CH101 Holy Nun???

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{Word Count - 1579 Words}

"That's the battle fortress of us Angels! The Astral City!" The angels were shocked to the extreme. They were naturally more than familiar with the Astral City. It was the exclusive building of the Angels and it was a powerful building capable of attacking other dimensions! The angels did not expect this. Such a weapon of mass destruction appeared so quickly.

"Praise the Almighty Lord~" The little angels looked at Haru with admiration in their eyes, he was the Creator God of their faith who has summoned the Astral City.

"The Astral City has arrived! The holy light of the Lord will shine on the entire Endless Continent! This world is destined to belong to the Lord Almighty!" Lysandra waved her staff in excitement. Mary, Auriel, Seraphina, Eveline, and the other angels were all extremely excited.

There was nothing that could cheer them up now as much as the Astral City. Looking at the Astral City flying up to the clouds, the eyes of all angels were shining. They wanted to enter Astral City and see what was happening inside. The surrounding Gnomes trembled. When the Astral City descended, they had no choice but to kneel on the ground and worship the omnipotent Lord.

"That's the Lord's miracle! Almighty Lord will protect his devout Gnome followers! May the Holy Light always be here, may you live forever!" Under the leadership of the Gnome Elder, the Gnomes kept whispering prayers. At the same time, they were eager to see the glory of their Lord enveloping all the Gnome tribes so that the Gnomes in the Dark Forest and even the Gnome Kingdom would believe in their Lord.

They believed that only faith could save the Gnomes! Only the light of their Lord could dispel the darkness & evil power in the Dark Forest and save the Gnomes! The Gnomes' faith was incomparably firm. Many of the Gnomes had advanced from devout believers to fanatics the moment they saw the Astral City. The Lord showed a miracle. As believers, what reason was there for them not to firmly believe?

Haru looked at Mary and the little angels. He said, "Astral City doesn't have enough energy reserves. It can't be included in the war plan for now! First, we need to develop Angel Castle and store more Power Stones. I believe that Astral City will appear on the battlefield soon!"

"Almighty Lord, we'll follow your Oracle!" The little angels naturally listened to the Lord's words. Moreover, the Astral City had already arrived. It would not be far from entering the battlefield. It is just a temporary lack of energy reserves. As the Angel Battle Team continued to expand their hunting range and attack the surrounding local forces, more & more Power Stones would be stored in the Castle.

They believed that it wouldn't take long for Astral City to enter the battlefield. At that time, Haru would sweep through the Dark Forest and establish a powerful angel dynasty! Haru nodded slightly and said, "Clean up the battlefield and collect all the Power Stones, Magic Crystals and Blueprints! The bodies of those wild monsters…" Speaking of monster corpses, Haru had a headache. How long would it take for him to collect and decompose the corpses of nearly 10,000 monsters? It would probably take at least two hours. Although the Beast Tide was over and he had nothing to do, it was still tiring.

"It would be great if those militiamen didn't die!" He thought of the nine militiamen who died in the Beast Tide. Haru's heart ached. Although the militiamen were weak, they had the basic skills of logging, mining, and processing the monster corpses. Haru could be freed from the heavy collection and decomposition work.

Unfortunately, the few militiamen died heroically. At this moment, Haru suddenly thought of the Holy Temple. The souls of the nine dead militiamen and the Gnomes were taken away by the Holy Temple. As long as he consumed Power Stones, they could be reborn. Moreover, this way they would no longer be mere Militiamen and Gnomes, but the new light attribute troops.

"A new light attribute soldier?" Haru looked at the Holy Temple not far away that was emitting a Holy light. He suddenly wanted to know what the light attribute of a new soldier would be. Thinking of this, Haru could not suppress his curiosity. He entered the Holy Temple alone. As for the Angel Battle Team and the Gnomes, they were cleaning up the battlefield and collecting spoils of war.

