Chapter 86 The third sister of the sea blue six-winged angel! recruit kind! The idea of the Angel Legion!

Twenty balls of light appeared in front of Lin Yi.

Lin Yi couldn't help but feel agitated inside.

At the beginning, when the Angel Reincarnation Pool was still at the first level, it could only breed two Angel Holy Spirits.

During that time, it was also the time when Angel Castle was the weakest.

Today, the Angel Reincarnation Pool is level four.

Twenty angels and holy spirits can be bred every day.

The strength of the castle is not known how many times stronger than at that time.

At present, he has a total of sixty-six little angels under his command, plus the twenty that he has now conceived, that is, eighty-six angels. That is to say, with one more birth, the number of angels under his command can exceed one hundred.

The size of the angel team is more than one hundred.

That combat power is absolutely terrifying.

"At this rate."

"Looks like I'll be able to form an Angel Legion soon!"

The team composed of the current number of little angels can only be said to be the angel team, and there is still a period of time before the angel army.

But Lin Yi believed it.

The dream of the Angel Legion is not far from him.


Gradually, the ball of light began to crack.

Of course, after all the light balls dissipated, twenty new angels and holy spirits appeared in front of Lin Yi.

For the first time, Lin Yi paid attention to the wings behind the little angels.

The number of wings represents their future.

The more wings, the higher the growth potential of the angel.

Like a two-winged angel, the limit of growth potential is a demigod.

For angels like the six-winged archangel Shirley, the limit of growth potential is the true god.

Demigods and true gods are not the same level at all.

Suddenly, Lin Yi's eyes brightened.

He has found his target!

Not one, but three!

"It seems that today's luck has exploded again!"

"It actually gave birth to three six-winged angels!"

Lin Yi was overjoyed and extremely excited.

From his arrival to the present, it was the first time that he had bred three seraphs at one time. This was definitely a big explosion of luck, almost comparable to the good luck of identifying the [Bone Soldier Species Quantity Blueprint] last night.

Lin Yi did some statistics.

in twenty new angels, the Holy Spirit.

All angels are two-winged angels.

It can be said that his luck is very good.

"My lord~"

Under the leadership of three seraphs.

A group of little angels flew over and saluted Lin Yi reverently and enthusiastically.

The Almighty Lord has given them new life.

They are naturally grateful and have fanatical beliefs.


Lin Yi smiled and nodded.

Then he looked at the three newborn seraphs.

Like the seraphs born before, the three new seraphs are all female angels.


[Six Wings Angel Holy Spirit]

[Current growth status: Holy Spirit]

[Strength Level: Seventh Level]

[Loyalty: 100 (die loyal)]

[Complete body - the lower true god six-winged angel]


[Seraph Angel Holy Spirit]

[Current growth status: Holy Spirit]

[Strength Level: Seventh Level]

[Loyalty: 100 (die loyal)]

[Complete body - the lower-ranking true god six-winged right angel] …

[Six Winged Archangel Holy Spirit]

[Current growth status: Holy Spirit]

[Strength Level: Seventh Level]

[Loyalty: 100 (die loyal)]

[Complete body - the lower true god six-winged archangel]


"Three seraphs, three types!"

"Angel of force charges in melee combat, the archangel mage (divine magic) assists, and the angel of power is the commander!"

"The other five four-winged angels, two are archangels, and three are melee-type angels!"

"As for the two-winged angels, they are all charging formations!"

Lin Yi pondered for a moment.

Names were given to the three seraphs.

Seraph Angel, Hailan Winnie.

Seraph Angel, Seablue Vader.

Seraphim, Hailan Agatha.

Lin Yi said to the three newborn seraphs, "This is the real name I gave you! From now on, you are the three sisters of the sea and blue angels!"

"Praise you, Almighty Lord!"


The three newborn seraphs saluted furiously.

Lin Yi said with a smile: "The angel team is hunting outside, you go to join them, raise your rank as soon as possible, and strive to enter the complete body as soon as possible!"

Compared with the little angels in the angel team who have experienced the battle of the castle guard and the battle of the beast tide.

These little angels bred today are very low in rank.

The three sisters of the sea blue seraph, the initial level is seventh.

Five four-winged angels, the initial level is fifth-order.

Twelve two-winged angels, the initial level is lower, only the third level.

And the little angels in the angel team, the lowest level is also the seventh order, and they have generally reached the eighth and ninth orders. As for the six-winged Archangel Xue Lier and the eight-winged Angel of Love Nina, they even entered the king rank.

