Chapter 76 Crazy! Win The First Place! Fantastic Drawings! The Obsession Of The Goddess!

"How are you over there?"

Lin Yi contacts the little Loli in the underground world.

Little Loli replied: "Hee hee, Lin Yi is relieved, Yaoyao is fine! Uncle Xavier has become super powerful after being promoted to the king rank, and all wild monsters are not his opponents. Yaoyao's dwarf warriors are also very heroic, Block the beast tide outside the wall."

Lin Yi: "That's good!"

In the battle of the castle guard, little Loli broke out the drawings of [Wall] and [Arrow Tower].

Plus the original [fence].

The defensive capabilities of the Grey Dwarf Castle can be said to be very powerful.

In addition, the dwarf Xavier, who is a king, can also be regarded as the pinnacle of the castle of the gray dwarves.

With him, little Loli's castle is safe.

After turning off the friends column.

Lin Yi looked at the battlefield not far away.

The walls of the castle have completely collapsed, and thousands of wild monsters have poured into his castle territory.

After being slaughtered on a large scale by the Seraph Angel Guytis' AOE Legion skill [Saint Sanction], the camp of the wild monsters also stagnated for a while, seemingly frightened.

But soon, the wild monsters became manic again.

They seemed to be influenced by some mysterious force, or attracted by the heart of the castle, all lost their minds and charged frantically, trying to destroy Lin Yi's castle.

The only good thing is.

The time is now afternoon, and the blood moon has not yet come.

This makes the strength of wild monsters not as pervert as they are at night.

The wild monsters in front of him are equally crazy and bloodthirsty, but they are still normal combat power and have not tripled.

This is good news for all castle owners who are experiencing the beast tide.

"The Lord said~"

"Killing is redemption, and death is eternal life!"

"Blade of Destruction!"

On the battlefield, the angel of death, Dale, was like a phantom, and her figure kept flickering among the monsters.

Every time there is a flash, a wild monster will be killed.

After flashing a dozen times in a row, Angel of Death Dai Er instantly killed more than ten wild monsters, including a seventh-order commander-level wild monster.

another area.

The angel of love, Nina, stood high in the sky, pouring a boundless rain of light on the battlefield.

"Lord, give life to the world, the world should be grateful!"

"betrayal, blasphemy, slander..."

"All will be punished!"

Divine Art - [Holy Retribution]!

In an instant, a large number of wild monsters were shrouded in light rain and holy light, making a shrill scream.

Holy Retribution is a pure mental and soul attack.

Divine power directly invades the soul, causing unbearable severe pain "Nine Six Three" suffering.

Although the wild monsters lost their minds, their souls were not affected. Under the divine attack of divine punishment, they suddenly felt the pain from the depths of their souls.

Any wild monster shrouded in holy light.

All fell to the ground, screaming and struggling.

When the little angels around saw this scene, they swarmed up and killed all these wild monsters that had lost their resistance.

at the same time.

In another battlefield area, there is a dazzling light blooming.

The figure shrouded in holy light is the six-winged angel Irene.

Holding a holy sword, she was fighting a ninth-order lord-level wild monster.

It can be seen that the body of the ninth-order monster has been covered with sword wounds, and its body is covered in dazzling blood.

It's rather grumpy and growls.

He is constantly casting single-target magic, trying to kill the six-winged angel Irene.

However, the six-winged angel Irene was agile and turned into light and shadows, avoiding all its magical attacks. Even if the aftermath of the magical power rushed to her, it was blocked by the shield of holy light on her body.

As a combat-experienced Seraph Angel.

It has entered the middle stage of the eighth order.

With her own strength, Irene can completely defeat the monsters of the ninth-order lord level.

Finally, the six-winged angel Irene found an opportunity.

With the holy sword in his hand, he pointed at the neck of the ninth-rank lord-level monster with the weakest defense, and released a powerful middle-level and third-rank angel combat skill.

"Almighty Lord, create angels, maintain order in all worlds..."

"Angel, the sword of the Lord, punish all heretics!"

"The heretics who blaspheme the Lord should be punished by the sword of angels!"

"Angel Judgment!!"

Accompanied by Erin's low voice.

A huge eighteen-winged angel light and shadow instantly appeared behind her.

The eighteen-winged angel, Light and Shadow, spread all his wings, held the holy sword in both hands, and then suddenly opened his golden eyes, and the holy sword in his hand slashed at the ninth-rank lord monster at the same time.

puff! !

Blood splattered!

The neck of the ninth-order lord monster snapped.

The entire huge head was chopped off.

