Chapter 85 Great Harvest! The ambition of the Anti-Angel Alliance! For a week, besiege the Castle of Angels!

The harvest of the two castle battles was soon transported back to the Angel Castle by the little angels.

Among them, there are 28,000 units of food, which were listed on the [Hyperspace Trading Channel] by Lin Yi.

so far.

The total amount of ordinary food he put on the shelves has reached nearly 160,000 units.

There are also 30,000 to 40,000 units of food at the elite level, commander level, and lord level.

Ordinary food goes unnoticed.

Special foods are being exchanged for one after another.

After all, special foods can increase energy value, which is still very marketable.

As for the wood, stone, and iron materials harvested in the battle of the castle, they were all stored in the warehouse of Angel Castle.

Lin Yi plans to upgrade Angel Castle to -[Intermediate Town] in the near future.


[Angel Castle Warehouse]

[Capacity: It contains a small different-dimensional space, and the size of the space will increase as the castle level increases. ]

[Reserve materials: 100 units of wood, a few monster materials. ]

[Current Status: Invincible]

[Special reminder: If the heart of the castle is destroyed, the different-dimensional space of the warehouse will collapse, and all the reserves will fall, becoming the spoils of the hostile forces. ]

[Please protect the heart of your castle! ]


"The material reserves in the warehouse have exceeded half of the requirements for upgrading [intermediate towns]."

"When the batch of special food is sold out, there will be a considerable amount of supplies."

"Work harder."

"Clear down a few local forces, a few castles..."

"My Angel Castle can be upgraded to an intermediate town!"

Lin Yi is not in a hurry for the upgrade of [Angel Castle].

But after all, as the main base of the Castle Lord, the [Castle] is still very important.

If conditions permit, Lin Yi will also speed up the pace of upgrading [Angel Castle], and strive to upgrade [Angel Castle] to the level of a city or even a royal capital as soon as possible.

With a capital, a dynasty can be established.

Then Lin Yi sent all the monster materials stored in the warehouse to the little Loli in the underground world.

The monster materials he collected had reached tens of thousands.

Enough to make tens of thousands of standard equipment.

After a while, the dwarves in the Castle of Gray Dwarves built standard equipment, and Lin Yi and little Loli could make a fortune again.

in this war of beasts.

There are many castle lords who have released drawings.

Some of them must be [refining shop drawings].

I believe that in the near future, standard equipment will appear in the hyperspace trading channel in large quantities.

However, because the number of castle lords is too many.

And the castle lord with humanoid troops, at least counted in billions.

It is roughly estimated that the total number of humanoid troops under the command of these castle lords must exceed five billion.

Five billion humanoid units, what is the concept?

To arm these five billion humanoid arms, at least 10 billion pieces of equipment are required.

Therefore, Lin Yi is not worried about others coming to grab business with him.

Equipment is both scarce and consumable, and its market value and liquidity can be said to be enduring.

Any time.

As long as there is equipment hanging in the trading area, someone will buy it.

It's a long way to get rich.

Lin Yi and the little Loli in the underground world can earn high profits from them, so as to quickly develop their castle power.


Lin Yi glanced at his power stone and metamorphic reserves.

Power Stones: 5,070.

Different crystals: forty-five.

"The consumption of upgrading the Angel's Reincarnation Pool before, and now it's back!"

"If it goes on like this, it won't take long before my Angel Reincarnation Pond can break through again!"

"Sure enough, war is the way of development!"

"Hunting wild monsters is only a side road after all!"

"The core of the development of castle forces is war, war with castle forces, and war with local forces..."

"The scale of the war is huge."

"The more you get after the war!"

Lin Yi has already tasted the sweetness brought by the war.

Just two castle forces, one high-level and one top-level, contributed thousands of power stones, dozens of different crystals, as well as a large amount of food and upgrade materials for the castle.

I have to say, this is the fastest way to get money.

Of course Lin Yi knew that too.


The harvest can be so large, and it has a lot to do with the end of the beast tide.

The two castle forces have passed the beast tide test, and they have also obtained a lot of power stones and different crystals in the battle.

Now, their spoils all fell into his pockets.

Naturally, the harvest is full.

"It's a pity that the blueprint was not released!"

This is the only thing Lin Yi regrets.

