Chapter 141 Beautiful Elf Blacksmith! Holy Order Set! Troop Statistics! Upgrade High-Level Towns! Phoenix?

"Lord Lord!"

Elf elder Ieta came to Lin Yi and saluted respectfully.

As Lin Yi expected.

This beautiful senior elf blacksmith brought Lin Yi the modified and upgraded [Blessing of the Nature Spirit]set.

Originally this was a king-level magic suit.

Now, under the careful construction of Iyeta, it has become a holy-order suit.

Which must consume a lot of precious metals.

It's Ieta's work!

[Blessing of the Nature Spirit (Set)]

[Description: It is a suit carefully crafted by the natural elf Iyeta. It is not only powerful, but also has a very elf-style artistic atmosphere! ]

[Grade Rank: Holy Rank]

[Effect 1: Comprehensively enhance the defense and attack of the wearer of the equipment]

[Effect 2: When the magic power is abundant, you can release a holy-level healing magic - the revival of the elf goddess! ]

[Effect 3: When the magic power is abundant, you can continuously and repeatedly release the king-level attack magic - the arrow of the elf! ]

[Effect 4: Greatly increase your charisma]

[Special effect 1: This is a suit made by natural elves. Wearing it, you will get an increase in the favorability of natural elves! ]

[Special effect 2: Wearing it can improve your luck. ]

[Special effect 3: Improve the life and natural magic power in the field of the saint-level powerhouse, and increase the field power year-on-year. ]


The upgraded holy-level suit [Blessing of the Nature Spirit].

Three more effects than before.

The first is the Holy Order Healing Magic - the revival of the Elf Goddess.

The second is to improve your own luck.

The third is to increase the power of the Holy Rank field.

The second effect is to increase the luck value. This is a bit mystical, and the effect is uncertain.

However, the newly added holy magic [Resurrection of the Elf Goddess] and the third effect, the increase in the power of the holy domain, increased the value of this suit tenfold.

in addition.

Lin Yi believes.

After strengthening to the holy magic suit.

Its other effect properties are also better than before. For example, the improved defense and attack are naturally much higher than those of the king-level suit. Moreover, the power of the single attack magic, the Spirit Arrow, is bound to be stronger.


"Ieta, you gave me a surprise!"

With a "zero one zero" smile on his face, Lin Yi took this holy-order suit from the beautiful elf elder Iyeta.

He has just been promoted to the holy rank.

The holy-order suit was delivered to him.

I have to say, this was a real surprise.

At the beginning, the elf elder Ietta told him that it would take three days to transform the suit [Blessing of the Nature Spirit].


Three days have passed.

However, Lin was not in a hurry to urge.

Now, Ieta came to the castle and brought him a big surprise directly.

Holy magic suit.

Its value is far from what the king-level magic energy suit can match.

It can even be said that the undead holy weapon [Skull King Ryan's Holy Sword] that Lin Yi exploded from the holy rank Skeleton King Ryan is far less valuable than this suit.

After all, one is a one-piece weapon.

One is the complete set.

Armor, weapons, including shoes.

Hearing Lin Yi's praise, the elf elder Yieta said quickly: "Dear Lord, it is Yieta's honor to be able to serve you and build equipment!"

She learned from her mother.

With the help of Lord Lord, Mother Mother has been promoted to demigod.

The other elves of the tribe also increased their strength.

In addition, the lord also bred two element elves, dozens of holy unicorns, and a large number of elves for the elf tribe.

Compared with the contributions made by the lords to their elf tribe.

What is a mere set of holy magic power suits?

If possible, she even hopes to become the Lord's exclusive equipment builder and create the equipment that the Lord needs for a lifetime.


Lin Yi smiled and nodded.

Looking at Ieta and asking, "Are you going to stay in my castle, or return to the elf tribe? If you stay, I have the blueprints of two refining shops here, and I can build two for you!"

Elf elder Ieta said: "Ieta is very honored to serve the lord!"

"it is good!"

Apparently, this beautiful elf blacksmith was going to stay.

Lin Yi then used all the blueprints of the two Refiner Shops near the elf mother tree.

Two [Refinery Shops] were built.

Lin Yi said to the elf elder Ietta: "From now on, these two refining shops belong to you. You can also use the monster materials and special metals in my castle warehouse."

"In addition, you can also recruit a group of elves and let them learn how to make equipment for you!"

"Praise you, my lord!"

Elf elder Ieta hurriedly saluted and was very excited.

She is looking forward to staying in Angel Castle in the future.


See Lin Yi waved his hand.

Ieta retreated and found the great elf Erica, the elf elder Becky and others who had returned to the castle.

"Becky, Karma, I envy you so much!"

"You came to the Angel Castle one step earlier, and now you have all been promoted to the Holy Rank!"

In the previous elf tribe.

Including the great elf Erica, there are a total of six elf elders.

