Chapter 115: Unable To Die! Dale Swept The Headless Knights! Return! Big Gain! Undead Hallows!

Lao Zheng was dying.

The castle was in sight, but he died at the gate of the castle.

He had even made a plan. After returning to the castle, he immediately summoned the castle troops, coordinated the supplies, and then fled with the heart of the castle, away from this area, and went to other underground spaces for redevelopment.

As a result, before they got home, the people were gone.

He never thought to death that there was an angel who could travel in the void behind him.

And that's a fallen angel.

It shocked him and couldn't believe it.

"If I knew it would be like this, I should have exposed Lin Yi's true strength?

"Let the lords of the league's top castles be vigilant."

"It can also warn the castle masters of the anti-angel alliance not to give away people and experience... to help increase Lin Yi's angel castle to become stronger!"

This is the thought that appeared in Lao Zheng's mind when he was about to die.

But now, it's too late to say anything.

The 'Fallen Angel' attacked suddenly and instantly killed him.

He didn't even have time to open the league's internal information qun.

Can't even post a message.

"I hope the anti-angel alliance can be a little stronger, even if it can't match Lin Yi's angel team, as long as the thief is captured first, and Lin Yi is killed, the power of the castle of angels will naturally disintegrate quickly..."

"Old Hei, it's up to you!"

Thoughts fell.

Lao Zheng's headless body also fell to the ground.

at the same time.

An azure blue drawing fell from his body.

Angel of Death Dai Er picked it up, put it in her arms, and handed it over to the Lord after returning to the castle.

She looked up at the gray-black castle not far away.

At this time, the undead inside and outside the castle were in chaos.

Because they sensed the fall of the castle lord, their loyalty fell crazily.

A qun skeleton mage and skeleton warrior, the first to defect.

They are not the castle arms recruited by the arm building, but the subordinates of the undead resurrected by Lao Zheng using the undead magic [Skull Undead Transformation].

The soul master has fallen.

The imprint of spirit and soul will automatically dissipate.

After the skeleton mages and skeleton warriors recovered their freedom, they naturally fled without hesitation.

But they didn't get far.

Soon, a large wave of headless knights poured out of the castle.

It was almost like chopping melons and vegetables, killing those undead creatures such as skeleton mages and skeleton warriors who defected in two rounds.

Finally, they come together.

Prepare to attack the Angel of Death, Dale.

The headless knight belongs to the top class of soldiers.

The limit of growth potential can reach the early stage of the holy order, or even the middle stage of the holy order.

Among the undead arms such as cavalry, it seems that only the death knight can be stronger than the headless knight.

After all, one has a head and the other has no head.

Of course, this is a joke.

Death knights are stronger than headless knights, and it has nothing to do with them having an extra head.

The two undead creatures have a gap in the origin of the soul of the undead.

In addition, the death knight's mount [Nightmare Beast] is also stronger.

In short, the level of the Headless Horseman is one level lower than that of the Death Knight.

But anyway.

The Headless Horseman is also a solid top class.

Strength is not weak!

At this moment, seventy or eighty headless knights gathered at the gate of the castle.

They are assembled into offensive charge battle formations.

Standing at the forefront was a headless knight in the early stages of the royal rank.

Behind them are nearly ten headless knights of the ninth order.

The further back, the lower the rank of the Headless Horseman.

The further forward, the higher the rank, and the stronger the strength.


Nearly eighty headless knights shook their soul power and roared silently.

Afterwards, all of them radiated black light, forming chains of undead, connecting them all together.

this moment.

They burst out with the momentum of the peak of the king rank.

Because they are no longer scattered individuals, but a whole.

Just like the [Great Blessing Magic] of the guardian angel Mia, it can integrate the sacred power of the little angels into a whole, and erupt into a more powerful power.

The Headless Horseman can do the same.

This is their racial talent and their most powerful ability.



Angel of Death, Dale snorted coldly.

There was an indifferent killing intent on her beautiful cheeks.

Before she finished speaking, the Headless Knights came towards her, like a sharp arrow with terrifying power, advancing bravely and unstoppable.

"The Lord said~"

"Killing is redemption!"

"Death is eternal life!" "Blade of Destruction!"

The angel of death, Dale, disappeared instantly.

