CH100 Astral City!!!

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{Word Count - 1680 Words}

"There are still three rewards left. One piece of random equipment, one building dedicated to my initial troops, and all aspects to increase the strength of the military! Thinking about it, random equipment, lowest at the level of Demigod Equipment, the highest at True Divine level! It all depends on luck!"

"If I can randomly find a true Divine Artifact, that would be good! But if it will be Demigod Equipment…" Demigod equipments were the equipments used by Demigods. This rank of equipment was naturally very powerful. However, Haru felt that equipment was not too important to him.

As long as his Castle faction became stronger and attacked a powerful local faction, it would not be a problem for him to obtain Divine pieces of equipment. Demigod Equipment would eventually become 'common goods'. As for the True Divine Artifact, he wanted it, but it depended on luck.

"Let's put the equipment reward aside for now." Haru compared the final two rewards. They are one unique building for the initial troops, and one option is to increase the strength of the soldiers or five bloodline evolution slots. It's not important for troops to level up. After all, they can do that by killing enemies, so why do I need to waste a special reward for this?"

"On the other hand, their bloodlines have evolved quite well. Five spots for Mary, Seraphina, Lysandra, Auriel, and Eveline! The five of them are all Six-Winged Angels. After evolution, they can become Eight-Winged Angels! The Eight-Winged Angels are naturally much stronger than Six-Winged Angels!" Haru thought for a long time. In the end, he ruled out random equipments and bloodline evolution.

His gaze focused on reward number 3, a unique building for his initial troops. He did not know what an Angel Exclusive Building was but it must be very important! One had to know that even the Holy Temple that was hailed as a 'late-stage god-level building' by Haru was only a building of the Light Faction, not an exclusive building of the Angels.

The evolution of Angels' bloodline could be done by using the [Bloodline Evolution Blueprints]. As long as the Bloodline Evolution Blueprints are enough, not to mention the Eight-Winged Angels, Haru even had the confidence to push them above Twelve-Winged Angels. Therefore, he ruled out this reward!

The last thing left was the Angel Exclusive Building. He did not doubt that the blueprints of the exclusive building would be extremely hard to come by. All of the other rewards could only be used in the middle and early stages to help his Castle's faction quickly increase. As for these exclusive buildings, they were late-stage God level items.

In Haru's opinion, the value of the Angel Race's exclusive buildings far exceeded any other rewards, including the Divine Equipment and bloodline evolution. There was another reason why Haru chose it. The reward was not a blueprint, but directly the building. There was no need to waste the resources to build it.

"What is an Angel Race's Exclusive Building? If it's the Angel Reincarnation Pool, then it'll be extremely profitable for him!" Once Haru had two [Angel Reincarnation Pools], he could use one to nurture the Holy Spirits and the other to nurture adult angels. Thinking of this, Haru's breathing also became faster. Up until now, he had never heard of anyone who had gotten a [Barracks Blueprint] and got a second barracks.

Even Lily did not get it. In that case, the dream of his Angel Army would soon come true. Furthermore, it was faster to destroy the castle forces and local forces of Dark Forest, to unify the entire Dark Forest and to establish the Angel Dynasty that would belong to him!

"I will choose the third reward!" Haru no longer hesitated. He did not even look at the other rewards and confirmed the Angel Race's exclusive building.

[Randomly selecting a reward based on the Castle's initial troops.]

[Selection completed!]

[Congratulations, the Castle Lord has obtained the exclusive building of the Angel Race: Battle Fortress: Astral City!]

[Do you want to recieve it?]

[Yes] [No]

At this moment, Haru was completely stunned. The random building was not the [Angel's Reincarnation Pool] he wanted, but the [Astral City]. It's a city! Haru was completely dumbfounded. It took him a long time to recover. He took a few deep breaths and tried to calm himself down.

Battle Fortress: Astral City! This time, he won a lottery! Haru was glad that he did not choose the Bloodline Evolution reward, nor did he choose a random equipment to covet the so-called True Divine Artifact. In front of [Astral City], a true Divine Artifact seemed nothing! After all, this was an Angelic War Fortress! It was a city!!

"Wait a moment, what about my Angel Castle after I get the Astral City?"

[The Castle is the core territory of a Castle Lord, while the Astral City is a war fortress of the Angel Race, independent of the Castle!]

