Chapter 131 One Big Sister, One Small And Two Sisters! Evolve! Olivia's Path Of Demigods And The Other Side!

The bright golden light has dissipated.

Only ten balls of light were left floating in front of Lin Yi.

Ten light balls, indicating that Lin Yi used the [arms quantity blueprint] this time, and got ten angels and holy spirits for free.

"Luck is a bit ordinary."

"In the first [drawing of the number of arms] I used, the angels and holy spirits that were born were twenty!"


"It would be nice to have ten."

"After all, it's just a low-level blueprint."

Lin Yi was not too disappointed.

Now, the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] has risen to the fifth level, and fifty angels and holy spirits can be bred every day. Using the [arms quantity blueprint] to prostitute the Angel Holy Spirit, ten more, ten less, is not enough for him to care.

This is the arrogance that comes with the strength.

Soon after.

The ten balls of light burst and collapsed one after another.

Ten white and immature angels and holy spirits also appeared in Lin Yi's field of vision.

As usual, Lin Yi checked the number of wings behind them.

After a moment, a smile appeared on his face.

"One six-winged angel, two four-winged angels, and seven two-winged angels!"


"Although the number of prostitutes is only ten, it is very good to have a seraph."

Lin Yi's eyes fell on the Seraphim.

At the same time, her message appeared.

[Guardian Angel (six wings)]

[Current growth status: Holy Spirit]

[Strength Level: Seventh Level]

[Loyalty: 100 (die loyal)]

[Complete body - guardian angel of the lower true god]


"It's actually another guardian angel?!"

Lin Yi was a little surprised, and the smile on his face became more and more obvious.

After all, guardian angels are special angels.

In many respects, the 'value' of special angels is higher than that of the orthodox faction.

Purely in terms of the probability of birth, the special angels are also much lower than the angels of the orthodox faction.

Lin Yi now has more than 300 angels in total.

Among them, there are only a few special angels, which shows how low the probability of special angels appearing. "My Lord~"

The guardian angel, the Holy Spirit, flew over.

Salute to Lin Yi reverently.

The other angels and the Holy Spirit followed behind her, and their eyes were extremely frenzied when they saluted.

Angel was born to be a fanatic of Lin Yi. "Nine Nine Three"

No believer's faith is stronger than the angel's faith in the Lord.


Lin Yi smiled and nodded.

He looked at the guardian angel in front of him and loved it very much.

Like guardian angel Mia.

This is also an extremely beautiful little angel. She is holding a white gold staff, and the three pairs of angel wings are white and clean, exuding a faint glow.

and on top of her head.

There is also a halo like the guardian angel Mia.

The aperture is suspended and faintly visible.

The circle above the head is the symbol of the guardian angel.

Because there is no such thing for any angel other than guardian angels.

Lin Yi knows that its name is Guardian Halo!

This is the talent of guardian angels. With the power in [Guardian Halo], guardian angels can resurrect dead believers and redeem their souls.

In Lin Yi's eyes.

This is the resurrection in the game!

When the guardian angel Mia was first conceived, Lin Yi knew the role of the guardian halo. But it seems that so far, Guardian Angel Mia's [Resurrection] has not come in handy.

"Two guardian angels~"

"It's equivalent to two priests who have mastered the resurrection technique!"


Lin Yi is in a good mood.

Name the new guardian angel - Mira.

She and guardian angel Mia are destined to be good sisters.

"Praise you, Almighty Lord~"

The guardian angel Mira saluted excitedly, excited to receive the real name given by the Lord.

Respectfully after leaving.

Those four-winged angels and two-winged angels, the Holy Spirit, who were conceived together, also gathered near the statue of the eighteen-winged angels, and together with other angels, they recited the "Seven Days of Creation of the World" and prayed to the Lord.

The guardian angel Mila took the initiative to fly to the guardian angel Mia.

"Sister Mia~"

"Sister Mila!"

Guardian Angel Mia's smile is soft and sweet.

Happy to accept the presence of another guardian angel.

At this time, two guardian angels, one big and one small, stood together.

Guardian Angel Mia, king rank, about 1.5 meters tall.

The guardian angel, Milla, has just been conceived, with a seventh-order rank and a height of only about 70 centimeters.

When standing together, Milla was really like Mia's sister, because both of them had a halo of shimmering light on their heads, which looked very similar.

