately flee back to the castle.

Under the awe of wild monsters, food is precious and the Castle Lords who can kill wild monsters and get food must be a few, and they are big shots, with powerful initial troops under their command.

Such a Castle Lord is worth looking up to but now, in the [World Chat Channel], there were many Castle Lords who are berating Haru.

Thinking he is a profiteer exploiting fellow Earthlings while raising market prices. The reason is very simple. The redemption price set by Haru is shocking, which doubles the 'market price' of the food.

The Market Price is ten units of wood or five units of stone, for one unit of food. Haru's selling it at one unit of food selling for twenty units of wood or ten units of stone.

Isn't this what a profiteer is? However, in the face of the rebuke of many castle lords, Haru didn't care. At this stage, food is priceless! If you don't buy it, others will.

Among the Billions of Lords, there will always be someone gritting their teeth to buy his food. Sure enough, just as Haru thought, not long after his food was listed on the [Hyperspace Trading Channel], it was sold out.

Fifty units of food were all traded.

[Selling 1 unit of food for 20 units of wood]

[Selling 1 unit of food for 10 units of stone]

[Selling 1 unit of food for 20 units of wood]

Soon, fifty units of food were eventually sold for 600 units of wood and 200 units of stone, all of which were automatically stored in the castle's warehouse.

The warehouse of the Castle Lord. It seemed to be infinite space, which could store a large amount of materials. It also has a preservation function. The food stored here, can be kept fresh for a long time.

"It's all wood and stone. No one used power stones to trade!"

Power stones can be used to upgrade the Barracks Building and at this point in time, they can only be obtained by killing wild monsters. Obviously, power stones are more precious than resources such as wood and stone.

"A few more trades and my castle can be upgraded!" Haru muttered to himself." Compared with the initial troop building, the castle is also very important.

The higher the level of the castle, the greater the defense value of the castle heart, and it will not be easily destroyed. In the future, castles can also be upgraded to towns, cities and even kingdoms & empires. It is the core foundation of a Castle Lord.

[Fifty units of food... is gone?]

[F**k! A group of animals, I hesitated for two seconds, and the food was sold out!]

[There are Billions of Castle Lords, let alone fifty units of food, even fifty million units cannot satisfy the market needs. In addition, let me say one more thing, do you still have food, I am so hungry!]

[Can you give me one unit of food, I will give you 300 Million Dollars!]

[I will give you One Billion Dollars!]

[This is Otherworld, your money is useless! I have a gold chain. I have been coiling it for several years. Are you interested?]

[I'm curious, what is the initial troop of Haru, who can kill wild monsters! ]

[…The bipedal flying dragon of the so-called Son of Heaven's from before, was almost torn apart by wild monsters…]

[Fifty units of food! How many wild monsters have to be killed!]

[Ask Haru to clear our doubts! ]

When the food was put on the [Hyperspace Trading Channel], the name of the 'Trader' would be displayed, so naturally, Haru became famous.

The winds of chat channel have shifted. No one denounced Haru as a profiteer anymore. Instead they were begging him for food and wondering what his initial troop was.

There are also many Castle Lords who have sent friend requests to Haru. However, they were all rejected by Haru. He casually sent a message to the chat channel: [The next wave of food transactions will be at the same price as just now in three hours! Food is limited, first come first served!]

[Is this Boss Haru? ]

[Big Brother Haru, can the food be cheaper? I only have two units of stones... I'm a little girl!]

[The big guy with his feet upstairs should take a nap, won't be hungry when you fall asleep.]

"Bastard!!" Somewhere in the underground world of the Endless Continent, a little girl with seven gray dwarves, was digging rocks. Seeing the chat channel, she was very angry.


Once the information was sent, immediately, more castle lords wanted to add Haru as friends, reaching millions.

Haru ignored it.

The title of a 'Friend' is a discount nameplate, so he doesn't need a friend.

"My lord!" At this time, the little angels Michael and Samael dragged the corpses of several wild monsters back to the castle.

After getting Haru's nod in response.

The two little angels were happy, flapping their snow-white wings, and flew outside the castle to continue hunting.

The little angels were very diligent and hardworking. It made Haru feel very satisfied. At the same time, as Michael and Samael continue to hunt wild monsters, Haru gained more and more energy. It seemed that he is not far from being promoted to First Order and throwing away the title of 'Zero-Order'.

Finally, two hours later, a golden light suddenly appeared on Haru's body. He felt that his strength had increased several times in an instant.

"Is this, breakthrough?"


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