The two castle forces were captured, and a blueprint did not come out, which was very disappointing.



Accompanied by a strange low-pitched sound.

More than a dozen golden griffins flew into Angel Castle, fell into the courtyard, and obediently crawled in front of Lin Yi.

Each of them is seven or eight meters long, with a wingspan of more than ten meters, which is really not small.

The golden griffin is golden in color and looks like it is made of gold.

They look peculiar.

With four claws, like a beast monster. The front body, from the head, neck to the forelimbs, and wings, is similar to an eagle creature, covered with golden feathers.

The hindquarters, starting from the abdomen, to the hind limbs, and the tail, are more lion-like. It was no longer covered with feathers, but with golden lion feathers. The fluff is soft and undulating with the wind, just like gold satin.

"Top class!"

"It's a good deal!"

Lin Yi praised them.

Then check the information of the troops of this group of golden griffins.

[Golden Griffon]

[Current growth status: growth period]

[Strength Level: Mid-Level Seven]

[Loyalty: Ninety-two points]

[Limit of Growth Potential: Peak of King Order]

[Special reminder: After successfully obtaining the bloodline evolution, the golden griffin has a certain probability to evolve into a dragon griffin, and the growth potential limit is raised to the holy rank! ]


[Golden Griffon]

[Current growth status: growth period]

[Strength Level: Eighth-Order Peak]

[Loyalty: Ninety Points]

[Limit of Growth Potential: Peak of King Order]

[Special reminder: After successfully obtaining the bloodline evolution, the golden griffin has a certain probability to evolve into a dragon griffin, and the growth potential limit is raised to the holy rank! ]


The information of other golden griffins is similar, the difference is only in the rank.

Inside these golden griffins.

The Golden Griffin with the lowest rank is the pinnacle of Tier 4, and it is one step away from being promoted to Tier 5 Elite.

The golden griffin with the highest rank is the one in front of Lin Yi who is the largest and looks the most majestic. The rank has reached the peak of the eighth rank. It is also one step away, and you can be promoted to the ninth-order lord level.

This golden griffin at the peak of the eighth-order.

It is also the most powerful unit under Zhou Xuan's command.

In the end, he didn't even have a chance to make a move, so he was restrained by a magical technique [Holy Light Imprisonment] by the six-winged power angel Guy Tis, and he didn't show any ability to resist.

Obviously compared to Lin Yi's Angel.

A top class like the Golden Griffon is still too far behind.

But in the end, it is also considered top-level, and it is an air combat arm, which is worth training.

Afterwards, Lin Yi summoned the troops of the nine bright camps, three bright nuns, four bright priests, and two bright knights, each of whom distributed a golden griffin to them.

With the Golden Griffin, they can keep up with the Angels.

The little angels can't fly in the sky, they can only run on the ground.

As for the extra golden griffins.

Lin Yi also let them go out hunting with the team.


Lin Yi said to the upper angels such as the six-winged archangel Xue Lier: "Tonight's attack target is not the wild monsters, but the local forces in the view of the watchtower! Clean them up!"

"Follow your orders, Almighty Lord~"

The little angels saluted in reverence.

Those golden griffins also bowed their heads respectfully towards Lin Yi.

As surrendered troops, their loyalty should not be high.

However, under the influence of the power of belief and the sacred temple, their loyalty still reached more than 90 points, and the lowest was 90 points. They will faithfully carry out Lin Yi's orders, and there is no possibility of defecting.

Then, the little angels flew into the sky one after another.

More than a dozen golden griffins also flapped their golden wings and followed with nine units of the light camp.

Lin Yi stayed in the castle alone.

It was almost midnight, and he was too sleepy.

After taking a shower, I fell asleep in bed.


Late at night, the Anti-Angel Alliance—

Five top castle lords in [Dark Forest] are chatting.