The ninth-order lord has fallen! At this moment, Angel Castle's points in the combat power rankings soared by 3,000 points, and it was only a matter of time before it was getting closer and closer to surpassing Black Dragon Castle.

I do not know how long it has been.

Finally, another lord-level monster that reached the peak of the ninth-order was killed by the six-winged archangel Shirley and the angel of love Nina, with the combat technique [Sword of Holy Judgement].

at the moment it fell.

A dazzling golden light suddenly appeared on the bodies of Shirley and Nina, the angel of love.


That golden light is not the holy light that contains divine power.

But the light of promotion!

The same golden light also appeared on many little angels, including Lin Yi.

Since the battle has gone on, the little angels have killed nearly 4,000 wild monsters, gained incomparably rich 'experience', and started the promotion of the entire group.

Lin Yi, who was originally in the late eighth rank, was also successfully promoted to the ninth rank.

With the equipment on his body, there is no problem in suppressing commander-level monsters.

However, what makes Lin Yi the most happy is the promotion of the six-winged archangel Shirley and the angel of love Nina.

They themselves are already the pinnacle of the ninth order.

It is only one step away from the rank of the king.

When the two-headed demon tribe was captured at noon, they unfortunately failed to be promoted to the king rank.

Now, they finally made a breakthrough.

The 'experience bar' surpassed the limit of the current rank and directly entered a new level.

King order! !

This rank can also be regarded as a powerhouse for the local forces of the Endless Continent.

in an ethnic group.

That can be called a clan master, able to protect the safety of the race.

For example, the local fire dragon that appeared in front of Lin Yi twice before, the rank is the king rank.

That fire dragon, already an adult, is qualified to open a dragon cave.


"My Angel Castle also has a royal rank!"

Lin Yi was all smiles.

The six-winged archangel Shirley and the angel of love Nina were promoted to the king rank at the same time, which made him even happier than his own promotion to the ninth rank.

At the same time, Lin Yi also discovered.

After being promoted to the king rank.

The heights of Shirley and Nina, the angel of love, increased sharply, reaching about 1.5 meters.

Their growth state has also entered the growth period.

It is not far from the perfect body.

Lin Yi has been able to see the shadow of adult angels on the Seraphim Shirley and the Angel of Love Nina.

"As expected of an angel!"

"Face, figure, all flawless!"

Lin Yi was amazed by the angelic looks of Shirley and Ni Namiri.

Their beauty is a beauty that cannot be described in words.

If I had to describe it, it might be holy and holy, giving people a feeling of inviolability.

Just at this time.

Suddenly, there was a burst of intense shouting and killing in the dense forest outside the castle.

This sound disturbed Lin Yi's thoughts.

He looked up and saw the dense goblin rushing out of the jungle.

The goblins are equipped with simple weapons, and their strength is generally weak, and most of them are around the third rank. But they were not afraid of death, and marched forward bravely towards the beast tide that surrounded Angel Castle.

"Kill it!!"

"Kill all these evil wild monsters and protect the Lord's castle!"

"The Lord's Castle shall not be defiled by the forces of darkness!"


Many goblins were screaming.

The goblin elders, who are mad believers, rushed to the front.

Hundreds of goblin warriors poured in, attacking the beast horde directly from the rear.

At the same time, Lin Yi also found that many goblin warriors were stained with blood, and most of the weapons in their hands were broken.

Lin Yi guessed right.

The reason why the goblins came so late was entirely because they had engaged with the monsters in the jungle in the middle of the journey.

There were a thousand goblins, and after the jungle was killed, there were only less than seven hundred goblins left.

The rest of the goblins died in the jungle.

But the goblins are not without gains.

The surviving goblins have gained a lot of "combat experience", and almost all of them have been promoted to a rank, and some goblins have even been promoted to the sixth-rank elite level.

Level up by killing enemies and gaining experience.

This is a benefit belonging to the castle arm.

After the goblin tribe took refuge in Angel Castle, the goblins in the tribe also became Lin Yi's troops and could enjoy this benefit.

"Believe in the Lord and have eternal life!"

"If you don't believe in the Lord, you will die!"


The goblins are screaming, Faith is Loyalty!

Inspired by the power of belief, they were fearless and rushed into the beast tide like a torrent, and even forcibly tore a gap in the beast tide.

The wild monsters on the battlefield were also a little confused.

The goblins who didn't understand the local forces came to join in the fun.

Of course, the thought only lasted a few milliseconds before disappearing.

Immediately, a large number of irrational wild monsters turned the direction of the attack and tore with the goblin army.

