Chapter 84 Terrified Old Zhou! Spike! Conquer The Top Troops! The League Of Gods Shakes!

[Horse, Lin Yi's team of angels killed them! ]

[The speed is too fast! ! ]

[Is there a castle lord near the Twin Mountains, come to support? ! ]

'Lao Zhou' sent three urgent messages in a row in the internal qun of the Alliance of the Gods.

According to his estimation, the angel's flight speed is much higher than that of his top class, the golden griffin.

If Lin Yi's angels wanted to intercept him, he simply couldn't escape.

There must be support to save his life.

As for the Angel team that defeated Lin Yi, he had no such idea at all.

You must know that under Lin Yi's command, there are angels with king rank, and his angel team slaughtered nearly 10,000 wild monsters during the beast tide.

What kind of terrifying power is this?

He even suspected that even if the ten top castle masters united, they might not be able to stabilize Lin Yi's angel team.

His only thought was for someone to help him drag the Angel team and create time for him to escape.

However, he was disappointed.

The masters of the top castles in the alliance of the gods all said that their castles are not in the dark forest.

It's not pretense, it's the truth.

After all, the area of the Endless Continent is so large, and hundreds of castle lords from the Alliance of Gods are scattered all over the world. Even if the Lord of the Alliance Castle is located in the dark forest, it is not so coincidental that it happens to be near the Twin Mountains.

All the castle lords who spoke out expressed their helplessness.

They now have only one thought in their minds.

That is, "Lao Zhou" is too unlucky.

It's just like Lin Yi is in the same dark forest, but it is also near Lin Yi's Angel Castle, and now it was discovered by Lin Yi's watchtower, and was attacked by the Angel team...

This is really bloody mold!

For 'Lao Zhou', they have sympathy in addition to sympathy.

There is absolutely no way to support it.

Even if they can support, they will not go.

There are not a dozen or twenty top-level castle masters united to form a top-level army legion. They are not opponents of Angel Lin Yi at all. If they go, they will give away people and experience.

[No one can help me? groove! So what's the use of me joining this alliance? ]


[Lao Zhou, don't speak with emotion! You know the situation of our alliance of the gods. The current alliance is to prepare for the future competition of all races! Of course, there is no way to help each other in the early stage, this is a fact! ]

[When the space teleportation magic circle becomes popular in the future, our alliance of gods can show its powerful strength! ]

[As for now...]

[No matter who it is, including us members of the alliance, when they are attacked by the Lin Yi angel team, they can only run for their lives! It's also true that no one can help you! ]

[Lao Zhou, don't say anything, just run away! ]

[If it can't be achieved, just give up some golden griffins as sacrifices to cover your retreat! ]

[As long as you are still alive and supported by top-level arms, you can get up soon! ]

[Our alliance can support you with some supplies to make up for your losses. ]

[The goddess also came out! ]

[Support the goddess! ]

[Old Zhou, did you see it? Goddess promises. Will support you with supplies! So leave the rest alone, you can escape! ]

[What about the old Zhou people? ]

[Is it getting cold so soon? ]



in the jungle.

The young man rode a golden griffin and fled wildly.

On the paw of another griffin not far from him, there is also a stone tablet.

That stone tablet is the most important thing of the castle lord - the heart of the castle.

As long as the Heart of the Castle is not destroyed, the Lord of the Castle will have a chance to make a comeback. And once the heart of the castle is exploded, then correspondingly, the owner of the castle will also lose the identity of the owner of the castle.

Not directly eliminated.

Instead, he will be forced to become a ranger, unable to recruit troops, and then lose the opportunity to participate in the competition of all races.

Therefore, even if the young man is running away, he takes the heart of the castle with him.

As for the castle behind him, it has become a ruin.

The buildings in the castle, including the castle itself, unit buildings, warehouses, etc., have all turned into [architectural drawings] that cannot be traded, and it takes a lot of materials to rebuild.

This makes young people very distressed.

But he also agreed with what the people in the alliance said.

As the lord of the top castle, as long as he can survive, he can make a comeback.

Coupled with the compensation of resources in the alliance, his castle power can be recovered in a very short period of time.

The only problem now is.

Can he escape Angel Lin Yi's pursuit!

[Old Zhou, I'll run away! I'm contacting Lin Yi, I hope he can let you go! As long as he agrees, our alliance can also give him some resources as compensation! ]

Seeing this news, the young man was overjoyed.