They held hands with each other.

With a very cute height difference.

That scene looked really wonderful.


Soon after.

The evolutionary light sphere suspended above the [Angel Reincarnation Pond] burst.

A more powerful angelic breath emanated.

Another time passed.

The evolutionary light sphere completely collapsed.

The newborn angel Shirley flew out.

Not surprisingly, she successfully achieved the evolution of her bloodline, from a six-winged archangel to a middle-level three-winged eight-winged angel.

"My lord~"

The eight-winged angel Shirley flew over.

He said excitedly and enthusiastically: "Praise you, Almighty Lord, it is your care that made me an eight-winged angel! May the holy light always be there, and may you be eternal!"

At the same time, she handed over the remaining [arms evolution blueprint] to Lin Yi.


Lin Yi smiled and nodded.

As the first winged angel to follow him, he still cares about Shirley.

if not.

Nor will he help her evolve again and again.

From the four-winged archangel, it has evolved all the way to today's eight-winged angel.

Lin Yi didn't want Xue Lier to remain among the high-ranking angels because of the genetic restriction of her bloodline. He expected that when he sat on the throne of the king of gods, he would be accompanied by Shirley by his side.

He glanced at the angel wings behind Shirley.

Three snow-white physical wings, a pair of light wings condensed from divine energy.

It is exactly the same as Angel Wings of the eight-winged angel Angelia.

Afterwards, Lin Yi handed the remaining [arms evolution blueprint] to the long-awaited Seraph Angel Irene.

Shirley evolved, using two intermediate evolution blueprints.

Now, there are nine evolution blueprints left, two intermediate and seven low.

If the situation is optimistic.

Not only the six-winged angel Irene can successfully evolve, the next guardian angel Mia who is waiting is also expected to evolve into an eight-winged guardian angel.

"Praise you, Almighty Lord~"

The six-winged angel Irene respectfully took the [Evolution Blueprint] from Lin Yi.

Then he took a deep breath and flew to the eighteen-winged angel statue.

The holy light emanating from the statue can quickly calm her heart and comfort her soul. In addition, there are more than 300 little angels praying around, which seems to increase the probability of her successful evolution.

Soon, the six-winged angel Irene was also enveloped by the evolutionary light ball.

at the same time.

Lin Yi checked Shirley's information.

[Shirley - Eight-Winged Angel]

[Current growth status: growth period]

[Strength Level: Early Stage of Holy Order]

[Loyalty: 100 (die loyal)]

[Complete body - lower-ranking true god peak eight-winged angel]


"I actually stepped into the Holy Rank?"

Lin Yi's eyes brightened.

As of now, there are hundreds of angels under his command, and there is only one holy-rank angel, that is Guy Des, who has evolved from a six-winged power angel to a ten-winged main angel with the help of blood evolution.

He didn't think so.

Xue Li'er actually relied on her bloodline to evolve and successfully entered the holy rank.


Thinking about it carefully, it seems reasonable.

Because when Guy Teas had not been promoted to the holy rank, Xue Lier and the angel of love Nina were the two most powerful angels under his command, all of whom had reached the limit of the peak of the king rank.

You only need to take another half step to advance to the Holy Rank.

Today, the successful evolution of the bloodline is equivalent to pushing Shirley forward half a step.

Allow her to smoothly enter the rank of the Holy Order.

"Now, I also have two holy angels under my command!"

"In addition to the big elf Erica, the elf elder Becky, and the spirit of the elf mother tree Olivia, then my castle has five holy-rank powerhouses!"

Lin Yi sighed.

Such a powerful castle strength...

If it is spread out, it will definitely shake the entire circle of the castle lord.

The masters of the top castles that he marked as [hostile forces] would probably find it even more difficult to fall asleep.


About ten minutes passed.

The evolutionary light sphere suspended above the Angel's Reincarnation Pool began to rupture until it collapsed completely.

Erin flew out of it.

Like Shirley, she has also successfully achieved bloodline evolution.

However, there is one more evolutionary blueprint consumed, a total of two intermediate evolutionary blueprints and one low-level evolutionary blueprint.

That is to say.

Now there are only six low-level evolution blueprints left.

For six-winged angels, the success rate of low-level evolutionary blueprints is only ten percent. Even if six blueprints are stacked, the success rate of evolution is only 60%.

"It can only depend on Mia's luck!"

