Chapter 78 World Announcement! Highest Reward! Fetish! Castle In The Sky! Terrifying War Fortress!

World Announcement -

[The initial beast tide is over! ]

[Congratulations to the castle masters who passed the test and officially embarked on the road of competing for hegemony among all races! ]

[Congratulations to the castle force [Castle of Angels], who won the champion of the combat power standings and is proud of the heroes! ] [Congratulations to Lin Yi, the owner of the castle, who is on the top of all living beings and is one step closer to the throne of the god king! ]

[Celebrate with the whole world, becoming a god can be expected! ]


The world announcement, the golden characters shine.

If nothing else, it will last until tomorrow before disappearing.

This is the glory that belongs to the lord of all the castles who have successfully resisted the beast tide.

At the same time, it is also the glory that belongs to Lin Yi!

Just the phrase 'on the top of all living beings' established Lin Yi's identity as the lord of the strongest castle.

After all, this is an 'official' approval, not a compliment from others.

Celebrating the whole world, becoming a god can be expected!

It even made the popularity in the world chat channel soar.

The lords of billions of castles have come to this world, what is their goal?

Of course, become a god, immortal!

Even those who gave up their status as castle lords and turned into rangers because of fear of the beast tide, their goal is also to become immortal gods.

The rangers dare not face the beast tide, but that doesn't mean they don't want to become gods.

Gods are no longer legends or myths.

but real creatures.

Everyone looks forward to igniting the fire of God, condensing the divine personality, opening up the kingdom of God, and becoming a god.

At this moment.

Everyone who saw the World Announcement was heartbroken.

The scene where he became a god seemed to appear in his mind.

[Sooner or later, I will become a god! Break through the barrier of the plane with one punch and return to Earth! ]

[My dream is very pure! In the future, I want to move the earth to my kingdom of God and travel around the world! ]

[wipe! Then I will move the entire solar system! ]

[I move the Milky Way! ]

[If I suffer a little, just move the universe. ]


[I swear, Lin Yi is invincible! ]

[Nonsense, still need you to say it? Isn't this something everyone knows? ]

[So far, only two world announcements belong to the castle lord, and the lord of these two world announcements, Kakuzu, is Lin Yi boss! Sure enough, the attitude of the big man is unparalleled in the world! ]

[I just found out that all the top castle masters who participated in the beast tide, and even those who are desperately competing for a hundred reward places, are all just the foil of the big boss Lin Yi! ]

[Glory, only belongs to the big boss Lin Yi! ]

[I don't know what reward Lin Yi got for ranking first? ]

[A very good friend of mine, ranked the 58th in Wood Expulsion, and got a piece of king-level magic equipment! Lin Yi is ranked No. 1, and the reward is definitely an artifact! ]

[I suspect that it may be a godhead! ]

[Boss Lin Yi won't become a god directly, right? ]

[Think too much! Even if it is the top one, the reward can't be so pervert! Otherwise, wouldn't it be more difficult for us castle lords to get along? Just let Lin Yi unify the castle forces! ]

[makes sense! But come to think of it, the reward for the list is definitely rich! ]

[Alas, it would be great if it were me! That way, there will be more girls who add me as friends! Envy Lin Yi boss! ]

[Roll upstairs! Could brother Lin Yi be a person full of vulgar taste like you? ]

[that is! I suspect that the number of friends who have added Lin Yi as a big brother is definitely more than 100 million! But so far, apart from the "little follower", I have never heard of anyone who has been added as a friend of the big boss Lin Yi! ]

[It seems that even the goddess of Fengqing has not been added! ]

[This is the man who is at the top of all beings! ]

[I want to worship the big guy up close! ]

[Want to meet Lin Yi? Then go to the dark forest! When I found the angel, I found the big boss Lin Yi! ]

[As a ranger, I am already on my way! ]


World chat channels are buzzing with excitement.

There are countless castle masters and rangers who are envious of Lin Yi, and are also guessing what the top reward Lin Yi will get.

Some people guess the artifact, some guess the godhead, some guess the god-level building, the god-level blueprint...

Either way!

As for those who added Lin Yi as a friend, there are more.

Lin Yi found that the number of applications in his friend column had reached 380 million.

This is a very scary number.

It can be said that among the billions of castle lords and rangers, there is only one person who does not know Lin Yi.

The two world announcements (one to upgrade the town and one for the beast tide) have directly raised Lin Yi's popularity to the point where everyone knows it.

This is also the castle power, in exchange for the local power in the endless continent.

Even the gods of all races will pay attention to Lin Yi.

The reputation of being "at the top of all living beings" is not just a casual remark.

