CH64 Primary Town!!!

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{Word Count: 1515 Words}

"The only thing that's wrong is that my heart hurts!" The High-Level equipment was not magic equipment after all. In the future, it was destined to be discarded soon and now, to obtain that High-Level equipment, she had consumed a large amount of precious Refined Iron, making her feel uncomfortable.

The Refined Iron was gone! To buy the Refined Iron, she used up all the wood or stones. This directly affects the level up of the Golden Castle. It was impossible to level up the castle into a town in a short period now. In terms of the development of the castle, participating in this auction was a bloody loss.

"Only Haru will benefit! He's the biggest winner!" Aria was envious. She guessed that Haru, who had gotten rich overnight, would soon level up his castle into a town. The gap between Haru and the Castle Lords would once again widen.

"But that doesn't mean that Haru will always be able to stay in the lead! The upcoming Beast Tide is my chance!" She looked at the brand new High-Level equipment on her body. Aria also gradually became confident in catching up to Haru.

The other Top-Level Castle Lords who had obtained High-Level equipment had similar thoughts as Aria. Now that their safety was guaranteed, they could do their best in the Beast Tide. All the Top-Level Castle Lords wanted to obtain the unique reward to suppress Haru. To conquer all races was their future goal. At this stage, the most important thing was to surpass the Lord of the strongest castle, Haru.

In the underground world, Grey Dwarf Castle.

Lily excitedly counted the iron she had obtained, "By selling the nine sets of High-Level equipment, we got a total of 13,800 units of Refined Iron!! So much iron! My castle needs at least a week to forge this much!"

At the current stage, selling equipment was a huge profit. She could get 40% of the 13,800 units of refined iron, which were 5,520 units of refined iron. Lily suddenly hesitated.

"My castle level is high enough for now. There's no need to prepare to level it up to a town. Let's wait until the beast tide is over. Big Brother Haru has been preparing to level up to town. He needs this batch of iron more." After thinking for a while, Lily decided to transfer all the iron she had obtained from the auction to Haru. She was not in a hurry to store the iron. Moreover, her castle itself could forge refined iron.

If she wanted refined iron, she could forge it in the future. At this stage, she felt that Haru needed iron more than she did. Thinking of this, she decisively put all the refined iron on the Hyperspace Trading Channel and designated the buyer as Haru. The purchase price was also one unit of food.

"Haru will be very happy! Hehe~" At this moment, Grimstone Ironheart, the Dwarf standing beside her, stared outside the castle and said, "Queen, the monsters gathering outside the castle are getting more and more frantic!"

Outside the Gray Dwarf Castle, there were a large number of monsters. Human-faced spiders, skeleton warriors, bloodthirsty black wolves, gigantic rats, and so on. All of them were underground creatures.

Lily was also a little uneasy. "The castle's protective barrier is about to disappear. Uncle Grimstone, will those monsters attack us?"

"Queen Lily, don't worry!" Grimstone took off the giant sword on his back and carried it on his shoulder. He said seriously, "With the Gray Dwarves Soldiers, no monsters can invade your castle!"

"We will protect the castle. We will protect Queen Lily!" The Dwarves in the castle also held their weapons high in the air. In addition to them, the Gray Dwarf Castle also had a defensive fence structure that could withstand the attacks of wild monsters to a certain extent. When Lily thought about it her unease gradually dissipated. She nodded happily.

Angel Castle.

[You have lost a set of High-Level equipment and gained 1,350 units of refined iron.]

[You have lost a set of High-Level equipment and gained 1,400 units of refined iron.]

[You have lost a set of High-Level equipment and gained 1,760 units of refined iron.]

[You lost…]

The moment the auction ended, five notifications arrived. The iron reserves in the warehouse of Haru Castle directly increased to more than 10,000.

"I sold five sets of High-Level equipment myself, and collected 7,600 units of refined iron. Lily's nine sets of High-Level equipment sold for a total of 13,800 units of refined iron. It's so much profit!" Haru smiled. In the castle's warehouse, the iron reserves had reached 14,800 units.

The need to Level up to the town had been met. With another 200 units of refined iron, the High-Level building Holy Temple could also be built. He was just waiting for Lily to send over 60% of his iron. Just then, he received a message from Lily.

"Huh?" After opening the friend's information, Haru narrowed his eyes. He didn't expect that the little girl would forward all the iron from the auction to him. She didn't take 40% of it. This somewhat surprised him.

"You're not going to Level up to a town?" One of the conditions for upgrading the castle to a town was that it required 10,000 units of refined iron. Now that Lily had transferred all the iron to him, she no longer had the iron. Although the Gray Dwarf Castle could forge refined iron, it would take some time to accumulate 10,000 units.

He hesitated for a moment. Haru did not decline. Refined iron was an important resource. He needed it, and the more the better.

"It's part of the deal!" Haru was still quite moved, "Send the food tomorrow!" He already had a deal with Lily. She traded her iron for the food in his hands. Although Lily indicated in the message that this batch of iron was given to Haru, he felt that he could not take it for free.

What's more, he could easily obtain food. He chatted with Lily for a while. Haru smiled. After wishing each other good luck for passing the night safely, he turned off his 'friend information panel'.

"I have an iron reserve of 28,600 units. Nearly 337,000 units of wood. The stone reserve is close to 174,000 units! Everything is ready!" Haru didn't hesitate and chose to upgrade the castle.

[Do you want to Level up Angel Castle?]

[Yes] [No]

"Level up!" Suddenly, a dense golden light enveloped his Angel Castle. It was impossible to see what was happening inside. One could only vaguely see that the height of the castle was increasing, and its scale was also increasing.

At the same time, the ground was trembling, and the novice protective barrier was expanding outwards. The wild monsters gathered outside the castle were forced back. Wild monsters were roaring angrily and were attacking the novice protective barrier. Their heads were bleeding, but the protective barrier was not damaged.

The novice protection period was about an hour away. It was still invincible! Haru also saw that as the protective barrier spread, the trees around the castle, the boulders in the mountains, and so on disappeared into thin air and turned into the flat ground.

As the mutation ended, around Angel Castle, an open space with a diameter of about two kilometers appeared. His castle was in the center of the space. The surroundings were empty. Other than the Angel Reincarnation Pool and the warehouse, there were no other buildings.

"The Lord needs to build the town on his own!" Haru did not care about this. In the future, there would be more construction blueprints, so there would be more buildings in the territory. Haru looked at his castle.

At this moment, the golden light had dissipated, and the castle revealed a completely new look. It had become even more magnificent! It was nearly forty meters tall, about thirteen or fourteen floors high.

There were four sub-fortresses, and an angel statue appeared at the top of each sub-fortress. The exterior of the castle was even more exquisite. It was no longer the Primary Castle from the beginning. Now, his castle was really like a noble's castle, magnificent.

[Angel Castle]

[Current Rank: Primary Town]

[Ordinary Building: Warehouse]

[Special Building: Angel Rebirth Pool]

[Level up Requirement: 500,000 units of wood, 300,000 units of stone, And 100,000 units of refined iron.]

[Next Rank: Intermediate Town]

[Current Status: Invincible]

[Current Camp: None]

Looking at the next [Intermediate Town] level-up requirement, Haru felt a pain in his heart. This was just upgrading to an Intermediate Town. How many resources would it need to Level up to a city, a kingdom, or an empire? Just thinking about it made his scalp go numb.

'Perhaps in the later stages, ordinary materials will be used less. On the contrary, some precious materials will be needed!' Thought Haru.


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