Chapter 114 The Power Of Magic! The Escaped Skeleton King! Super Angels! All Promotion! Don't Rest Your Eyes!

"The Lord said that there must be light in the world, and there is light..."

This divine word.

It can be said to be the general outline of all magic.

Dozens of little angels recite them at the same time, layer by layer...

Coupled with the [Great Blessing Magic] of the guardian angel Mia, the divine power of all the little angels is integrated into a whole.

The power of the divine art has skyrocketed, so great that it is terrifying.

Directly entered the holy level.

It can even be compared to a blow from the middle stage of the Holy Rank, or even the powerhouse in the late stage of the Holy Rank.

The Golden Skull King has just entered the realm of the holy order, and the undead realm is only initially perfected.

Under the sweep of the group of dozens of little angels, its undead domain collapsed in an instant.

... The dazzling holy light swept across.

Countless touches of the undead, like demon tentacles, were all wiped out in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the Holy Rank domain of the Golden Skull King also disappeared.

Even its body, like the Skeleton King skeleton made of pure gold, seemed to have been poured over by strong sulfuric acid, and its whole body was firing guns and emitting a rich ash smoke.


Skeleton King screamed in pain.

After being the undead for thousands of years, it finally realized what pain is.

It's a very strange feeling.

But it made it unbearable.

Because the source of the severe pain is not the body, its body is just a skeleton, which can be used immediately after being dismantled.

Pain comes from the soul!

Its natal soul has been purified by the Holy Light.

A terrifying divine force has invaded its soul and forcibly wiped out its soul power.

The nemesis of undead power is divine power.

Now, it is filled with holy light and divine power all over it.

Its body and its soul are gradually disintegrating due to the powerful invasion of holy light and divine power.

The body is nothing, the tomb of bones is full of bones, it only needs to use the power of the undead to condense a new Skeleton King body for itself.

But the soul...

This is the root of the undead.

When the soul disintegrates, the undead must die.

And it's not just the Golden Skull King screaming and wailing...

In the entire underground space and around the Tomb of Bones, all the undead were shrouded in that dazzling holy light.

Those weak undead creatures didn't even have the chance to scream.

In an instant, it turned into fly ash, and the soul was wiped out.

Skeleton Warriors, Skeleton Knights, Rotten Zombies, Stone Oak Ghosts, Ghosts...

Swept away by the holy light, they disappeared in pieces.

Just in the blink of an eye~

There is only one undead creature left in the entire tomb of bones.

That's Skeleton King.

Lao Zheng's peak king rank bone dragon was swept by the holy light and disintegrated directly in the sky, without even a chance to reorganize, because its soul fire was thoroughly purified.

However, it also happened to help him.

Previously, the bone dragon released the power of the undead to bind him on his back, preventing him from escaping. Now the bone dragon's soul is annihilated, his body is disintegrating, and he is back to freedom.

Fall from the sky and fall into the pit of bones.


Lao Zheng turned over and got up.

He cursed secretly and quickly fled the battlefield.

To be honest, the death of the bone dragon made him very distressed.

After all, it is a bone dragon at the peak of the king rank, and it is about to enter the holy rank. How powerful is this 977?

However, before the bone dragon was warmed up in his hands, it was purified by Lin Yi's angel, and his whole face with heartache was twitching.

But after all, your life is the most important thing.

Moreover, as long as he is still alive, with his Master's undead magic - [Skull Undead Transformation], when the power of the castle develops in the future, he can have as many bone dragons as he wants.

He will never lose his mind because of a momentary heartache.

On the contrary, he had to be thankful that the bone dragon was dead.

Otherwise, being imprisoned on the back of the bone dragon, he might be easily beaten by Lin Yi's angel.


"Why is Angel Lin Yi's strength so pervert?"

"Even the Skeleton King who has entered the Holy Rank is not their opponent!"

"Also, who said that Lin Yi only has one or two king-rank angels? Slot! Lin Yi has at least ten king-rank angels, and two of them are eight-winged angels!"

"They joined hands, strong enough to destroy the holy rank Skeleton King!"

Lao Zheng looked back at the battlefield behind him.

Then he turned around and ran away, quickly leaving the underground space covered with bones.


"Finally escaped alive!"

Seeing that there was no angel chasing after him, Lao Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

He opened the internal information qun of the Alliance of the Gods, and there were many top castle lords @ him, asking what happened and why it suddenly went offline.