Lin Yi expects.

With the help of the angel team, these new little angels can improve their level as soon as possible.

"Follow your orders, my lord!"

The little angels saluted respectfully.

Immediately, Winnie, the six-winged power angel among the three Hailan sisters, waved the scepter in her hand and released a dazzling holy light that enveloped all the little angels present.

"Lord God, the place where the light shines is the place where the angels come!"

This is the legion teleportation magic exclusively for the commander-type power angel.

Seraph Guy Teas has also used it.

Accompanied by the dazzling holy light, the little angels in front of Lin Yi also disappeared instantly and came to the position of the angel team.

After the little angels leave.

Lin Yi became thoughtful.

"Now, there are already two Seraph Angels, two Seraphs, and two Seraphs in the Angel Team... The management has become a little chaotic!"

The power angel and the archangel have nothing to do with each other, they are not commanding angels.

But the right angels need to be separated.

In a team of angels, there are two commander-type Seraph Angels, which will cause confusion in the management of the team.

Regardless of level.

The number of wings represents the class of angels.

Even two-winged angels and four-winged angels who have reached the ninth rank must obey the orders of the newborn seraphs.

And in the Seraphim.

As the leader, it is the Angel of Seraph.

The six-winged archangel Shirley, who is a king, also obeys the orders of the six-winged angel Guydis to a certain extent. This is the innate class concept of the orthodox faction angel family, and it is difficult to change.

There is only one exception, and that is special angels.

A special angel, an angel who does not belong to the orthodox faction.

They are independent from the system of the orthodox angels and are not governed by the orthodox faction angels.

For example, Nina, the angel of love, and Dale, the angel of death, are not bound by the six-winged power angel Guy Dis. Even the fourteen-winged seraphs couldn't restrain them.

This is the special angel!

"There are two Seraph Angels in an angel team, this is not acceptable!"

"The angel team has to be divided into two teams!"

"One is led by the Seraph Angel Guy Tis, and the other is led by the Seraph Angel Hailan Winnie!"

"In subsequent gestation."

"If there are more angels of six-winged power, then continue to divide and establish a new angel team!"


"There can't be two Seraph Angels in an angel team!"

"Wait for the ten-wing-level main angel to appear."

"Then all the angel teams can be merged into one system to form a legion model, all under the command of the ten-winged main angel!"

"And the angel army led by multiple ten-winged main angels can form an angel army led by fourteen-winged seraphs..."

"Angel of Seraph, lead the team."

"The ten-winged main angel leads a legion composed of multiple teams."

"Fourteen-winged seraph, leading an army composed of multiple legions!"

"Layer by layer, my army of angels will take shape!"

thought here.

Lin Yi also has certain plans for the future angel army system.

"After a new batch of angels and holy spirits are born tomorrow, the angel team will be divided into two teams, led by Guy Dess and Hailan Luni."

"As for today..."

"Let's first let the three sisters of the sea blue seraph improve their level."


Afterwards, Lin Yi entered the holy hall alone.

Take from the Holy Grail those pure souls from the goblin followers.

Previously, due to insufficient energy stone reserves, he could only reincarnate nine militiamen into units with the light attribute.

Now, not counting the [Bone Warrior Species Architectural Blueprint] that is being auctioned, he has more than 5,000 power stones in reserve, and the specific number is 5,070.

Enough to reincarnate all the goblin souls into units of light attribute.

[You have obtained two hundred and seventy-six pure souls that have been baptized by divine power! ]

in the info prompt.

Lin Yi came to the vicinity of the Angel's Reincarnation Pool.

Extending his right hand, a rain of soul light fell into the reincarnation pool.

[Are you consuming 2,760 energy stones to help the current soul reincarnate? ]



Lin Yi responded.

In an instant, Lin Yi only had 2,310 power stones left in his own reserves.

However, he didn't care.

After the auction of the [Architectural Blueprints for Bone Warriors] is over, his power stone reserve will once again exceed 5,000, or even approach 10,000.

Using a mere 2,000 power stones, in exchange for more than 200 bright-type units with the potential to be kings, is very worthwhile.

at the same time.

A dazzling light also bloomed in the Angel Reincarnation Pond.

Not long after, bright balls of light flew out of the reincarnation pool.


It lasted for nearly ten minutes before the light from the Reincarnation Pond completely dissipated.