"With good luck, just like Nina, the Angel of Love, she successfully evolved with only two low-level blueprints. If you are unlucky, you may not be able to succeed if you use up all six blueprints."

"But even if it fails, it can improve the background of guardian angel Mia."

"It will be relatively easy to achieve bloodline evolution in the future!"

thought here.

Lin Yi also did not put pressure on guardian angel Mia.

Success is the best.

It doesn't matter if you fail.

Anyway, with the current strength of Angel Castle, it is not a difficult thing to reveal the [arms evolution blueprint]. As long as the scale of the war is large enough, it is still very easy to obtain the [arms evolution blueprint].

It didn't work this time, but next time I'll try again.

"Don't be nervous!" Lin Yi handed the six drawings to the guardian angel Mia.

"Praise you, Almighty Lord~"

Mia respectfully took the drawing.

Then, with the blessing of the guardian angel Milla, he flew to the statue of the eighteen-winged angel, and was soon enveloped by the evolutionary light ball.

At the same time, Lin Yi checked Irene's information.

[Eileen - Eight-Winged Angel]

[Current growth status: growth period]

[Strength Level: Peak of King Rank]

[Loyalty: 100 (die loyal)]

[Complete body - lower-ranking true god peak eight-winged angel]


"Although I haven't been promoted to the Holy Rank, it's not bad!"

"The eight-winged king-level peak power angel can be said to be invincible at the same level in the Endless Continent! If you are facing ordinary races who are in the middle and beginning of the holy order, the eight-winged power angel Irene may be able to challenge it!"

"This is the suppression of high-level life over low-level life!"

Personality, including blood, gene, spirit, soul, and origin, etc.

The high-level life can suppress the low-level life in combat.

Take, for example, the dragons of the home world.

At the same rank, it can be said that it is difficult for giant dragons to find opponents. The only ones who can compete with giant dragons are the top creatures on the continent, such as natural elves, titans, and pure-blooded gold Beamon.

In the face of other creatures, the dragon is enough to ignore.

Just like the goblin, the same rank, the dragon can spray to death.

This is the suppression of the person!


Lin Yi looked at the evolved Shirley and Irene.

Irene's height has not changed much, it is still about 1.5 meters.

On the other hand, Xue Lier stepped into the holy rank in the process of evolution. Her height has grown to about 1.7 meters, which is the same level as the ten-winged main angel Guy Tis.

With such a height and body.

Sheryl can almost be said to be an adult angel.

It is nothing more than that he has not yet entered the complete body.

Seeing Xue Li Er, who has a tall figure and a beautiful face, Lin Yi's heart throbbed.

However, he had experienced the baptism of various beautiful angels and elves, and his concentration was still extraordinary, and he quickly suppressed the whims in his heart.

After all, find the right time.


at this time.

Lin Yi's eyes were attracted by the elf mother tree not far away.

The elf mother tree, which is nearly 200 meters high, exudes a bright green light, which is the light of life.

Although the elf mother tree radiated green light all the time before, but now the green light is obviously more intense and bright, indicating that the life and natural power of the elf mother tree are more powerful...

"How is this going?"

Lin Yi looked shocked.

The mutation of the elf mother tree surprised him.

But then, his eyes flashed again, and his heart was ecstatic: "Could it be that Olivia really succeeded in breaking through?"

Before, Olivia had said to him herself.

When she was in the elf tribe, she had tried to break through hundreds of times, but she had never succeeded, and every time she failed in the process of igniting the divine fire.

failed so many times.

Olivia's mood also became very calm.

Every retreat is very casual, with a playful mentality.

This also made Lin Yi, who didn't pay much attention to Olivia's retreat breakthrough, and never thought that she would be able to succeed so soon.

"If Olivia really succeeds in breaking through this time."

"Then it is very likely that the upgrade of the main body helped her!"

Just a few days.

Lin Yi consumed a lot of power stones and different crystals to upgrade Olivia's main body elf mother tree from level 1 to level 5. Every time she upgraded, Olivia could get a lot of gains.


It helped Olivia ignite the divine fire...

Just as Lin Yi was thinking.

On the trunk, branches, and leaves of the elf mother tree, strands of golden flames appeared.

At the same time as the golden flame appeared.

An extremely terrifying coercion also descended, covering the entire Angel Castle.

