Chapter 112 Skeleton King! Hit The Tomb Of Bones! Cute Elf! Dark Dragon And Bone Dragon! Back In Time!

when out hunting.

Lin Yi did kill some undead.

Undead like skeleton warriors, ghouls, and carrion.

Their strength is very weak.

The highest level is only the elite level, he was killed by Lin Yi, and he didn't take it seriously.

Today, he returns to the castle.

However, Olivia, the spirit of the elf mother tree, said that he had the imprint of the undead on him.

This puzzled him.

I don't know what the mark of the dead is.

Olivia explained: "Some powerful undead creatures can split the fire of their own souls and create the imprint of the undead."

"They will send the imprint of the undead into the body of their subordinates."

"Once an enemy kills the marked undead."

"The imprint of the undead will automatically penetrate into the enemy's body, and the powerful undead creature will also use the connection with the imprint of the undead to hunt down that enemy."


Lin Yi asked, "But what?"

Olivia asked back: "Has there been any special undead found among the undead creatures that Lord Lord killed today?"

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "Just some ordinary undead, nothing special."

"That's weird!"

Olivia wondered: "Undead creatures generally don't give their marks to ordinary undead!"

"After all, splitting the fire of the soul and creating the imprint of the undead is not an easy task."

"So, the imprint of the undead basically appears on some undead creatures with strong strength or special abilities. They are the subordinates of the powerful undead creatures, and they are worth paying attention to!"

Lin Yi said, "There was an elite ghoul that was slapped to death by me."

Olivia shook her head and said: "It shouldn't be it! The undead creatures I have seen with the imprint of the undead are basically the eighth-order commander level and the ninth-order lord level."

"Then it's not clear!"

Lin Yi walked to the vicinity of the [Angel Reincarnation Pool].

The holy light emanating from the statue of the eighteen-winged angel shone on him.

Almost just for a moment.

A mournful howl sounded faintly from his body.

Full of pain and despair.

Soon, a wisp of ashes rose from his body, and was then directly purified by the Holy Light.

Olivia said: "Lord Lord, what was wiped out by the Holy Light just now was the imprint of the undead attached to you. Now it has been completely purified and removed."

"There is no imprint of the dead."

"That powerful undead creature also lost its target."

"Even if it's targeting you, it can no longer pinpoint your exact location!"


Lin Yi said with a smile: "But anyway, there should be some undead staring at me!"

"Is that so?"

Olivia was surprised and said, "This area has been shrouded in light and sacred magic, and it is the nemesis of the undead! As the owner of the castle, the undead may not be able to avoid it, so how dare you attack you?"

Lin Yi looked at the [Holy Light Temple] standing not far away. twenty three

What else can you dare?

One of the special effects of this ultimate building exclusive to the light camp is [greatly increase the hatred of the dark and evil camps].

The undead are also forces belonging to the evil camp.

Lin Yi has reason to doubt.

The undead who appeared in the jungle, and the owner of the imprint of the undead, were attracted by the [Holy Light Temple].

"Light and divine power are the nemesis of the undead, but they are also mortal enemies."

Lin Yi said: "Obviously there are undead creatures attacking my castle."

Olivia immediately said: "Don't worry, Lord, Olivia must carefully search the castle's sphere of influence, and will never let the evil undead approach your castle!"

Lin Yi said with a smile: "Don't be so nervous, if the undead dare to appear, then it has only one way to die!"

If the master behind the imprint of the undead is only a holy order.

Then the little angels under his command are enough to purify it into scum.

Even the undead in the middle and late stages of the Holy Rank must die.

Now, he has more than a dozen angels of the royal rank, and they are enough to surround and kill the undead in the middle and late stages of the holy rank.

And if it is a demigod-level undead.

Then he will naturally not be polite, and will use the sacred magic cannon of [Sky City], so that the undead will not even have a chance to be reincarnated.

So Lin Yi is not worried about the safety of [Angel Castle].

The advantages of undead creatures cannot be reflected in him here.

Lin Yi asked, "Are there any undead lair around this dense forest like the Bone Burial Ground?"

Olivia said: "As far as I know, there is no burial place in the dark forest, and even the number of undead here is very small. At least there is no undead lair on the surface."

Lin Yi nodded slightly.

Since it is not on the surface, it should be in the underground world.

Just happened to be at this time.

The Legion of Light returns to the Castle of Angels with plenty of loot.

Lin Yi waved a bright goblin priest and asked, "Did the goblins of your tribe find a large army of undead creatures when they were in the underground world?"