It turned into gray shadows and flickered in the camp of the Headless Knights.

With every flicker, a headless horseman was torn to shreds by the terrifying energy of her golden dagger.

Just a few breaths.

The figure of Death Angel Dale flashed dozens of times.

When she reappeared, the size of the headless knights was immediately reduced by half, and dozens of headless knights were instantly killed by her angel combat skill [Blade of Destruction].

Death Angel Dai'er's current rank has entered the peak of the king's rank.

When she participated in the Battle of Dragon Slayer before, she was promoted to the middle stage of the king rank.

Just now, the team of angels wiped out tens of thousands of undead souls in the tomb of bones, and she was also promoted to the peak of the king rank. Although she was not present when she killed the Holy Golden Skeleton King, it did not affect her skyrocketing strength.

The angel of death at the peak of the king's order!

Combining the battles can barely rival the headless knights at the peak of the royal rank.

Who is stronger, at a glance!

The figure of Death Angel Dale shuttled back and forth between the void and reality, flickering, and there was no pressure to kill those headless knights below the king rank. ,

The headless knights' attack on Dale had no effect at all.

All of their undead skill attacks can only hit the empty void world.

She couldn't touch the figure of Angel of Death, Dale.

Obviously, the strength of the Angel of Death, Dale alone, is enough to destroy this headless knight order.

It can also be seen from here.

How big is the gap between other castle lords and Lin Yi's castle strength.

Even the lord of the top castle.

In the face of Lin Yi's angel, he has no ability to resist.

The main reason is that the gap between the ranks is too great!

Up to now, there are a very small number of top castle lords who have begun to have king-rank arms under their command, but the number is very small, only a few at most, and the ranks are generally not high, in the early or middle king rank.

And what about Lin Yi?

There are more than twenty angels under his command.

There are also five angels who have entered the peak of the king rank.

They were Nina, the Angel of Love and the six-winged Archangel Shirley, who were the first to advance to the peak of the king's rank, and then the angel of death, Dale, and the angel of six-winged power, Guy Dis, who were promoted to the peak of the king's rank this time to attack the Tomb of Bones.

And the six-winged angel Irene.

The five angels at the peak of the royal rank came out.

All the enemies of the Holy Order must die.

In the face of such a powerful force, which castle lord can fight against Lin Yi's angel team?

Not to mention, there are still light legion and natural elves in Angel Castle.

The castle masters also knew that they could not be the opponents of Lin Yi's Angel Castle, so various alliances were derived.

Such as the Alliance of the Gods, the Anti-Angel Alliance, the Ice and Snow Alliance, the Kingdom of the Sea, and so on.

The original intention of these alliances.

All were directly influenced by Lin Yi.

Try to join hands and fight against Lin Yi's army of angels in the future.

Among these alliances, the [Anti-Angel Alliance] is more simple and pure. In the early stage, thousands of castle masters with flying arms were assembled to prepare to capture the Angel Castle in one fell swoop.

Calculate the time.

It seems that the Anti-Angel Alliance is coming soon!


The battle is not over yet.

A door of light emitting a dazzling white light appeared in the air.

The door of light opened.

The figures of angels flew out one after another.

Followed by the big elf Erica and the elf elder Becky, who had just been promoted to the holy rank powerhouse.

After coming.

The little angels immediately entered the battlefield.

Clear the Headless Horsemen from the battlefield at a speed that would terrify all the top castle lords.

Just under twenty seconds.

There was no more headless horseman standing on the battlefield.

All were killed.

Even their soul fires are purified by the power of the Light.

The Heart of the Castle within the castle was destroyed shortly after.

All the buildings in the castle collapsed in an instant and turned into ruins.

This top castle force was easily captured by Lin Yi's angels without any difficulty at all.

The elf elder Becky in the back sighed in a low voice: "The strength of these angels is simply too strong! Even the holy-rank Skeleton King was easily killed by them. They can even go back in time, travel through space, and move instantly. …"

Erica smiled and said, "Envy?"

Becky said, "It's not that I'm envious, it's just that the angel's racial strength is strong!"

Erica glanced at her.

"The bright goblins of the Light Legion are all transformed from the souls of goblins after death."