Immediately, the stump flew and blood splattered.

Wild monsters kept falling, and brave goblins also suffered casualties.

However, whenever a goblin sacrificed, their pure souls would float in midair driven by the power of faith.

[Your high-level building, the sacred temple, has attracted twenty-three common Summoning souls, do you choose to accept it? ]



Lin Yi responded.

When his voice fell, the souls of the goblins drifted to the sacred hall not far away.


And after that, the souls of the dead goblins were also taken away by the Holy Temple one after another.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi just shook his head slightly.

Although the current strength of the angel team can completely resist the beast tide, there is no need for the goblin tribe to participate in the battle.

But he didn't stop it, and didn't let the goblins retreat.

In war, casualties are inevitable.

If he does not experience war, then his goblin troops will be in a low-level state for a long time.

The strength is weak and unusable.

As the World Bulletin says...

The struggle for hegemony among all ethnic groups is a journey of blood and fire.

Only the master of the castle who has experienced the cruel test is qualified to stand at the peak of the endless world, the authority of the master supreme god!

The core idea of these words is the same for the goblin tribe.

No killings and wars.

How to grow into a powerful goblin warrior?

What's more, the heroic dedication of the goblins is not meaningless.

After the Beast Tide War is over, Lin Yi will use the Angel Reincarnation Pool and rely on the souls of the goblins to reincarnate them into light-type units. The 'bright goblin' who has returned may have more potential.

At this time, Lin Yi was suddenly confused.

Ask in your mind.

"Why wasn't the goblin who died in the jungle before being picked up by the Holy Hall?"

[The Holy Hall only accepts the souls of troops who died within the castle's sphere of influence! Raising the building level of the Holy Temple can expand the scope of the souls of troops. ]

"Can the Holy Temple be upgraded?"

Lin Yi was a little surprised and felt that he had entered a blind spot of knowledge.

The temple hall is built through blueprints, not the initial buildings like castles and angel reincarnation pools.

In the information materials of the Holy Temple, there is no hint that it can be upgraded.

Directly high-end buildings.

Lin Yi thought that this kind of castle building built with blueprints could not be upgraded, but he did not expect that his guess was wrong.

After a while, a message prompt responded to him.

[Building upgrade blueprints such as special blueprints can improve the level of all castle buildings, including the Holy Temple. ]

"Building upgrade drawings?"

Lin Yi took a small breath.

He found that things like drawings became more and more bizarre.

Not only [arms evolution blueprint], [arms quantity blueprint], and now even [building upgrade blueprint] has appeared. Although he hasn't exploded yet, it's real.

"If you can get a building upgrade blueprint."

"I will definitely not use it to upgrade the Holy Temple, but I will upgrade the Angel Reincarnation Pool without hesitation!"

For the Lord of the Castle, the upgrade of the troop buildings has always been the core.

Comparatively speaking, the upgrade of the castle is not so important, let alone the annex building the Holy Temple?

"forget about it."

"The beast tide matters!"

Holding the sword of the goblin chieftain, Lin Yi also directly entered the battlefield, fighting with nearby wild monsters.

Now, he has been promoted to the ninth order.

There are also high-level armor, the light of natural protection of defense magic, and the double shield of light attached to him by the angel of love Nina and the six-winged archangel Shirley...

It can be said.

Even in the face of the lord-level monsters at the peak of the ninth-order, he is not false.

Although Lin Yi didn't have rich combat experience, but with his ninth-order brute force, he frantically wielded the super-grade Goblin Chief Sword, slashed and slashed everywhere in the beast horde, and there were still many wild monsters under the sword. In a short period of time, he killed dozens of wild monsters.

Some of them are elite.

This kind of battle that doesn't need to think about danger can be said to be hearty for Lin Yi.

He kills to rise.

Chasing a seventh-order commander-level monster...

Let the magic skills of the commander-level monster attack him, and then the sword fell, and the sword fell off the monster's head.

And the three-layer shield on his body...

Two layers of the shield of holy light and one layer of light of natural blessing are not damaged at all.

It's just that the outermost layer of the shield of holy light consumes a part of the energy.


Lin Yi was in a good mood.

The besiege besieged the city, and finally no one grabbed his blame!

Without pausing, he once again waved the sword of the goblin chief in his hand and slayed the nearby wild monsters with an extremely ferocious aura.


The beast tide continued.

With the addition of hundreds of goblin warriors, a large number of wild monsters were killed in a short period of time.

Angel Castle also obtained huge combat power points.

Even directly beyond the Black Dragon Castle.

