Chapter 140 Sudden Regional Announcement! Goddess, Give Me A Word! Big Gain! Road To God! Altar Of Faith!

After Lin Yi destroyed Kingdom Hearts in the Goblin Kingdom.

almost the same time.

In the world chat channel, a large wave of messages sent by the castle lord also appeared.

Without exception.

The locations of these castle lords are all dark forests.

[f**k! I have a zone announcement for our Dark Forest! -]

[I also received it. The regional announcement reminded me that Lin Yi's Angel Castle destroyed the goblin kingdom and conquered a kingdom power. Let me make a choice and respond as soon as possible! ]

[Stimulate! ! ]

[It took so long to come, I didn't expect that in addition to the world announcement, there was actually a regional announcement! ]

[Is this the point? ]

[The point is that big boss Lin Yi has eliminated a kingdom force! Just horrible! ]

[The brothers upstairs make a fuss! Lin Yi is just destroying a kingdom, what's so surprising! Unless it means that Lin Yi has conquered a local empire, I will always be Shisui in my heart! ]

[The big boss Lin Yi is mighty! ]

[Just now, when Lin Yi sold the tens of thousands of goblin equipment, we had already deduced that the goblin kingdom in the dark forest was wiped out by Lin Yi. The regional announcements that appear now are just supplementary tips! ]

[With Lin Yi's castle power, it is very easy to destroy the goblin kingdom! ]

[After all, the boss has a demigod! ! ]

[Speaking of the castle masters of the dark forest, how did you respond after receiving the regional announcement? ]

[I respond with a der! ]

[My response is to run at a tenfold speed! ]

[I was still hesitating before, whether I should develop on the edge of the dark forest for a while before leaving. As soon as the regional announcement came out, I immediately ran away! ]

[Now, Lin Yi has eliminated the goblin kingdom, and the next step is likely to be the kingdom of dwarves, the kingdom of forest giants... and even the dragon's nest! ]

[Once these local forces are wiped out, Lin Yi is equivalent to conquering the entire dark forest! ]

[The castle lord who is stranded in the dark forest is definitely a dead end! ]

[Faced with the regional announcement, my response was to run away! ]

[Upstairs brother, which way are you on, if the direction is the same, let's form a team! ]

[Ask him is useless, a person can only send one world message a day! ]

[Upstairs brother, I have to remind you that your opportunity to speak is just wasted! ]

[Upstairs brother, remind you, you also wasted! ]

[Upstairs, you too! ]



Alliance of the Gods—

[Damn, Lin Yi's strength is terrifying! ]

[A kingdom power with a population of at least 100,000 or more, even if it is a goblin kingdom, the war power is very powerful! A top-level castle lord like us would not dare to touch it! ]

[I am afraid that only when all the top castle masters in our alliance gather together can it be possible to destroy the goblin kingdom! ]

[Even so, the difficulty is very high! ]

[The power of the kingdom is generally dominated by saint-level powerhouses! With the current strength of our alliance, if there is no way to check and balance the saint-level powerhouse, the chance of defeat is still very high! ]

[After all, the Saint-level powerhouses all have domains! ]

[As soon as the field comes out, it is enough to strangle a large number of enemies! ]

[A simple saint-level powerhouse is enough to kill the army of our alliance to the point of collapse! ]

[groove! The surnamed Lin is really lucky. If he didn't have that demigod-level unit, how could he be so arrogant? Going to attack the kingdom forces so soon? If it was us, we wouldn't even dare to think about it! ]

[Who makes people lucky? ]

[This time he captured the Goblin Kingdom, he must have obtained a lot of good things! ]

[Look at the tens of thousands of pieces of equipment on the trading channel, he has gained a lot! ]

[In addition, he destroyed the Kingdom Heart of the Goblin Kingdom, and he must have obtained a lot of architectural drawings! ]

[The most important thing is the materials, wood, stone, refined iron, power stone, different crystals...f**k! I doubt his castle will be upgraded to the advanced town level soon! ]

[There are also troop buildings! ]

[If nothing else happens, his unit building will also reach level five! ]

[Level 5 is inevitable, 10,000 power stones and 100 different crystals are a lot for us, but what is it for Lin Yi who has captured the Goblin Kingdom? ]

[Lin Yi's strength is getting more and more terrifying! ]

[Horse's! My arm building has only been upgraded to level four, and it will take a day or two to upgrade to level five! ] [[What I'm worried about is...]