Lin Yi even believed that if his deity appeared now, claiming to establish an alliance force, then the castle lords and rangers who surrounded him would definitely be able to break through the number of 100 million in a short period of time.

The alliance force headed by him will definitely be the largest force.

What Gods Alliance, Anti-Angel Alliance, Ice and Snow Alliance, Sea Country...

All have to stand aside.

As long as he raises his arms, there will definitely be countless castle lords and rangers responding to him.

With his popularity and prestige, there is no doubt about it.

However, Lin Yi does not want to create so-called alliance forces.

At least not now, he doesn't want to get involved with too many people and things.


As for later, I will talk about it later.

Lin Yi closed the world chat channel and didn't think any more.

He looked at the information prompt.

This is a bonus tip that follows the world announcement.

[Congratulations, Lord of the Castle! ]

[Your bravery, strong will, and powerful arms have helped you get the highest combat power points and get the first place in the standings! This is your glory! ]

[I hope you will make persistent efforts to establish your own dynasty as soon as possible and fight for the world domination! ]

[Congratulations on getting one of the following rewards! ]

[Reward 1: One piece of equipment of random grade (minimum is holy artifact, highest is true artifact)]

[Reward 2: The current castle level has been increased by three levels]

[Reward 3: Randomly obtain an exclusive building of the initial unit]

[Reward 4: All units under your command are promoted by one rank, or five bloodline evolution places]

[Reward 5: A few castle supplies]

[Special and Unique Reward: Artifact—Dynasty Heart (this reward is not counted in the normal rewards)]


"The heart of the dynasty? A fetish 々ˇ?"

Lin Yi frowned, a little confused, and asked, "What is the heart of a dynasty?"

[The castle forces must have the heart of a dynasty to establish a dynasty, otherwise they will not be recognized by the world laws of the Endless Continent, and there will be a high probability of being attacked by the local empire! ]

[The heart of the dynasty has been automatically integrated into the body of the castle lord, and you can choose to use it when establishing a dynasty. ]

"Is this the only reward?"

Lin Yi couldn't help being a little disappointed, he thought it was a divine weapon or a godhead.

Unexpectedly, it was just the 'mark' of the founding dynasty.

Of course, this thing is also very precious, and it must be very difficult to reveal.

After all, it is a fetish, with amazing value.

It can even be said that, to a certain extent, its value exceeds that of an artifact.

After all, with it, the established dynasty can be recognized by the laws of the endless continent world.

Lin Yi felt it carefully.

Found a golden imprint in my mind.

That should be the Heart of the Dynasty, which was rated as [Fantastic Artifact].

He didn't think any more and looked at the other five rewards.

The range of rewards is very wide.

There are powerful equipment used by Lin Yi himself, the castle level can be upgraded to three levels in a row, and there are exclusive buildings for the troops. In addition, there are rewards that can improve the strength of the troops under his command, and even materials appear.

Basically, everything about his castle comes with a reward.

But the problem is, you can only choose one of them.

This made Lin Yi a little hard to pick.

He wants any of these five rewards.

"Which one should I choose?"

Lin Yi is a little difficult.

After thinking for a moment, he decided to use the method of elimination.

"Reward 5 to be excluded first - some castle supplies."

"Castle supplies are very important to any castle owner. They can upgrade the castle and upgrade the initial troop buildings."

"But it's not very difficult for me to get the castle supplies."

"Even if it's energy stones and different crystals, I can get a lot of them by attacking local forces."

"Besides, this time the battle of the beast tide..."

Lin Yi also harvested a large amount of power stones and different crystals.

He roughly estimated that with the harvest of this beast tide, it was enough to raise the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] to the fourth level.

So first of all, material rewards are excluded.

"The second exclusion is reward 2, and the castle level is raised by three levels!"

Currently, Lin Yi's castle level is a primary town, and after three consecutive levels, it can be promoted to a primary city.

In Lin Yi's view, this seems to be of no use.

On the contrary, the influence and prestige value will skyrocket, and maybe it will also attract a massive attack from the local forces in the dark forest.

Especially the goblin kingdom that blacklisted him.

There is a high probability that a large army will be sent to kill. It's not worth the loss!

What's more, he has already ruled out the castle material rewards, so the upgrade of the castle level is not so important.

It's still the same sentence.

Compared with other castle lords, it is not difficult for him to obtain supplies.

The level of the castle can be raised quickly.

By choosing to upgrade the castle, Lin Yi felt a bit of a waste of this precious reward.

"There are still three rewards left."

