Chapter 77 Fierce Battle! The Beast Tide Is Over! The World Is Boiling! Harvest! Goddess, I Really Didn't Mean That!

Angel Castle.

The beast tide has lasted for nearly two hours.

But there are still all kinds of wild monsters coming in like a tide.

Just the avian monsters killed by the little angels reached the fifth wave.

The goblins who came in from the outside have also been surrounded by a new round of beast hordes.

Goblins continue to die in battle, and souls are taken in by the Holy Temple.

Likewise, more and more wild monsters were killed by goblins and cherubs.

The corpses of wild monsters had already covered the open space around the castle.

It can be seen that in the territory within two kilometers of Angel Castle, there are corpses of wild monsters everywhere, and the scene is quite tragic.

"...Holy Angel~"

"The Sword of the Lord!"

"Holy verdict, impartial and selfless!"

"The majesty of the Lord must not be desecrated!"

"Saint Sanctions!!"


The ten thousand golden swords fell again, killing a large field of monsters in seconds.

This is the third time that Guy Dess, the angel of the six-winged power, has released such a large-scale legion-like magic in this war. The petite body swayed high in the sky, and her face was pale.

On the other hand, Dai Er, the angel of death who was promoted to the eighth rank, also released the angelic combat skill [Blade of Destruction] many times, attacking and killing hundreds of wild monsters of various ranks.

The six-winged angel Irene is even more brave and invincible.

With the middle-level angel combat skill [Angel Judgment], he forcibly killed at least three ninth-level lord-level monsters.

Now, she has also been promoted to the ninth order.

In addition to them, other little angels on the battlefield also tried their best.

Kill thousands of wild monsters.

This war made all the little angels feel very tired.

The most important thing is that the divine power was consumed too much, and at the same time, many little angels were injured.

But thanks to the help of the six-winged archangel Shirley.

In a critical moment, there is always a shield of light with strong defense falling on the little angel. In addition, the little angel is extremely fast, has rich combat experience, and is not low in rank, so there is no small angel who died in battle. Angel.

Despite being killed in battle, the little angel can be resurrected.

But if you can hold on, that's fine.

After all, if it is resurrected, the previously promoted rank will return to the initial level, and the loss will be too great.

Just at this time.

A dazzling holy light shrouded the little angels and goblins on the battlefield.

Holy light, from Nina, the angel of love who has been promoted to the rank of king.

She was about 1.5 meters tall, spread out her six angel wings, suspended dozens of meters in the sky, and shed a holy light rain toward the battlefield.

"Lord, have mercy on the world."

"The world should worship the Lord and believe in the Lord..."

"The Lord shelters his followers."

23 "Divine power over the world!"

"Pain, death, disease, disaster... believers who are far from the Lord!"

"The mercy of the Lord is everywhere!"

Angel Divine Art - [Great Healing Divine Art]!

In an instant, the wounded little angels and goblins on the battlefield healed.

At the same time, the energy consumed in their bodies quickly recovered.

But after a while, the little angels and goblins became vigorous again, and began to clear the wild monsters on the battlefield with a stronger attitude.

"Nice job!"

Lin Yi was also illuminated by the Holy Light, and his body was full of energy.

I couldn't help but praise Nina, the angel of love who released the great healing magic.

Without hesitation, he rushed into the battlefield again, slashing wild monsters with his sword.

"Praise you, Almighty Lord!"

"Believe in the Lord and have eternal life!"

The goblins are also more brave.

Fierce not afraid of death, a strong counterattack against the beast tide.

It can even be seen that some goblins are emitting a shimmer.

That is the light of faith!

They were redeemed by the great healing magic of the angel of love, Nina, and their faith in the Lord skyrocketed in an instant. Any goblin with a glimmer of light on their bodies indicated that their faith level had been promoted from devout believers to mad believers.

The mad believer can be said to be the most loyal believer in the plane world.

If you want to be promoted to a saint and have the qualification to be reincarnated as an angel and holy spirit after death, it is not just a matter of simple faith, but requires special opportunities.

"Believe in the Lord and have eternal life!"

The goblin elders also screamed on the battlefield.

He was old, but brave.


Even with the help of the "arms welfare", he has been promoted to the eighth-order commander level, and his strength has skyrocketed. At the same time, his old body has become very strong, returning to his prime.

His faith in the Lord has reached the peak of a mad believer.

In order to protect the Lord's castle, he was not afraid of death. He waved the goblin long sword in his hand and smashed into the beast tide alone, slashing wild monsters nearby, and was still screaming.