He wanted to tell the truth.

By the way, expose the true strength of Lin Yi.

But in the end, he didn't.

Because he felt embarrassed and hard to tell.

A few minutes ago, he was still swearing, claiming that he would conquer Lin Yi's Angel Castle.

The results of it?

The Tomb of Bones was swept away by Lin Yi's angels.

Tens of thousands of undead were purified.

Even his most proud bone dragon was swept away by the holy light, disintegrated at high altitude, and died clearly.

He far underestimated Lin Yi's angel.

He also overestimated himself.

This made him shameless to speak out in the alliance's internal information qun, and there was a feeling that the overlord of Chu had no face to face the elders of Jiangdong.

"Not a gentleman!"

"Lin Yi!"

"I'll be back one day!"

Old Zheng thought bitterly.

At this time, he shivered inexplicably.

I felt a little chill on my back, as if I was stared at by some terrifying creature.

He clenched his bone staff and suddenly waved it behind him.

However, he found himself empty.

Behind him, there was nothing but a dark cave leading to the Tomb of Bones.

"Am I thinking too much?"

Lao Zheng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

He did not dare to stay long, and quickly fled to his castle.

He made up his mind. After returning to the castle, he immediately prepared the castle troops and supplies, and fled to the farther underground world with the heart of the castle. He will never collide with Lin Yi again until he is fully grown.

At this point, he had already recognized himself.

When he returns, he will definitely make Lin Yi pay a thousand times the price.

To dispel the hatred in his heart!


Tomb of Bones.

The undead army was wiped out by the Holy Light.

Whether it is an undead creature such as a skeleton or a phantom undead, they are all purified by the Holy Light.

(cddg) Even the underground space, which was filled with darkness and undead, has been swept away.

Being in it, people have an inexplicable feeling of warmth and peace.

Of course, in the place where the bones are buried, it is impossible for people to feel warm.

It can only be said that this is subconsciously influenced by divine power.

Fearless of the undead and evil!

"Damn it!!!"

A roar of hidden pain sounded.

It is the Golden Skeleton King of the Holy Order!

In the entire tomb of bones, only it is still alive and continuing to persevere.

After all, it is a holy-order undead creature that has mastered the domain, and it is not easy to kill it.


The Golden Skull Wang Qiang mobilized the power of the undead in his body to protect his soul source.

At the same time, he raised the big sword in his hand, and slashed out a black sword light dozens of meters long, instantly slashing at the little angels.

The power of this black knife light is so powerful that even the void seems to be cut open.

and wherever.

All Light and Divine Power are divided.

Can't resist it at all.

This is Skeleton King's strongest strike - [Holy Undead Slash], a single attack combat skill of the holy class, and its lethality is even stronger than its own undead domain.

The realm of the undead collapsed, and it was difficult to reunite in a short time.

So the Golden Skull King used his ultimate move.

In an attempt to defeat the little angels in this way.

However, it is overthinking after all.

"Saint Yao!!"

Guardian Angel Mia waved her wand.

In an instant, the shields of holy light on all the little angels were combined to form an indestructible giant shield of holy light, which protected the little angels present and even the elf elder Becky in it.

A loud bang.

After the black knife light hit the giant shield of holy light, it exploded directly.

Can't shake it!

The essence of the Shield of Light comes from the angel's belief in the Lord.

The stronger their faith, the stronger the shield of Light's defense.

The shields of light of dozens of little angels are combined together, and the power of faith is astonishingly strong.

Not even to shake.

"Roar!!" The Golden Skull King was quite angry.

Roaring at the little angels again.

Its roar is like a monster, full of anger and shock to the enemy's soul. But all creatures below the holy rank will be affected and fearful.

Unfortunately, this trick is useless to the little angels.

Their faith is unwavering.

Even in the face of death, they are fearless, let alone a roar?

"Here of the undead race!"

"Don't struggle any more, your destiny is already doomed!"

The eight-winged angel Angelia stood up.

The Golden Skeleton King said angrily: "I am the ruler of a noble and powerful skeleton family, not a heretic! What kind of creatures are you? This king has lived for thousands of years and has never seen you on the Endless Continent!"

The eight-winged angel Angelia raised her head slightly.

Showing a white and beautiful neck.