[Brother Huo, do you have a friend of Lin Yi? ]

[That's not true, I was applying to be his friend and at the same time left a message to him. ]

[? ? ? ]

When applying to be friends with the Lord of the Castle, you can indeed leave a comment.

But, who is Lin Yi?

The lord of the strongest castle in the world recognized by the "game official".

There are not hundreds of millions of people who add him as friends every day, but also tens of millions.

A mere friend application message, isn't that the same as a drop of water in the ocean?

It's strange that Lin Yi can see it!


The young man was so angry that he almost fell off the back of the golden griffin.

He suspects that the 'Huo Huo' is deliberately taunting him, or just to show his efforts as a coalition member to rescue members of the coalition.

He tried hard, but he couldn't save anyone, and he couldn't help it.

In the process, the surnamed Huo showed his status as a member of parliament, raised his reputation, and won a lot of praise.

Very profitable!

As for yourself, what does life and death have to do with the 'fire'?

Every day, many top castle lords join the alliance of the gods, what does it matter if one dies?

Of course, these are the young people's own ideas.

Between panic, many thoughts flashed through his mind.


"Slot! Why are you still chasing me?"

In a short time, the young man led his golden griffins to flee several kilometers away.

Yet he looked back.

Lin Yi's angel was in hot pursuit, and it was getting closer.

It was only a few hundred meters away from him.

He could clearly see the beautiful faces of the angels, as well as their angelic wings that exuded a strange streamer.

Sure enough, like a legend.

Angels are synonymous with beauty.

The beauty of angels is no longer limited to appearance, but an amazing charm that radiates from the inside out.

This beauty cannot be described in words.

However, the youth at this time did not have the heart to appreciate the beauty of angels.

He screamed in horror and ordered the golden griffin under his seat to speed up.

At the same time, he ordered (cddg) a team of golden griffins to leave the team to resist the angels chasing from behind, so as to buy him time to escape.

"The twenty or so golden griffins I sent out."

"The weakest Tier 4, the strongest reaches the early stage of Tier 8!"

"Should be able to hold off for a while."

Young people are very distressed.

Each golden griffin is carefully cultivated by him.

He also participated in the battle of the beast tide, and his strength increased greatly.

Now being taken by him and giving away, he is naturally very uncomfortable.

"However, as long as I can escape, it's worth it!"

"Lin Yi, sooner or later I will settle this account with you!"

The young man muttered to himself.

He is alone, naturally not Lin Yi's opponent, but behind him stands the Alliance of Gods.

In the future, when the top castle lords of the alliance of the gods unite, they will definitely be able to destroy Lin Yi's Angel Castle, and he will be one of the castle lords.

At this time, a shrill scream came from behind.

He looked back.

His golden griffins have made contact with Lin Yi's angels.

However, as soon as they came into contact, more than 20 golden griffins burst into a series of blood lights.

Even before they even released their magical skills, they turned into corpses, fell from the sky, and finally disappeared into the jungle.

"how is this possible?!"

The youth were horrified.

There are more than 20 top-level arms, and one of them is the early stage of the eighth order.

Can't resist a move? ?

At the same time, he also saw the murderer who killed the golden griffin qun, an incomparably beautiful angel.

The female angel was holding a golden dagger, and the angel wings behind her were pale gray, with a black streamer, as if exuding a kind of death.

"Fallen Angel?"

"Lin Yi also recruited fallen angels?"

The young man's eyes widened in disbelief.

However, he had no time to think about it. He was almost crazy, roaring loudly, and ordering the dozen or so golden griffins left to escape as quickly as possible.

Gotta get out of this area!

Even escape from the dark forest, go to other places, and make a comeback.

Because staying here is a dead end.

"Here, you can't escape!"

In an instant, a light and shadow chased after him.

It was the Seraph Angel Guytis holding a scepter.

After experiencing the battle of the beast tide, she was promoted from the late ninth rank to the ninth rank peak.

Almost reached the limit of 'experience', only half a foot can be promoted to the king rank, comparable to the six-winged Archangel Shirley and the angel of love Nina.

Guy Teas waved his scepter and pointed forward.

"The Lord said that light covers the world, and evil and dark creatures have nowhere to escape!"

Divine Art - [Holy Light Imprisonment]!

In an instant, a dazzling holy light fell from the void, covering the young man and the dozen or so golden griffins around him.

Time seems to be frozen.

The youth and his golden griffins were frozen in the sky.

No matter how frantically the golden griffins flapped their wings, they couldn't break free from the power of the divine art [Light Imprisonment], and they were all imprisoned in place.