"I heard from an angel that if your faith in the Lord is firm enough and you have a special physique, it is possible to reincarnate as an angel with the help of the reincarnation pool after death!"

"Would you like to try it?"


Becky was stunned.

She envied the Angel Master with all kinds of powerful combat skills and divine arts.

But he never thought of reincarnating himself as an angel.

Becky said with a smile, "I think it's good to be a natural spirit! Although I can't use angelic combat skills and magic, I have mastered the power of natural magic!"

"I just said it casually, don't take it seriously!"

Erica nodded and said, "Even if you want to be reincarnated as an angel, you have to wait until the day you die before thinking about it!"

Becky frowned slightly.

It seems that since joining the lord, Elder Erika's personality has become a little more lively, and he will sometimes make jokes with her.

Unlike before, Dull is like a magical witch.

At this time, Erica suddenly said, "I found a problem!"


Becky asked suspiciously.

Erica said: "Since the end of the last dragon slaying battle, after I was promoted to the peak of the holy rank, the mysterious energy obtained by killing wild monsters has become less!"

"According to the current acquisition speed."

"I'm afraid that even after decades, I may not be able to ignite the divine fire and become a demigod!"

"Is there such a thing?"

Becky's eyes widened.

Erica sighed slightly: "I'm very strange, I don't understand why."

Becky hurriedly said: "Wait back to the castle later and ask the lord, he must know the reason!"


Erica nodded.

At this time, her mood also became a little impatient.

To be promoted to a demigod, or even a god, is her dream and goal.

Taking refuge in Angel Castle and being attached to the lord's command gave her hope.

Special energy harvested if you can't absorb and kill enemies in the future.

Then her hopes and dreams will also be shattered.

She is not an arrogant elf.

She doesn't think that relying on her talent and aptitude, she can be promoted to a demigod or even a god alone.

She needs the Lord's help!


Angel Castle.

Lin Yi was all smiles.

The good news from the underground world came one after another.

This put him in a very good mood.

First of all, the first good news is that his rank has been promoted from the early king rank to the middle king rank.

Although the harvest and promotion, the little angels who did not directly participate in the battle are large, but he is already very satisfied.

He himself does not hope to rely on his own strength to destroy the enemy.

He doesn't like to be involved in battles himself.

The improvement of his own rank only means to him that his self-protection ability is stronger, his lifespan is longer, and he is not easy to die. Other aspects are not very important.

The strength of the castle arms can be improved.

It's the best for him.

The second good news is that the Tomb of Bones was captured, tens of thousands of undead were killed, and the holy-rank Golden Skeleton King also died in the hands of the little angel.

The battle with the Tomb of Bones.

Whether it is a power stone, a different crystal, or a blueprint, the harvest is very large.

The third good news is...

The lord of the castle who was working behind the scenes was killed.

The castle was also pushed down by the little angels.

Even when the castle lord died, a blueprint was released, which was a surprise.

Originally Lin Yi thought.

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The undead staring at his castle were attracted by the [Holy Light Temple].

Until there was a reminder from the goddess Fengqing, and the little angel sent back a message, informing him that the Lord of the Castle appeared beside the Golden Skeleton King, and with the help of the Skeleton King, he killed the dark dragon and obtained a bone. dragon...

Only then did he know that things were not that simple.

It's true that the Skeleton King is eyeing his Angel's Castle.

The castle lord behind the scenes is also a very important factor.

"It's over after all!" "The Skeleton King is dead, the undead army in the Tomb of Bones has been destroyed, and the castle has been pushed down..."

"Victory belongs to my Angel Castle!"

Lin Yi kept smiling.

He was looking forward to the blueprint that exploded from 'Lao Zheng'.

After all, this is the first blueprint that exploded from the Lord of the Castle.

He was curious what it was.

At the same time, he checked the information prompt that appeared after destroying the castle.

[Congratulations, Lord of the Castle, your troops destroyed the heart of the enemy's castle, the enemy's castle disappeared, and you won a castle battle! ]

[You destroy the enemy castle [primary town], additionally harvest energy stone +1000]

[You get a drawing of a dwelling house, a drawing of an arrow tower, and a drawing of a wall]

[You have obtained the material reserves of the enemy's castle warehouse...]

[Thousands of energy stone units, some monster materials and some equipment. ]

"The man's castle..."