At the same time, the battlefield had to be cleaned up. The entire battlefield was covered in broken limbs and blood, making him feel uncomfortable. The hall of the Holy Temple was slightly empty. It's main theme color was Holy white. At the top of the Holy Temple, the statue of Haru was standing. On his left and right, there was a statue of an Eighteen-Winged Angel. Next there were four Sixteen-Winged Angel statues and eight Fourteen-Winged Angel statues.

Of course, the angels that Haru saw were only statues, not real angels. If they were real angels, he could sweep the entire Endless Continent, let alone the Dark Forest.

'I wonder when the Angel Reincarnation Pool will produce the Eighteen-Winged Angel Holy Spirit. I'm afraid I'll need to be extremely lucky for that to happen!' Haru shook his head and stopped thinking. Then, his gaze fell on the front of the hall. There was a long table with a golden Holy Grail on it. A familiar prayer could be heard from within the Holy Grail. Haru immediately understood that the souls that had been brought over by the Holy Temple had all entered the Holy Grail. With a thought, a series of lights flew out from the Holy Grail.

[You have obtained two hundred and eighty-five pure souls baptized by the Divine Power!]

285 Souls! This meant that he had lost 285 soldiers (Militia + Gnome) in this battle. As for the Gnomes who had sacrificed themselves in the forest, they were beyond the scope of the Holy Temple, so their souls were not attracted. Haru did not know exactly where they had gone. Haru stretched out his right hand. The 285 souls turned into a rain of light and fell into his palm.

Then, he left the hall and walked towards the Angel Reincarnation Pool. After arriving near the Angel Reincarnation Pool. Haru took out a soul light spot and put it into the Angel Reincarnation Pool. At the same time, he received a notification.

[Do you want to use the energy of the Angel Reincarnation Pool to reincarnate the souls?]

[Yes] [No]

"No!" Haru immediately refused. He had asked about using Power Stones instead. As for the energy of the Angel Reincarnation Pool, it needed to be used to nurture the Angels. It could not be used up at will. What he was concerned about right now was how many Power Stones would be needed to turn a soul into a light attribute troop? If it exceeded his expectations, these souls would temporarily remain in the Holy Grail of the Holy Temple.

[It costs ten Power Stones to reincarnate this soul.]

"So for 285 Souls, 2,850 Power Stones will be needed! With my current reserves of Power Stones, it's not like I can't take them out. It's just that it seems to be a little too much." The Power Stones were very important to Haru. Their main purpose was to upgrade the Angel Reincarnation Pool. In the past, considering the safety of the Castle, he had planned to wait until the Power Stones and Magic Crystals were abundant, and then have Mary set up the Angel Guardian Shield to protect the Castle.

Now, he had the Astral City, a battle fortress. Then the plan to set up the Angel's Guardian Shield could be put on hold. He believed that as long as he activated the Holy magic cannon in Astral City, even Saint Tier Powerhouses and Demigods would not be able to destroy his Castle. If large-scale enemy forces were to attack, using large, medium, and small magic cannons, he could also protect the Castle. With the Astral City and the guardian angel shield, it would be an overkill.

"When the spoils of war are all collected, let's see how many Power Stones there are and then we'll talk about these souls' reincarnation. After all, Angel Reincarnation Pool's upgrade is the most important." Haru waved his right hand when he was thinking about that. The dense rain of souls flew towards the Holy Temple and returned to the Holy Grail. Only nine souls remained. All of them came from the Militiamen. He threw all nine souls into the Angel Reincarnation Pool.

[Do you want to spend 90 Power Stones to help these souls reincarnate.]

[Yes] [No]

Haru chose yes. Soon, a Holy white light shone in the Angel Reincarnation Pool, and the sound of angels singing a soft chant sounded. Not long after. one light ball after another flew out of the Angel Reincarnation Pool. When it landed in front of Haru, the ball of light shattered, revealing figures in white robes. They were all human beings, not Angels.

'What kind of troops are these?' Haru decisively checked their information.

[Holy Nun]

[Strength: Tier 1]

[Loyalty: 100(Faith: Fanatic)]

[Growth Potential: King Tier]

[Barracks: These troops requires an exclusive barracks building of the Light Faction 'Holy Monastery' to be recruited!]


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