Chapter 111 Elemental Elf Evangelin! Natural Advantages! The Lord Is The Strongest? Mark Of The Undead!

She was wearing a fiery red dress.

It is transformed from the pure fire element magic.

Even though Lin Yi is not a magician and is not sensitive to elemental magic, she can still feel a fiery power from her body.

She is like a collection of flames.

Condensed from endless fire element magic.

Like a small sun, it exudes a fiery aura all the time.

Lin Yi's eyes fell on her.

Her height is about 90 centimeters, which is a bit taller than the surrounding elves.

She looks extremely beautiful, no less than Lin Yi's little angel.

She stands in the middle.

More than a dozen newborn elves involuntarily moved closer to her, looking at her as the center like the stars in the moon.

She lifted her head slightly.

Show an innate pride.

But when Lin Yi's eyes fell on her, she immediately lowered her head again, not because she was afraid of Lin Yi, but in respect of the Lord.

"It's really an elemental spirit!"

Lin Yi's expression was slightly surprised.

Originally, he didn't have much hope for the breeding of the elf mother tree.

After all, the probability that the elf mother tree will breed elemental elves and ancient elves is shown as [Low].

That is to say, it is difficult for these two super top elf arms to appear.


The growth potential of the elemental elves and the ancient elves is still only a demigod.

For people like Lin Yi who are used to seeing true god-level potential little angels, they don't really care whether the elf mother tree can breed demigod-level elemental elves and ancient elves.

Even if it can be reproduced.

He is nothing more than an extra demigod-level unit.

Therefore, Lin Yi has always maintained a calm attitude towards the breeding of the elf mother tree.

Even if the elf mother tree breeds natural elves instead of elemental elves and ancient elves, he will not be too disappointed.

But Lin Yi didn't expect it.

The elf mother tree actually breeds elemental elves.

This surprised him somewhat.

"Just now, the Angel Reincarnation Pond gave birth to the eight-winged angel Angelia and two six-winged angels."


"There is another elemental elf here in the elf mother tree!"

"Could it be that today is really my lucky day?"

Lin Yi felt that it must be the [Intermediate Arms Quantity Blueprint] that "Nine Seven Seven" used yesterday, which sucked his bad luck away.

On a new day, his luck returned to normal, and even his luck value exploded.

So there was a series of good news.


After the elemental spirits appeared.

The girl Olivia and the elf elder Becky also all showed excited expressions.

Of course they were excited.

For hundreds of years, this was the first elemental elf to appear in their elf tribe.

Oyavia, in particular, is quite happy and has a sense of accomplishment.

She has worked hard for hundreds of years.

A total of nearly 10,000 elves have been bred.

Some have high qualifications and enter the holy order.

Some aptitudes are ordinary, and they stop at the king's level.

But without exception, what she breeds are all natural elves, and she has never been surprised by the appearance of rare element elves and ancient elves.

Now, finally, there is an elemental sprite.

She could hardly contain her excitement and wanted to scream.


Elf elder Becky said in a trembling voice: "It's an elemental elves! Our elf tribe finally has an elemental elves. All of this is the credit of the mother and the lord!"

"Without the efforts of both of you..."

"There is no such elemental spirit!"

"It was the mother and the lord who bred her together!"

"Praise Mother! Praise Lord Lord!"

Elf elder Becky's eyes flickered, and she wanted to cry with excitement.

Lin Yi raised an eyebrow.

I feel that there is something wrong with the words of Elf Becky.

What is the elf mother tree and he worked hard to breed this element elf.

The only thing he did was to raise the level of the elf mother tree to level three.

Elf Becky's words are too ambiguous.

At this moment, he raised his eyes to look at Olivia, the spirit of the elf mother tree.

Olivia also looked at him, gave him a very sweet smile, and nodded, as if she agreed with the words of the elf Becky, thinking that this elemental elf was the result of their joint efforts.

Lin Yi's mouth twitched slightly.

Choose to automatically filter this topic and not correct it.

In order to avoid ambiguity the more you correct it.



The element elf wearing a fiery red dress volleyed over.

Salute to Olivia, the spirit of the elf mother tree.