The bright goblin sacrificed respectfully: "Return to my lord, in the underground world about 70 kilometers away from our tribe, there is a tomb of bones! It is said that the owner of the tomb is a Skeleton King at the peak of the king's rank!"

Lin Yi frowned, "Is it just the peak of the king's rank?"

He thought that the one who hit him was at least the undead of the Holy Order.

Olivia said: "Lord Lord, I don't think it should be the Skeleton King, it's too weak!"

Yes, too weak!

At the peak of the mere king rank, he dared to fight the idea of Angel Castle. Isn't this a death sentence?

Lin Yi looked at the bright goblin priest and said, "Have the undead from the Tomb of Bones ever invaded your tribe?"

The Bright Sacrifice shook his head and said, "Before we believed in the Lord, our tribe exchanged a lot of money for the protection of a dark dragon at the peak of the king's rank."

"Dragon Cave of the Dark Dragon."

"Right in the middle of our tribe and the Tomb of Bones."

"The Skeleton King has always been afraid of the dark dragon. Neither it nor its undead troops dared to approach the dragon's cave, nor came to invade our tribe."

The goblin tribe supports a dark dragon.

Lin Yi knew about this.

But until now, the dark dragon has not appeared.

Was it killed by the Skeleton King? It is also the peak of the king rank. The Skeleton King is obviously not the opponent of the dark dragon, but if the Skeleton King is promoted to the holy rank and the Master is in the domain, the result will be different.

Lin Yi waved his hand: "Go and pray!"

"Follow your orders, my lord!"

The Bright Sacrifice knelt on the ground and said with reverence: "Almighty Lord, may the Holy Light always be there, may you be eternal!"

Wait for the light sacrifice to leave.

Olivia said: "Lord Lord, if the master behind the imprint of the undead is the Skeleton King, then it is likely to have entered the realm of the Holy Order!"

Lin Yi nodded slightly.

Olivia agreed with him.


After all the troops in the castle return.

Lin Yi recruited the angel of love Nina, the guardian angel Mia, the eight-winged angel Angelia and other high-ranking angels, as well as the dozen or so four-winged angels and two-winged angels who were promoted to the king rank.

Then, Lin Yi recruited the big elf Erica and the elf elder Becky.

"My lord~"

"Lord Lord!"

Angels and elves come together.

They all respectfully saluted Lin Yi.

Lin Yi said to them: "I suspect that some undead are planning to invade our castle. The target may come from a tomb of bones in the underground world, and it is the Skeleton King who has just entered the holy order!"

"You go to the goblin tribe."

"Let the goblins guide you!"

Lin Yi said: "The purpose of this trip is to purify the tomb of bones, and also to clean up the dragon cave on the way. If the dark dragon is still alive, it's up to you to kill or take it away!"

"Follow your orders, Almighty Lord (Lord Lord)!"

Angels and elves responded respectfully.

Lin Yi waved his hand: "Go!"


Seraph Angel Guy Tears took the lead in waving the scepter in his hand.

A dazzling holy light was poured down, covering the nearby little angels, Erica and Becky.

The two elves didn't resist either, letting the Holy Light wrap them around.

"The Lord said that the place where the light shines is the place where the angels come!"

For a moment.

The holy light is ten times dazzling.

It could be seen vaguely that the figures of angels and elves dissipated in the holy light.

In the end, the holy light disappeared.

Angel of love Nina and other little angels, as well as the great elves Erica and Becky, all disappeared.

This is the legion teleportation magic of Angel of Power.

Can be teleported directly to the Lord's Land of Faith.


when they appear again.

Has come to a dark underground world.

Not far away, countless firelights are blooming, it is the goblin tribe.

In the center of the tribe, on the high forty-nine steps, a stone statue with a height of dozens of meters is the most eye-catching. In the nearby square, thousands of goblins are kneeling and praying to the statue.

Dawn and sunset are the prayer time of goblins.

Pray twice a day, and the thunder won't move.

It can be seen that the statue of Lin Yi is exuding white light, extremely holy.

That is the light of faith.

The devotion to the Lord by thousands of goblins from the goblin tribe.

The great elf Erica looked at the giant statue of Lin Yi in surprise, and asked, "This goblin tribe has also taken refuge with the lord?"

The six-winged archangel Xue Lier said: "Under the guidance of the Lord, the elves of the tribe have found the correct belief! Their bodies and souls have been purified by the divine, and they are devout followers of the Lord!"

