Chapter 113 Shocked! Lin Yi Is Finished? Goddess Card Traitor! Siege The Holy Skeleton King! Terrified Old Zheng!

Dark Underworld.

"The Lord said that the Holy Light will guide the Holy Spirit and pursue the breath of evil and darkness!"

The eight-winged angel Angelia continued to wave her golden wand.

In an instant, a faint light appeared, and then it was elongated, extending to the end of the darkness.

Seraph Angel Guytis immediately gave an order.

"Follow the guidance of the Holy Light, attack the undead in the tomb of bones, purify those evil creatures, and destroy the human heretics who have fallen into the camp of darkness and undead!"

"Praise the Almighty Lord~"

The little angels did not hesitate, and immediately caught up with the distant holy light mark.

The big elf Erica and the elf elder Becky also quickly followed.

Becky's expression was shocked, and she whispered: "Elder Erika, what race is the angel, and the power of the Master is too terrifying! It can distort time and space, and let the time that has become the past go back to the present!"

"do not know!"

"There has never been a race like an angel in the endless continent."

The big elf Erica shook her head.

Thinking of the scene back in time just now also made her feel terrified.

The eight-winged angel with three pairs of snow-white wings and a pair of energy light wings, although the rank is not high, only in the middle stage of the ninth rank, but the ability displayed has shocked her.

Back in time!

Not really turning back time though.

Just letting what happened in the past come to light was enough to make her feel incredible.

Even she, who is a peak powerhouse of the Holy Rank, does not have such an ability.

Becky suddenly asked: "Elder Erika, did the lord really say those words? For example, if there is light in the world, then there is light?"

"That's for sure!"

The great elf Erica said firmly: "Lord Lord is the omnipotent lord of angels' belief, and the divine language of angels is naturally what Lord Lord once said."

"Lord Lord's previous strength must be very terrifying!"



Alliance of the Gods - Internal chat group.

[Brothers and sisters! Brother, I have developed, haha...]

[? ? ? ]

[? ? ? ]

[What the hell? ]

[Old Zheng, what are you doing, you are so prosperous, and you picked up an artifact? ]

[roll! ! ]

[Brother Zheng, I remember that your castle is in the underground world. Could it be that... did you really catch the dark elves? ]

[Dark Elf... tsk tsk! ]

[Brother Zheng is going to be the second Lin Yi! It seems that in the surface world, apart from Lin Yi and the Elf Garden, no one has heard of a castle lord with elves in his hands. ]

[Dark elves belong to an evil race, and they like to engage in shadow assassination the most. How can there be natural elves? ]

[I also think the natural elves are better! ]

[I saw a natural elf a few days ago, she was as beautiful as a fairy, but unfortunately her strength is too strong, I dare not go up and talk to her! ]

[Brothers, when you grow up, you will understand what a man's love is! ]


[What about the old Zheng people? ]

[coming! You think too much, you haven't picked up the artifact, and you haven't caught the dark elves. ]

[Then you say wool? ]

[ know a hammer! Do you know Bone Dragon? I teamed up with a holy rank Skeleton King from the local forces to kill a dark dragon at the peak of the king rank. ]

[The corpse of the black dragon was directly transformed into a bone dragon by me! ]

[It won't take long, after swallowing enough soul fire, my bone dragon can be promoted to the holy rank! ]

[What is Lin Yi? ]

[I'm not afraid to tell you, I'm planning to deal with Lin Yi now! With the Holy Skeleton King and his army of tens of thousands of undead, it won't take long for me to push down Angel Castle! ]

[hiss! ! ]

a time.

The top castles in the League of Gods were all shocked. The holy rank Skeleton King, tens of thousands of undead armies, and a bone dragon at the peak of the king rank, besieged Angel Castle together...

This news is more shocking than the thousands of castle masters of the Anti-Angel Alliance who assembled to besiege the Angel Castle.

Such a powerful evil force, can Angel Castle resist?

It seems difficult!

They felt that even if there were holy-order elves sitting in Lin Yi's castle, it would be difficult to resist the siege of the undead army.

[I rely on Lao Zheng, is it true or false? ]

[Is it good to lie to you? ]

[Wait, in two days at most, Angel Castle will be turned into ruins under the sweep of my undead army! Those castle masters of the Anti-Angel Alliance are too useless and unreliable! Lin Yi will definitely die at my hands first! ]

[Is the bone dragon so strong? ]

[For sure! The top arms, the growth potential of the holy rank peak. And I have negotiated with the Skeleton King, it will increase the continuous fire of the soul for my bone dragon, and soon my bone dragon can be promoted to the holy rank. ]

[When the time comes, the two holy-rank undead will join forces! ]

[Even if there are holy-order natural elves in Lin Yi's castle, he must die! ]

See this message reply.