Olivia is her mother, who bred her, and she is very grateful.

"Okay, good boy!"

The girl Olivia was even more excited.

I want to put this beautiful and lovely elemental elf in my arms and kiss it.

She is so excited!

This was the first elemental spirit she bred.

Olivia believes that the appearance of elemental elves is the starting point for the rapid prosperity of the elves.

Oh, be sure to praise the Lord! !



The elemental spirits came to Lin Yi again and saluted extremely respectfully.

"Praise you, my lord!"

"Fire element elf Evangelin swears allegiance to the lord, and will protect your castle with his life!"

"very good!"

Lin Yi nodded with a smile.

At this time, he wondered again: "Evangelin, is this your name?"

"Yes, Lord Lord!"

The element elf Evangelin respectfully said: "Our elemental elves inherit the ancient memories of the ancient times. When I was bred, the name Evangelin appeared in my mind."

Lin Yi was stunned.

Like the elf mother tree, the element elves inherit the memory of their ancestors.

There are many, if not all, fragments of memory.

It is because of this that the elf mother tree has such a good understanding of the ancient battles of gods and the betrayal of the belief system.

Olivia, the spirit of the elf mother tree, once witnessed the glory of the ancient times from the perspective of a bystander with the help of ancient memories in the depths of her soul.

The situation of the element elves is similar to that of the elves mother tree.


Lin Yi opened the information of the elemental elf Evangelin to view it.

[Evangelin - Fire Elemental Spirit]

[Current growth status: childhood]

[Order: fifth order]

[Loyalty: One Hundred Points (Deadly Loyalty)] [Limit of Growth Potential: Demigod Peak Fire Elemental Spirit]

[Special reminder: When the element elves step into the limit of their growth potential, they will reorganize the core crystals, and there is a certain probability that they will condense their godheads and be promoted to true gods. ]

"Initial rank fifth rank!"

"Compared to the natural elves whose initial rank is the second rank, it is three ranks higher."

"Such an initial stage..."

"It's already comparable to a four-winged angel!"

Lin Yi continued to look down.

When he saw the limit of the growth potential of the element elf Evangelin, the surprise on his face was even stronger.

"The limit of growth potential is actually the pinnacle of demigods!"

"My angel, the potential of the two-winged angel is a demigod, and the potential of the four-winged angel has reached the peak of a demigod!"

"That is to say."

"Evangelin's future achievements are higher than that of the two-winged angel, and can be compared to the four-winged angel!"

This made Lin Yi feel a little surprised.

He originally thought that, as an elemental elves of the super-top arms, the growth potential could only be equal to that of the two-winged angel.

But I didn't expect that the element elves could be comparable to the four-winged angels.

"This is an accidental discovery!"

"I just don't know if every elemental elves have such growth potential, or is this the case for only a very small number of elemental elves!"

"This question cannot be speculated for the time being!"

"However, I'll know when I breed elemental elves in the future!"

Lin Yi didn't delve into it.


Elemental elves deserve to be the core powerhouses of the elves.

Regardless of the initial level or the limit of growth potential, it is stronger than the natural elves.

Lin Yi heard about it from Olivia, the spirit of the elf mother tree.

One of the core powerhouse groups in the natural elves empire located in the central area of the continent is the element elves.

In the imperial capital of the natural elf empire.

There are powerful elemental spirits guarding it.

Even gods of other races would never even attempt to attack.


"The core elemental crystal is reorganized, and the elemental elves have the opportunity to be promoted to true gods!"

Lin Yi pondered the 'special reminder' in the message prompt.

Finally, I came to a conclusion that element elves are easier to condense and become gods than most races.

This may be the compensation of the law of the world to the elemental elves.

Because the number of element elves is too small, the breeding conditions are very difficult.

Whether it is bred by the elf mother tree, or the elemental elf that appears in nature, it is very rare.

most of the time.

The rarity of the population also means that they have a unique innate advantage.

This is the fair treatment of all living beings by the laws of the world.

Another example is the human race, which is as numerous as the stars in the sky, covering all corners of the endless continent, and it can almost be said to be the largest race among the ten thousand races in the world.

