Chapter 119 Breeding An Adult Angel? Three Discoveries! Upgrade The Elf Mother Tree Again! Dragon Eggs Hatch!

Time came to the second day.

The angel team in the castle, the Legion of Light, the elves, and those golden griffins have all gone out to hunt.

Because the number of wild monsters in the jungle around the castle has been greatly reduced.

Even the local forces within a radius of 20 kilometers were wiped out by them.

They had to travel to more distant areas to hunt.

But that's not a big problem.

In terms of their strength, even if an enemy of the Saint class attacks, it is bound to be a dead end.

After all, there are three saint-level powerhouses among them.

They are the great elf Erica at the peak of the holy order, the elf elder Becky in the early stage of the holy order, and Guy Des, the ten-winged main angel who is also in the early stage of the holy order.

Lin Yi thinks.

With the current strength of Angel Castle.

Even the fall of the goblin kingdom is not too difficult.

The reason why Lin Yi didn't immediately attack the Goblin Kingdom was because the [Anti-Angel Alliance] coalition was about to attack, and he had to secure this castle coalition before he could attack the Goblin Kingdom with peace of mind.


Inside the castle.

Except for a few bright nuns and bright hunters who were disassembling and collecting the wild monster corpses harvested by the angel team last night.

There are only six flaming dragons left to hatch their eggs.

Lin Yi went over and took a look.

It is found that the life energy of the dragon king egg has reached its peak state.

The egg body also vibrates slightly from time to time.

Such signs indicate that the Dragon King eggs will hatch soon.

"It's almost time!"

"If nothing else, the fire dragon eggs will hatch today!"

Lin Yi said to himself: "As soon as the little fire dragon hatches, let the six flaming dragons take it out to level up! Only when the level rises and surpasses those flaming dragons can Xiao Longhuo be barely called the flaming dragon king. "

Lin Yi didn't pin his hopes on how powerful the little fire dragon would be.

After all, the growth potential limit of the little fire dragon is only a demigod.

Such potential can only be compared to the two-winged angel under his command.

How strong can it be?

Lin Yi only hopes that it can be promoted to a demigod and become the real Dragon King of Fire and Fire, and then use its local dragon identity to help Angel Castle extend its power to the domain of the dragon.

If the little fire dragon is in the future, it will be able to rule the flaming dragon lineage in the local dragon race.

Then the help to Angel Castle is also very big.

Take the dragon's nest in the dark forest, for example.

Lin Yi also hopes to use the little fire dragon to conquer some giant dragons in the dragon's nest and serve his castle.

He always felt.

There are only a few flaming dragons in Angel Castle, which is still a bit shabby.

Either don't, or form a dragon army.

Like a family of natural elves.

Lin Yi has prepared to recruit a thousand of the most powerful natural elves in the elves tribe to form an elves army, and soon to attack the goblin kingdom together with the angel team and the light army.

Attack the Earth Elf Kingdom...

It was Lin Yi's first step in attacking the large local forces in the Dark Forest.

Then there are the kingdom of dwarves, the kingdom of forest giants, the family of holy monsters, the dragon's nest...

In this process, successively conquer, expel and destroy those castle forces in the forest.

Finally rule the entire dark 993 forest and establish his angel dynasty!

After the Angel Dynasty is established, Lin Yi will continue to attack the surrounding areas until the flames of war are burned to the home empire in the center of the world.

This is his rough strategic plan!


Didn't think too much.

Lin Yi went straight to the [Angel Reincarnation Pool].

The Angel Holy Spirit who conceives the new day.

[The Angel Reincarnation Pool is full of energy, does it breed the Angel Holy Spirit? ]


Lin Yi suddenly paused.

Ask for 'Information Tips'.

"With the current level of the Angel Reincarnation Pool, how long does it take to breed an adult angel?"

Back then, the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] was still level two.

Lin Yi learned that it takes five months to conceive an adult two-winged angel, one year for an adult four-winged angel, and three full years for an adult six-winged angel.

At that time, Lin Yi refused outright.

Now, the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] has risen to level five.

The idea of giving birth to an adult angel inevitably popped into Lin Yi's mind.

