Chapter 120 The Army Assembles The Twin Mountains! Prelude To War! Lin Yi's Plan! The Future Red Dragon Queen!

At this moment.

It is nearly 30 kilometers away from the Castle of Angels.

near Twin Mountains.

A large qun flying ~ line of troops gathered here.

There are horned eagles, dragon eagles, black-striped Madara sparrows, thunder eagles, wyverns, harpies-banshees, gold-devouring bees, and more.

Without exception, all are flying-arms.

There are intermediate arms and advanced arms.

The number of them is not low, there must be thousands of them together.

And in the distant sky, there are still waves of flying corps coming together.

And at the forefront of each flying unit, there is a human figure.

They rode on the body of the flying arms, walked across the sky, and assembled towards the famous Twin Mountains.

"Brothers, here I come!!"

"Haha... Nonstop day and night, flying thousands of kilometers, and finally arrived at the Twin Mountains!"

"Is this the Twin Mountains? It doesn't seem to be anything special!"

"There are more and more people!"

"Don't worry, there are more to come! We are just the first wave of the castle lords to arrive at the Twin Mountains, and there are more alliance members coming!"

"There are only a few dozen of us, and thousands of flying troops, it's not much at all!"


"In our alliance, there are thousands of castle masters who responded to the call, enough to gather nearly 100,000 flying troops. When they all arrive, the scene will be truly spectacular!"

"Our army is everywhere in the mountains, and Lin Yi will be scared when he sees it!"

"There is at most one day before the members of our alliance will all gather!"

"We're still too early!"

"There's no way, who told us to be the closest? And I don't dare to station at will on the road. I'm worried about being attacked by monsters on the ground, so I can only hurry to the Twin Mountains."

"Compared to the danger on the way, the Twin Mountains are actually safer!"

"The most dangerous place is the safest place!"


"I'm afraid even Lin Yi didn't expect us to come so quickly!"

"By the way, do you think Lin Yi knows that our Angel League will gather at the Twin Mountains and then attack his Angel Castle?"

"Maybe I know, maybe I don't know, but what does it matter? If Lin Yi escapes with the heart of the castle, then we will occupy this area and use it as the base of our alliance, and then attack Lin Yi's elf tribe. !"

"What if Lin Yi didn't escape?"

"Then go to war!"

"That's right, I don't believe that his castle is really that powerful. Thousands of intermediate, advanced, and top-level castle masters can't beat him together?"

"Don't worry, we will definitely be able to win this expedition battle!"

"Victory belongs to the Anti-Angel Alliance!"

Dozens of castle lords gathered together, all cheering. as time goes by.

There are also more and more members of the Anti-Angel Alliance, bringing their troops together from all directions.

The number of castle lords and flying troops gathered near the Twin Mountains also increased rapidly.

See the scale of the coalition continues to expand.

They have more confidence!

"Brothers, restrain your flying units, don't mess around, lest you meet Lin Yi's angel!"

"The main force has not yet arrived. We can only be regarded as a small group of vanguard troops. The combat strength is not high. We cannot directly fight Angel Castle, so as not to be severely damaged and affect the next siege plan!"

"By the way, have you locked the location of Angel Castle?"

"It's almost certain!"

"Angel Castle is likely to be nearly 30 kilometers southeast of us!"

"Thirty kilometers, is it that close?"

"At the speed of my flying unit, I can cross it in less than half an hour!"

"I feel an ominous aura!"

"Wait! Can you speak? The ominous smell of shit, he Lin Yi dared to kill him, and I, Zhou Tongtian, rushed up to fight with him first, vowing to kill all his angels!"

"So arrogant? Still reaching the sky? Why don't you call yourself the Jade Emperor!"

"None of your business!"

"Slot! Want to fight, don't you?"

"Come on, come and f**k me!! I'm not afraid of Zhou Tong every day, I'm afraid that your words won't matter!"

"Don't fight... No, stop, stop, stop arguing!"

"Everyone is in an alliance. We can gather here and meet offline. That's fate. Don't make noise, so as not to hurt the harmony!"

"We are now not just allies, but comrades-in-arms!"

"United, we can defeat Lin Yi and give me a bright future for the Anti-Angel Alliance!"