Ranked first in the combat power standings!

[First place: Angel Castle, combat power points - 107830]

[Second place: Black Dragon Castle, combat power points - 95300]

[Third place: Fire Dragon's Nest, Combat Points - 93660]

[Fourth place: The Kingdom of Death Knights, combat power points - 71480]

[Fifth place: Elf Garden, combat power points - 65290]

[Sixth place...]

[Eleventh place: City of Gold, combat power points - 50480]


[100th place: Naga Lost City, Combat Points - 35270]


Combat power standings.


The top four have not changed much, they are still [Angel Castle], [Black Dragon Castle], [Fire Dragon's Nest] and [Nation of Death Knights], and the points of the four castle forces have always been at the top.

On the contrary, [Elf Garden] and Fengqing's [Golden City] rushed forward and reached a higher ranking.

Other rankings under the list have also undergone tremendous changes.

Some are on the rise, while others are surpassed.

The [Blue Fatty Castle] that was hanging at the end had disappeared and was replaced by the new castle force [Naga Lost City].

The competition in this beast tide activity is very fierce.

All the top castle lords are doing their best to get a reward spot.

But there are only 100 places.

And the number of top-level castle masters is at least several thousand.

There is always a large number of people who are brushed off.

And the castle forces that appear on the list are naturally the targets that other castle forces want to surpass.


It has nothing to do with the fierceness and cruelty of the beast tide activities.

The world chat channel and the internal information of the major leagues are already boiling.

The reason is very simple, Lin Yi's Angel Castle has changed from the "decline" in the early stage, and it is coming strong.

In less than an hour, it surpassed three top castle forces in a row and won the first place in the standings.

This is enough to shock everyone!

It was also enough to make some castle lords who didn't want Lin Yi to reach the top feel completely disappointed.

[I knew that Lin Yi was the strongest! ]

[What Black Dragon Castle, Fire Dragon's Nest, Country of Death Riders... How can you suppress Lin Yi's Angel Castle? ]

[Angel is really too strong! ]

[If nothing else happens, Lin Yi will always be the No. 1 throne until the end of the beast tide event! ]

[Just by looking at the rate at which Castle Angel's points are rising, we know that other castle forces have no hope of overtaking the Castle of Angels! ]

[Lin Yi's first throne has been stabilized! ]

[The title of the strongest castle lord, no one can shake it! ]

[Alas... just a little bit! The Black Dragon Castle is also not powerful enough. Lin Yi passed him before he could stabilize his butt. I was so disappointed! ]

[Obviously, dragons are still weaker than angels after all! ]

[This also confirms that sentence, the one who has the last laugh is the final winner! ]

[I've made up my mind, go to the dark forest and take refuge in Lin Yi! ]

[It is worth encouraging! At least in the early stage, the ranger still has to rely on the castle lord to exist, and finding a top-level castle lord to defect will greatly help the ranger's strength! ]

[The ranger's refuge is also beneficial to the castle lord! ]

Many castle lords were silent.

Because it does make sense.

Castle forces are similar to guilds in the game, and rangers are freelancers.

Collecting and dispersing people into the guild is profitable for both parties.

Compared to the liveliness of the world chat channel.

The interior of the Alliance of the Gods is almost a bleak 3.6.

[Oh shit! What is Lao Hei doing, he has not grasped such a big advantage, and is overtaken by Lin Yi! ]

[According to my estimation, the beast swarm is almost over now, as long as you persist, maybe you can beat Lin Yi and win the first prize! ]

[What a pity! ]

[Do you "How are you over there?"

Lin Yi contacts the little Loli in the underground world.

Little Loli replied: "Hee hee, Lin Yi is relieved, Yaoyao is fine! Uncle Xavier has become super powerful after being promoted to the king rank, and all wild monsters are not his opponents. Yaoyao's dwarf warriors are also very heroic, Block the beast tide outside the wall."

Lin Yi: "That's good!"

In the battle of the castle guard, little Loli broke out the drawings of [Wall] and [Arrow Tower].

Plus the original [fence].

The defensive capabilities of the Grey Dwarf Castle can be said to be very powerful.

In addition, the dwarf Xavier, who is a king, can also be regarded as the pinnacle of the castle of the gray dwarves.

With him, little Loli's castle is safe.

After turning off the friends column.

Lin Yi looked at the battlefield not far away.

The walls of the castle have completely collapsed, and thousands of wild monsters have poured into his castle territory.

After being slaughtered on a large scale by the Seraph Angel Guytis' AOE Legion skill [Saint Sanction], the camp of the wild monsters also stagnated for a while, seemingly frightened.