The natural elves under the tree bowed to the ground, their expressions excited and ecstatic.

The Legion of Light, the Golden Griffon, and the flaming dragons such as Abela were shocked and shivered by the coercion.

Only Lin Yi's angel was unaffected.

Because they were all shrouded in the holy light of the eighteen-winged angel statue, enough to ignore the mighty Kamui unleashed by the golden flame.

"My lord~"

The ten-winged main angel Guy Tiss appeared behind Lin Yi and said respectfully, "That's the divine fire! Olivia, the spirit of the mother tree of elves, is lighting up the divine fire. If successful, she will be promoted to a demigod!"

Lin Yi nodded.

Olivia had already ignited the divine fire.

Now it depends on whether her body can resist the burning of the divine fire.

Blocked, she is a demigod.

If she can't stop it, her body will be burnt to ashes by divine fire, and Olivia will also be destroyed together.

"Wait a moment!"

Lin Yi suddenly thought of something, and a flash of light flashed in his mind.

"Isn't the elf mother tree my troop building?"

"The status has always been displayed as invincible!"

"Only if the heart of the castle is destroyed, the troop building will collapse!"

"Can Shenhuo burn down troop buildings?"

Lin Yi hurriedly checked the information of the elf mother tree, and the status still showed as [Invincible], he said to himself: "Does this mean that Olivia's promotion will be 100% successful?"

He referred the question to the 'Information Prompt'.

Soon, the message prompt responded to him.

[In view of the special situation of the current castle's troop building - the elf mother tree, the damage of Shenhuo will be transferred to Olivia, the spirit of the elf mother tree. ]

[The promotion failed, and the spirit of the elf mother tree disappeared. ]

[The elf mother tree returns to the form of the normal corps building! ]


Lin Yi's mouth twitched slightly.

Well, it's not going to be smooth sailing.

Now it's up to Olivia herself.

Her success or failure will determine her own destiny.

As for her main body elf mother tree, it is protected by the "game official" and belongs to a castle building with an invincible BUFF, which is not damaged by divine fire.


as time goes by.

The elf mother tree has been completely shrouded in golden fire.

But the strange thing is that the divine fire, which is powerful enough to melt the sacred artifact, did not even burn a single leaf of the elf mother tree.

I do not know how long it has been.

very awkward~

The flaming golden fire disappeared in a swish.

But not extinguished.

Instead, he got into the body of the elf mother tree, and went to burn Olivia in 3.6.

This is what the 'information tip' said, the harm is passed on!

Vaguely, Lin Yi seemed to hear a terrified voice that seemed to be violent: "Damn it! Isn't the fire burning the body? What are you burning my soul for!!"

In general.

The promotion of demigod divine fire really only burns the body.

That's why there is a saying of "the body of a demigod".

As for the soul, it only transforms when it is promoted to a god.

However, now, due to the relationship between the construction of arms, Shenhuo has transferred the damage, so Olivia's body has nothing to do, but her soul is being targeted by Shenhuo.

Just at this time.

Lin Yi heard another unbridled laughter.

Well, the voice still came from Olivia.

It is completely different from the sweetness and gentleness she shows on a daily basis.


"It's time for me, Olivia, to be promoted to a demigod!"

"My elf mother tree family breeds billions of elves, and the most powerful is the soul!"

"If you burn my body, I'll still be worried! Now you come to burn my soul, the great and future Elf Mother Tree - Olivia, is destined to become a demigod... Hahaha... Hiss, it hurts... …"


Lin Yi's mouth twitched slightly.

It felt like I had glimpsed another side of Olivia.

Neither gentle nor sweet.

On the contrary, she has a hot personality and is very arrogant!


time, I don't know how long.

Even the evolution of guardian angel Mia is over.

After consuming five evolution blueprints in a row, guardian angel Mia also successfully achieved bloodline evolution and became an eight-wing guardian angel.

Her own rank has also entered the peak of the king rank.

Strength soared. On the other hand, Olivia has always been in the stage of being grilled by divine fire.


Lin Yi could still hear her arrogant laughter and screams.

In short, she is now a pain and happiness!

Finally, after a long time, Olivia's voice was completely silent.

at the same time.

The elf mother tree burst into an extremely dazzling light in an instant.

It almost lit up the entire night sky.

For the creatures of the dark forest, its light is more dazzling than the blood moon.