Therefore, it is very difficult for human beings to become gods.

It is already very good that a true God can be born among 100 million human beings.


After reading the information of the Elemental Wizard.

Lin Yi said to the beautiful elf elder Becky: "Becky, you take the element elf Evangelin and these little elves to the hunting area and join Erica and the others."


Lin Yi continued: "War is coming soon!"

"The strength of the elves needs to be improved as soon as possible, otherwise I will not allow them to participate in the war, so as not to die."

"Follow your orders, my lord~"

Elf Becky said respectfully, "The Elf Tribe will not let you down!"


Lin Yi nodded.

Watching the elf Becky, the elemental elf Evangelin, and a qun elf leave the castle.

Until they disappeared into the jungle outside the city...

Olivia, the spirit of the elf mother tree, asked suspiciously, "Lord Lord, what kind of war is coming?"

Lin Yi said with a smile: "In about three or four days, thousands of castle masters will gather and gather tens of thousands of flying troops to besiege Angel Castle!"

"Thousands of castle lords?!"

The girl Olivia took a breath.

The lord is the lord of the castle.

In her opinion, Lord Lord's castle power is strong enough.

Then, if thousands of castle masters gather together, how terrifying the war strength will be?

Those tens of thousands of flying troops...

Can the Lord's Angel Castle be able to withstand it?

Seeing Lin Yi's relaxed expression and smiling face, Olivia gradually calmed down and asked, "Is your lord confident in resisting the army composed of thousands of castle lords?"


Lin Yi shook his head and said, "I haven't paid attention to it yet."

Olivia was surprised: "Lord Lord, after all, there are thousands of castle lords..."

Lin Yi said with a smile: "The strength of the coalition is too poor. There are only a few top-level castle masters, and the others are high-level and intermediate-level castle powers..."

"You may not understand this!"

"Let's put it directly, the highest rank of the flying arms under the castle lord will not exceed the king rank. There may be arms that enter the king rank, but they are very few!"

"Among the entire castle forces."

"My Angel Castle is the most powerful!"

"The lords of some castles in the dark forest regard me as an enemy, and they are worried that I will be eliminated and expelled in the future, so they unite and form an alliance with the intention of destroying my castle."

Lin Yi looked at Olivia: "So you don't have to worry."

"Even if you can't leave the castle's sphere of influence, you can't participate in the war. There are Erica, Becky, my two angel teams, and those flaming dragons..."

"Enough to wipe out the future coalition forces!"

Not just castle units.

Lin Yi also has the [Sky City] sitting in the clouds.

When the coalition forces assembled to the Twin Mountains, he was going to bombard it with the [Sky City], and then dispatch the castle troops to attack and wipe out the remaining castle forces.

After all, he is very confident.

He firmly believes that the victory of this war definitely belongs to his Angel Castle. …

Even if the coalition of the Anti-Angel Alliance, with the help of saint-level powerhouses or even demigods, has no hope of winning.

If there is an enemy that even Olivia and Erica can't resist.

Then he will directly use the [Holy Magic Cannon] to bombard it.

In short, even if the demigods come, they have to die.

Of course, Lin Yi didn't think that the castle lords of the [Anti-Angel Alliance] could get the help of the demigods.

Besides, it is still unknown whether there are demigods in the dark forest.

After all, even the ruler of the Dragon's Nest, according to Olivia, is only the pinnacle of the Holy Order.


"Lord Lord is the strongest?"

Olivia looked at Lin Yi in surprise.

Unexpectedly, the lord of the castle, whom the elf tribe chose to rely on, actually stood at the pinnacle of the castle's power.

But she thought about it carefully and felt normal.

The castle forces came to the Endless Continent, and it seemed that there were only ten days in total.

Just ten days.

Angel Castle has such a powerful power that even she feels incredible.

If other castle masters are also developing so fast, I am afraid that it will not take a year or two for the castle power to dominate the entire world.

That's horrible!

Angel Castle is the strongest, it is normal.

at the same time.

Olivia was also deeply honored.

Fortunately, I made the right choice and did not deny Erica's suggestion.

To be able to follow such a castle lord is extremely fortunate for her, and for the entire elf tribe.