But soon, the wild monsters became manic again.

They seemed to be influenced by some mysterious force, or attracted by the heart of the castle, all lost their minds and charged frantically, trying to destroy Lin Yi's castle.

The only good thing is.

The time is now afternoon, and the blood moon has not yet come.

This makes the strength of wild monsters not as pervert as they are at night.

The wild monsters in front of him are equally crazy and bloodthirsty, but they are still normal combat power and have not tripled.

This is good news for all castle owners who are experiencing the beast tide.

"The Lord said~"

"Killing is redemption, and death is eternal life!"

"Blade of Destruction!"

On the battlefield, the angel of death, Dale, was like a phantom, and her figure kept flickering among the monsters.

Every time there is a flash, a wild monster will be killed.

After flashing a dozen times in a row, Angel of Death Dai Er instantly killed more than ten wild monsters, including a seventh-order commander-level wild monster.

another area.

The angel of love, Nina, stood high in the sky, pouring a boundless rain of light on the battlefield.

"Lord, give life to the world, the world should be grateful!"

"betrayal, blasphemy, slander..."

"All will be punished!"

Divine Art - [Holy Retribution]!

In an instant, a large number of wild monsters were shrouded in light rain and holy light, making a shrill scream.

Holy Retribution is a pure mental and soul attack.

Divine power directly invades the soul, causing unbearable severe pain "Nine Six Three" suffering.

Although the wild monsters lost their minds, their souls were not affected. Under the divine attack of divine punishment, they suddenly felt the pain from the depths of their souls.

Any wild monster shrouded in holy light.

All fell to the ground, screaming and struggling.

When the little angels around saw this scene, they swarmed up and killed all these wild monsters that had lost their resistance.

at the same time.

In another battlefield area, there is a dazzling light blooming.

The figure shrouded in holy light is the six-winged angel Irene.

Holding a holy sword, she was fighting a ninth-order lord-level wild monster.

It can be seen that the body of the ninth-order monster has been covered with sword wounds, and its body is covered in dazzling blood.

It's rather grumpy and growls.

He is constantly casting single-target magic, trying to kill the six-winged angel Irene.

However, the six-winged angel Irene was agile and turned into light and shadows, avoiding all its magical attacks. Even if the aftermath of the magical power rushed to her, it was blocked by the shield of holy light on her body.

As a combat-experienced Seraph Angel.

It has entered the middle stage of the eighth order.

With her own strength, Irene can completely defeat the monsters of the ninth-order lord level.

Finally, the six-winged angel Irene found an opportunity.

With the holy sword in his hand, he pointed at the neck of the ninth-rank lord-level monster with the weakest defense, and released a powerful middle-level and third-rank angel combat skill.

"Almighty Lord, create angels, maintain order in all worlds..."

"Angel, the sword of the Lord, punish all heretics!"

"The heretics who blaspheme the Lord should be punished by the sword of angels!"

"Angel Judgment!!"

Accompanied by Erin's low voice.

A huge eighteen-winged angel light and shadow instantly appeared behind her.

The eighteen-winged angel, Light and Shadow, spread all his wings, held the holy sword in both hands, and then suddenly opened his golden eyes, and the holy sword in his hand slashed at the ninth-rank lord monster at the same time.

puff! !

Blood splattered!

The neck of the ninth-order lord monster snapped.

The entire huge head was chopped off.

The ninth-order lord has fallen! At this moment, Angel Castle's points in the combat power rankings soared by 3,000 points, and it was only a matter of time before it was getting closer and closer to surpassing Black Dragon Castle.

I do not know how long it has been.

Finally, another lord-level monster that reached the peak of the ninth-order was killed by the six-winged archangel Shirley and the angel of love Nina, with the combat technique [Sword of Holy Judgement].

at the moment it fell.

A dazzling golden light suddenly appeared on the bodies of Shirley and Nina, the angel of love.


That golden light is not the holy light that contains divine power.

But the light of promotion!

The same golden light also appeared on many little angels, including Lin Yi.

Since the battle has gone on, the little angels have killed nearly 4,000 wild monsters, gained incomparably rich 'experience', and started the promotion of the entire group.

Lin Yi, who was originally in the late eighth rank, was also successfully promoted to the ninth rank.

With the equipment on his body, there is no problem in suppressing commander-level monsters.

However, what makes Lin Yi the most happy is the promotion of the six-winged archangel Shirley and the angel of love Nina.

They themselves are already the pinnacle of the ninth order.