Guy Tiss is a Seraph Angel at the pinnacle of the ninth order.

It is a very easy thing to imprison an enemy whose highest rank is only the peak of the eighth rank by magic.

She can even condense more than a dozen sacred crosses at once, and at the same time bind the young man and his golden griffins and burn them to ashes.

This is the power suppression that differs by a large rank!

Not to mention, on the bloodline level, the level of life personality...


The golden griffins, the top arms of the youth, are far from being comparable to Guy Tiss, the angel of the Seraph.

even of the same rank.

Guy Teas can also defeat the dozen or so golden griffins of the youth alone.


"let me go!"

The youth struggled desperately, trying to break through the shackles of the Holy Light.

But it's useless.

The eighth-order peak golden griffin he was riding was imprisoned, not to mention his seventh-order life form?

I saw a large group of angels surrounding me.

The young man immediately shouted in horror: "Don't kill me, I have no grudge against your castle master! I am willing to hand over all the castle supplies to you, as long as you let me die!"


The figure of the angel of death, Dale, appeared from the void.

The golden dagger fluttered at her fingertips, like a dancing butterfly, light and beautiful.

"Fallen Angel?!"

The youth paled in horror.

Seeing this angel with gray wings up close, he was even more certain that she was the legendary fallen angel.

Because in her body, the youth felt death.

Unlike other angels, even surrounding him only gave him a sense of holiness.

"What is a fallen angel?"

The Angel of Death, Dale, gave him a cold look.

Immediately, the voice was a little low and hoarse and said: "I am the death angel created by the Almighty Lord, responsible for killing and punishing, and cleaning up heresy for the Lord!"

"Angel of Death?"

The young man was immediately startled.

Did he see it wrong?

The young man didn't have time to investigate further, he said anxiously: "Don't kill me, I am willing to hand over all the supplies of my castle, and then take my golden griffin out of the dark forest, so that I will no longer set foot in this area!"

Angel of death Dai Er said in a low voice: "Cunning heresy, in your soul, I see your hatred for my lord! When you return, you will become my lord's enemy!"

"This heresy is unforgivable!"

The six-winged angel Irene flew over.

Holding the holy sword, without hesitation, he slashed towards the young man with a sword.

The young man died on the spot.

He didn't understand until he died, why his innermost thoughts were dug out.

Can angels peep into people's inner world?

However, he had no chance to ask.

at the same time.

The six-winged angel Irene also waved the holy sword in her hand and slashed towards the golden griffins imprisoned by the holy light.

At this time, Nina, the angel of love, suddenly said, "Wait a minute!"


Irene looked at Nina, the angel of love, suspiciously.

The angel of love, Nina, flew over, stroked the head of the eighth-order peak golden griffin, and said, "It is asking the Lord's forgiveness and mercy! It means that they have souls worthy of redemption!"

The Angel of Power Guy Tis nodded towards Irene and said, "The Lord has sent down the oracle and asked Nina to subdue these golden griffins! If not, then purify them again!"

"Jie Jie~~~"

The golden griffins who were imprisoned by the Holy Light were trembling with fright.

As top-level arms, they possess intelligence no less than that of human beings.

At the same time, they can also understand language.

Hearing the word 'purification' in the mouth of the Seraph Angel Guytis, they instantly felt horrified.

Fear affects loyalty!

When youths die, their loyalty plummets.

At this moment, it continues to decline.

However, it did not fall below 60 in the end.

Once they are released from their Holy Light imprisonment, even if they do not fight back, they will flee to the distant jungle, and it is impossible to easily surrender to Lin Yi and the Angel Castle.

So, we have to rely on Nina, the angel of love.

The angel of love, in charge of fraternity, selflessness, and spreading the faith for the Lord.

What she does best is recruiting believers for the Lord.

Those goblin believers in the goblin world were recruited by her for Lin Yi. Nowadays, among the goblin believers, those with the lowest belief level are devout believers, and many goblins have even become mad believers of Lin Yi.

Soon, the beautiful and soft voice of Nina, the angel of love, sounded.

"Lord, have mercy on the world."

"The world should believe in the Lord and worship the Lord..."

"Almighty Lord, create the world, create all things, create life..."

"Love, selflessness, compassion..."

"The world should pray to the Lord and pray for the blessing of the Lord..."

Accompanied by the voice of Nina, the angel of love.

The endless rain of light fell from the void, converging into a dazzling holy light, covering the dozen or so golden griffins present.

