Chapter 79 Recruit - Sister Bright! Soul Rebirth! Dwarf Palace! Watchtower

"That is the war fortress of our angel family!"

"City in the sky!!"

The little angels were shocked to the extreme.

As angels, they are naturally familiar with the city of the sky and cannot be more familiar with it.

The Sky City belongs to the exclusive building of the angel family, and it is a powerful weapon of war that can attack different dimension planes!

The little angels didn't think so.

Such a weapon of war appeared so quickly.



Chapter 79 Recruit - Sister Bright! Soul Rebirth! Dwarf Palace! Watchtower! (For Automatic Subscription)

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Chapter 79 Recruit - Sister Bright! Soul Rebirth! Dwarf Palace! Watchtower!

"That is the war fortress of our angel family!"

"City in the sky!!"

The little angels were shocked to the extreme.

As angels, they are naturally familiar with the city of the sky and cannot be more familiar with it.

The Sky City belongs to the exclusive building of the angel family, and it is a powerful weapon of war that can attack different dimension planes!

The little angels didn't think so.

Such a weapon of war appeared so quickly.

"Praise the Almighty Lord~"

The little angels looked at Lin Yi admiringly.

In their view, it was the creator they believed in, who summoned a weapon of war like the city in the sky.

Cooperate with the angels to conquer this vast Otherworld.

"City in the sky is coming~"

"The glory of the Lord will surely shine on the entire endless continent!"

"This world is destined to belong to the Almighty Lord!"

Seraph Angel Guydis waved the scepter in his hand, very excited.

The six-winged archangel Shirley, the six-winged angel Irene, the angel of love Nina, and the angel of death Daier, including other little angels, were also extremely excited.

Nothing can make them more excited than the arrival of the [Sky City].

Looking at the city in the sky flying into the clouds, every little angel's eyes lit up.

I really want to enter the city in the sky and see the scene in the city.

The goblins around were even more trembling.

When the city in the sky came, they could not help but kneel on the ground and worship the omnipotent Lord.

"That's a miracle of the Lord!"

"Almighty Lord~"

"Please protect your devout goblin followers!"

"May the Holy Light always be there, and may you be forever!"

Under the leadership of the goblins elders, the goblins kept whispering prayers.

At the same time, they also eagerly expected that the radiance of the Lord would cover the goblin family, so that the goblin tribe in the dark forest, and even the goblin kingdom, would all believe in their Lord.

Only faith can save the goblin family!

Only the radiance of the Lord can dispel the darkness and evil forces in the dark forest, so that the goblins can be redeemed!

The faith of the goblins is very firm.

Many of the goblins present were promoted from devout believers to mad believers at the moment when Sky City appeared.

Lord, perform miracles.

As believers, what reason do they have for not firming up their inner beliefs?


Lin Yi watched Shirley wait for the little angel.

With a smile, he said, "The city of the sky has insufficient energy reserves, so it cannot be included in the war plan for the time being! Develop the Castle of Angels first and reserve more power stones. I believe that the City of Angels will be able to appear on the battlefield soon!"

"Almighty Lord, everything obeys your oracle!"

The little angels naturally obeyed the Lord's words.

What's more, the city of the sky has come, is it still far from entering the battlefield?

It's nothing more than a lack of energy reserves.

As the Angels continue to expand their hunting range and attack the surrounding local forces, the castle will have more and more power stones in reserve.

They believe.

It won't be long before Sky City can enter the battlefield.

At that time, the Lord's castle will sweep through the dark forest and establish a mighty angelic dynasty!

Lin Yi nodded slightly and said, "Clean up the battlefield, collect the power stones, different crystals, and the blueprints that have been exploded and hand them over to me! The corpses of those wild monsters..."

Speaking of 963 monster corpses.

Lin Yi couldn't help but have a headache.

Nearly 10,000 wild monster corpses, big and small, how long would it take him to collect and decompose them all?

I'm afraid it will take at least two hours.

Although the beast swarm was over and he had nothing to do, it was still very tiring.

"If only those militiamen hadn't died!"

Think of the nine militiamen who died tragically in the beast tide.

Lin Yi felt a little distressed.

Although the strength of the militia is weak, it masters basic skills such as logging, mining, and dissection.

Give them the corpse of the monster.

Lin Yi can be freed from the heavy collection and decomposition work.

It's a pity that a few militiamen have sacrificed their lives heroically before they start to shine.

at this time.

Lin Yi suddenly thought of the Holy Temple.

The souls of the nine militiamen and goblins who died in the battle were taken away by the Holy Temple.

They can be reborn as long as the energy stone is consumed.

