Chapter 130 Great Harvest! Recruit A Building [Bright Monastery]! Happy To A Headache! Spectacular Upper Angels!

In front of Lin Yi.

A large number of power stones, different crystals, and even blueprints were accumulated.

Although the '100,000 Army' of the Anti-Angel Alliance were all flying troops recruited by the Castle Lord, not wild monsters born and raised in the Endless Continent, there was a chance that power stones and abnormal crystals would explode after killing them.

A little bit of luck~, the drawings also burst out.

Similar to destroying the castle heart of the enemy castle faction, you can get - additional power stone.

Killing the troops of the enemy forces can also harvest power stones and - different crystals.

This is an alternative reward from the 'game official' to the castle lord.

Indirectly encourages wars between different castle powers.

In the form of war, violence cultivated super powerful castle forces, and finally attacked the local forces of the endless continent, and even the local empire.

This is the basic process of the struggle for hegemony among all ethnic groups.

Lin Yi is taking the same path now.


Seeing the loot piled up like a hill in his eyes, Lin Yi smiled.

Because it is so rich!

No less than the capture of many top castle forces.

Finally, Lin Yi counted and counted the energy stone sheets.

This is the total harvest of this war!

It can be said to be a harvest explosion!

Without hesitation, Lin Yi stored all these power stones and different crystals in the Ring of Forest Giants.

From now on, the power stones and different crystals he reserves will be used to prepare for the upgrade of the [Angel Reincarnation Pool].

[Angel Reincarnation Pool] To upgrade to level 6, you need to consume 100,000 energy stones and 1,000 different crystals.

This is a very large amount of material.

He must use all the power stones and different crystals he has collected here, otherwise there is no way to upgrade the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] in a short time, and it will take longer and longer.

Fortunately, his second unit building, the Elf Mother Tree, has also been upgraded to level five.

Before the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] was upgraded, the level of the elf mother tree had been 'fixed', and there was no need to consume energy stones and different crystals on it.

In addition, the castle is in addition to the [Sky Castle].

It seems that there is no other place that can consume energy stones and different crystals.

Lin Yi can feel at ease and keep his own small vault.

Power Stones: 49450.

Different crystals: 293 pieces.

"Thanks to the generosity of the Anti-Angel Alliance this time."

"The energy stones I have reserved are almost half of the upgrade requirements for the [Angel Reincarnation Pool]."

"The reserve of different crystals has also reached an unprecedented height - two hundred and ninety-three!"

From arrival to now.

Lin Yi has experienced many bumper harvests.

But there has never been a harvest that can surpass this battle.

Lin Yi is deeply grateful to the castle masters from the Anti-Angel Alliance for bringing him this amazing wealth.

"The only pity is~"

"They are dead, but they can't get the supplies of their castle!"

Lin Yi let out a long sigh.

There are more than 1,300 castle masters. If all of their castle materials are added up, the total amount is so large... Most likely, Lin Yi will be able to upgrade the Angel Castle from a [intermediate town] to a [high-level town].

Maybe it is also possible to directly rise to the city level.

After all, it is the sum of more than a thousand castle materials.

Think about it and you can guess how much wealth that would be.


The castle supplies did not fall into his pockets.

When the lord of the castle dies, the castle will not collapse with it, because only if the heart of the castle is destroyed, the castle will turn into ruins.

More than a thousand castle lords are now dead.

Their castles are still in their original locations.

The materials in the castle are also stored in the warehouse of the castle.

Although it was the castle lords that Lin Yi killed, their castle supplies would not fly into his hands. Lin Yi obviously couldn't get those supplies.

One, the distance is too far.

Second, he didn't know the location of those unowned castles.

So I have to regret that such a large amount of wealth has no fate with him.

"For a castle without an owner, the troops will defect. Only the castle supplies have no legs and can't escape..."

"It's just, what a pity!"

"The distance is not too big of a problem, it's just that I don't know where their castle is."

"Those unowned castles may have three outcomes."

"One, found by a lucky ranger, and then occupied."

"Second, it was discovered by wild monsters or local forces, and then broke through and turned into ruins."