It is only one step away from the rank of the king.

When the two-headed demon tribe was captured at noon, they unfortunately failed to be promoted to the king rank.

Now, they finally made a breakthrough.

The 'experience bar' surpassed the limit of the current rank and directly entered a new level.

King order! !

This rank can also be regarded as a powerhouse for the local forces of the Endless Continent.

in an ethnic group.

That can be called a clan master, able to protect the safety of the race.

For example, the local fire dragon that appeared in front of Lin Yi twice before, the rank is the king rank.

That fire dragon, already an adult, is qualified to open a dragon cave.


"My Angel Castle also has a royal rank!"

Lin Yi was all smiles.

The six-winged archangel Shirley and the angel of love Nina were promoted to the king rank at the same time, which made him even happier than his own promotion to the ninth rank.

At the same time, Lin Yi also discovered.

After being promoted to the king rank.

The heights of Shirley and Nina, the angel of love, increased sharply, reaching about 1.5 meters.

Their growth state has also entered the growth period.

It is not far from the perfect body.

Lin Yi has been able to see the shadow of adult angels on the Seraphim Shirley and the Angel of Love Nina.

"As expected of an angel!"

"Face, figure, all flawless!"

Lin Yi was amazed by the angelic looks of Shirley and Ni Namiri.

Their beauty is a beauty that cannot be described in words.

If I had to describe it, it might be holy and holy, giving people a feeling of inviolability.

Just at this time.

Suddenly, there was a burst of intense shouting and killing in the dense forest outside the castle.

This sound disturbed Lin Yi's thoughts.

He looked up and saw the dense goblin rushing out of the jungle.

The goblins are equipped with simple weapons, and their strength is generally weak, and most of them are around the third rank. But they were not afraid of death, and marched forward bravely towards the beast tide that surrounded Angel Castle.

"Kill it!!"

"Kill all these evil wild monsters and protect the Lord's castle!"

"The Lord's Castle shall not be defiled by the forces of darkness!"


Many goblins were screaming.

The goblin elders, who are mad believers, rushed to the front.

Hundreds of goblin warriors poured in, attacking the beast horde directly from the rear.

At the same time, Lin Yi also found that many goblin warriors were stained with blood, and most of the weapons in their hands were broken.

Lin Yi guessed right.

The reason why the goblins came so late was entirely because they had engaged with the monsters in the jungle in the middle of the journey.

There were a thousand goblins, and after the jungle was killed, there were only less than seven hundred goblins left.

The rest of the goblins died in the jungle.

But the goblins are not without gains.

The surviving goblins have gained a lot of "combat experience", and almost all of them have been promoted to a rank, and some goblins have even been promoted to the sixth-rank elite level.

Level up by killing enemies and gaining experience.

This is a benefit belonging to the castle arm.

After the goblin tribe took refuge in Angel Castle, the goblins in the tribe also became Lin Yi's troops and could enjoy this benefit.

"Believe in the Lord and have eternal life!"

"If you don't believe in the Lord, you will die!"


The goblins are screaming, Faith is Loyalty!

Inspired by the power of belief, they were fearless and rushed into the beast tide like a torrent, and even forcibly tore a gap in the beast tide.

The wild monsters on the battlefield were also a little confused.

The goblins who didn't understand the local forces came to join in the fun.

Of course, the thought only lasted a few milliseconds before disappearing.

Immediately, a large number of irrational wild monsters turned the direction of the attack and tore with the goblin army.

Immediately, the stump flew and blood splattered.

Wild monsters kept falling, and brave goblins also suffered casualties.

However, whenever a goblin sacrificed, their pure souls would float in midair driven by the power of faith.

[Your high-level building, the sacred temple, has attracted twenty-three common Summoning souls, do you choose to accept it? ]



Lin Yi responded.

When his voice fell, the souls of the goblins drifted to the sacred hall not far away.


And after that, the souls of the dead goblins were also taken away by the Holy Temple one after another.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi just shook his head slightly.

Although the current strength of the angel team can completely resist the beast tide, there is no need for the goblin tribe to participate in the battle.

But he didn't stop it, and didn't let the goblins retreat.

In war, casualties are inevitable.

If he does not experience war, then his goblin troops will be in a low-level state for a long time.

The strength is weak and unusable.

As the World Bulletin says...

The struggle for hegemony among all ethnic groups is a journey of blood and fire.

Only the master of the castle who has experienced the cruel test is qualified to stand at the peak of the endless world, the authority of the master supreme god!

The core idea of ​​these words is the same for the goblin tribe.