And those who came back from rebirth were no longer militiamen and goblins, but recruits with bright attributes.

"The recruit of the bright attribute?"

Lin Yi looked at the holy temple not far away, exuding holy radiance.

He suddenly wanted to know what the 'Bright Attribute Recruit' that appeared in the information prompt would be.

thought here.

Lin Yi couldn't contain his curiosity.

Entered the holy temple alone.

As for the angel team and the goblins, they are cleaning the battlefield and collecting loot.


At the same time, the battlefield should also be cleaned.

The entire battlefield was covered in stumps and blood, and it looked uncomfortable.


The hall of the Holy Temple is slightly empty, and the decoration is not so splendid.

The main color is holy white.

At the top of the hall, stands the statue of Lin Yi.

On the left and right sides of him, by the next step, stood an eighteen-winged angel statue, again four sixteen-winged archangels, and eight fourteen-winged seraphs. In other words, the angels who can 'stay' in the Holy Temple.

The last time must be the fourteen-winged angel.

Of course, the angels Lin Yi sees now are just statues, not real angels.

If it is a real angel, let alone the dark forest, he can directly sweep the entire endless continent.

With only a main god-level eighteen-winged archangel.

Which god in the Endless Continent can compete?

"I don't know when the Angel's Reincarnation Pool will be able to give birth to the eighteen-winged angel Holy Spirit?"

"I'm afraid I have to be lucky enough to explode!"

Lin Yi shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Then, his eyes fell on the front of the main hall.

There was a long table with a golden chalice on it.

Inside the Holy Grail, a familiar voice of prayer could be heard faintly.

Lin Yi immediately understood that all the souls who were taken in by the Holy Temple had entered the Holy Grail.

As soon as he thought about it, a series of streamers flew out of the Holy Grail.

[You have obtained two hundred and eighty-five pure souls baptized by divine power! ]

Two hundred and eighty-five souls!

It means that he lost two hundred and eighty-five arms (militia + goblins) in this beast tide battle.

As for the goblins who were sacrificed in the dense forest, their souls were not received because they were beyond the range of the Holy Temple. Where it went, Lin Yi didn't know.

Lin Yi stretched out his right hand.

Those two hundred and eighty-five souls turned into light rain and fell into the palm of his hand.

Then, he left the Holy Temple and walked towards the Angel Reincarnation Pond.

After arriving near the Reincarnation Pond.

Lin Yi took out a soul light spot and put it into the reincarnation pool.

At the same time, he got a message prompt.

[Are you consuming the energy of the Angel's Reincarnation Pool to reincarnate the soul? ]



Lin Yi immediately refused.

He asked if he could use a power stone instead.

As for the energy of the angel's reincarnation pool, it needs to be used to nurture the angel's holy spirit and cannot be consumed at will.

What he's focusing on now is.

How many power stones need to be consumed to make the soul reincarnated into the light attribute troops.

If it exceeds his expectations, then these souls will temporarily remain in the Holy Grail of the Holy Temple.

[Will the soul be reincarnated at the cost of consuming ten energy stones? ]


The information prompt appears again.

"Ten power stones?"

"A power stone!"

"With my current energy stone reserves, it's not impossible to get them out."

"It just seems a little too much."

Power stones are very important to Lin Yi.

The main purpose is to upgrade the level of the unit building [Angel Reincarnation Pool].

Before, due to the safety of the castle, he also planned to let the six-winged Archangel Shirley arrange the 'Angel Guardian Shield' to protect the castle after the power stones and different crystals were abundant.

Now, he has the [Sky City] war fortress.

Then the plan to arrange the shield of angel protection can be put on hold for the time being.

Because he believed that as long as he turned on the sacred magic cannon of the city in the sky, even a saint-level powerhouse and a demigod would never want to destroy his castle.

If a large-scale enemy force strikes.

Then the use of large, medium and small magic cannons can also protect the castle.

With the city of the sky, if you arrange the shield of angel guardianship, the meaning is not so great, but it will be a bit wasteful.

"When all the spoils are collected, see how many power stones there are, and let's talk about soul reincarnation."

"Anyway, the upgrade of the Angel's Reincarnation Pool is what matters."

thought here.

Lin Yi waved his right hand.

The dense rain of soul light flew to the Holy Temple and returned to the Holy Grail.

In the end there were only nine souls left.

All from those militiamen.

He put all the nine souls into the reincarnation pool.

[Are you consuming 90 energy stones to help the current soul reincarnate? ]


Lin Yi chooses to be.

Soon, a holy white light shone in the reincarnation pool, and there seemed to be little angels singing soft chants.