[If Lin Yi's unit building is upgraded to level six, it will be terrible! ]

[Level 6 is impossible! Upgrading to level 6 requires a full 100,000 power stones and 1,000 different crystals. Even if he captures the Goblin Kingdom, it is far from the level of upgrading! ]

[Let's put it on us, it will take at least ten days and a half months to upgrade the troop building to level six, why is he so fast? ]

[Just because he is Lin Yi! ]



Holy Light Alliance——

[Goddess, when did you pull the boss Lin Yi into our alliance? ]

[Boss Lin Yi wiped out the Goblin Kingdom, such a big thing, we must not celebrate him! ]

[Sure enough, the boss of Lin Yi is strong! ]

[With just one castle power, he has captured a kingdom power and killed tens of thousands of enemies. Apart from Lin Yi, who else can the master of the castle be able to do such earth-shattering things? ]

[Fire Dragon's Nest, Country of Death Riders, Elf Garden...]

[These famous top castle forces can't do it! ]

[The title of Boss Lin Yi's most powerful castle master is well-deserved! ]

[If nothing else, I just want to know when Lin Yi will join our Holy Light Alliance! As the leader of the league, how could he not join the league? ]

[Goddess, give me a word! ]

Calami Prairie -

Wearing a high-level suit, with a heroic appearance, she rolled her eyes.

Why doesn't she want Lin Yi to join the Holy Light Alliance?

The key is that Lin Yi is unwilling!

What can she do?

"As far as I know, the goblin kingdom in the dark forest has a population of more than 150,000, with three legions and more than 10,000 elite goblin warriors."

"In addition to this, the Goblin Kingdom also has saint-level powerhouses and dozens of king-rank powerhouses..."

Feng Qing took a deep breath.

Such a powerful local force was actually broken?

"Mostly it was the demigod under Lin Yi's command!"

"With her demigod power, there is no problem in suppressing the Goblin Kingdom."

Have to admit.

Feng Qing is very envious.

After all, that's a demigod!

The golden war lions under her command are the most powerful only in the late king rank, and they have not even set foot in the holy rank field, let alone the demigods who ignite the divine fire.

"Sure enough, the stronger the person, the stronger he will only be!"

"To widen the gap with others at a faster speed, it's hard to see his back!"

"Lin Yi has surpassed the castle power by too much!"


Feng Qing completely lost the idea of catching up with Lin Yi.

Looking back now, her previous arrogance and persistence felt childish.

Her only thought now.

It is to get on the big boat of Lin Yi and ride the wind and waves.

Lin Yi eats rou at the bow and she drinks soup at the stern.

After all, there is nothing wrong with following Lin Yi.

But the problem is, Lin Yi doesn't seem to want her to sit in the stern to drink soup, and Lin Yi doesn't even look at the Holy Light Alliance she has built with all her might.

This made her very helpless.

"Lord Lord!"

At this moment.

A voice suddenly came, interrupting Feng Qing's thoughts.

Looking up, it was a golden war lion more than ten meters long, speaking in human language.

Like the giant dragon, a top class such as the golden lion can speak after being promoted to the king rank.

The golden war lion faced Fengqing, bowed his head respectfully and said, "One hundred and eighty kilometers ahead, I found a large fox tribe with more than 5,000 orc foxmen!"

"What is the highest combat power of the fox tribe?"

"Early stage of king order!"

"very good!"

Feng Qing turned over and sat on the back of another golden lion, holding a fine iron sword, pointing forward.

"Kill the past! Conquer the fox tribe, and kill all the fox who refuse to surrender!"

"Follow your orders, my lord!!"

In an instant, more than three hundred majestic golden war lions roared and rushed into the distance.

They are like a golden ocean, galloping fast on the grassland.

In the blink of an eye.

Feng Qing and her Golden Lion Corps disappeared at the end of the grassland.


Goblin Kingdom.

Lin Yi doesn't know anything about the regional announcement.

Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't take it to heart.

He has experienced the world announcement more than once. What is the regional announcement?

He was looking at the harvest after destroying Kingdom Hearts.

First, destroy the Kingdom Heart of the Goblin Kingdom and directly harvest 10,000 Power Stones.

This is an additional reward from the "official game", and it is not an explosion.

"Ten thousand power stones!"