After all, after an adult angel is conceived, it is directly a complete body.

Two-winged angel demigod, four-winged angel demigod pinnacle, seraph lower true god...

They are at their peak when they are born.

No need to hunt monsters and level up.

Information prompts responded quickly.

[The time when an adult angel is conceived is directly affected by the strength of the angel. ]

[The stronger the strength of the bred angel and the higher the bloodline level, the longer the gestation time. ]


Lin Yi was silent.

It's probably just random 'variety' of angels that are bred. If there are more high-ranking angels, the longer the gestation time, and vice versa.

Lin Yi asked: "Suppose, if all the births were two-winged angels and no other high-ranking angels existed, how long would it take?"

[Two months]

This time, the message prompt responded directly.

"Two months..."

"It's a lot lower than the previous five months!"

Lin Yi rubbed his forehead.

In two months, he was able to get fifty demigod-level two-winged angels. And if there are high-level angels such as four-winged angels, six-winged angels, etc., the gestation time will be extended accordingly.

Based on the current level of the Angel Reincarnation Pool.

It takes two months at the earliest to breed an adult angel, and all of them are two-winged angels!

"It's still a little long!"

"In two months, I was able to give birth to thousands of angels and holy spirits!"

Lin Yi shook his head.

He feels that it is still not worth it to start breeding adult angels now.

"You still have to continue to upgrade the Angel Reincarnation Pool!"

"Or, to build a second Angel Reincarnation Pool..."

Lin Yi suddenly remembered something.

Asked: "If you kill the enemy, is it possible to reveal the architectural drawings of the units of the Angel's Reincarnation Pool?"

[Related questions, please explore the castle by yourself! ]

see this reply.

Lin Yi immediately asked in a different way.

"If other castle masters reveal the [Architectural Drawings of Angel Reincarnation Pool Arms], can they be built? If so, what's the point of my unique arm?"

[The Angel Reincarnation Pool, as a unique weapon building, has been bound to the current castle owner! ]

[Even if there is a second architectural blueprint of the Angel Reincarnation Pool, other than the current castle owner, no one else can use it! ]


Lin Yi made three findings from the 'Information Alert' responses.

First, the 'information prompt' is not too smart.

Second, the [Architectural Drawings of the Reincarnation Pool of Angels] exists.

Third, even if other castle lords broke out this kind of blueprint, they would not be able to use it. Either resell it to him, or just hide it secretly, so that he won't find it, or he will definitely send troops to attack.

"Hope is a good thing!"

"There will come a day when I can build a second, or even more, Angel Reincarnation Pool!"

Lin Yi is full of expectations.

If there are a large number of angel reincarnation pools in his castle power, then the angels he breeds every day will be a very terrifying number.

Not to mention the endless continent.

It is not a problem to set off a frenzy of angels, send troops to extraterritorial worlds, and attack those dimensional planes.


Lin Yi took a deep breath.

Calm yourself down and stop thinking about it.

"Greed up the Angel Holy Spirit!"

Lin Yi had no other choice.

Because at present, he does not have the capital to breed adult angels.

It's been too long after all.

For the current castle lord, time is money.

All the castle owners are fighting for time, territory and resources.

How could he waste two whole months?

He will use the fastest speed to conquer the dark forest and establish his own dynasty power. At that time, he can be regarded as having a real foundation in the endless continent.

Without establishing a dynasty, it is only a weak force after all.

There is no capital to waste time and breed adult angels.


Soon, a dazzling light bloomed in the Reincarnation Pond.

After a while, bright balls of light flew out from the holy light.

Suspended in front of Lin Yi.

A full fifty!

After a while, the spheres of light burst one after another, turning into white and beautiful angels and holy spirits.

As usual, Lin Yi was the first to look at the wings behind these angelic holy spirits.

"Today's luck is a bit ordinary!"

"Wing-level angels, and the rest are all double-winged angels and holy spirits!"

Lin Yi wasn't disappointed either.

It would be nice to have two seraphs.

How could it be as lucky and big as yesterday, and directly give birth to Angelia, an eight-wing-level able angel?

The two seraphim, Lin Yi named them Mei Si and Bina respectively.

"Praise you, Almighty Lord!"