No killings and wars.

How to grow into a powerful goblin warrior?

What's more, the heroic dedication of the goblins is not meaningless.

After the Beast Tide War is over, Lin Yi will use the Angel Reincarnation Pool and rely on the souls of the goblins to reincarnate them into light-type units. The 'bright goblin' who has returned may have more potential.

At this time, Lin Yi was suddenly confused.

Ask in your mind.

"Why wasn't the goblin who died in the jungle before being picked up by the Holy Hall?"

[The Holy Hall only accepts the souls of troops who died within the castle's sphere of influence! Raising the building level of the Holy Temple can expand the scope of the souls of troops. ]

"Can the Holy Temple be upgraded?"

Lin Yi was a little surprised and felt that he had entered a blind spot of knowledge.

The temple hall is built through blueprints, not the initial buildings like castles and angel reincarnation pools.

In the information materials of the Holy Temple, there is no hint that it can be upgraded.

Directly high-end buildings.

Lin Yi thought that this kind of castle building built with blueprints could not be upgraded, but he did not expect that his guess was wrong.

After a while, a message prompt responded to him.

[Building upgrade blueprints such as special blueprints can improve the level of all castle buildings, including the Holy Temple. ]

"Building upgrade drawings?"

Lin Yi took a small breath.

He found that things like drawings became more and more bizarre.

Not only [arms evolution blueprint], [arms quantity blueprint], and now even [building upgrade blueprint] has appeared. Although he hasn't exploded yet, it's real.

"If you can get a building upgrade blueprint."

"I will definitely not use it to upgrade the Holy Temple, but I will upgrade the Angel Reincarnation Pool without hesitation!"

For the Lord of the Castle, the upgrade of the troop buildings has always been the core.

Comparatively speaking, the upgrade of the castle is not so important, let alone the annex building the Holy Temple?

"forget about it."

"The beast tide matters!"

Holding the sword of the goblin chieftain, Lin Yi also directly entered the battlefield, fighting with nearby wild monsters.

Now, he has been promoted to the ninth order.

There are also high-level armor, the light of natural protection of defense magic, and the double shield of light attached to him by the angel of love Nina and the six-winged archangel Shirley...

It can be said.

Even in the face of the lord-level monsters at the peak of the ninth-order, he is not false.

Although Lin Yi didn't have rich combat experience, but with his ninth-order brute force, he frantically wielded the super-grade Goblin Chief Sword, slashed and slashed everywhere in the beast horde, and there were still many wild monsters under the sword. In a short period of time, he killed dozens of wild monsters.

Some of them are elite.

This kind of battle that doesn't need to think about danger can be said to be hearty for Lin Yi.

He kills to rise.

Chasing a seventh-order commander-level monster...

Let the magic skills of the commander-level monster attack him, and then the sword fell, and the sword fell off the monster's head.

And the three-layer shield on his body...

Two layers of the shield of holy light and one layer of light of natural blessing are not damaged at all.

It's just that the outermost layer of the shield of holy light consumes a part of the energy.


Lin Yi was in a good mood.

The besiege besieged the city, and finally no one grabbed his blame!

Without pausing, he once again waved the sword of the goblin chief in his hand and slayed the nearby wild monsters with an extremely ferocious aura.


The beast tide continued.

With the addition of hundreds of goblin warriors, a large number of wild monsters were killed in a short period of time.

Angel Castle also obtained huge combat power points.

Even directly beyond the Black Dragon Castle.

Ranked first in the combat power standings!

[First place: Angel Castle, combat power points - 107830]

[Second place: Black Dragon Castle, combat power points - 95300]

[Third place: Fire Dragon's Nest, Combat Points - 93660]

[Fourth place: The Kingdom of Death Knights, combat power points - 71480]

[Fifth place: Elf Garden, combat power points - 65290]

[Sixth place...]

[Eleventh place: City of Gold, combat power points - 50480]


[100th place: Naga Lost City, Combat Points - 35270]


Combat power standings.


The top four have not changed much, they are still [Angel Castle], [Black Dragon Castle], [Fire Dragon's Nest] and [Nation of Death Knights], and the points of the four castle forces have always been at the top.

On the contrary, [Elf Garden] and Fengqing's [Golden City] rushed forward and reached a higher ranking.

Other rankings under the list have also undergone tremendous changes.

Some are on the rise, while others are surpassed.

The [Blue Fatty Castle] that was hanging at the end had disappeared and was replaced by the new castle force [Naga Lost City].

The competition in this beast tide activity is very fierce.

All the top castle lords are doing their best to get a reward spot.