It didn't take long.

Balls of light flew out of the reincarnation pool.

When it landed in front of Lin Yi, the ball of light burst, revealing figures in white robes.

They are all in human form, not the original and young angelic Holy Spirit.


"What kind of army is this?"

Lin Yi checked their information decisively.

[Sister Bright]

[Strength Level: First Order]

[Loyalty: 100 (Faith Fanatic)]

[Growth Potential: King Order]

[Attachment: This troop requires the exclusive troop building of the bright camp - the monastery of light to recruit! ]


[Pastor Bright]

[Strength Level: First Order]

[Loyalty: 100 (Faith Fanatic)]

[Growth Potential: King Order]

[Attachment: This troop requires the exclusive troop building of the bright camp - the monastery of light to recruit! ]


[Bright Knight]

[Strength Level: Second-Order]

[Loyalty: 100 (Faith Fanatic)]

[Growth Potential: King Order]

[Attachment: This troop requires the exclusive troop building of the bright camp - the monastery of light to recruit! ]


[Special reminder: Bright camp troops appear in your castle forces, get the friendliness of light, lawful, and good camps! Creatures from the dark, chaotic, and evil camps will increase the hatred of your castle forces! ]


Look at the information of the new troops.

Lin Yi was suddenly surprised.

Unexpectedly, the pure souls of the nine militiamen were reincarnated into three types of troops of the bright camp.

Four light priests, two light knights, and three light nuns.

"Three arms, the initial level is very low."

"The strongest bright knight is only two ranks."

"However, their growth potential is not bad, all of them have reached the (cddg) king rank!"

"The growth potential of the king rank is at least the advanced arms, and even comparable to the general top arms."

There are also strong and weak points between the top arms.

Those with low growth potential can reach the king rank.

Those with high growth potential can reach the holy rank.

In general, these three units of the light camp are not bad. Although they are far from Lin Yi's Angel Holy Spirit, they also have great training value.

Ten power stones, it is very worthwhile to change to a class whose growth potential reaches the king rank.

"Almighty Lord~"

"The believers from the Monastery of Light greet you!"

"May the Holy Light always be there, and may you be forever!"

Under the leadership of the three bright nuns, several other bright priests and bright knights saluted Lin Yi with great reverence.

Their beliefs are as fanatical as little angels.

Born is a mad believer of Lin Yi.

In the future, if Lin Yi wants to cultivate saints, it is most suitable to find them.

In particular, the bright nuns can choose to become saints.


Lin Yi nodded slightly: "What is your main job?"

The three bright nuns said in unison: "Almighty Lord, our main mission is to spread the Lord's faith, which can purify the darkness and evil forces in the world, and let light cover the world!"

Four light priests: "Our main job is to heal and eliminate the pain, disaster, disease, and plague in the world... Let the suffering souls be redeemed under the protection of the Lord!"

Two Knights of Light: "Our main duty is to punish, to clean up heresy for the Lord!"

Lin Yi's eyes brightened.

Ranged Mage, Healing Priest, Melee Knight.

It is quite comprehensive.

Lin Yi asked, "After reincarnation, did your basic skills as a militiaman disappear?"

Three Sisters of Light Kaidō: "Our basic skills are still preserved."

As for those bright priests and bright knights, the basic skills of recovery have disappeared.

"Just right!" Lin Yi said to the three bright nuns: "You are responsible for collecting and decomposing monster corpses on the battlefield. In the future, the monster corpses returned by the angel team will also be decomposed by you."

"Follow your orders, Almighty Lord~"

The three bright nuns saluted respectfully.

On the other hand, the few bright priests and bright knights next to them were full of regrets.

Lin Yi said to them: "In the future, the angel team will go out hunting, you can go with them."

In the near future, the Angel team can take these Bright Priests and Bright Knights to practice levels.

When their level is high, the scale expands.

Lin Yi thinks about separating them again.

Build it into a priest corps, a paladin corps, and even a nun corps who are the main mission to spread the faith.

"Praise you, Almighty Lord~"

Several light priests and light knights saluted in reverence.

It is their honor to be able to serve the Lord.

What's more, it was the divine envoy of the Lord who led them to level up. This was the blessing of the Lord, which made them extremely excited.


Sister Bright went to decompose the monster corpse.

Several light priests and light knights are also helping to clean up the battlefield.

As for Lin Yi, the world chat channel was opened.


In the channel, there are still countless castle masters and rangers, who are discussing the topic of 'World Announcement' and Angel Castle winning the first place in the combat power rankings, and many people are speculating about what rewards Lin Yi got.

Have fun.