At this time, Olivia was also full of longing and hope for the future.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Are you underestimating the strength of my Angel Castle, or overestimating the power of our castle?"

Olivia shook her head quickly and said, "Lord Lord forgive me, Olivia just had a momentary accident! Thinking about it, it's normal for Lord Lord to be the lord of the strongest castle."

Lin Yi smiled.

He was just joking, not angry.

Olivia asked again: "Lord Lord, you seem to have other war plans besides the upcoming castle coalition?"

Since the castle alliance was not in the eyes of the lord.

Then the lord obviously has other war goals.

Lin Yi nodded and said, "We will attack the Goblin Kingdom as soon as the coalition forces of the Anti-Angel Alliance are eliminated! Destroy the power of the native kingdom that is already entrenched in the dark forest!"

"The Goblin Kingdom?"

Olivia said: "If it is an expedition, Olivia may not be able to help! The Goblin Kingdom is about 800 kilometers away from here, far beyond Olivia's attack range."

As the armoured building of the Castle of Angels.

She and her body elf mother tree can only operate within the sphere of influence of Angel Castle.

In other words, it can only move freely within twenty kilometers.

No more than 20 kilometers.

Therefore, even in Lin Yi's positioning, Olivia, the elf mother tree, only serves as the guardian of Angel Castle, and does not need to participate in the war with external forces.

"You don't have to fight!"

"With the strength of our castle, it is enough to destroy the goblin kingdom!" Lin Yi looked at Olivia, and suddenly asked: "Did you have a special feeling when you were breeding the elemental elf Evangelin? Can you improve yourself? The probability of breeding elemental elves?"

Olivia shook her head.

Indicates that no special circumstances were found.

In fact, she was a little surprised to be able to breed the elemental elf Evangelin.

Suddenly, her eyes turned to the flaming dragons who were trying to hatch their eggs not far away, and said, "Since the arrival of these flaming dragons, the magic of the fire element in the castle has skyrocketed several times."

"Evangelin's breeding may be related to this."

"Because the elf mother tree can absorb the elemental magic between heaven and earth."

Speaking of this, Olivia's eyes flashed.

"Lord Lord 3.6, do you think it is because the elf mother tree has absorbed too much fire element magic, so Evangelin was indirectly bred?"

"Should have a certain connection!"

Lin Yi agrees.

After all, Evangelin is a fire elemental elf.

Lin Yi said: "Olivia, try to actively absorb other elemental magic powers between heaven and earth, such as the very rich light elements in the castle, and even the sacred magic power! See if you can breed related elemental spirits."

"Good Lord!"

Olivia agreed immediately.

She is also looking forward to this conjecture coming true.

Because once it is true, then she has the relative initiative to master, and can increase the probability of breeding elemental elves by absorbing a large amount of elemental magic.

This is very important!


After chatting with Olivia.

Lin Yi went to observe the hatching process of the flame dragons.

Under the nourishment of the dragon breath of the six flaming dragons, the color of the fire dragon eggs became darker, and the red light emitted became stronger and stronger, and it looked like a burning flame.

"Tomorrow, this fire dragon egg will hatch!"

Lin Yi didn't bother the flaming dragons who were trying to hatch their eggs.

Instead, he turned and left the castle.

He was going to find a few wild monsters to loosen his muscles and bones, and by the way, try his king rank strength.

Now he has entered the king rank.

You don't have to worry about your own safety.

After all, with the elf mother tree Olivia behind him, high altitude and the [Sky City] sitting in town, the probability of danger is so low that it is close to zero.


Time passed quickly.

Soon it was evening.

Lin Yi also returned to Angel Castle on time.

On him, there is no blood stained, and his expression is relaxed, as if he was just going out for a walk.

In fact, he killed a lot of wild monsters, and even killed more than a dozen undead.

He only took away the blasted power stone.

As for the corpses of wild monsters, I was too lazy to bring them back.

At this time, Olivia suddenly flew over and said to Lin Yi with a serious expression: "Lord Lord, you seem to have the imprint of the undead on your body!"

"Mark of the Undead?"

Lin Yi wondered: "What is that?"