In front of Lin Yi, two hundred and seventy-six light balls also appeared.

Looking at these balls of light, Lin Yi couldn't help but sigh.

If these spheres of light were filled with angels and holy spirits, then he would be invincible. It only takes a period of time to develop, and he can even directly attack the goblin kingdom.

Unfortunately, no!

The light balls are filled with light attribute units.

Compared to angels, they are still a lot worse.

"It's just that I'm greedy!"

"Even if it is not as good as the angels, the reincarnated light-attribute troops also have the potential of king rank, and it is not an exaggeration to list them as top-tier troops! They are just weaker than the top-tier troops with holy-rank potential."

not long time.

The balls of light in front of Lin Yi's eyes burst one after another.

Then, a bright goblin wearing a white robe and white armor appeared in front of Lin Yi.


[Bright Sacrifice (Goblin)]

[Strength Level: First Order]

[Loyalty: 100 (Faith Fanatic)]

[Growth Potential: King Order]

[Attachment: This troop requires the exclusive troop building of the bright camp - the monastery of light to recruit! ]


[Warrior of Light (Goblin)]

[Strength Level: First Order]

[Loyalty: 100 (Faith Fanatic)]

[Growth Potential: King Order]

[Attachment: This troop requires the exclusive troop building of the bright camp - the monastery of light to recruit! ]


[Bright Hunter (Goblin)]

[Strength Level: First Order]

[Loyalty: 100 (Faith Fanatic)] [Growth Potential: King Rank]

[Attachment: This troop requires the exclusive troop building of the bright camp - the monastery of light to recruit! ]


These are three different types of Light faction units.

Yesterday, Lin Yi was reincarnated with the souls of human militiamen, and the reincarnated professions were [Bright Nun], [Bright Priest], and [Bright Knight].

Now, from the reincarnation of a goblin soul.

It became [Bright Sacrifice], [Bright Warrior], and [Bright Hunter].

"It should be because of the different soul races, so the classes of the light camp that have been transferred are also different!"

"It's not a big problem."

"After all, their growth potential limit is the same, they have reached the king rank."

The arms with the potential of the king rank can be regarded as the top advanced arms or the weakest top arms.

In any case, the training value of this kind of troops is still very high.


"Praise you, Almighty Lord~"

"Thank you for giving us new life!"

"May the Holy Light always be there, and may you be forever!"

More than 200 bright goblins knelt on the ground with fanatical faces, saluted and prayed to Lin Yi.

Before the sacrifice, some of them were mad followers of Lin Yi, and some were devout followers.

Now, after reincarnation.

All of them became fanatics.

Their belief in Lin Yi is extremely firm.

"Get up!"

Lin Yi nodded slightly.

Immediately, a bright sacrificial goblin was summoned and asked, "What is your main job?"

The light sacrificial goblin respectfully said: "Almighty Lord, my main job is to sacrifice, pray, and pray for your protection..."

After listening.

Lin Yi understood.

The Bright Sacrifice is an auxiliary type of unit...

Through prayer, the power of faith is used to condense into various auras, adding attribute enhancements with different effects to other units.

The Warrior of Light is very simple, the main job is melee combat, charge into battle.

Bright Hunter, the main role is long-range physical attack, and can also set up various magic traps.

"Auxiliary, warrior, hunter, plus the mage, the bright nun, the healing light priest, and the charging light knight, the basic structure of a light army is out, and it is quite complete."

"The next thing to do is to expand the size of the Legion of Light!"

"this is a problem!"

He doesn't have a human troop building and can't recruit militias.

As for the goblins, he does have local goblin followers, but he can't kill them all and be reincarnated into the light troops.

The fundamental reason was that the energy stone in his hand could not bear it.

"take it easy!"

"There is always a solution!"

Lin Yi didn't think much about it.

He glanced at the more than two hundred bright goblins again.

Among them, the Bright Warriors had the largest number, nearly two hundred.

The number of bright hunters is next, more than forty.

There are more than a dozen or twenty bright goblins whose occupation is the light sacrifice.

This shows a problem. There are only a few arms of the Master's magical power, and most arms are charged into formation, including the little angels under Lin Yi.

After all, Master!



Soon after.

A mighty team poured out of Angel Castle.

The bright goblin army was ordered by the Lord to hunt wild monsters in the jungle outside the castle.

At the same time, Lin Yi also sent orders for the angel team outside to dispatch five ninth-order bi-winged angels, including little angels Searle and Vic, to protect the Legion of Light.