"It's still a primary town. After breaking it, you can directly harvest a thousand energy stones!"

"In addition, the castle's materials are also very rich!"

"Except for food, wood, stone, refined iron... all are high resource reserves!"

"Make a lot of money!"

Lin Yi was overjoyed.

Breaking such a castle, the harvest can be comparable to the capture of three or four small and medium-sized local forces.

Sure enough, the battle of the castle is the shortcut to get rich!


At night, the blood moon is in the sky.


A faint blood-colored light enveloped the world.

It makes the dark forest, which is already dark, appear more secluded and infiltrating.

The dense forest around the castle was silent.

No beasts roar, no birds roar, not even a single wild monster.

Obviously, the wild monsters in the surrounding dense forest have basically been cleaned up by the angel team, the light army, and the elves.

"The area within a radius of twenty kilometers."

"The number of wild monsters has plummeted!"

"In a short period of time, I am afraid that no wild monsters will dare to set foot in the sphere of influence of my Angel Castle."

"If you want to hunt in the future, you have to go to a more distant area!"

Just as Lin Yi was talking to himself.

in the castle yard.

Suddenly a door of light appeared.

The door of light opened, and a large amount of wood, stone, iron and other materials flew out from it.

It went on for several minutes before it ended.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of figures flew out from the gate of light. It was the little angels he dispatched, the great elf Erica and the elf elder Becky who followed behind.


Lin Yi thought about it.

The mountain of supplies in the clearing of the castle disappeared immediately.

At the same time, he glanced at the stockpiles of the warehouse materials——

Thousands of units of food, some monster materials, and some equipment.

"It's still a little far from being promoted to a high-level town!"

Lin Yi sighed with emotion.


Because a middle-level town is upgraded to a [high-level town], it needs to consume a full one million units of wood, half a million units of stone, and 200,000 units of refined iron.

Take Lin Yi's current reserves as an example.

It has to be multiplied by a factor of eight to meet the upgrade requirements.

"Not urgent!"

"You will get rid of a few more top castle forces!"

Lin Yi suddenly found out.

He and the Alliance of the Gods really have a fate.

So far, he has pushed down two top castle forces in total, all of which are members of the Alliance of the Gods.

The Alliance of the Gods can be regarded as his lucky boy!

"Except for the battle of the castle..."

"Attack the Goblin Kingdom is also the top priority!"

"Once the Goblin Kingdom is captured, you will surely get a lot of resources, and it is also possible to directly upgrade the castle to a high-level town!"

In terms of strength, the goblin kingdom may not be comparable to the elf tribe.

But the goblin kingdom has a large population.

In just one core capital, there are hundreds of thousands of goblins.

One can imagine how rich the supplies of the Goblin Kingdom will be.

As long as he conquers the Goblin Kingdom, Lin Yi feels that he is bound to become rich in an instant!


"My lord~"

Seraph Angel Guy Teas came.

Salute respectfully to Lin Yi, and then hand over the important loot collected to Lin Yi.

Including power stones, different crystals, and blueprints.

In addition to these three materials, there is also a large black knife.

The six-winged power angel Guy Tis respectfully said: "Almighty Lord, this black knife is the weapon of the holy rank Skeleton King, which contains powerful evil undead power! It has been refined by the Skeleton King with the soul source, and has entered the holy rank. Device level!"

Lin Yi took the black broadsword.

Wave it at will, and suddenly there is a strong black qi emitting.

However, before these black qi dissipated, they were purified by the holy light from the statue of the eighteen-winged angel, and a shrill mourning could be heard faintly.


"Can sell for a good price!"

For a sacred artifact of the undead race, Lin Yi has no habit of using it by himself.

I don't even want to store it up and waste its value.

It should appear on the [Hyperspace Trading Channel], so that the castle masters of countless undead camps are crazy about it, and obediently hand over the power stones and different crystals to help his angel castle develop rapidly.

at the same time.

Lin Yi thought of the dark elf who appeared in the small Loli castle again.

If the dark elf wants this holy artifact, or can help him find a generous customer, that's the best, selling it to the local forces will definitely make more money.

Lin Yi hurriedly checked the information on the black broadsword.

If its properties are good, the price is bound to be higher.

PS: Ask for power stones