Erica hesitated and asked, "If we want to believe in Lord Lord, what should we do?"

"Are you natural elves?"

Xue Lier looked at her, and then at the beautiful elf elder Becky, smiled and said, "Are you ready?"


Erica and Becky both nodded.

The six-winged archangel Shirley said, "Then, please follow us in prayer in the future! The Almighty Lord will guide you to find your faith!"

"If it's urgent, you can also ask for Nina's help."

"As an angel of love."

"Nina's main job is to spread the faith for the Lord!"

"We can do it!"

The big elves Erica and Becky quickly and politely refused.

They don't want to be forced into belief.

They believe that with their loyalty to the Lord, it is not difficult to pursue the power of faith and become a follower of the Lord.


The six-winged archangel Shirley did not force it either.

Then, a group of angels and elves flew into the goblin tribe.

Soon after.

The team set off again, and the number increased.

Several more goblins with fanatical expressions, like pilgrimages, led the way.


Angel Castle.

The little angels prayed near the Reincarnation Pond.

The Legion of Light knelt before the gate of the Temple of Light and prayed in low voices.

Dozens of elves gathered under the tree of the elves mother tree, as if building a wooden house?

The six huge flaming dragons are still working tirelessly and tirelessly to hatch the eggs of the Fire Dragon King.

A little further away, there are more than a dozen golden griffins, all of which have entered the ninth order. They are far away from the giant dragons and dare not approach. Afterwards, they also crawled on the ground, screaming strangely in their mouths, as if they were praying.

the other side.

There are also several bright nuns and bright hunters collecting and decomposing the corpses of wild monsters.

This is a job the Lord has given them, and they feel very honored.

In short, all the creatures in the castle are very busy.

Lin Yi is not idle either.

He is taking stock of today's gains.

"There are more than 1,300 power stones in total."

"Nine different crystals."

"Two drawings."

The power stone and the different crystals were stored by Lin Yi.

The drawings were also identified.

The very ordinary drawings did not surprise Lin Yi.

A piece of [Intermediate Residence Construction Paper] can be used 100 times.

A [Wall Building Blueprint] can build a circle surrounding the entire immediate domain.

Lin Yi immediately used [Dwelling Drawings].

Obtain 100 minmins neatly arranged together.

So far, the number of [residential houses] in his castle has reached 160, and it is not a problem to place the troops in the castle.

As for the [Architectural Drawings of the Wall].

Lin Yi doesn't need it.

Because the Castle of Angels already has walls.

He put the blueprint on the [Hyperspace Trading Channel] and sold it at the price of 300 power stones.

Now, there are more and more blueprints in the hands of the castle lord.

With the increase in the size and strength of the troops under the Lord of the Castle, the probability of breaking the blueprint is also increasing.

Of course, not all castle lords are so lucky to be able to explode the blueprints. So far, the value of the drawings is still very high and very popular.

Lin Yi's price tag is not black.

It is a relatively normal market price.

I believe that some castle masters will buy the [Wall Drawings] soon.

After the bright nuns and the bright hunters have decomposed and collected the bodies of wild monsters.

Lin Yi kept a part of it to satisfy the food consumption of the Legion of Light, the Flame Dragon, and the Golden Griffin.

All other foods are listed in the trading area.

so far.

Lin Yi has more than 200,000 units of food listed on the trading channel.

There has been no large-scale redemption yet.

Obviously, the castle lords are still not short of food.

However, Lin Yi is not in a hurry, anyway, the food on the trading channel will not spoil. Besides, if it can't be sold now, it doesn't mean it won't be sold in the future.

At this moment.

Lin Yi seemed to have thought of something.

Invite a little elf.

The elf was summoned by Lin Yi, and ran over quickly, and asked happily, "Lord Lord, what are your orders~"

Lin Yi asked, "How do you deal with your elves' diet? Do you eat meat?"

"Lord Lord, elves don't eat meat!"

The elf tilted his head and thought for a while, and said: "The elves generally eat fresh fruit, nectar, honey... and sometimes drink a little water of life! The elves actually don't need to eat too much, and we can solve it by ourselves, lord. Don't worry, my lord!"

"It's so cute!"

Lin Yi smiled and touched the elf's head.

But then, he still opened the trading channel, exchanged wood and stones for a batch of fresh fruit and honey, and stored them in the castle warehouse.

Lin Yi said: "There are some fresh fruits and honey in the warehouse, you can go and get them when you are hungry."

