CH63 The Auction Ends!

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"By selling 900 Sets of equipment and 1000 units of food, I earned a total of 93,800 units of wood and 52,600 units of stone. In addition to the wood and stones stored in the castle warehouse, in total, there are 336,900 units of wood and 173,640 units of stone available! I got rich overnight!" Haru smiled. He was the richest man among the Billions of Castle Lords.

"To rank up Angel Castle to Angel Town, I only need 100,000 units of wood, 50,000 units of stone, and 10,000 units of Refined Iron. In terms of wood and stone, the resources I have stored far exceed the requirements. Now, I'll just wait for the iron to arrive." Haru looked at the castle warehouse.

In addition to the 5,000 plus units of refined iron that Lily had given him, his current reserve of refined iron was 7,200 In other words, with another 2,800 units of Refined Iron, Angel Castle could be ranked up immediately.

If the quantity of Refined Iron reached 15,000 units, the Holy Temple could also be built. The attack and defense of his troops will increase by 10%. This was very strong! In the future when his angel team 'advances' into the angel army, the effect of this halo will be even more terrifying.

The larger the size of the Angel Team, the more useful the function of the Holy Temple would be. In Haru's opinion, it was a 'Divine Tier Building'! Even if it was a Divine artifact, its practical value could not be compared to the Holy Temple.

"This is High-Level Equipment! Those Top-Level Castle Lords, how can they not be a bit crazy?" Haru looked at the hot Trading Channel. In addition to the nine sets of High-Level equipment that Lily's dwarves made, he had also taken out five sets of High-Level equipment himself, which was the entire harvest from attacking the Gnome Tribe.

Fourteen sets of High-Level equipment. The Refined Iron bid under each set of equipment was rapidly increasing. Almost every two seconds, the value would jump up. This meant that many Castle Lords were bidding for this High-Level equipment.

Two days ago, when Haru announced that he was going to auction High-Level equipment, the top Castle Lords who coveted them were madly purchasing Refined Iron and wanted to obtain High-Level equipment to improve their strength.

The castle's protective barrier was about to disappear. The beast tide could come at any time. The top Castle Lords who cherished their lives did not want to die in the beast tide.

High-Level equipment could greatly ensure their safety. Although the top Castle Lords understood that this was 'funding' their enemy and this would continue to widen the gap between them and Haru, they could only grit their teeth and bid.

After all, High-Level equipment was related to their lives, and even to their score in the beast tide and the number of High-Level equipment was so small. There were only 14 sets.

If they would not buy it, others would. If someone else snatched it, that person would have the advantage. At that time, these Top-Level Castle Lords would not even be able to defeat him. How would they fight for supremacy? They were lagging in the early stages, but if they wanted to catch up after not buying the High-Level Equipments, the difficulty would be doubled.

"The crazier they get, the more I earn!" Haru counted the auction value of the 14 High-Level equipments. If nothing unexpected happened, by midnight, he would not only level up his castle into a town but he would also be able to build the Holy Temple. After that, he would go out to deal with the beast tide. The unique reward was his target!

As the time passed, the Castle Lords, who were gradually running out of money, withdrew from the High-Level equipment auction. The frequency at which the Refined Iron value increased was decreasing but it still did not stop. As Haru had expected, those Top-Level Castle Lords were crazy about obtaining High-Level equipment.

At this stage, iron was still very precious. They needed to pay a very high price to acquire it. However, the Top-Level Castle Lords did not hesitate to spend a large number of resources, such as wood, stones, and food, to fight for High-Level equipment.

This directly affected the speed at which their castle would level up. Even if they wanted to catch up to Haru, they would never be able to. However, they had no choice. High-Level equipment was too attractive, so they could only grit their teeth.

"As long as I get High-Level equipment, my safety will be guaranteed! My top-level troops are extremely strong and can withstand the beast tide. However, if my strength was too weak, I would die."

"I am only Tier 4. If I will die in the Beast Tide, it would be all over! I need High-Level equipment to protect myself!"

"With High-Level equipment, I can get a higher rank in the beast tide! High-Level equipment is mine, and the unique reward is mine too!"

"There is no reward for upgrading the castle, nor is there any increase in stats. It can be postponed, but I must have High-Level equipment!"

"No one is allowed to snatch High-Level equipment from me!" That was what many top-ranked Castle Lords thought. It was also the reason why they were frantically bidding! Up until now, each set of equipment had a bid of over 1,000 units of Refined Iron.

There were two sets of high-ranked equipment from the Gnome Chief's treasure trove, whose price had reached 1,500 units. The auction was a success! Even if it is stopped now, he has gathered all the iron he needed to level up the Angel Castle and build the Holy Temple.

Haru was in a good mood. He turned to look at the [World Chat Channel]. Tonight's chat was even more popular as compared to the previous few days because after midnight, the castle's protective cover would disappear.

No one out of the Billions of Castle Lords was in the mood to sleep. Even Haru could not sleep. He was worried that after the protective barrier disappeared, the berserk monsters outside the castle would charge in.

[Boss Haru is too crazy! His Refined Iron stock must have been far above what is needed to level up the castle. Moreover, the price of Refined Iron was ridiculously high. The big shots did not even blink as they desperately bid!]

[The Beast Tide is about to strike. How could upgrading the castle be more important than getting High-Level equipment?]

[Once the auction is over, the price of Refined Iron will immediately drop! As the Castle Lords will become more and more powerful, Refined Iron would become more and more common. In the end, it would become like wood and stone, becoming an ordinary resource.]

[At that time, towns will spring up and will appear in large numbers! I'm looking forward to it! But by the way, why doesn't Haru add me as friend? I've applied so many times.]

[Who are you?]


Haru directly closed the chat. It was normal for him not to add friends. In the past few days, 20 million to 80 million Castle Lords have sent him friend request every day. If all of them had been added as friends, the information bombardment would have caused his head to explode.

Not to mention ordinary Castle Lords, he did not even add those Top-Level Castle Lords. For example, Aria, who had a Top-Level Golden Lion, had been rejected by him many times.

Up until now, he only had one friend, that was Lily. It was easy for him to chat with Lily. The more friends there were, the more troublesome it was. Haru was a person who did not like the trouble. He liked to use simple and crude methods to solve problems. Soon, the three-hour auction ended.

In the [Golden Castle], Aria was standing in the sunlight, dressed in simple leather armor, with an outstanding appearance, and was looking at the wild monsters gathered outside. She heaved a long sigh of relief.

"The competition for High-Level equipment was extremely intense but in the end, I still managed to get one. It was not easy!" She took out the High-Level equipment and put it on her body.

A strong sense of security appeared in her heart. With this High-Level equipment, her safety would be guaranteed. Whether it was clearing out the berserk monsters outside the city or dealing with the 'Beast Tide' that could come at any moment, it was of great importance.


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