The top castle lords in the alliance were even more shocked.

at the same time.

Many castle owners were very excited.

Although they have no hatred with Lin Yi, they really hope that Lin Yi will be eliminated.

Because as long as the Castle of Angels is destroyed.

The mountain above them was gone.

They don't have to worry anymore, they will encounter the attack of Lin Yi angel army in the future.

Say it more solemnly.

Once Lin Yi died, the whole world was safe.


[f**k... Brother Zheng, you are so awesome in the blink of an eye? By the way, how did you cooperate with the Skeleton King of the local forces, and where did your ability to transform bone dragons come from? ]

[Hey... I can't tell you how they cooperated, it's a secret. ]

[As for the skills of transforming bone dragons...]

[It is a skill drawing from a special drawing. ]

[During the Battle of the Beast Tide, I broke out that skill blueprint, called Skeleton Undead Transformation! As long as it is an undead like a skeleton, I can transform it! ]

[There is still such a drawing? ]

[There are more types of drawings, especially special drawings, there are all kinds! ]

[Brother Zheng, you are really going to develop this time! The transformation of skeletons and undead, combined with your evil faction castle forces, is simply a perfect match! ]

[Hold your thighs (expression)! ]

[Speaking of Lao Zheng, why are you going to provoke Lin Yi? If you fail, you will be in big trouble! ]

Someone spoke up, expressing concern.

With the current strength of 'Lao Zheng', it is enough to suppress any top castle lord.

The nine members of the Alliance of the Gods are probably not his opponents.

After all, he has an ally of the holy rank Skeleton King, a bone dragon who is about to be promoted to the holy rank, and an undead army.

Who is his opponent?

As long as he takes advantage of this advantage, Lao Zheng's castle power is bound to expand wildly, and it may not be impossible to surpass Lin Yi in the future.

It would be unwise to provoke Lin Yi now.

It's okay to succeed, if it fails, tsk tsk...

[You do not understand! ]

[I want to use that Skeleton King! ]

[If it hurts both sides with Lin Yi, then I kill two birds with one stone! If it fails, then I will withdraw immediately and take over its territory, the Tomb of Bones...]

[No matter what, I will win! ]

[As for Lin Yi, I'm not worried at all! My castle force is in the underground world, and he is in the surface world, so he cannot threaten me. He can't even find where my castle is! ]


[Looks like, he can really do it! ]

[As long as you operate it properly, you can make a steady profit without losing money! ]

[Old Zheng, yes! Don't forget your brother, do you still remember the [Bone Warrior Species Architectural Drawing] that you participated in the auction of Lin Yi last time? Although I was cut off in the end, I also borrowed your power stone after all...]

[Horse, one week, double return, I remember you! ]

[Ha, ha ha...don't remember such trivial things! ]

[Wait a minute, there seems to be a sound of fighting outside, I'll go take a look...]

Lao Zheng suddenly went offline.


Angel Castle.

Lin Yi looked at the information forwarded by Feng Qing in the friend column.

The information is the chat records of the Alliance of the Gods and the masters of the top castles.

The protagonist 'Lao Zheng' was highlighted by Feng Qing.

Feng Qing's expression was solemn: "You have to be careful 々ˇ!"

She felt that if it was true as 'Lao Zheng' said, two holy-rank undead led an army of undead to besiege Lin Yi's Angel Castle, maybe it was really possible to succeed.

Although Fengqing does not want to surpass Lin Yi all the time.

But she didn't want Lin Yi to call it quits.

She also plans to unite Lin Yi's angel army to attack the imperial forces in the central area after establishing a dynasty.

"Why do I feel like you are the traitor I planted in the Alliance of the Gods?"

Look at the message sent by Lin Yi.

The expression on Fengqing Juemei's cheeks was slightly stunned.

Then he grinded his teeth.

Feng Qing: "I'm helping you, you actually said that to me? How can I look like a traitor, I'm a member of the Alliance of the Gods!"

Lin Yi: "Thank you!"

"Humph (expression)!"

Feng Qing: "If it really doesn't work, you can relocate the castle and go to other areas to rebuild your forces! This is a good way, and it can also avoid the plan of the Anti-Angel Alliance to gather and besiege your castle!"