"As expected of a kingdom power, the rewards are too rich!"

Lin Yi still remembers that after he initially captured a small goblin tribe and destroyed its tribal heart, he only received an additional reward of fifty power stones.

Going to the Goblin Kingdom is a direct reward of 10,000!

"But it's normal!"

"In that goblin tribe, there are only a few hundred goblins, and when multiplied by 200 times, there are not as many goblins as in the goblin kingdom, not to mention the goblin kingdom has saint-level powerhouses, a large number of king-rank powerhouses..."

"It's always a kingdom power!"

"The rewards are naturally rich!"

Lin Yi glanced at his power stone reserve.

After the surge of 10,000, his power stones have reached more than 118,000, and it is almost 120,000.

Such a power stone reserve, I am afraid no one will believe it.

"Apart from the power stone reward..."

"After destroying Kingdom Hearts, I got a lot of blueprints!"

Lin Yi took a cursory look and found more than 30 blueprints, and each of them was an authenticated architectural drawing.

The most [Arrow Tower Blueprints] are directly fifteen.

In addition, there are many [watchtower blueprints], [refiner shop blueprints] and so on.

In addition to these, there are two high-level architectural drawings.

They are [City Wall Drawings] and [Faith Altar Architectural Drawings].

The value of these two advanced drawings is the highest.

Especially the [architectural drawings of the Altar of Faith], which surprised Lin Yi.


[Advanced Architectural Drawings - Altar of Faith]

[Number of times of use: five times]

[Effect 1: Greatly increase the loyalty and belief of the castle residents to the castle master]

[Effect 2: After the battle begins, the morale of the castle armies is raised to the peak! And in the process of battle, the castle troops have a chance to enter a violent state, and the combat power is doubled]

[Effect 3: Greatly increase the collection speed of the power of faith]

[Construction requirements: 30,000 units of wood, 10,000 units of stone, 5,000 units of refined iron]


"Three effects."

"Except the first one didn't work for me, the other two worked really well!"

"Effect two, the morale of the troops has been raised to the peak, and there is a chance to enter a violent state and double the strength... This can be said to be a god-level war halo!"

"It's just like the increased attack and defense power of the Holy Light Temple."

"The more troops I have in my castle, the better the effect!"

"The third effect is to increase the collection speed of the power of belief, which will be very helpful for me after I become a god."

Lin Yi was all smiles.

In short, the value of the [Altar of Faith] is comparable to the [Holy Temple] before the upgrade.

the most important is.

It can be used five times.

In other words, he can build five altars of faith out of it.

One Angel Castle, one Goblin Kingdom, one Elf Tribe...

Lin Yi looked at the [Architectural Drawings of the Altar of Faith] in his hand, and immediately decided that each of the local forces under his rule would build an altar of faith.

There is an altar of faith.

He can reap the power of faith of believers.

This is helpful for him to gather divine power after becoming a god.

For the god of faith, the basic core of divine power is the power of faith.

If a god of faith cannot gather the power of faith, then there is no way to gather more divine power, and he can only rely on his own practice to slowly grind it.

Such a god of faith is very weak.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????

At this time, Lin Yi remembered the statue he was standing in the goblin tribe...

It was built for him by Guy Tis himself when the Angel team captured the goblin tribe. Today, his statue has become a carrier of the power of faith under the day and night prayers of goblin believers.

But compared to the altar of faith.

His idol is a bit... um, still needed!

[Altar of Faith], with his idol.

The perfect combination to harvest the power of faith!

Immediately, Lin Yi told his thoughts to the ten-winged main angel Guy Tiss.

Guy Teas immediately waved the scepter in his hand.

In an instant, in the center of the ruins of the goblin capital, countless boulders flew up and began to reorganize and merge... Finally, a large number of white jade-like stones were suspended and merged into the unformed statues...

After a few minutes.

A statue of Saint White with a height of hundreds of meters appeared in the center of the ruins of the royal capital.

It was Lin Yi who carved it.

On the head of the statue Lin Yi, there is also a huge crown inlaid with many gems, which makes his statue more gorgeous and noble.

At a glance, I can't help but feel the heart of worship.

Don't say anything else.

When the statue of Lin Yi was erected.

A large number of goblins suddenly knelt down around the ruins.

Whether it was a tribal goblin or a kingdom goblin, they all knelt on the ground and prayed to his statue.