"That's right, it's a big deal, make a jier."

"In case Lin Yi's angel is attracted, should we start a war or retreat with our people and troops?"

"It's my fault, Brother Tongtian, I apologize to you..."

"No need to apologize, I was also at fault, Brother Bird!"


"Hey, buddy, lend me one of your harpies."


"Do nothing, just play!"

"Climb away! Stay away from me..."

In general, the Twin Mountains are quite lively here.

As more and more castle lords and their flying units converged, the members of the Anti-Angel Alliance became more and more secure, and their self-confidence increased rapidly.

Many members of the Anti-Angel Alliance became quite agitated.

Even eager to try.

They seem to have seen the castle of Angels being pushed down by them, and the images of angels and elves being captured by them.

Very excited look.


Angel Castle.

Lin Yi was a little surprised: "Did it come so quickly?"

He originally thought that the members of the Anti-Angel Alliance would appear near the Twin Mountains at the earliest tomorrow, but he did not expect that dozens of castle lords had already arrived today.

"How many have come?"

"Reporting to my lord, so far, there are about forty castle lords and thousands of flying monsters!"

Angel of death Dai Er respectfully said: "Almighty lord, the strength of those castle lords and their troops is too low, it seems that the highest is only ninth rank."

"I alone would be enough to slaughter them all!"

Dai Er's current rank is as high as the peak of the king's rank.

It has evolved into an eight-winged angel.

With her strength, it is not a problem to assassinate the powerhouses in the early stage of the Holy Order.

To deal with an enemy whose highest rank is but ninth rank, it is definitely cutting melons and vegetables, one knife is one.

Dale made a rough estimate.

She should only need three minutes to kill the members of the Anti-Angel Alliance and their flying units gathered near the Twin Mountains.

"Not in a hurry!"

Lin Yi said with a smile: "Those people are just a small fish, the real big fish is still behind! After all the members of the Anti-Angel Alliance have gathered, they will be wiped out!"


Lin Yi continued: "If any of them or troops enter our sphere of influence, then assassinate them! As for the others, as long as they do not appear within the monitoring range of the watchtower, then ignore them!"

"Follow your orders, my lord!"

The Angel of Death, Dale, saluted respectfully.


Lin Yi waved his hand.

The angel of death, Dai Er, immediately withdrew respectfully, and her figure disappeared into the void.

"It's really a mob!"

Lin Yi shook his head slightly.

If he is the boss of the Anti-Angel Alliance, he will definitely set a time for the assembly, so that the members of the alliance participating in the assembly can ensure that they can reach the Twin Mountains at the same time.

Concentrate the most powerful forces and besiege the Castle of Angels.

rather than as it is now.

The first wave of dozens of castle lords, with a mere thousand flying troops, rushed over impatiently.

If Lin Yi really wanted to do it, those people would be dead by now.

Then he can send angels directly and wait at the Twin Mountains.

Waiting for the rabbit!

Come on, kill.

The more they killed, the members of the Anti-Angel Alliance who were still on the road would naturally flee and dare not continue to gather.

In this way, a massive alliance expedition campaign failed.

"After all, they have never participated in a large-scale war, and it is normal for such a situation to occur!"

"But then again..."

Lin Yi pondered for a moment, and then said to himself: "The top management of the Anti-Angel Alliance shouldn't be so stupid! I think they set a time for the assembly, but some members did not comply and 'preemptively' arrived at the Twin Mountains."

"Not urgent!"

"Let them dance for a while."

Not what he expected.

The main force of the Anti-Angel Alliance should arrive at the Twin Mountains tomorrow.

At that point, he can do it.

Not to mention that the coalition forces of the Anti-Angel Alliance can be wiped out, and not a single one is left. But at least it has to be destroyed to more than 90%, and some castle owners who are sitting and watching the play will know that they are afraid.

Lin Yi took another look at the power stone that he had reserved.

More than 20,300 pieces.

The sacred magic cannon with one thousand power stones can be bombarded twenty times.

A small magic cannon with ten power stones at a time can be bombarded two thousand times.


Faced with the question of whether [City in the Sky] will be exposed, Lin Yi doesn't care at all.

It's exposed, what does it matter?

What is he afraid of?


at this time.