"One piece of equipment at random, one exclusive building for the random initial arms, and all aspects to improve the strength of the arms under your command!"

"Think about it."

"Random equipment, the lowest holy artifact, the highest true artifact."

"It depends on luck!"

"If you can get a real artifact randomly, that's not bad! But if it's a holy artifact..."

Sacred Artifact, the equipment used by the Holy Order powerhouse.

This level of equipment is naturally very powerful.

But Lin Yi felt that equipping this kind of thing was not too important for him.

As long as his castle power rises to attack the powerful local forces, it is not a problem to want to get the holy artifact.

The holy artifact will sooner or later become a 'big hit'.

As for the true artifact, he really wants it, but it depends on luck.

"Equipment rewards aside first."


Lin Yi compared the last two rewards.

They are an exclusive building for the initial arms, and an increase in the strength of the arms under your command (or five arms bloodline evolution quotas).

"It doesn't matter if the arms are upgraded by one rank. After all, killing the enemy can increase the rank. Why do you need special rewards?"

"The evolution of the bloodline is not bad."

"Five places are just right for Shirley, Nina, Guy Dess, Irene, and Death Angel Dale!"

"The five of them are all seraphs."

"After evolution, you can become an eight-winged angel!"

"The eight-winged angel is naturally much stronger than the six-winged angel!"

Lin Yi thought about it for a long time.

In the end, he again ruled out random equipment rewards and bloodline evolution.

His eyes focused on reward 3 - a random exclusive building for the initial class of troops.

What is the exclusive building of the angel, he does not know.

But it must be very important!

You must know that even the sacred temple that Lin Yi hailed as a "later-stage god-level building" is only a building for the light camp, not an exclusive building for angels.

The bloodline evolution of the little angels such as Xue Lier can be compensated with the [arms evolution blueprint].

As long as there are enough evolutionary blueprints for the arms.

Not to mention the eight-winged angel, Lin Yi even has the confidence to push them above the twelve-winged angel.

Therefore, this reward was excluded by him!

In the end, what was left was an exclusive building for the angel family.

He has no doubt that the blueprint of the exclusive building must be extremely difficult to reveal.

All other rewards can only be used in the early and middle stages to help his castle power rapidly increase.

The exclusive buildings belong to the later-stage fetishes.

In Lin Yi's opinion, the value of the exclusive buildings of the angel family is far more than any other reward, including true artifacts and bloodline evolution.

Lin Yi chose it for another reason.

That is, it is not a drawing, but directly a building.

There is no need to waste additional castle supplies.


"What is the exclusive building of the angel?"

"If it's the Angel Reincarnation Pool, then I'll post it!"

Once Lin Yi has two [Angel Reincarnation Pools], he can use one to nurture the Angel Holy Spirit, and the other to nurture the full-grown Angel.

thought here.

Lin Yi's breathing gradually became short.

This dream, when he was still in the novice stage, had it.

But until now, he has never heard of anyone who broke out the [arms building blueprint] and owns a second arm building. Even lucky as a small Loli, it did not burst out.

If he randomly arrives at the [Angel Reincarnation Pool].

Then, his dream of the Angel Legion could soon be realized.

And at a faster speed, destroy the castle forces and local forces of the dark forest, unify the entire dark forest, and establish his angel dynasty!

"I choose reward 3!"

Lin Yi no longer hesitated.

I didn't even look at other rewards, and identified the exclusive building of the angel family.

[Randomizing the exclusive buildings of the initial armies of the current castle force...]

[Complete randomly, the reward is determined! ]

[Congratulations to the lord of the castle, for obtaining the exclusive building of the angel family - a sky city in the fortress of war! ]

[Do you want to extract? ]


At this point, Lin Yi was completely stunned.

The exclusive building that he got randomly was not the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] that he really wanted, but the [Sky City].

Just a city? ?

Lin Yi was completely dumbfounded.

It took a long time for him to recover.

He took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down his turbulent mood.

War Fortress - City in the Sky!


This time it is absolutely developed!

Lin Yi is very fortunate that he did not choose the bloodline evolution reward, nor did he randomly select equipment, coveting the so-called true artifact.

In front of [Sky City], a true artifact is nothing!

After all, this is the war fortress of the angel family!

It's a city! !

"¨々Wait a minute, after extracting the Sky City, what should I do with my Angel Castle?"

[The castle is the core territory of the castle lord, and the city in the sky is a city like the war fortress of the angel family, which is independent of the castle! ]

Lin Yi understood.

In short, the castle is the foundation of the castle lord.

Even if his Angel Castle is still a primary town, it is also his main base.

This upgrade has to be upgraded and cannot be destroyed.