If Lin Yi were to use one title to describe the elder goblin, it would be Saburo desperately.

Well, it is a big qun desperately Saburo!


I don't know how long it took, and even the sun had already set in the west.

Under the frantic attack of the angel team and the goblin army, the beast tide finally showed signs of retreating.

"Is this going to end?"

Lin Yi holds the goblin chief's sword stained with the blood of monsters.

In this fierce war, the shield of holy light on his body was broken layer after layer, and now he has been added a shield of holy light with a stronger defense by the six-winged archangel Xue Lier. .

It can be said that, until now, he is basically unscathed.

Belonging is the most well-protected one.

Lin Yi is on the battlefield.

He was very keen to discover the abnormality of the beast tide.

There are weak and weak wild monsters, still besieging the little angels and goblins, but some strong and high-ranking wild monsters are faintly retreating.

For example, not far from Lin Yi, the eighth-order Great Commander-level Earth Demon Bear.

It's pulling back now.

When retreating, the Earth Demon Bear did not forget to use the nearby wild monsters to cover its huge body.

But this is obviously stealing the bell.

Because its size is too large, it is clearly visible in the beast tide full of monsters.

The Earth Demon Bear's retreat seems to be a signal.

On the battlefield, other commander-level wild monsters also retreated.

As for the lord-level wild monsters, they were surrounded and killed by the little angels as soon as they appeared, and only the six-winged angel Irene killed three lord monsters alone.

"Looks like the beast tide is really coming to an end!"

Lin Yi could no longer see madness from the eyes of those commander-level wild monsters.

They all seem to have regained their senses.

Knowing that the target of this attack was too powerful to capture, they were afraid of dying here, so they retreated.

see this scene.

Lin Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

From the beginning of the beast tide to the present, the war has lasted for at least four hours.

The high-intensity battle left him physically and mentally exhausted.

Desperately waiting for the beast tide to end soon.

Lin Yi opened the [World Chat Channel], and suddenly found that there are countless castle owners who are sending the message 'The beast tide event is over, and the whole world celebrates! ' message.

The whole world chat channel is boiling.

The world announcement above, has also been changed.

The general idea is that the beast tide activities have come to an end, congratulations to the castle lords for passing the test of blood and fire, and encouraging the castle lords who have successfully passed the beast tide to make persistent efforts... and so on.

On the side of the battle strength list, the data has been frozen.

[First place: Angel Castle, combat power points - 347830]

[Second place: Fire Dragon's Nest, combat power points - 165500]

[Third place: the kingdom of death knights, combat power points - 165040]

[Fourth place: Black Dragon Castle, combat power points - 142480]

[Fifth place: Elf Garden, combat power points - 135740]

[Sixth place...]

[Tenth place: City of Gold, Combat Points - 102900]


[100th place: Naga Lost City, Combat Points - 67510]


Lin Yi found out.

The ranking of the combat power standings has changed again.

The most prominent is the Black Dragon Castle.

Black Dragon Castle ranked first in the early stage.

In the middle and late stage, it was surpassed by his Angel Castle, ranking second.

In the late stage, until the end of the beast tide, the Black Dragon Castle actually dropped in the ranking and ran to the fourth place.

This really fits that sentence.

The one who has the last laugh is the winner!

As for the combat power points of Angel Castle, it is as high as more than 340,000, which is more than double that of the second-ranked [Fire Dragon's Nest]. The gap can be imagined.

World chat channel -

[Celebrate the whole world! The beast swarm is finally over, I really want to cry now! ]

[Don't cry, the beast tide is over, and the great era belonging to the master of our castle has come! All castle lords who have never been eliminated will have the opportunity to develop rapidly! ]

[That's right! Should be happy! This is the age of our castle lords! ]

[Without the threat of the beast tide, our castle will develop rapidly, and in a short period of time, we can attack the local forces in the endless continent. ]

[Brothers and sisters, the real big time has come! ]


[I just want to say, Lin Yi's Angel Castle is simply too strong! ]

[nonsense! It surpassed all the castle masters in an all-round way, with a combat power score of nearly 350,000, which is twice that of the second-place Fire Dragon's Nest! Angel Castle, the strongest castle force, is not in vain! ]

[At first, I was worried that Lin Yi would not be able to win the first place, but now it seems that I think too much! ]

[It was the Black Dragon Castle that was too happy! Not only did it fail to hold down the Angel Castle of Lin Yi, but it was surpassed by the Fire Dragon's Nest and the Kingdom of Death Knights. The absolute advantage in the early stage was exchanged for a fourth place, tsk tsk...]