The dazzling red light that appeared in the courtyard of the castle woke up Lin Yi, who was in deep thought.

He looked up.

I saw that the one-meter-long Fire Dragon King egg had been completely cracked.

Immediately afterwards, a wet head emerged from the eggshell, followed by a neck, claws, a fat belly, a body, and finally a slender tail.


Lin Yi looked at the little fire dragon.

Counting the tail, it is about two meters long.

The whole body is covered with fiery red scales, making it look like a burning dragon-shaped flame.

It whimpered twice.

The six flaming dragons around them lowered their heads and took a few steps back.

Obviously, the flaming dragons are also keenly aware of the dragon king's breath on the little fire dragon.

The growth potential limit of the flame dragon lineage is mostly in the late stage of the holy order and the peak of the holy order.

And the little fire dragon is a demigod with the limit of growth potential.

The well-deserved Dragon King's capital!

Facing the little fire dragon who may become the dragon king in the future, the flaming dragons instinctively have a kind of awe. Even for them, the newly hatched fire dragon is weak like a chick, and they are still respectful and dare not be rude to the fire dragon.

This is the class concept of the dragon family.

There is a strict distinction between honor and inferiority.

Of course, if it were another type of giant dragon, the little fire dragon would not be taken seriously.

If it is an elemental dragon, it is also possible to eat the little fire dragon on the spot.

Only dragons of the same kind will fear their dragon king.

Different types of dragons often fight and kill.

Within the dragon family, there are often different types of dragon camps fighting each other.

Because the dragon race itself is an aggressive race, they like to sleep and treasures, and they prefer to snatch the treasures of other dragons and turn them into their own treasures.


ka chi ka chi~

As soon as it was born, the little fire dragon relied on its own inheritance instinct to eat the eggshell of the dragon's egg.

Even the egg liquid that flowed on the ground and was not completely absorbed by it was added cleanly by it.

In this process.

The body surface of the little fire dragon continuously released red light. From time to time, a cluster of small flames will be sprayed from the mouth and nose.

Its body is growing rapidly.

This is a very magical growth process, and it can almost be called the most important evolution when the dragon was born.

Rou's eyes can see that the dragon body of the little fire dragon is getting bigger.

When the little fire dragon ate all the egg shells and egg liquid into its stomach, its body had grown to more than four meters long, and it had more than doubled in size.


"Quack quack..."


The little fire dragon raised his head.

A strange sound came out of his mouth.

After several attempts, it finally succeeded, with a crisp dragon roar.


The dragon roar sounded.

Not loud.

But it made the six king-rank flaming dragons tremble and became even more awe-inspiring.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·


The little fire dragon roared again, very excited.

It spreads dragon wings that are several meters long.

From slow, to hard, and finally flapping its wings frantically, it flew high into the sky with a gust of wind.


The little fire dragon hovered high in the sky with great excitement.

Like instinct, it swooped down and flew into the distant mountains and forests.

While flying, while breathing flames.

Dozens of trees were lit along the way.

Under the fire of the dragon's breath, those big trees were quickly burned to ashes.

Looking down from a high altitude, you can clearly see that there is a charred path that keeps going away in the direction the little fire dragon flew away.

"Go and bring it back!"

Lin Yi glanced at Abra, the flaming dragon.

"Follow my orders, my lord~"

The giant dragon Abel immediately slapped the dragon's wings and rushed into the sky.

A few minutes later, it dragged the little dragon's zodiac, and forcibly dragged the little dragon king back.


The little fire dragon was very angry.

A group of fiery dragon breath fireballs sprayed directly on the thick legs of the flaming dragon Abra.


The dragon's breath fireball exploded into a small spark.

The flame dragon Abra was unscathed.

The strength of the little fire dragon is too low, and the dragon's breath does no harm to Abel at all, so it can be ignored.


Little Fire Dragon was even more dissatisfied.

Struggling desperately in the claws of the flaming dragon Abra.

Then he roared again, seemingly ordering several other flaming dragons to attack Abra.


Those flaming dragons were all crawling on the ground.

Turn a deaf ear to its commands.

There was a muffled sound.

The little fire dragon broke free from the claws of the flaming dragon Abra and fell in front of Lin Yi.