Mei Si and Bina saluted Lin Yi with great respect and fanaticism.

Lin Yi nodded with a smile, and said, "You two take the other angels and holy spirits to the hunting area and join the angel team. The ten-winged main angel Guy Tiss will assign your team to you!"

"Follow your orders, my lord!"

The angels and the Holy Spirit saluted respectfully.

Afterwards, they flapped the snow-white angel wings and flew into the sky one after another, heading towards the direction of the angel team.

Look at their backs.

Lin Yi is also full of expectations for the future of Angel Castle.

"Currently, the number of angels under my command is two hundred and thirty-six!"

"It's not far from forming an Angel Legion!"

Angel Legion 10%.

Which force in this forest can be his opponent?

Not to mention the castle power, even if it is a local power like Dragon Nest, his Angel Legion can directly swept it.

Afterwards, Lin Yi came under the elf mother tree again.

Still only the elf elder Becky was alone.

As the protector of the elves, the great elf Erica has taken the element elf Evangelin and the group of elves to hunt and improve their strength.

Olivia, the spirit of the elf mother tree, was not there either.

Lin Yi asked with a smile, "Olivia retreated again?"

Becky quickly responded respectfully: "Yes, Lord Lord, Mother Mother is retreating and practicing. I hope Mother Mother can successfully ignite this time..."

"Light what?"

Accompanied by a good laugh.

A girl Olivia in a long green dress appeared.

Becky fell silent for a while, and after a while she called out 'Mother Mother'.

Lin Yi looked at (cddg) Olivia: "Failed again?"


Olivia was very relaxed and said with a smile: "Failure is a normal operation. If one day suddenly succeeds, I will be surprised."

This time, even Lin Yi felt speechless.

Olivia said, "Is Mr. Lin Yi going to breed elves?"

Lin Yi nodded.

Getting ready to open the info tip.

He suddenly patted his forehead again and said, "There were too many things last night, I forgot one thing!"

Olivia wondered: "I don't know what Lord Lord said?"

Lin Yi said, "Upgrade your body!"

Olivia's eyes shone brightly: "Has the lord already gathered enough power stones and different crystals?"


Lin Yi said: "Yesterday, I captured the Tomb of Bones and a top castle power, and the harvest is not bad. There is no problem in raising your body to level 4!"

The requirements for [Elf Mother Tree] to upgrade to level four are the same as [Angel Reincarnation Pool].

It also requires 5,000 power stones and 50 different crystals.

Not counting his previous reserves.

Just yesterday's war harvest is enough to break through the elf mother tree.

Olivia said with a smile: "The upgrade is the same now!"

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "It's not the same. If you upgrade yesterday, you can breed more elves today. If you upgrade now, when the number is still level three, it won't increase until tomorrow."

"Is that so?"

Olivia stared at Lin Yi blankly.

In her eyes, there seemed to be grievances and resentments, as if her child had been stolen.

"Doesn't that mean that there are many less elves?"

Elf elder Becky also had a heartache on her face.

There were not many natural elves in the elf tribe before, but now there are fewer "less", which made her worry too much.

Lin Yi's mouth twitched slightly.

All right, what did he do with this?

If he didn't say it, Olivia and Becky wouldn't necessarily know.

Lin Yi said with a smile, "It's alright, it's the same with upgrading now!"

Olivia muttered: "But, Olivia has lost a lot of children!"


Lin Yi ignored her.

Resolutely open the information prompt.

[Whether to upgrade the top troop building - the elf mother tree? ]


"Yes!" Soon, the Elf Dryad was enveloped in a dazzling golden light.

And it began to become higher and larger, and even made the ground tremble.

After a few minutes, the elf mother tree stopped growing, and the golden light disappeared.

Looking up, the mother elf tree has grown to a height of more than 100 meters, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and the top of the tree is like a canopy, almost covering Lin Yi's castle.

In the air, a purer and richer natural magic quickly appeared.

[Elf Mother Tree: Top Class Buildings]

[Alignment: Good, Lawful]

[Current level: Level 4]

[Thirty natural elves can be bred every day]

[Required for upgrade: 10,000 power stones, 100 different crystals]

[Special reminder: There is a 5% probability that the fourth-level arms build the elf mother tree, which can breed super-top arms such as element elves and ancient elves. ]


After the elf mother tree is upgraded.