[I heard that the Black Dragon Castle was attacked by a powerful group of monsters and suffered heavy losses! ]

[This is also the reason why the ranking of Black Dragon Castle will plummet. ]

[It is said that the city lord of the Black Dragon Castle has lost more than 20 Black Dragon troops, and has now vomited three liters of blood! ]

[Looking at the combat power points, we know that the Angel Castle of Lin Yi is the castle force that has been attacked by the most ferocious beasts, and the monsters in the Black Dragon Castle are nothing at all. ]

[The heavy loss of Black Dragon Castle is a manifestation of weakness! ]

[If the tide of beasts encountered by Black Dragon Castle is changed to Angel Castle, it will be nothing at all! ]

The popularity of the world chat channel has skyrocketed countless times.

There are countless castle lords speaking on the channel.

At this time, they could finally breathe a sigh of relief. The beast tide is over, and their crisis has passed.

Talk freely in the world chat channel, and the main discussion is about the battle power standings.

Rangers also interjected, but they were quickly overwhelmed.

Compared with the castle power, the ranger power that has just risen is still too thin.

There is a word to describe it, you can't turn a big wave!

In addition to the world chat channel, the alliances of various alliances are also discussing the matter of the combat power standings.

The most lively is the Alliance of the Gods.

The original purpose of the Alliance of Gods was to suppress Lin Yi.

As a result, in this beast tide activity, not only none of the hundreds of top castle lords in the alliance suppressed Lin Yi, but they were all suppressed by Lin Yi.

Their mood can be imagined!

very bad! !

[Grass! It doesn't make sense at all, how could Lin Yi's Angel Castle be so strong? ]

[Angel Castle's combat power points are more than double that of Fire Dragon's Nest. How many wild monsters did Lin Yi kill? I'm afraid there are nearly 10,000! Simply horrible! ]

[Lin Yi must be cheating! ]


[Don't say such wise words, it will make people laugh when they spread it out. ]

[I only pay attention to what the only reward for ranking first is! Artifact? God-level chart level? God-level troops? ]

[Can you not bring 'God'? What you said broke my heart! If Lin Yi really got the artifact, wouldn't it be a matter of repression to suppress our alliance of the gods? ]

[That's not necessarily true! Lin Yi doesn't know where my castle is. ]

[You cowhide! ]

[Lao Hei is afraid that he will vomit blood this time? ]

[Lao Hei has already vomited blood, not to mention the first place, and now he has not even entered the top three. The most important thing is that I have lost so many Black Dragon units. ]

[I am very lucky, there are not many wild monsters besieging my castle, and my troops are not damaged at all. ]

[It's not necessarily lucky! Although the beast tide is terrifying, it can be regarded as a disguised enhancement of the strength of our castle arms. Without experiencing a large wave of beast attacks, the harvest is naturally small. ]

[That's right! After the beast swarm is over, there are more than a dozen troops under my command who have entered the eighth rank! ]

[I already have a ninth-rank lord-level unit! ]

[Grass! You are more leathery! ]

I saw the chat records within the alliance.

Inside a certain castle, a young man's expression was extremely ugly.

He lost more than 20 black dragons, and the castle forces suffered heavy losses. As a result, instead of comforting him, the 'allies' ridiculed him and repeatedly mentioned things that he did not make the top three.

This made his heart very angry.

However, he couldn't do anything.

At least in a short period of time, there is no way for him to teach those "allies" who ridiculed him.

"Lin Yi just grabbed my first place!"

"The Nest of Fire Dragons, the Country of Death Riders, you two are also against me, making me lose face in the alliance, we have forged this feud!"

Strictly speaking, the castle lord of the Dragon's Nest is his friend.

But it's just a casual affair.

As for the castle lord of the kingdom of death knights, he is not even a member of the alliance of the gods.

He hated these two castle forces and had no psychological burden.

He even believed that the taunts and grievances he was suffering were caused by these two castle forces.

After all, even if he didn't get the first place, he wouldn't be ridiculed by the people in the alliance and the lords of countless castles in the world if he could get the second place.

Lin Yi can leave it alone.

Angel Castle is so powerful that he alone can't afford it.

But [Fire Dragon's Nest] and [Country of Death Riders], sooner or later, he will make these two castle forces look good.

"Goddess, what are you doing?"

The young man opened the friend column and sent a message to the goddess Fengqing.

After a long time, he got a reply.

Feng Qing: "Clean up the battlefield."