Just reincarnated, the strength of the bright goblins is very weak.

There is only one level.

When hunting wild monsters, casualties are easy to occur.

Once they die, Lin Yi has to spend energy stones to help them reincarnate, which is a huge loss.

There are ninth-order little angels who will lead them to level up, not only to protect their safety, but also to quickly improve their level.

When the general level of the Light Legion is raised to the fifth-order elite level.

They can go hunting alone, or even attack local forces.


"Every aspect of the castle is developing rapidly!"

"The strength is also increasing rapidly!"

"It won't be long before I can expand my hunting range again!"

Lin Yi is quite satisfied with the development speed of Angel Castle.

Especially the number of troops under his command.

He believed that among the billions of castle lords, whether it was a top-level castle lord or a low-level castle lord, his number of troops was definitely second to none.


Lin Yi came to the open space not far away.

Lots of stuff piled up here.

Equipment, food, wood, stone, iron, etc.

It was the harvest of the Angel team last night.

Lin Yi glanced back at the information prompt and found that his team of angels had defeated three local forces in a row last night, two small goblin tribes, and a small two-headed demon tribe.

So far, with the Angel Castle as the center.

Within a radius of twenty kilometers, the local forces have been wiped out.

"More than a thousand pieces of equipment, most of which are low-level and damaged..."

"More than 5,000 units of food."

"Wood, stone, and iron."

"A total of about 2,800 energy stones were harvested, and there were also thirteen different crystals, but there were no blueprints."

"Just this wave of harvested energy stones made up for the consumption of my reincarnated goblin soul."


"The stronger the castle's power, the easier it is to obtain supplies, power stones, and different crystals!"

Look at the piles of loot in front of you.

Lin Yi had a big smile on his face.

Immediately, he put the harvested equipment and food on the [Hyperspace Trading Channel].

Timber, stone, and fine iron are stored in the castle warehouse, waiting to be upgraded to [Intermediate Town] in the future.

Power stones and different crystals are placed in the [Ring of the Forest Giant] as usual.

At the same time, Lin Yi checked his personal information.

[Lord of the Castle: Lin Yi]

[Real 3.6 Force: Mid-Ninth Order]

[Castle level: primary town]

[Castle Arms: Angels (Unique Arms), Goblins, Bright Sisters, Bright Priests, Bright Knights, Bright Sacrifices...]

[Castle Buildings: Angel Reincarnation Pool, Holy Hall, Walls, Residences, Noble Houses, Watchtowers]

[Equipment: High-grade armor, Sword of Goblin Chieftain, Ring of Forest Giant, Heart of Dynasty (Fantastic Artifact), Sky City (War Fortress of Angel Clan)]

[Power Stone: 5230 pieces]

[Different crystals: 58 pieces]


"It's almost time!"

Lin Yi entered the [Hyperspace Trading Channel].

Watching the auction of architectural drawings of the skeleton warrior species.

Up to now, the bidding price has reached 6,730 power stones, and it is approaching the 7,000 mark.

As long as the auction ends, the power stones he owns will instantly break the 10,000 mark.

This makes Lin Yi feel unreal.

The power stone, which is extremely precious to other castle lords, seems to have come too easily.

Lin Yi doesn't know.

Just when he was paying attention to the auction of drawings.

A team of five or six rangers appeared in the dense forest twenty kilometers away from Angel Castle.

"That's the Twin Mountains!"

"Lin Yi's Angel Castle is definitely nearby!"

"Go! Speed up, find the angel, and we'll find the location of the Angel's Castle! No matter what method is used, let Lin Yi accept us!"

"Really? I'm worried that Lin Yi will kill us directly!"

"How is that possible! We are free rangers, not castle lords! If Lin Yi can get our support, it's too late for Lin Yi to welcome us. How could he kill us?"

"Really? I have a bad feeling!"

"Don't be so crow-mouthed, hurry up!"

"As long as we can join Angel Castle, we will be developed!"

Five or six rangers crossed the Twin Mountains and ran fast through the jungle.

However, before they entered the sphere of influence of Angel Castle, they were attacked by a large number of goblins.

"Yo yo ~~~"

"Catch these Otherworld humans!"

"Give them to His Majesty the Great Goblin King!!"

Several rangers were dumbfounded at the time.

Don't understand where these strong goblins came from? After the goblins gathered around, they reacted, and their faces turned green with fright.

PS: Ask for power stones