Lin Yi felt that there was nothing interesting, so he was about to close the chat channel.

But at this time.

He accidentally discovered that a castle lord claimed to have seen a dazzling golden light in the sky above the dark forest, and there was a huge city in the golden light. The giant city was suspended in the air and flew into the clouds shortly after, disappearing.

This caught his attention.

Because this shows one thing, in the dark forest, a castle master discovered the sky city.

at the same time.

The appearance of keywords such as Jinguang and Jucheng also caused the world chat channel to quickly change the topic.

They speculated about what the giant city was.

Why did it appear above the dark forest, and why did it disappear in the end.

Some castle owners associate the giant city with Lin Yi, thinking that the white giant city is a reward for the beast tide activity that Lin Yi got. After all, Lin Yi's Angel Castle is located in the dark forest.

However, this speculation was not supported.

How could the reward for the beast tide event be a city?

In exchange for an artifact, a godhead, or even Lin Yi becoming a god directly, the credibility is higher than rewarding a city.

There are also speculations that it is just a mirage, because the appearance of the giant city is accompanied by golden light.

More people said that the people who saw the giant city were dazzled, and it was also possible that they were deliberately creating topics to gain attention.

The reason is very simple. There are very few people who see the giant city. There are only a few people.

Many castle masters in the dark forest have come forward to say that they have not seen the so-called golden light, let alone a giant city.

Therefore, this topic finally came to an end.

The story of the White City.

Except for the few parties involved, the others did not take it to heart.

As for Lin Yi, I don't pay too much attention to it anymore.

He glanced at the [Hyperspace Trading Channel], and the more than 20,000 units of ordinary food he put on the shelves were still uninterested.

"I'm afraid it won't sell in a short time."

After going through the battle of the castle guards in the early morning and the battle of the beast tide that just ended, the castle masters were not short of food at all. That is to say, some special foods still have a market, and ordinary foods cannot be sold at all.

Just have to wait a while.

The Castle Lord's food reserves are depleted.

And the scale of their troops is getting bigger and bigger, and the more food they consume at that time.

When the time comes, the food market will flourish again.


Friends column.

The little Loli in the underground world sent several messages.

The main idea is to congratulate Lin Yi for winning the first place in the combat power rankings, and then talk to Lin Yi about the gains of her gray dwarf castle in the battle of the beast tide...

Among the most difficult drawings, Xiao Loli directly exploded nine drawings.

This made Lin Yi have to sigh, really is a little Loli favored by the goddess of luck.

Lin Yi took another look at the drawing information sent by Little Loli.

Most of them are middle and low level drawings.

There is a high-level architectural drawing.

[Advanced Architectural Drawings - Dwarf Palace]

[Description: The exclusive building of the dwarves]

[Effect 1: Greatly increase the loyalty of the dwarves in the castle forces]

[Effect 2: Increase the attack and defense of dwarves by 10%]

[Effect 3: Greatly increase the chance of the dwarves taking the initiative to take refuge in the local forces]


Lin Yi chatted with little Loli for a while.

And told her to build the [Dwarf Palace] as soon as possible.

This building is a perfect match for Little Loli's Land of Grey Dwarves.

The significance is equivalent to the importance of the Holy Temple to the Angel Castle, which is very important.

In the end, he received a gift from Little Loli, an intermediate architectural drawing [Watchtower], the effect is to light up the unexplored area within a radius of ten kilometers.

Lin Yi deliberately refused.

But in the end, he was accepted as a gift by little Loli's sweet voice, soft grinding and hard foam.

[Watchtower] drawings, little Loli broke out two.

One for personal use and one for Lin Yi.

If it wasn't for this reason, Lin Yi probably wouldn't accept it.

After all, the little Loli in the underground world needs such buildings more than him.

After chatting with little Loli.

Lin Yi glanced at the friend request information.

Good guy, there are hundreds of millions of people who have added him as friends.

Even Lin Yi's eyelids jumped when he saw the number of applications.

"After two consecutive wars, drawings should be almost universal."

Thinking of this, he searched for the keywords [arms evolution blueprint] and [arms quantity blueprint] in the application information.

In an instant, only 20 million people remained.

Continue to search for keywords like 'sale', 'deal', 'I have'.

After some exclusion.

Lin Yi left seven friend requests.

Among the seven friend applications, six of them indicated that they had the blueprints for the evolution of arms and wanted to sell them to him.

Only one broke out the number of arms drawings, and said that it would not be sold, but only given.

Look at the friend applicant - Fengqing [Golden City].

Lin Yi's expression suddenly froze.

PS: Ask for power stones