It won't take long before this statue of him will become a carrier of the power of faith, carrying the devout belief of all the kingdom goblins in him.


After that, Lin Yi built an [Altar of Faith] near the statue.

The altar is more than 30 meters high, and the whole body is white.

Exudes a holy white light.

At the same time, Lin Yi also discovered that after the [Altar of Faith] was built, there were two more special effects.

[Advanced Building - Altar of Faith]

[Description: It is the basic building of the God of Faith, which can quickly collect the power of faith]

[Effect 1: ... ]


[Special effect 1: It can subtly transform the troops and local intelligent creatures within the sphere of influence into followers of the current castle lord]


[Special effect 2: The faithful worshippers can pay tribute to the current castle lord through the altar of faith]


"Tribute items!"

"It is equivalent to a sacrifice to the gods!"

Lin Yi took a deep breath.

Take a simple example~

The goblins of the goblin kingdom.

If I find a treasure in the future, I want to present it to him.

Then they don't need to bring the treasure to Angel Castle, they just need to pass this altar of faith and send the treasure directly to his hands in the form of sacrifice.

This is already the means of the gods!

Although Lin Yi has not yet become a god.

But as soon as the altar of faith came out, he was not much different from the gods.

Moreover, through the altar of faith and sacrifice, he could clearly hear the prayers of the believers.

If he becomes a god in the future.

His divine power can even come directly to the goblin kingdom through the altar of faith.

Perform miracles!

"The altar of faith is really useful!"

"It can be said that it is the standard configuration of the God of Faith!"

Lin Yi knows that he is now completely on the path of the God of Faith.

The only thing he has to do next.

It is to become a god!


Mind a move.

A golden crystal appeared in Lin Yi's hand.

This is also the reward for destroying the Kingdom Hearts of the Goblin Kingdom.

Artifact - Fragment of the Dynasty Heart.

[Shard of Dynasty Heart +1]

[Grade: Divine Artifact]

[Description: The Heart of the Dynasty is the core of the dynasty's power. With it, you will build a dynasty that is recognized by the laws of the world and the local empire. ]

[Hint 1: Destroy the kingdom power, there is a chance to get the fragments of the heart of the dynasty]

[Tip 2: The fragments of nine Dynasty Hearts can be combined into a complete Dynasty Heart]

[Tip 3: Absorbing the fragments of the heart of the dynasty can increase the fortune of the dynasty, increase the cultivation speed of the kingdom's people, and increase the growth rate of the food effect...]



[The current castle owner has not established a dynasty power and cannot absorb the fragments of the dynasty heart. ]

received such a message.

Lin Yi put away the fragments of Dynasty Heart.

He doesn't need to gather nine Dynasty Heart fragments to synthesize a complete Dynasty Heart.

Because when he won the first place in the combat power rankings in the Beast Tide event, he got the only special reward [God of Dynasty].

When he establishes a dynasty, he can directly choose to use it.

By the time.

Then use his Dynasty Heart to fuse this shard.

Improve the luck of the Angel Dynasty.

"It's almost time to go back!"

Lin Yi summoned the goblin elders, goblin Shamur, and goblin Bagden, and said: "The follow-up of the goblin kingdom is left to you, rebuild the goblin kingdom as soon as possible, and then form an elite goblin army to hunt the creatures in the underground world. !"

"Follow your orders, my lord!"

The three goblins bowed respectfully in front of Lin Yi.

Afterwards, Guy Des, the ten-winged main angel who was signaled by Lin Yi, released the Legion Teleportation Magic, and directly teleported the castle army to the Angel Castle.


Just got back to Angel Castle.

Lin Yi found a figure standing under the tree of the elf mother tree.

But not Olivia.

The spirit of the elf mother tree, who released himself, did not return to the Angel Castle until the war was over, and he did not know where he went crazy.

Lin Yi wasn't worried about her safety either.

Demigods after all!

With Olivia's strength, Dragon Nest can also fight in and out.

The figure that appears under the elf mother tree is a very beautiful natural elf.

Lin Yi has seen it.

Her name is Yieta, the elder of the elf tribe, and a senior elf blacksmith, who is responsible for 'modifying' Lin Yi's king-level suit called "Blessing of the Nature Spirit".

Today, she appears in the castle.

Obviously that set of king-level equipment has been modified.

PS: Ask for power stones , ask for support.