As for the city in the sky, it can be regarded as a sub-base.


Lin Yi said in his mind.

In an instant, an incomparably dazzling golden light appeared above Angel Castle.

It was as if the whole sky was torn apart.

Immediately afterwards, the phantom of a city appeared in the golden light.

Immediately implemented by Hollow.


After a while, the phantom turned into a majestic city.

This giant seat is white-gold in color, as if it was made of immortal jade. The surrounding city walls are surrounded by a strange golden streamer, and it exudes an incomparably holy brilliance.

The most shocking thing is.

It is directly suspended in the high sky of Angel Castle, above Lin Yi's head.

Casts large shadows towards the dense forest below.

Lin Yi was really worried that it would fall.

Once it falls, his Angel Castle will instantly turn into ruins.

He and his little angels, as well as the goblins who were stunned and constantly muttering "Almighty Lord", would also be directly crushed into pie, and there was basically no possibility of surviving.

Fortunately, it didn't fall.

It has always been in the sky above Angel Castle.

There seems to be a powerful force pulling it up and it can levitate in the sky.

"This is the city in the sky!"

Lin Yi took a deep breath.

Check the specific properties of Sky City immediately.

[Battle Fortress - City in the Sky]

[Level: Beginner]

[Faction: The exclusive war building of the angel family]

[Affiliation: Angel Castle]

[Size: 10 kilometers in length and width, 150 meters in height on all four walls]

[War weapons: Each city wall is equipped with ten sacred magic cannons and a hundred small and medium-sized magic cannons...]

[Protection Facilities: Holy Defense Shield]

[Auxiliary facilities: City Lord's Mansion, Angel Legion Station, Holy Hall, Faith Altar (requires blueprints to activate), the statue of the Lord of the Castle...]

[Energy reserve: low (energy stone can be consumed to replenish energy)]

[Current Status: Peaceful, Hanging]


"It's really strong!"

Lin Yi praised it and was excited.

Sky City, ten kilometers long and wide, is definitely a giant city compared to his current Angel Castle.

As for its city wall, it is as high as 150 meters.

Majestic! In addition, the city in the sky is also equipped with sacred magic cannons and war-type weapons such as magic cannons.

Lin Yi suspects that once the holy magic cannon is activated, even the true gods can kill them with one cannonball, not to mention the holy-ranked powerhouses and half-gods.

Its defense is the sacred defense shield.

Covering the entire sky city in all directions.

Attack, defense, just perfect.

The only bad thing is that the energy value of the city in the sky is currently low.

This requires him to fill the sky city with energy.

"Not bad too!"

"Even if you buy a car, the oil that comes with it can only last a few kilometers."

Lin Yi consoled herself.

He asked: "How many energy stones do I need to consume to make the city of the sky full of energy?"

He calculated a little.

He currently has more than 4,000 energy stones in stock, and the harvest of the Beast Tide War has not yet been counted, but it is definitely more than 1,500.

That is to say.

If nothing else, his energy stones can reach about 6,000.

Six thousand power stones are a huge sum of money.

No castle lord can be richer than Lin Yi.

[A city in the sky with full energy needs to consume one million energy stones! ]


Lin Yi's scalp exploded instantly.

Resolutely don't think about filling up the [Sky City].

"That means, the city of the sky in its current energy state is unable to participate in the war?"

[The city of the sky can absorb the elemental magic between heaven and earth on its own and replenish the energy of the city! ]

[The current energy reserve of Sky City can only be maintained in a suspended state. ]

[The lord of the castle can use the energy stone to activate the weapon of war! ]

[Each time it is activated, the Holy Magic Cannon (single door) consumes 1,000 energy stones, the medium-sized magic cannon consumes 100 energy stones, and the small magic cannon consumes 10 energy stones. ]

"In that case, it's okay!"

If there is a strong local force to attack his Angel Castle, then he can activate the war weapon of [Sky City].

In general.

All you need to do is let the city of the sky float quietly in the sky, attract the elemental magic between heaven and earth, and replenish yourself with energy.

at this time.

A golden light flew out from the [Sky City] high in the sky.

It got into Lin Yi's eyebrows.

At the same time, he completely controlled this exclusive war fortress belonging to the angel family.

He knows all kinds of information about it.

As soon as he thought about it, the majestic sky city flew vertically upwards.

It flew to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, hiding in the clouds before stopping.

Lin Yi turned around and looked.

The goblins have all knelt down around him.

The little angels are also praying to him with great reverence!

The appearance of the Sky City made them fall into deep shock, unable to extricate themselves.

PS: Ask for power stones