Looking down at the Golden Skull King: "We are angels, holy creatures created by the Almighty Lord, our duty is to purify evil and darkness, and redeem the souls of heretics!"

"This king's soul does not need to be saved!"

Skeleton King's voice was cold.

In the empty eye sockets, the fire of the green and faint soul is burning.

But the next second, it turned and ran.

Do not hesitate!

The great elf Erica, who was far away from the battlefield, was immediately stunned.

The Golden Skeleton King, a strong undead clan of the holy order, was brave and fearless just now, but he ran away in a blink of an eye.

The huge contrast made her a little confused.

"Here, you can't escape!"

Angel of Love Nina directly released magic.

"The Lord said that light covers the world, and evil and dark creatures have nowhere to escape!"

The voice fell.

A dazzling holy light descended from the sky, covering the Golden Skull King.

The figure of the Golden Skull King suddenly stopped.

Go hard.

At this time, the six-winged power angel Guy Teas and the six-winged power angel Hailan Winnie came out.

They waved their scepters together.

"Faithless heresy!"

"The Holy Cross is your home!"

"Holy flame, will purify your filthy body and redeem your soul!!"

In an instant, the void split open.

A huge cross appeared.

Immediately, golden chains stretched out, chaining and dragging the Golden Skull King, and then tied directly to the sacred cross.

A golden flame ignited on the cross.

Covered the whole body of the Golden Skull King.


This is the angelic flame that purifies all darkness and evil.

Double damage to undead creatures!

"Do not!!!"

Skeleton King screamed uncontrollably again.

Its body and its soul are all being scorched by the holy flame of the angel. The pain in the deep soul is unbearable even for it, and it makes a scream that shakes the entire underground space.

It struggled desperately.

Wanting to break free from the bondage of golden chains and crosses.

It is extremely powerful, and unreservedly releases the power of the soul, and it really broke several golden chains in the blink of an eye. But it couldn't escape immediately, because there were more than a dozen golden chains that bound it.


"You angels from the Otherworld, and the human in the Castle of Angels..."

"I won't let you go!"

Skeleton King was desperate.

It detonated half of its own soul, released terrifying power, forcibly broke all the golden chains that bound it, and then fled to the distance with the holy flame of the angel still burning on it.

It's like a burning man in the sky, going away fast.

"Holy Spirit!"

"The Lord punishes and judges!"

Angelia, the eight-winged angel, waved the golden wand in her hand.

Followed by.

All the little angels present recited the divine language: "Punishment · Judgment!"

In an instant, golden angelic holy flames emerged from every little angel's body.

One after another holy flames gathered in the sky.

It quickly condensed into a huge sword of holy judgement, and slashed it towards the Golden Skeleton King who fled into the distance.

boom! ! !

A loud bang.

The body of the Golden Skull King was directly smashed, and there was no power to resist.

Its soul was also cut off in an instant.

Die very simply!

Even a holy-rank undead creature as strong as the Golden Skeleton King could hardly resist the joint attack of the little angels. Although the little angels have the highest rank, only the king rank, but together they can still suppress the holy rank powerhouse.

That is because the Golden Skull King, as an undead creature, has extremely strong vitality.

In exchange for the general Saint-level early powerhouse, he was killed by the little angels long ago.

While Skeleton King was killed.

Golden light appeared on many little angels.

Guardian Angel Mia, directly promoted to the king rank.

The three sisters of Haitian Angel also successfully entered the rank of king.

Even Angelia, the eight-winged angel who was born today, was promoted to the eight-winged angel of the king rank.

This is because of being an eight-winged angel.

Her own initial rank is as high as the ninth rank.

After the daytime hunting was over, she was promoted to the middle stage of the ninth order.

Now he has broken through the tomb of bones, killed tens of thousands of undead creatures, and killed the king-level peak bone dragon and the holy-level Golden Skeleton King.

Huge energy value reward...

Even if it is shared by all the little angels, it is enough to help Angelia step into the rank of king.

There were more than twenty little angels present.

Except for the six-winged angel Guy Yi and the six-winged archangel Grace who were born today, all the other little angels have entered the rank of kings.

The six-winged archangel Xue Lier and the angel of love Nina are still at the peak of the king rank, and they are getting closer and closer to being promoted to the holy rank.

The six-winged power angel Guy Dess, the six-winged power angel Irene, also entered the peak of the king order.