But there are only 100 places.

And the number of top-level castle masters is at least several thousand.

There is always a large number of people who are brushed off.

And the castle forces that appear on the list are naturally the targets that other castle forces want to surpass.


It has nothing to do with the fierceness and cruelty of the beast tide activities.

The world chat channel and the internal information of the major leagues are already boiling.

The reason is very simple, Lin Yi's Angel Castle has changed from the "decline" in the early stage, and it is coming strong.

In less than an hour, it surpassed three top castle forces in a row and won the first place in the standings.

This is enough to shock everyone!

It was also enough to make some castle lords who didn't want Lin Yi to reach the top feel completely disappointed.

[I knew that Lin Yi was the strongest! ]

[What Black Dragon Castle, Fire Dragon's Nest, Country of Death Riders... How can you suppress Lin Yi's Angel Castle? ]

[Angel is really too strong! ]

[If nothing else happens, Lin Yi will always be the No. 1 throne until the end of the beast tide event! ]

[Just by looking at the rate at which Castle Angel's points are rising, we know that other castle forces have no hope of overtaking the Castle of Angels! ]

[Lin Yi's first throne has been stabilized! ]

[The title of the strongest castle lord, no one can shake it! ]

[Alas... just a little bit! The Black Dragon Castle is also not powerful enough. Lin Yi passed him before he could stabilize his butt. I was so disappointed! ]

[Obviously, dragons are still weaker than angels after all! ]

[This also confirms that sentence, the one who has the last laugh is the final winner! ]

[I've made up my mind, go to the dark forest and take refuge in Lin Yi! ]

[It is worth encouraging! At least in the early stage, the ranger still has to rely on the castle lord to exist, and finding a top-level castle lord to defect will greatly help the ranger's strength! ]

[The ranger's refuge is also beneficial to the castle lord! ]

Many castle lords were silent.

Because it does make sense.

Castle forces are similar to guilds in the game, and rangers are freelancers.

Collecting and dispersing people into the guild is profitable for both parties.

Compared to the liveliness of the world chat channel.

The interior of the Alliance of the Gods is almost a bleak 3.6.

[Oh shit! What is Lao Hei doing, he has not grasped such a big advantage, and is overtaken by Lin Yi! ]

[According to my estimation, the beast swarm is almost over now, as long as you persist, maybe you can beat Lin Yi and win the first prize! ]

[What a pity! ]

[Do you think I want to? Most of the wild monsters that appear now are elite-level and commander-level monsters, and even two special ninth-order lord-level monsters have appeared. I have lost fifteen black dragons so far, blood loss! Grass! I don't understand, they are both arms, how can angels pervert so much more than my black dragon? ! ]

[Old black? ]

[roll! ! ]

[According to what Lao Hei said, the strength of angels is indeed terrifying! ]

[A dozen black dragons have died, Lao Hei mourn! ]

[Grass! Call me old black again, labor and capital will slaughter your castles one by one! ]

[Ah! afraid of you? I'm trying to get a few dragons to train a group of bone dragons and ghost dragons! Find some time to have a fight? ]

[You wait for me! ]

[Okay, stop arguing! If it spreads out, isn't our alliance of the gods regarded as a joke? We all know how powerful Lin Yi is, and it is normal to be surpassed. ]

[Goddess, how is your golden capital? ]

[The loss is not small, but the troops can be recruited, as long as the reward is obtained, it should not be a loss. ]

[Envy the goddess! It looks like it will be in the top ten soon! ]

Calami Prairie.

The blood-stained Feng Qing sighed slightly.

She looked at the first name on the combat power standings, quite helpless.

Her goal is obviously to surpass Lin Yi and get the only reward for ranking first.

As a result, now, she tried her best and seemed to be only able to get the tenth place.

"After all, I still think too much!"

"However, I rely on the top resources of the Alliance of the Gods, and the development speed will not be much slower than Lin Yi, it may even be faster!"

Failing to surpass Lin Yi, Feng Qing was not discouraged.

She is still full of fighting spirit!

She believes that one day she will be above Lin Yi.

Suddenly, she took out a blueprint she picked up during the battle and used the identification technique.

Look at the identified drawing information.

The expression on Feng Qing's beautiful cheeks suddenly froze.

"A blueprint of the number of troops?"

"Is it such a coincidence?"

Fengqing was inexplicably happy.

With this drawing, she can add Lin Yi as a friend!

This is her obsession.

Its importance is even higher than the ranking reward of the beast tide event!

PS: Ask for support ,Ask for power stones