"Three, keep it there, and when I capture the dark forest, I will find it out one after another."

"Hopefully the last one."

The thought of such a large amount of supplies, so much that it is possible to directly raise his Angel Castle to the level of a city, made Lin Yi feel a pain in his heart.

But there was nothing he could do.

After all, he couldn't find the location of those unowned castles.


Lin Yi took a deep breath.

I didn't think about it any further.

Some things, if they belonged to him, were destined to fall into his hands.

Even after a long time, it will stay there, waiting for Lin Yi to pick it up.

Lin Yi turned to look at the stack of blueprints in his hand.

The drawings are also a bountiful harvest.

There are a full twenty-nine.

It can be considered that Lin Yi has experienced so many wars and has harvested the largest number of blueprints.

Lin Yi did not hesitate to identify them one by one.

Obtained four [Arrow Tower Drawings], two [Wall Drawings], three [Watchtower Drawings], five [Residential Residence Drawings], and three [Noble House Drawings].

These seventeen drawings were obtained by Lin Yi before.

All are architectural drawings, and the highest rank is only intermediate.

Lin Yi was not disappointed either.

This type of architectural drawings has the highest explosion rate.

He directly put the [Arrow Tower Blueprint] and [Wall Blueprint] on the hyperspace trading channel in exchange for power stones.

Keep three [Watchtower Blueprints].

In addition to the one that the Natural Elf Legion returned from the tribe, he had four [Watchtower Blueprints] in his hand.

He is ready to build these four watchtower drawings.

With the Angel Castle as the center, the monitoring range of the [Watchtower] has been continuously expanded.

In the future, when there are watchtowers all over his castle's sphere of influence, then no hostile forces will try to sneak in. And with the watchtower, the hunting of the castle corps is also more convenient.

Whether it is to clear wild monsters or attack local forces.

With a watchtower, it is a multiplier.

After that, without saying a word, he built the five [Resident Blueprints] and three [National Papers of Noble Houses], enriching the buildings and facilities in the territory directly under the castle.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at other drawings.

Twelve in total.

Among them, seven [low-level arms evolution blueprints], three [intermediate arms evolution blueprints], and one [low-level initial arms number blueprints]...

and the last one.

It is also the most precious of all drawings.

[Bright Monastery - Arms Architectural Drawings]!

Lin Yi's expression was obviously taken aback when he saw this drawing.

This is not the first time he has come into contact with the name [Bright Monastery].

As early as when the troops of the Legion of Light were reincarnated and resurrected, he came into contact with the [Bright Monastery].

The bright camp troops under his command.

Bright Sisters, Bright Priests, Bright Knights, Bright Priests, Bright Hunters, etc., all belong to the units from the [Bright Monastery].

However, in his castle, there is no such troop building.

All the light troops use the [Holy Light Temple] to pick up the souls of believers after death, and then they pass through the [Angel Reincarnation Pool], at the cost of consuming energy stones, they are resurrected and reincarnated.

He does not yet have the ability to directly recruit bright troops.

but now.

To his great surprise and surprise.

Killing the castle lord of the Anti-Angel Alliance and the flying units under their command actually exposed the architectural drawings of the units of the [Bright Monastery].

This is incredible!

"It just so happened that the military building Guangming Monastery..."

"Is it because there are light units in my castle faction?"

"Or, in the army of 100,000 flying troops, there are also troops belonging to the Guangming Monastery. After killing them, luckily the drawings of the Guangming Monastery were released?!"

"Perhaps, both factors!"

"Combined, the monastery of light exploded!"

"But the question is, is there a flying unit in the unit building of Guangming Monastery?"

Lin Yi wondered.

He turned his eyes to check the information on the [Bright Monastery Arms Architectural Drawings].