[Zhou Xuan died and was killed by Lin Yi's angel team! ]


[Zhou Xuan? The castle lord who appeared in the world chat channel? He claimed that Lin Yi had more than 60 angels, the most powerful eight-winged angel even reached the king rank, and he didn't know whether it was credible or not! ]

[Of course it is credible, and there will be no fakes! ]

[However, I'm not talking about him! Zhou Xuan is a top castle lord and a member of the Alliance of Gods! His castle is also located near the Twin Mountains, and is the second castle force to be destroyed by Lin Yi tonight! ]

[All the masters of the top castles were killed? ]

[Um! ]

[Pharaoh, how did you know? It seems that there is no such news in the world chat channel! ]

[Because I am also in the alliance of the gods. ]

[f**king old king, yes! Actually broke into the interior of the alliance of the gods! ]

[It is not difficult to enter the League of Gods, as long as you are the lord of the top castles, you can enter! If you want to come in, I will talk to a coalition member back and let you in. ]

[That line! I heard that the goddess Fengqing is one of the founders of the alliance of the gods. I want to get in touch with the goddess. ]

[Speaking of business, Pharaoh! ]

[Well, Zhou Xuan's arms are golden griffins, there are about 40, and the most powerful has reached the peak of the eighth-order! Facing the attack of Lin Yi's Angel team, it seemed that he hadn't lasted ten minutes. ]

[Zhou Xuan led the golden griffins under his command to escape at the first time, but was caught up by Lin Yi's angel and killed him! ]

[hiss! ! ]

[Is Lin Yi's angel strength so terrifying? ]

[The top castle forces are actually cold without even holding on for ten minutes! ]

[This castle battle, let us clearly see the gap between the top castle power and Angel Castle! ]

[I even doubt that the five of us together are no match for Lin Yi! ]

This statement came out.

The five top castle lords within the Anti-Angel Alliance fell silent.

Not to mention, the five of them together can't really beat Lin Yi's Angel team.

Just the eight-winged angel of the king rank is enough to sweep the top troops under their command.

[Is Lin Yi really unstoppable? ]

[How do you call it unstoppable? ]

[Pharaoh, hurry up and say, don't be dumb! ]

[Hey...Tell you guys some good news! Tonight I sent troops to attack a goblin tribe, and guess what? ]

[what? ]

[map! ]

[A magical map belonging to our dark forest! ]

[It is said to be a caravan from a native human empire. They wanted to pass through the dark forest, but they encountered the attack of the Sanctuary Warcraft family, and the whole team was annihilated. When the goblins were picking up their relics, they accidentally discovered this magical map! ]

[Magic map? What is the use? ]

[Great use! I have found the location of Twin Mountains on the map, and also roughly marked the location of the Castle of Angels! Haha... Now, Lin Yi is completely in the light, and we are in the dark! ]

[When we find the right time, we will lead the alliance army and expedition to Angel Castle! ]

[The problem is, we may not be able to handle Lin Yi! ]

[Brothers, it's time to strengthen our anti-angel alliance! Regardless of whether he is a master or a lowly player, as long as he is a castle master who is located in the dark forest and is willing to participate in the plan to attack Angel Castle, all of them will be recruited! ]

[Within a week, we must launch an expedition to Angel Castle! ]

[We must not let Lin Yi's angel continue to grow! ]

[clear! ]

[receive! ]

Several top castle lords in the Anti-Angel Alliance showed their ruthlessness.

As the lord of the castle that also belongs to the dark forest.

The stronger Lin Yi is, the weaker they are.

When Lin Yi is too strong to be matched, they are finished.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Therefore, they must destroy the Angel Castle before Lin Yi's Angel Castle reaches the invincible state.

Just knock down the Castle of Angels.

Let Lin Yi and his angels disappear from the dark forest.

Their anti-angel alliance can dominate this resource-rich forest.

In the way of alliance, rule this area.


At this time, Lin Yi was still asleep.

He didn't know that in the dark forest, an anti-angel alliance was planning to expedition to his angel castle within a week.

Even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

Even quite welcome!

His war fortress [City in the Sky] is not just to be seen.

Not to mention a small anti-angel alliance, even if the alliance of gods with hundreds of top castle masters kills it, it will kill as many as they come!

due to low energy.

[City in the Sky]Cannot carry out cross-regional expeditions.

However, there is no problem in guarding Lin Yi's Angel Castle.

As long as Lin Yi is willing to pay the price of consuming his own reserves of power stones, then he can activate the war weapons of [Sky City] - holy magic cannons, as well as large, medium and small magic cannons.

These cannons can be called big killers on the battlefield!

It's not an exaggeration to say that it was a one-shot kill.

Therefore, even if the alliance of the gods assembles a large army to kill, Lin Yi can use [Sky City] to make them go back and forth.