Youth: "Oh, I'm too hard! Not to mention that I didn't get the first place, the Black Dragon arm has suffered heavy losses, please comfort the goddess!"

Feng Qing: "Don't be sad, the lost troops are nothing, just recruit them again. In addition, getting the fourth place is already very good, and the reward is definitely better than mine!"

The youth knew that Fengqing was the tenth.


Looking at the reply message, the young man's face showed a smile.

A goddess is a goddess and knows how to comfort people.

At this moment, he received a reply again, and the smile on his face suddenly became brighter.

Feng Qing: "By the way, I revealed a drawing of the number of troops."

The youth are overjoyed.

I thought that the goddess was worried that he would be sad because of the damage to the troops, and she wanted to send him [the blueprint of the number of troops] to make up for his loss.

He was very excited.

I wonder if the goddess likes him.

If so, he'll be more than happy to accept it.

Feng Qing: "I'm going to give Lin Yi the blueprint of the number of troops 963, and take this opportunity to pull him into our Alliance of the Gods. As long as Lin Yi is willing to come in, our Alliance of the Gods will surely be able to sweep the local forces of the endless continent in the future, standing in the On top of the world! You are also an alliance member, so I ask you, what do you think of this idea of mine?"

The young man looked at the message sent by the goddess.

Everyone was stunned.

It turned out that the blueprint for the number of troops was not given to him at all, but to Lin Yi.

After all, he thought too much!

The young man gritted his teeth and replied: "If Lin Yi knew the original intention of our alliance of gods, what would he think? So I think it's better not to bring him into our alliance for the time being. The blueprint for the number of troops is so precious, it should be given to the alliance that needs it most. people!"

Who is the person in the alliance who needs the [Number of Arms Drawing] the most?

Of course it's him!

Fengqing: "What you said also makes sense. I'll pull him in after I have a good relationship with Lin Yi, that's all~"

? ? ? ?

The young man was immediately stunned.

Did he mean this?

Not at all! ! !

As soon as he thinks of the goddess he longs for, he will take the initiative to strike up a conversation with Lin Yi and establish a good relationship.

The young man's face turned blue with anger.

The mood that was very hot in the first place is even worse.

"Lin Yi, wait for me, I want you to look good sooner or later!"

In addition to the Dragon's Nest and the Dead Rider, he added another target of grudge.

Although this goal is very strong and pervert, it does not prevent him from feeling jealous and hatred in his heart.


Angel Castle.

The beast tide event has ended.

However, the battle did not end immediately.

Angel Castle and the goblin troops took more than ten minutes to clear the wild monsters in the castle territory.

Moreover, those commander-level monsters who retreated were also caught up by the six-winged archangel Xue Lier and the angel of love Nina, who were promoted to the king rank, and killed them one by one. The body was dragged back into the castle.

So far, the beast tide has come to an end.

Nearly 10,000 wild monsters that attacked Angel Castle were all killed without exception.

at the same time.

A large piece of golden light appeared on the battlefield.

Many cherubs and goblins were once again promoted to rank.

Just from the point of view of the promotion of their ranks, Lin Yi made a lot of money in this beast tide event.

Except for Shirley and Nina, who were promoted to the king rank.

There are also a large number of little angels who have been promoted to the ninth order and entered the growth stage.

As for the goblins, those who can survive this war have at least entered the fourth rank.

The goblin elder with the highest rank has even entered the eighth-order grand commander level.

There are too many wild monsters killed this time.

There are nearly 10,000!

Among them are a large number of elite-level,commander-level, and lord-level monsters.

The energy value harvested by the little angels and goblins is absolutely terrifying.

"And loot!"

"Nearly 10,000 corpses of various wild monsters, how much food do you have to collect?"

"I'm afraid there are more than 100,000 units!"

"In addition, the most important thing is the power stone, the different crystal, and the blueprint!"

"All a bumper harvest!!"

Lin Yi stood on the blood-soaked battlefield.

The smile on his face was unstoppable.

According to his estimation, the power stones and different crystals harvested in this war, combined with his previous reserves, can definitely upgrade the arm building [Angel Reincarnation Pool] to level four.

How many angels and holy spirits can the fourth-level angel reincarnation pool breed every day?

I can't be afraid of twenty!

Thinking of this, Lin Yi immediately ordered the little angels and goblins to clean up the battlefield.

Not long after, an information tip arrived.

"The ranking reward of the animal tide event has finally come down, let me see what it is!"

"Huh? Another world announcement?"

PS: Ask for power stones