[Bright Monastery Arms Architectural Drawings]

[Alignment: Bright, Good, Lawful]

[Description: The exclusive arms building of the bright camp]

[Summonable troops: Bright nuns, Bright priests, Bright knights and other units of the bright camp]

[There is a low probability of being able to summon top troops such as Paladins, Bishops, Holy Light Pegasus]

[Construction requirements: 120,000 units of wood, 80,000 units of stone, 30,000 units of refined iron]

[Special reminder: Build the light monastery army building, your castle forces will be classified into the light, good, and lawful camps, which will greatly increase the hatred of the dark, evil, and chaotic camps against your castle forces! ]


"Paladin, Bishop, Holy Light Pegasus..."

"Sure enough, there are flying units!"

"This can barely explain why the Bright Monastery can be exploded!"

Lin Yi guessed that among the members of the Anti-Angel Alliance, there must be a castle lord who was randomly assigned to the unit building [Bright Monastery], and luckily summoned the Pegasus of Light.

The Lord of the Castle, in this expedition battle, brought the Holy Light Pegasus.

As a result, before he appeared on the scene, he was bombarded by a round of artillery.

Then the blueprint of the unit building [Bright Monastery] was revealed.

"It's a little tricky!"

Lin Yi looked at the unit's architectural blueprint [Bright Monastery] in his hand.

Feeling a headache.

The common arms recruited by this arms building have the limit of growth potential, which belongs to the top-level advanced arms, and can barely be called the next-level top arms.

The strength is still very good.

And those arms belong to the bright camp.

Once recruited, appear to be his followers.

The key question is...

The construction of the Bright Monastery requires the consumption of castle materials.

Upgrading the Monastery of Light will also consume his power stones and different crystals.

The castle supplies are not enough. He just made up his mind to store up the power stones and different crystals to prepare for the sixth level of the [Angel Reincarnation Pool].

A blink of an eye.

Is the small treasury shrinking again?


"If the Monastery of Light is directly upgraded to level five..."

"You need to consume a total of energy stones!"

"With my existing castle materials, as well as power stones and different crystals, it can fully meet the construction of [Bright Monastery] and upgrade to level five!"


Lin Yi rubbed his forehead.

The first time I felt lucky, it was also an annoyance.

If it were another castle lord, he would be so excited that he couldn't sleep for three days and two nights because of the [Bright Monastery Arms Building Drawings], but he was having a headache because of the too many arm buildings in the castle forces.

"Still wait a minute!"

"Put the construction of the Monastery of Light on hold for now."

"After we have captured the Goblin Kingdom this time, let's see how much we can gain!"

"If the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] is still far away from level six, then build a monastery of light, raise it to level five, and recruit light troops!"

"If the difference is not far away, continue to prepare for the sixth-level Angel Reincarnation Pool."


"Upgrading the Angel Reincarnation Pool is the most important thing!"

"Upgrade one day earlier, and you can breed more angels and holy spirits!"

"Compared to the angels and holy spirits, the troops of the Guangming Monastery are not indispensable! Their only advantage is that each time they recruit a large number, this will be very useful for me to become a god with faith and collect the power of faith in the future. The essential!"

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

"As for now."

"Facing the upgrade plan of the Angel Reincarnation Pool."

"Guangming Monastery can only stand aside!"

Thinking of this, Lin Yi also made a decision in his heart.

He directly put the [Bright Monastery Arms Architectural Blueprint] into the Ring of Forest Giants for storage.

Then, he looked at other drawings.

[Initial troop quantity blueprint] One piece, low-level.

There are ten [arms evolution blueprints], of which seven are low-level and three are intermediate.

Lin Yi thought about it. Another blueprint for the evolution of intermediate arms appeared in his hands.

This is also the harvest of the natural elves in the tribe before, and it was brought to Lin Yi. There is also a low-level evolution blueprint, which was given to Elektra by Lin Yi.

"Now, I have a total of eleven evolutionary blueprints in my hands."

"Four intermediate grades, seven low grades!"

"If there are no accidents, there must be higher angels who have successfully evolved because of them!"

Soon, the angels received Lin Yi's call and gathered in front of Lin Yi.

Lin Yi glanced at it.

Ten-winged Lord Angel Guy Dess, eight-winged angel Angelia, eight-winged angel of love Nina, eight-winged angel of death Dale, eight-winged zodiac god angel Abigail.