"Mmmmm~" The elf narrowed her eyes happily.

Immediately, he respectfully saluted: "Praise you, my esteemed lord!"


Time passed quickly.

Angels and elves quickly shuttle through the underground world.

Their goal is very clear. Under the guidance of the goblin believers, they will directly attack the tomb of bones.

On the way, they passed the Dragon Cave.

But found a mess around.

At first glance, his eyes were scorched black, as if they had been burned by flames.

There are also many blasted stones scattered on the ground nearby, and pieces of broken bones are hidden in the ruins.

Within a radius of several thousand meters, there is a strong atmosphere of darkness and undead.

"There was a fierce battle here!"

"Both sides of the battle belong to dark creatures and undead creatures!"

The eight-winged angel Angelia waved the golden wand in her hand, and a strong holy light immediately emerged, purifying the darkness and the breath of the undead nearby.

Guardian Angel Mia wondered, "Where's Dai Er?"

As soon as she finished speaking, a figure appeared from the void.

It was the Angel of Death, Dale.

After the dragon slaughtering battle last night, she, who was originally only the peak of the ninth rank, directly stepped into the middle rank of the king rank, and her strength increased greatly.

With her current Void concealment and shuttle ability.

Even Elektra, the great elf who is at the pinnacle of the Holy Rank, is basically impossible to find her without releasing the Holy Rank Domain.

Angel of death.

Born Void Hunter!

Angel of death Dai Er said: "The dragon cave is empty! The dark dragon has disappeared, leaving only the gold coins of the Human Empire scattered all over the place, as well as some useless things such as ornamental gems."

The Seraphim Guy Teas said: "The dark dragon may have fallen and was killed by the Skeleton King in the Tomb of Bones!"

"Just look at it~"

"have a look?"

The eyes of all the angels fell on Angelia, the eight-winged angel.

The big elves Erica and Becky also looked over curiously.

The battle has been over for I don't know how long.

How does this look?

I saw the eight-winged angel Angelia wave the golden wand in her hand again.

With a solemn expression, he recited the divine language.

"The Lord said, there must be light in the world, so there is light!"

"The Lord said that the vision of the Holy Spirit is not hindered by illusions, time and space, and can see through all the fog... So, the long river of time and space will automatically unfold in front of the Holy Spirit!"

Accompanied by the magic released by Angelia.

An endless rain of light fell from the void.

The light and rain passed, and the void suddenly began to twist.

Soon, it was as if time and space were reversed.

The things in front of the angels and elves suddenly turned into another scene.

The densely packed undead creatures appeared very suddenly around them, blocking the dragon cave not far away.

High in the sky, there is also a dark dragon with a wingspan of nearly 100 meters roaring.

The front of the dragon.

It is a tall skeleton undead covered in golden skeletons.

The black dragon and the golden skeleton are fighting at high altitude.

The battle is extremely fierce!

After a while, the surrounding scene changed again.

The huge dark dragon fell in a pool of blood, and the golden skeleton stood beside its corpse, enjoying the cheers and worship of the undead army...

at this time.

A human in a black robe came out.

He waved the bone staff in his hand.

Immediately, the corpse of the dark dragon began to tremble, and the blood on its surface quickly rotted away, leaving only a blood-red dragon skeleton.

Not long after, the dragon skeleton also stood up.

In the empty eye sockets, there is the fire of the green faint soul.


"Belong to my bone dragon!"

The black-robed human hurriedly saluted the golden skeleton and said respectfully, "Thank you for your help, Lord Skeleton King! I believe that in the face of your mighty power, even Lin Yi... No, even Angel Castle can't resist it. Be a ruin under your feet!"

"As long as you destroy Angel Castle."

"Get the artifacts in the castle, you will definitely be able to become the ruler of the underground world and build a great undead empire!"

The sight disappeared.

The black-robed humans, bone dragons, golden skeletons, and the undead all over the mountains and plains all dissipated.

"Insidious and cunning human heresy!"

The angel of death, Dai Er, had a strong murderous aura on her beautiful cheeks.

"Not only did he call my lord's real name, but he also induced the Skeleton King to attack my lord's castle with an inexplicable artifact, damn it!"

The six-winged archangel Shirley frowned and said, "That human looks like the lord of the castle. Generally, only the lord of the castle knows my lord's real name!"

The angel of death, Dale, swiped the golden dagger in her hand.

A black gap was cut open in the void.

"Then it should be killed!!"

PS: Ask for power stones