Haru understood. In short, the Castle was the foundation of the Castle Lords. Even if his Angel Castle was still a Primary Town, it was still his main base. As for Astral City, it could be considered as a secondary base.

"I want to recieve it!" Haru said in his mind. In an instant, a dazzling golden light appeared above Angel Castle. It was as if the entire sky had split open. Following this, a phantom of a city appeared in the golden light. Then, it turned into reality. A moment later, the phantom turned into a majestic city.

This massive Gate was platinum colour, and it seemed to be made of Immortal jade. The walls around it were surrounded by strange golden light, and it gave off an incredible feeling of holiness. The most shocking thing was that it floated in the air above the Angel Castle. A large shadow was cast towards the forest below.

Haru was worried that it would fall. Once it fell, his Angel Castle would instantly turn into ruins. He and his angels, as well as the Gnomes that were dumbstruck and talking about 'The Almighty', would also be crushed. There was no chance of survival. Fortunately, it did not fall. It kept floating above the Angel Castle. There seemed to be a powerful force pulling it up, allowing it to float in the air.

"This is Astral City!" Haru took a deep breath. He immediately checked the attributes of Astral City.

[Battle Fortress: Astral City]

[Rank: Primary]

[Camp: Angel Clan's Exclusive War Architecture]

[Affiliation: Angel Castle]

[Size: 10 km in length and width, 150 meters in height on all sides]

[War Weapons: Each wall is equipped with 10 holy magic cannons and 100 small & medium magic cannons.]

[Protection Facilities: Sacred Defense Shield]

[Facilities: City Lord's Mansion, Angel Army Station, Holy Temple, Altar of Faith (requires blueprint to be activated), Statue of the Castle Lord.]

[Energy Level: Low (Power Stones can be used to replenish energy)]

[Current Status: Peaceful, Flying]

"It's really strong!" Haru praised it with excitement. Astral City was ten kilometers in length and width. It was a giant city as compared to his Angel Castle. As for its wall, it was 150 meters tall and looked extremely majestic! In addition, Astral City was also equipped with holy magic cannons and war weapons.

Haru suspected that once the sacred magic cannon was activated even true gods would be killed by it and Saint Tier powerhouses and demigods would be nothing in front of it. Its defense was a Divine defense shield. It enveloped the entire Astral City from all directions. Whether it was attack and defense, it was perfect. The only downside was that Astral City's current energy reserves were low. This required him to fill the Astral City with energy.

"Even when I bought a car, the fuel I got could only run a few kilometers." Haru consoled himself. He asked, "How many Power Stones do I need to consume to make Astral City full?"

He calculated a little. He currently had more than 4,000 Power Stones in his inventory. The harvest from the Beast Tide Battle had not yet been calculated, but it should be more than 1,500. In other words, if nothing unexpected happened, his Power Stones could reach around 6,000. Six thousand Power Stones was a huge sum. No Castle Lord was richer than Haru.

[To get Astral City in it's full energy state, One Million Power Stones are required!]

"???" Haru was simply too stunned. He decisively did not consider filling the [Astral City] with 'oil'.

"In other words, the Astral City with its current energy state cannot participate in the war?"

[Astral City can absorb the magic from its surroundings and replenish the city's energy!]

[Astral City's current energy reserves can only maintain its suspended state.]

[The Castle Lord can activate the weapon of war at the cost of consuming Power Stones!]

[Each time it is activated, a single Holy Magic Cannon will consume 1,000 Power Stones, the Medium Magic Cannon will consume 100 Power Stones, and the Small Magic Cannon will consume 10 Power Stones.]

"That's fine!" If powerful local forces were to attack his Angel Castle, he could use the Astral City's war weapons. Under normal circumstances, all he needed to do was let Astral City quietly hover in the sky, collect the magic of its surroundings, and replenish its energy.

At this moment, a golden light flew out from the Astral City. It went between Haru's eyebrows. At the same time, he gained complete control of this war fortress belonging to the Angels. He knew everything about it like the back of his hand. With a single thought, the towering Astral City flew up. It flew tens of thousands of meters into the sky and hid between the clouds before stopping.

Haru turned around. The Gnomes were all kneeling around him. The angels were also praying to him with great respect! The appearance of Astral City made them deeply shocked and unable to extricate themselves.


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