What's more, the [Anti-Angel Alliance], which is many times weaker than the Alliance of Gods?

Since the appearance of the [Sky City], the war fortress.


Lin Yi was not worried at all about the security of his castle.

Even sleep is better.


Lin Yi woke up. The sky outside the castle was still a little dark.

Suddenly, a golden ray of dawn pierced the sky, seemingly illuminating the whole world in an instant.

Almost at the same time, Lin Yi also opened his eyes.

The biological clock woke him up.

Despite staying up late, Lin Yi woke up on time and was not mentally exhausted.


Now, his rank has been promoted to the ninth rank.

All it takes is a short sleep to keep you refreshed.

The higher the rank, the stronger the body functions of the living body.

If it is a saint-level powerhouse or a demigod powerhouse, it will not be affected by not sleeping for a long time. Because at their level, sleep is already second, and spirit and soul are the foundation.

As usual, I got up to wash and ate the breakfast prepared by the little angel.

Then Lin Yi opened the [Hyperspace Trading Channel].

Overnight, the bidding price for the [Bone Warrior Species Architectural Drawings] has reached more than 5,800 power stones.

In fact, this is far from the true value of [Army Architecture Drawings].

If it is in the middle and late stage, it is bound to fetch hundreds of thousands, or even millions of power stones.

However, Lin Yi did not want to treasure it and put it out for auction in the middle and late stages.

That would really rot in your hands.

And for now, more than 5,800 energy stones are already considered sky-high.

Except for Lin Yi, no castle lord can come up with so many power stones alone, and borrow money from all over the place.

Many undead castle masters are borrowing power stones everywhere.

The purpose is to take this rare military architectural drawing.

"The energy stone in the early stage is the most valuable!"

"In the later stage, the value of the power stone will inevitably plummet!"

Lin Yi looked at the bottom of the [drawing], the bidding price was still increasing, and couldn't help but smile.

"Looks like, I can start looking at the Angel Reincarnation Pool of Level 5!"

Compared to the upgrade of the Angel's Reincarnation Pool, a mere mid-level troop architectural blueprint is not important at all.

This is the fundamental reason why Lin Yi sells [Bone Warriors Architectural Drawings].

"The auction will end in about two hours!"

"I hope the auction price will exceed 7,000 power stones by then!"

While talking to himself, Lin Yi turned to look at the auction of the [Space Teleportation Magic Array Drawing].

The bidding price for this blueprint has now reached about 1,200 power stones.

Obviously, there are still many castle owners who know the goods and can see the strategic significance of the [Space Teleportation Magic Array].

"Not in a hurry to increase the price!"

"The bidding time for this drawing is one day, and it will not end until around 8 pm."

"The price will be increased at that time, or it will be a final decision!"

Today, there are abundant reserves of power stones.

Lin Yi can say that this [Space Teleportation Magic Array Drawing] is inevitable.

When he has the opportunity to get another such blueprint, he can build a teleportation magic circle, connecting Angel Castle and Little Loli's Grey Dwarf Castle.

By that time.

The angel team can directly enter the underground world.

His castle power will also extend and expand to that chaotic dark world.

This has a very important strategic significance for Lin Yi's castle power and the hegemony of the endless continent.

Then, Lin Yi took another look at the food sales.

Still the same.

Hundreds of thousands of units of ordinary food are left unattended.

Special foods are being exchanged by the castle lords one after another, especially the commander-level food and the lord-level food, which sell the best.

Went to the trading area again.

I couldn't find anything to look at.

Lin Yi turned off the hyperspace trading channel and went straight to the castle courtyard.

a new day!

He naturally wants to conceive the angelic Holy Spirit of the new day.

The fourth-level angel reincarnation pool can breed twenty angels and holy spirits every day, and the probability of appearing multi-winged angels and special angels is 20%.

"Hope you have better luck!"

Lin Yi muttered to himself, then opened the message prompt.

[The Angel Reincarnation Pool is full of energy, does it breed the Angel Holy Spirit? ]



A dazzling light bloomed in the reincarnation pool, which was more holy, pure and rich than before.

Soon after.

Bright balls of light flew out from the reincarnation pool.

Count it down, there are exactly twenty!

PS: Ask for power stones , ask for support