I saw a human standing in front of me.

It was a conditioned reflex, and it was ready to breathe out the dragon's breath to attack Lin Yi.


Lin Yi squinted at it, a syllable popped out of his nose.


The little fire dragon seemed to react.

She shrank her neck in fright and closed her mouth immediately.


Then he forcibly swallowed the dragon's breath back, making a grunting sound in his throat.


The little fire dragon put away its wings.

He kept wagging his tail towards Lin Yi, like a newborn puppy trying to please its owner.

And, it's very treacherous.

While ingratiating with Lin Yi.

At the same time, he pointed at his own fart//stock with his fat little paw, and pointed at the flaming dragon, Abra, as if he was complaining to Lin Yi, saying that Abra scratched his fart//stock sore. .

Lin Yi ignored it directly.

Open its info list.

[Flame Dragon - Unnamed]

[Current growth status: juvenile]

[Order position: third order]

[Loyalty: 100 points (die loyal)]

[Limit of Growth Potential: Demigod Flame Dragon]

[Special reminder: This is a small fire dragon that has grown into the dragon king of the flaming dragon, and it is worthy of the important cultivation of the castle master to give full play to its value! ]


"Demigod potential!"

"Baby body, third-order rank."

"It is indeed comparable to a two-winged angel!"

Lin Yi nodded.

There is such a growth potential at birth, which is already very good in the dragon family.

Even the Dragon Clan, one of the powerful races in the Endless Continent, does not mean that there are many gods in the clan.

As for the giant dragon with the potential of a true god from birth, it can almost be said that it does not exist.

The dragons of the true god level are promoted only by relying on the practice of the day after tomorrow.

For native creatures, becoming a god is a very difficult thing.

Because they have the shackles of realm.

Every time a realm is broken, it is extremely difficult.

Even if it is a giant dragon whose growth potential reaches the demigod level, it does not mean that it will be able to grow into a demigod in the future. Many giant dragons with such potential could not pass the level of igniting the divine fire.

Little Fire Dragon is different.

Now it has become Lin Yi's castle arm.

In the future, as long as the energy value obtained by it exceeds the peak of the holy rank, ignites the fire of God, and becomes a demigod, it will be a matter of course, and there is no shackles of realm.

As for wanting to be promoted to the pinnacle of a demigod, or even to condense a godhead to become a god.

It can only rely on its own efforts.

Perhaps Lin Yi helped it, using the unit evolution blueprint to increase its growth potential limit.

Lin Yi pushed aside the little fire dragon that was rubbing against his trouser legs, and said, "From now on, your name will be Little Fire. When you become a god-level dragon one day, you will have your real name!"


Little Flame nodded his head.

Then he ran over and rubbed Lin Yi's trouser legs in a cheerful manner.

Lin Yi's mouth twitched slightly.

Although this little thing's loyalty is as high as 100 points, it's too real, and he's very close to him. It's annoying when he kicks it away and runs over and rubs against his trouser legs.

Lin Yi said, "Are you male or female?"

Xiao Huo tilted his head and looked at Lin Yi, his golden vertical pupils blinked.

It doesn't speak.

Lin Yi was also direct, kicking it over with one kick.

The little flame suddenly groaned, quite aggrieved.

"Oh, mother!"

Lin Yi was much more pleasing to the eye when she saw her.

He summoned the flaming dragon Abela and said, "You guys, take your future Red Dragon Queen out to hunt and raise her level! In addition, the hunting area should avoid the Twin Mountains in the southeast."

"Follow your orders, Almighty Lord~"

Abra and the other five flaming dragons nodded respectfully.

Get ready to take the little flame away.

However, Little Flame was reluctant.

It has rough skin and thick flesh. It didn't hurt when Lin Yi kicked it just now. Instead, it got closer to Lin Yi.

It was holding Lin Yi's trouser legs, wagging its tail, and never leaving.

Lin Yi grabbed its tail and threw it into the sky.

"Don't come back if you don't get promoted to the commander level!"


The little flame suddenly 'howled and cried'.

In the end, it was forcibly dragged by the flaming dragon Abra, escorted by five flaming dragons, and flew towards the distant jungle...

PS: Ask for power stones, ask for support.