CH5 Castle Upgrade!

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After the golden light dissipated, Haru hurriedly checked his personal status. Sure enough, he broke through. His level has changed from Zero Order to First Order.

Although he is still at the bottom of the Endless Continent, at least he is no longer powerless. The wild monster corpses in the castle yard have also piled up a lot, there are more than a dozen lying there waiting to be disected now.

Haru began collecting in turn. A total of 200 units of food and thirteen intact pelts were obtained as well as varying amounts of monster materials such as wolf teeth, snake scales, etc.

Haru didn't know what these monster materials were used for. Ten Power Stones have also been accumulated by him. The upgrade to the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] requires 100 power stones. He had obtained one-tenth of his goal.

Compared to the castle, it seems that the upgrade of the troop Barracks is more difficult because there is no way to obtain the power stone through collection from the wild, it must be obtained by killing wild monsters at the last time. However, the wood and stone used to upgrade the castle can be seen everywhere.

"Two hundred units of food. If I trade all of it into wood and stone, I can fully meet the upgrade needs of the castle." Thought Haru and was suddenly a little excited.

There was no need for the three-hour wait. He directly put all the food on the [Hyperspace Trading Channel]. The cost was the same as before.

[One unit of food can be traded for one Power Stone.]

[Alternative Trade Items Twenty units of wood, Ten units of stone.]

As soon as the food was put on the shelves, it was looted by the castle lords. Many Castle Lords have been on the trading channel, for fear of getting the news too late and missing the opportunity.

Admittedly, Haru's trade-in price is indeed a bit dark but they can only bite the bullet. After all, even if they could go hungry, they wouldn't die of starvation without food for a day or two but the troops under their command are not good.

When a unit is hungry, first its combat effectiveness decreases, and secondly its loyalty decreases. Once the loyalty drops below 60 points, events like betrayal are very likely to occur.

The troops of other Castle Lords are not like Haru's angels. They were born in the [Angel Reincarnation Pool]. They are born with 100 loyalty points, and are locked with die-hard loyalty.

Angels do not betray their Lord. This is the hidden attribute of angels. However, other troops will show different attitudes towards the Castle Lord because of their loyalty.

[Are you crazy?!]

[Two hundred units of food were robbed in two seconds?]

[I managed to collect ten units of stones, but I still didn't get the food!]

[Didn't he say three hours? Why did the food come out before the time was up, Mr. Haru, I need food... no, I need an explanation! ]

[I haven't eaten all day, I'm so hungry! ]

[I found some wild mushrooms to eat...]

[I am not hungry, I can bear it. But my troop Vampire Bats are hungry and now they are staring at me with red eyes and I suspect they want to suck my blood. ]

[It is best to kill the bats to get meat, then you won't have to worry about losing loyalty and getting your blood sucked!]

[Do you still have any food, Mr. Haru, if you have it, put it all on the shelves! ]

[I'm so curious about what kind of troops Haru has. He has obtained another 200 units of food in such a short period of time. The strength of his troops is absolutely awesome! ]

[I suspect it is a giant dragon!]

[Before, the owner of the castle claimed that he randomly got the dragon troops and claimed to be the dragon king! I speculate that even if Haru's troops are not a dragon, it is a powerful arm second only to the dragon.]


Looking at the messages in the chat channel, Haru was slightly surprised. Unexpectedly, someone randomly got the dragon troops.

Sure enough, among the billions of Castle Lords he is not the only one who is lucky but he didn't care too much. Although the giant dragon is a top-level troop, it is nothing in front of his angel. His angel is a unique troop in the endless continent.

For angels, Dragons are just creatures from the lower planes. There are huge gaps in genes, bloodlines and personalities.


Haru opened the castle warehouse and counted the harvest. Two hundred units of food were exchanged for two thousand units of wood and one thousand units of stone. Plus the wood and stone that were traded in before, he now has a total of 2,600 units of wood and 1,200 units of stone.

The requirements for upgrading the castle are 2,000 units of wood and 1,000 units of stone. Now both requirements have been met! His Angel Castle can be upgraded!

[Do you want to upgrade the castle?]

"Upgrade It!" Haru didn't hesitate and chose yes immediately. In an instant, a dazzling golden light enveloped his castle.

After a few seconds, the golden light dissipated. A slightly grand castle appeared in Haru's field of vision. Compared with before, the upgraded castle is taller and bigger. It is no longer shabby, old and dilapidated castle from before.

[Congratulations, your Angel Castle has been upgraded to an intermediate castle, and the sphere of influence has been increased to 500 meters!]

[The defense value of the Castle Heart has tripled! ]

[Your Angel Castle has greatly increased its influence and prestige in the endless continent!]

[Special reminder: In the dark forest, your Angel Castle is emerging!]


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