The girl Olivia also murmured contentedly: "Lord Lord, there is a very powerful force in my body, and I feel that I can go to retreat and break through again!"

Lin Yi snorted and said, "You can go to retreat after I breed the elf."

[The elf mother tree lacks the life and natural magic power, does it breed natural elves? ]


Lin Yi chose [Yes].

The 'energy' is insufficient, just because the elf mother tree has just been upgraded, the 'volume' has become larger, and more 'energy' can be accommodated, but the previously accumulated 'energy' has not disappeared.

So the same can be conceived.

Soon, the elf mother tree became star-studded.

Countless green lights poured down.

After a while, fifteen orbs of light appeared on its branches.

The balls of light rapidly grew larger, and finally matured, turning into pokeballs with a diameter of about half a meter.

Vaguely visible.

There is a little elf in each pokeball.

After that, the Poké Balls flew down one after another.

After being broken, it turned into a beautiful and lovely elf.

"Mother mother!"

"Lord Lord~"

"Wow, praise the lord, let us have life..."


Lin Yi smiled and nodded to these cute little elves.

Then he said to the beautiful elf elder Becky: "Take these elf to join Erica and help them improve their strength as soon as possible!"

He has just seen it.

The fifteen little elves are all natural elves.

There is no luck to breed elemental elves or ancient elves.

"Follow your orders, my lord!"

Elf elder Becky saluted respectfully.

Then he left the castle with a qun bouncing elf.

Lin Yi glanced at his power stone and metamorphic crystal inventory.

Power Stones: 14620.

Different crystals: 39 pieces.

It looks like a lot, but it's actually very little.

It's not enough to raise the elf mother tree to level five.

In fact, if it wasn't for the sixth level of the [Angel Reincarnation Pool], a full 100,000 power stones and a thousand different crystals would be needed, and he would not have consumed the power stones and the different crystals on the elf mother tree.

Olivia asked cautiously: "Lord Lord, when are you going to upgrade the elf mother tree next time?"

Lin Yi said: "Before upgrading the mother elf tree, I may have to upgrade the Angel Reincarnation Pool to level six."

Olivia said disappointedly: "That's a long time to wait!"

Lin Yi looked at her and said with a smile: "Then let the elves of the elf tribe speed up their hunting of wild monsters. If they send enough power stones and different crystals, I will consider upgrading your body to level five. !"

"Praise you, great lord!"

Olivia is very happy.

Immediately use her to connect with the soul of the tribal elves, so that the elves don't waste time and go out to hunt wild monsters.

As for Lin Yi, he went back to the castle.

While watching the auction of [Skull Undead Transformation], I swiped the world chat channel.


Time passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, it was noon.

The auction of [Skull Undead Transformation] has ended.

A total of one isomorph was sold.

The price is so high that it is almost comparable to the original [Bone Soldier Species Architectural Drawings].

Of course, this has a lot to do with the improvement in the strength of the Castle Lord.

The stronger the castle lord is, the more power stones he hunts, and the more he can shoot, he will naturally be 'generous'.

When this batch of power stones and different crystals are in hand.

Lin Yi's reserves of power stones and different crystals also reached 1.



A very powerful fire element force suddenly appeared in the courtyard of the castle.

The surrounding air became hot.

"The dragon egg hatched!"

Lin Yi got up immediately and came to the yard.

I saw a huge crimson dragon egg suspended high in the sky, surrounded by six huge flaming dragons breathing fiery dragon breath towards it.

Soon after.

The dragon egg began to tremble violently.

And accompanied by a sound like a cracking stone.


Lin Yi is waiting for the birth of the little fire dragon.

But at this moment, a gray figure came out of the void.

It was the eight-winged angel of death, Dale.

She came to Lin Yi and saluted respectfully, "Reporting to my lord, a large number of beast monsters and the lord of human castles have appeared near the Twin Mountains!"

"Their goal."

"It should be our Angel Castle!"

PS: Ask for power stones, ask for support.