Lin Yi: "Why relocate? My angel team has already been killed!"

Feng Qing: "??? When did it happen?"

Lin Yi: "Half an hour ago, we should be fighting right now!"

Feng Qing: "Is my reminder a little redundant?"

Lin Yi: "Yeah."

Fengqing: "..."


golden city-

Feng Qing opened the internal information of the Alliance of the Gods.

Looking at the last chat record sent by 'Lao Zheng' - '... There seems to be a sound of fighting outside, I'll go take a look...'

After that, the old Zheng Yinxun was gone.

This thing, I'm afraid it's really going to be cold, right?

"Holy Skeleton King!"

"The bone dragon at the peak of the king's order."

"There is also an army of tens of thousands of undead..."

"How could Lin Yi's angel be able to defeat it? How powerful is this!"

Under the shroud of the blood moon, Feng Qing, who was standing on the balcony on the top floor of the castle, took a deep breath.

It seems that every other day, Lin Yi's castle strength skyrockets.

And every time, her assessment of Lin Yi's strength was wrong and seriously underestimated.

"It looks like my alliance of gods needs another top castle lord!"

Fengqing sighed.

Then he shook his head, not taking it to heart.

For her, a castle force that took the initiative to provoke Lin Yi, but was destroyed by Lin Yi, was not worthy of her sympathy, even if it was a member of the same alliance.

So much ability, so much to do.

If you overestimate yourself, if you do something wrong, you must pay the price.

"And the Lord of the Black Dragon Castle..."

"I hope you can wake up a bit, otherwise after three days, there may only be eight members left in our alliance of the gods!"


Underworld - Tomb of Bones.

At first glance, the underground space world with a radius of tens of kilometers is covered with bones from various creatures, and it is white, making people feel cold all over.

And in the center of the underground space.

There is a stone platform about 100 meters high.

There are steps on all sides of the stone platform. Going up the steps and standing on the top of the stone platform is a palace made of white bones.

Skull Palace!

The base camp of the holy golden skeleton.

It can be seen that there are a large number of undead standing around the stone platform.

Most of them are undead like skeletons, such as skeleton warriors, skeleton warriors, skeleton knights, skeleton mages, giant bone mages and so on.

There are also a small number of other types of undead, such as rotting zombies, ghouls, and so on.

High in the sky, there are still stone oak ghosts, ghosts, and dead souls circling and screaming.

The scene looks unusually intriguing.

Just at this time.

A group of radiant figures appeared in this underground space.

accompanying them.

It is a powerful magic technique.

All the undead creatures were instantly purified after the magical technique, and even the darkness and undead aura floating in the air were purified.

Skeleton undead, rotting zombies, corpses, stone oak ghosts, ghosts...

And so on undead creatures.

No one can withstand the magic from the little angels. Even the undead creatures of the king rank will soon turn into wisps of ashes and dissipate under the erosion of divine arts.

The divine power of light and the power of the dark undead are mortal enemies.

There is no nemesis of who is who.

Whichever camp is stronger is the winner.

Now, it is clear that the little angels are stronger.

Accompanied by the fall of one after another divine technique and the shining of holy light...

The undead creatures in the underground space fell in pieces.

There are also dense stone oak ghosts, ghosts, and flying skeletons and undead, surrounded and killed by the little angels from a high altitude.

Face the little angels.

Their only advantage is that they are numerous, in the tens of thousands.

Unfortunately, that doesn't change anything!

"The Lord said, there must be light in the world, so there is light!"

The Seraphim Guy Dess, the Angel of Love Nina, and the Seraphim Shirley, the three most powerful angels released the same magic at the same time,

A simple word of God.

But let the bright holy light illuminate the entire underground space.

under the light of the Holy Light.

Countless undead disappeared in an instant.

Even the fire of their souls could not be preserved and were thoroughly purified.

It is roughly estimated that at least tens of thousands of undead creatures were killed in seconds, so that the little angels present received huge 'experience' rewards.


Top of stone platform.

Inside the Palace of Skeletons.

The golden Skeleton King was furious.

In the hall, the black-robed human standing shivered.

He is the 'Lao Zheng' and 'Brother Zheng' that appeared in the internal information qun of the Alliance of the Gods.

He held a bone staff.

Frightened inside.

He couldn't believe it, he and the Skeleton King had not attacked Lin Yi's Angel Castle, but Lin Yi's angels had entered their base first.

when those angels appeared.

He almost suspected that he had run into a ghost, something was too evil.

He still doesn't understand it.