Gradually, the hostility in the eyes of the Golden Griffon began to disappear.

After a while, they calmed down, and lowered their heads to the little angels present, with a low humming sound from their mouths.

"Believe in your heart."

"The Almighty Lord will protect you!"

The soft voice of Nina, the angel of love, made the golden griffins quieter.

When the six-winged power angel Guy Dess lifted the Holy Light's confinement magic, they did not run away, but came to the little angels and bowed their heads and bodies.


Castle in the Sky.


Lin Yi stands on the towering city wall.

Look at the information prompt that appears.

[A total of thirteen golden griffins want to join your castle force, do you choose to accept it? ]


Lin Yi's natural choice is.

After all, the Golden Griffon is also a top class.

And it's an empty bird.

of great war value.

"I didn't expect that the troops of the enemy's castle forces could also be subdued. If I had known earlier, I would have asked Dai'er to take it lightly and not kill those golden griffins for the time being."

Angel of Death Dai Er used an angel combat skill [Blade of Destruction] to instantly kill more than 20 golden griffins.

Come to think of it now.

Lin Yi really felt a little pity.

Soon after, another message appeared.

[Congratulations, Lord of the Castle, your troops destroyed the heart of the enemy's castle, the enemy's castle disappeared, and you won a castle battle! ]

[You destroy the enemy's castle, additionally harvest energy stone +300]

[You get enemy materials, energy stones. ]

[You defeated a castle force! ]

[Your Angel Castle, the influence and prestige in the endless continent has increased! ]



Lin Yi looked at the information prompt and felt puzzled.

How can a castle only have power stones and different crystals, but no food, wood, stones and other materials.

What's more, it's still a castle force with top-level troops!

He immediately asked: "Why didn't the warehouse explode after the heart of the man's castle was destroyed?"

[The warehouse of the enemy castle force has no reserves of materials. ]

"This is..."

Lin Yi frowned.

Suddenly, he suddenly realized.

"It must be that the castle lord knew that the supplies could not be taken away, so in order to avoid losses, he traded the castle supplies to his friends."

Thinking of this, Lin Yi felt a great pity.

The materials of a top castle force, he did not get a single unit, all of them became that person's 'friend'.

lost heavily!

"Fortunately, there are still power stones and different crystals!"

"Obviously, that person didn't trust his 'friend' very much, so he carried the two most precious things, the power stone and the different crystal, with him. Now, these things have become my trophies."

"It's not nothing at all!"

Lin Yi whispered.

"Two castle battles, a high-level castle lord, a top-level castle lord... The total number of power stones and different crystals I have harvested is more than the harvest of the beast tide."

"Make a lot of money!"

It's just a power stone and a different crystal.

Lin Yi harvested a total of different crystals respectively.

Call it rich!

The only regret is that the drawings were not released.

But in the end, this kind of gain is enough to make Lin Yi feel satisfied.

"Until the dense forest within 20 kilometers, there is only one castle left, Angel Castle, and no other castle forces exist!"

Lin Yi immediately ordered the angel team to clean the battlefield and bring the spoils back to the castle.

Then go to attack the local forces in this area...


Alliance of the Gods—

Inside information has exploded.

A large number of top-level castle masters were awakened, sweating all over.

[Old Zhou is gone! ]

[Nearly forty golden griffins still failed to help Lao Zhou escape! ]

[Zhou Xuan is really dead? ]

[Lao Zhou's friends have disappeared from my friends column, you should know what this means! ]

There will be a prompt to delete a friend.

Only when I die will the 'friend' disappear out of thin air.

[f**k! Lin Yi is too cruel, right? ! ]

[A top castle force was pushed horizontally in less than ten minutes! ]

[Angel strength is simply terrifying! ]

[Don't talk about Zhou Xuan, any of us, the troops under his command are not the opponents of Angel Lin Yi! ]

[The death of Lao Zhou is not wrong, it's just that he can't do it! ]

[Old Qin, is Zhou Xuan's castle supplies there? ]

[Don't think of those castle supplies, this is the legacy that Lao Zhou left me! ]

[groove! ]

[Brother Huo, Goddess, Lao Hei... You members of the alliance don't stand up and say something? The matter of Lao Zhou, is that what the Alliance of the Gods will do? ]

[I am adding Lin Yi's friend, I must ask him to give an explanation! ]

[Brother Huo, have you added it? ]

[Don't worry, it's coming! ]


PS: Ask for power stones