Sisters Mays and Bina...

In the blink of an eye.

There are nearly twenty high-ranking angels under his command.

The other four-winged angels, as well as the two-winged angels, also numbered more than three hundred.

The total number of angels is three hundred and thirty-six!

have to say.

His angel team is getting bigger and bigger.

The overall strength is also strong enough to suppress any castle lord.

With the Angel Corps under his command alone.

Which castle lord can rival him?


He is not arrogant, but confident.

Not to mention the number of angels, but to talk about their strength, it can also make the masters of the top castle people daunted.

After all, in his Angel Corps.

There are more than 20 angels of the king rank, and many angels have reached the peak of the king rank.

The most powerful ten-winged main angel, Guy Tiss, has even stepped into the holy order.

Such a powerful strength can completely swept any castle force.


Lin Yi's gaze.

Sweep from all the upper angels.

These angels of his are all picturesque in appearance and no worse than a succubus.

The whole body is flawless and radiant, even if he sees that his heart can't be calm.

However, he still tried his best to restrain his inner turmoil.

Three high-ranking angels were selected from them.

They are the six-winged Archangel Shirley, the six-winged angel Irene, and the special angel Guardian Angel Mia.

Lin Yi was going to hand over the eleven evolution blueprints to the three of them for use in turn.

As for those eight-winged angels, they were not included in Lin Yi's consideration.

Because the level of these evolutionary blueprints is not high, and the highest is only intermediate, if the eight-winged angel is used, the success rate will be very low.

It would be better to give six-winged angels to help them advance to eight-winged.


The first evolved six-winged Archangel Shirley.

Lin Yi gave her all eleven evolution drawings.

Xue Lier held the evolution blueprint tightly and saluted wildly: "Praise you, Almighty Lord~"

Lin Yi nodded: "Go!"

"Follow my orders, my lord~"

Shirley immediately walked towards the Angel Reincarnation Pond.

Her heart was very excited.

As a four-winged archangel created by the Lord, she has the opportunity to be promoted to an eight-winged angel and step into the middle third level of the orthodox faction angel, which is completely worth the excitement.

She believes in the Lord and is grateful to the Lord~

Without the Lord, there would be no her.


Lin Yi looked around.

He said to the upper angels present: "Continue to rest tonight, and gather all the troops in the castle tomorrow to attack the Goblin Kingdom! I have no other requirements, only one point, that is, the Goblin Kingdom must be captured!"

"Any enemy who stands in my way has only one dead end."

"I swear to clean up all heresies for my lord!"

The upper angels shouted in unison.

There was no fear in their eyes.

Only loyalty, and fanatical belief.

Angel, the sword of the Lord!

The innate mission is to sweep away heresies for the Lord.

Even the angel of love, Nina, and the guardian angel, Mia, did not show mercy in the face of heresy.

For them.

Heresy is also redeemable.

If you believe in the Lord, you will be able to get their salvation.

If you don't believe, you will die!

If the body of a heretic cannot be redeemed, only the soul of a heretic can be redeemed!

After all, one must be redeemed, and one cannot come back empty-handed.

the other side.

The Legion of Light, the Legion of Nature Elves, as well as the flaming dragons and golden griffins, are also unafraid of the coming war.

They are all grouped together.

Rest your equipment and replenish your energy.

Tomorrow they will also follow the angel team and attack the goblin kingdom together.


As time goes by.

The evolutionary light ball wrapped around the six-winged Archangel Shirley is also getting brighter and brighter.

While waiting for Xue Lier's evolution to end, Lin Yi took out the [Number of Arms Blueprint].

[Initial number of arms drawings]

[Grade: Low Grade]

[Description: Use it, you will get a random number of initial troops]

Compared with the evolution blueprint of the troops, the explosion rate of the number of troops blueprint is lower.

Lin Yi didn't hesitate.

Choose to use immediately.

In an instant, the blueprint for the number of troops collapsed in his hands, turning into a rich golden light that appeared in the air.

Soon after.

Bright balls of light flew out from the golden light.

PS: Ask for power stones, ask for support. Ten thousand.