The other little angels are in different ranks in the early, middle, and late stages of the king order.

Only Guy and Grace.

Currently only at the peak of the ninth order.

But come to think of it, they are not far from being promoted to the king rank.


At this moment.

A powerful breath suddenly appeared, attracting the attention of the little angels.

They looked up.

It was discovered that the source of the breath was not the great elf Erica, but the elf elder Becky who participated in the battle with them.

At this time, the golden light on Becky had disappeared.

But her rank has entered the holy rank.

The six-winged archangel Xue Lier whispered: "If there is another holy rank undead spirit, I can also be promoted to the holy rank!"

The angel of love Nina smiled and said, "Don't worry, my dear Shirley, I have already seen the scene of our promotion to the Holy Rank, it is not far away!"


The six-winged archangel Shirley nodded.

In this war, only she and Nina, the angel of love, remained unchanged in their ranks.

Has always been at the peak of the king's rank.

But that doesn't mean they haven't improved.

They can clearly feel that the door of the holy order has been opened for them.

It won't take long for them to be promoted to the Holy Rank.

And for them, the shackles of the realm do not exist, at least until the rank reaches the limit of the growth potential, their promotion road is smooth and unimpeded.

This is the castle armour!

One of the advantages over native organisms.

If there is no such advantage, or if the arms break through the realm and need to rely on their own understanding, then it is impossible for the castle forces to compete with the local forces for hegemony in a short period of time.

Just a breakthrough in the realm is enough to suppress the castle power for at least a hundred years.


before reaching the limit of growth potential.

The troops of the castle lord do not have the shackles of realm.

As long as the enemy is killed and a large amount of energy is obtained, the castle troops can be promoted all the way, and will not stop until they reach the limit of potential.

This is why the castle masters dare to speak up...

The root cause of attacking the central region of the Endless Continent in the near future.

The castle lords are quite confident.

They believed that as long as they kept recruiting troops and rapidly improving the strength of the troops, they could attack the local empire in the central area in a short period of time.

Whether it is a human empire or a natural elves empire.

Or Orc Royal Court, Dwarf Empire, Dragon Empire...

All are the target of their attack! There is no power that can stop the Lord of the castle who wants to be infinitely enlarged.

Even Lin Yi.

The temptation to attack the central area cannot be ignored either.



After the elf elder Becky completes the breakthrough.

The little angels came forward one after another to express their congratulations to her.

"Thank you~"

Becky was a little embarrassed, her beautiful cheeks flushed slightly.

In this battle, the angels have always contributed, but she couldn't get involved in the whole process, and kept paddling until the battle was over. She said that she was very embarrassed now.

The big elf Erica flew over and said with a smile: "After all, you have entered the holy rank, and your value will be reflected soon!"


Elf elder Becky nodded.

She swore that she would do her best to serve the Lord in the future.

Erica looked at the six-winged power angel Guy Dess and asked, "Are you going to return to Angel Castle?"

Guy Tis said with a smile: "Don't worry, first clean the battlefield, then go to destroy a castle force, and then return after the end."

"Which castle power?"

Erica was a little puzzled.

The six-winged power angel Guy Teas said: "Daier has already taken the lead, we are waiting for the news from her!"

The big elf Erica nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Dale she knew.

That angel of death who looks a bit like belongs to the evil and dark camp!


Another underground space.

There is a gray-black castle.

There are a large number of undead creatures guarding both inside and outside.

"Finally home!"

Lao Zheng, wearing a black robe, appeared outside the castle.

After fleeing for more than ten kilometers, he finally returned to his castle.

Thinking of what happened today, it really made him feel terrified.

But after all, he came back alive.

The moment he saw the castle, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Cunning heresy!"

"Is this your castle?"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded behind him.

Lao Zheng's scalp instantly flashed, and goosebumps appeared all over his body.

He turned his head stiffly.

Immediately, I saw a beautiful angel with a beautiful face and a perfect body in the golden ratio, walking out of the void.

To his horror.

The wings behind this angel are not white, but gray, exuding a strong breath of death.

Puff! !

Suddenly, a golden light flashed.

His head suddenly flew up.

He widened his eyes, watching the world keep turning...

Don't rest your eyes!

Before dying, a voice bursts from between his trembling teeth.

"Fall, fallen angel!!"