How did Lin Yi know about this place and kill him directly, without giving him any chance or time to prepare.

Lao Zheng hurriedly said: "¨々Your Majesty the Skeleton King, the enemy is right in front of you, please take action yourself to deal with those angels! As long as we grasp the victory of this battle, we can immediately kill the Angel Castle and get the artifact!"


Behind the hollow eye sockets of the golden skeleton is a faint green soul fire.

It stared at Lao Zheng and said indifferently: "Cunning human necromancer, is it you who attracted these bright creatures?"

"Injustice, His Majesty the Skeleton King! It's not me!!"

Old Zheng screamed.

Don't say he didn't do it, even if it was, he couldn't admit it.

The Skeleton King in front of him is ruthless, and belongs to the kind of evil, pure undead creature from head to toe to soul.

Not only will he kill him, but he will also eat his soul.

Where will he recognize it?

Lao Zheng shouted in horror: "Your Majesty the Skeleton King, my loyalty to you is even brighter than the light of the blood moon! If you are not sure, then let's run for our lives!"

"Powerful undead warriors, there is no reason to back down!"

The golden skull stood up from the throne.

Picking up a big sword, he walked straight out of the hall.

"Human undead magician, bring your bone dragon, follow this king to meet the enemy, and erect the glorious battle flag of my skeleton undead clan!"

Its body is several meters high.

Walking, it seems to make the entire Skeleton Palace tremble.

Lao Zheng quickly followed behind.

However, his eyes were peeking around.

Go to the special undead warrior, he is not an undead, the only thing he wants to do now is to escape, so as not to be caught by those angels and directly purified.

Banner of Glory?

All have become undead, will there still be glory?

He scoffed!

Unfortunately, he still thinks too much after all.

Skeleton King seemed to know that he was going to run away, so he grabbed him and threw him on the bone dragon's back.

Then, using the powerful soul power, he forcibly temporarily seized the control of the bone dragon.


The Golden Skeleton King roared.

In an instant, he crossed hundreds of meters, raised the big sword in his hand, and slashed at the little angels.

The bone dragon also flapped its bone wings and came from the sky.

Only Lao Zheng, who was lying on the back of the bone dragon, was so frightened that his face turned green.

He wanted to jump down to escape, but found (Nuo Zhao Zhao) that the bone dragon released the undead power of the king class to suppress him.

Obviously can be seen.

There is also a deep hatred in its soul fire.


"I didn't kill you, why are you trapping me?!"

Lao Zheng felt aggrieved to death.


In the distance, the Golden Skull King was already torn apart with the Angel team.

Dozens of little angels, more than a dozen king-rank angels, and the elf elder Becky joined hands to besiege the Golden Skull King in the early days of the holy rank.

As for the great elf Erica.

They stood at a distance and did not directly participate in the battle.

She wants to give Angel and Becky the special energy to kill the enemy to help them become stronger.

If a little angel is in danger, she will call for help.


After a long battle.

The Golden Skeleton King found that he could not help these bright creatures who had not yet been promoted to the king rank.

This will not work!

It immediately released the Holy Rank Domain.

Accompanied by a black light swept across.

The space within a few hundred meters was shrouded in black light.

At the same time, countless gray tentacles appeared in Skeleton King's realm.

This is Touch of the Dead!

Able to devour the soul of creatures, evil and powerful.

"Shield of Light!"

In an instant, the shields of holy light with a strong defense appeared on the little angels, which were used to resist the evil touch of the undead.

at the same time.

Guardian Angel Mia waved her wand and released magic.

"The Lord said that the Holy Spirit should be humble, benevolent, and united... The brilliance of the Holy Spirit, like a splendid galaxy, will never go out... The guardianship of angels is impartial and selfless, and fraternity has no bounds..."

——[Great Blessing Magic]!

Immediately, the divine power of all the little angels was connected.

They became a whole, fighting against the power of the undead in the realm of the Golden Skeleton King.

Only the elf elder Becky was a little confused.

What will she do?

The Great Blessing Magic only works on angels, she is an elves!

Just at this time.

The little angels read the Lord's words in unison again.

"The Lord said, there must be light in the world, so there is light!"

"The Lord said that if there is life in the world, then there is the Holy Spirit..."

"The Lord said that there should be no darkness in the world, so the darkness receded under the dispersal of the light..."

boom! ! !

In an instant.

Bright holy light blooms in the field.

All evil touch of the undead is wiped out.

Golden Skull Wang Qiang's great holy rank domain is directly disintegrating! Clothes!