Among them, Erica is the strongest, and was the only saint-level powerhouse of the Elf Tribe earlier, with the exception of Olivia, the mother tree of the Elf.

The other five elf elders are all kings.


Among the five king-rank elf elders.

There are two who have also entered the holy order, namely Becky and Kama.

Ieta and the other two elf elders are still on the rank of kings.

Ieta looked at the elf elder Becky with admiration and said, "Before you came to Angel Castle, your rank was the late king rank, one rank lower than mine. Now, I am still at the peak of the king rank, and you have already Promoted to the Holy Rank!"

This is also one of the important reasons why she chose to stay in Angel Castle.

She also wants to follow the lord and be promoted to the holy rank.

Elf elder Becky said with a smile: "Elder Iyeta, it's a pity that you didn't participate in this war with the Goblin Kingdom, otherwise you would also be able to advance to the Holy Rank!"

"But don't worry."

"I believe that you will soon be able to enter the Holy Rank, because..."

Speaking of this, the elf elder Becky's expression suddenly became solemn, and said with a serious tone: "The brilliance of the lord shrouds us! Just like the former elf goddess, he cares for all of us!"

"Praise the Lord!"

Elektra, Karma and other elves also spoke up.

Their expressions were filled with reverence like the god of faith.

Ieta was stunned for a moment.

Immediately understood.

She secretly said: "Lord Lord Master is responsible for the fate and future of the elf tribe, and leads the tribe gradually to glory, so that the elders and the others can see the dawn of the tribe's prosperity..."

"Lord Lord is like an elf goddess, sheltering the elf tribe!"

"It's not surprising to believe in him."

Ieta does not reject being a follower of Lin Yi.

On the contrary, she expects herself to be able to believe in Lin Yi just like the elf family believed in the elf goddess back then.

After all, if nothing else.

The lord will become a god sooner or later.

Ietta believes this.

Although she herself does not understand why she believes that Lord Lord can be promoted to true god, you must know that this is a realm that countless creatures dream of stepping on, but cannot step on.

But she just believed it!


the other side.

Lin Yi is reviewing his castle army.

The most important thing is to count the troops that have been promoted to the holy rank.

Among the Angels...

Angels who are currently entering the Holy Order.

They are the ten-winged angel Guy Dess, the angel of love Nina, the eight-winged angel Shirley, the angel of death Dale, the eight-winged angel Irene, the two-winged angel Cyr, the two-winged angel Todd, and the two-winged angel Wei. gram.

That is to say.

He now has a full eight holy-order angels.

The strength skyrocketed in an instant.

In addition, other high-ranking angels such as guardian angel Mia, eight-winged angel Angelia, the three sea blue six-winged angel sisters, Zodiac Aries Palace, god angel Abigail and so on have also stepped into the king rank, and some even Step into the peak of the king's order.

Have to admit.

This battle, the harvest of the Angel team is really too great.

Many angels have been promoted to the king rank because of this.

The weakest angel is also the eighth-order commander, and this is because they were born today.

Then came the Legion of Nature Elves—

There are currently three saint-level powerhouses, namely the great elf Erica, the elf elder Becky and Kama.

Other natural elves have also been promoted to higher ranks in the battle. There are seventy or eighty natural elves of the king rank, second only to the number of king rank angels in the angel team.

Two elemental sprites.

Fire element elf Evangelin, promoted to the middle stage of the king rank.

Holy Light Elemental Elf Victoria, promoted to the pinnacle of the ninth order.

As an elemental elf born today, Victoria's rank rises faster than a rocket, and it all depends on this huge war.

Thirty little unicorns.

Now they have also been promoted to the seventh and eighth orders.

The body size has also grown to about two meters, which can be ridden by their natural elf companions.

Then the seven flaming dragons—

Among them, the flaming dragons Abra, Slycourt, and Mons, three dragons that were originally the peak of the king rank, were directly promoted to the holy rank in this war.

After entering the holy rank.

Their bodies also surged to more than 100 meters.

Darcy, the dark dragon who has lived for more than a thousand years, is almost comparable to the Goblin Kingdom.

Of the other four flaming dragons, three were promoted to the peak of the king rank.

The last flaming dragon was naturally the future Red Dragon Queen, Little Flame. She also slaughtered a large number of kingdom goblins on the battlefield, and her rank was promoted to the early stage of the king rank in one fell swoop.

With her current rank.

She is already an adult dragon.

The body size has also increased from the previous twenty meters to fifty or sixty meters.

Of course, her temperament is still the same as that of a child. She is not very mature. She especially likes to bully those golden griffins and rub the golden griffins that are several times thinner than her on the ground.

throughout the Castle of Angels.

Angel is something that Little Flame dare not provoke.

Those unicorns were also protected by holy-order elves, and she was afraid of being beaten.

Those goblin believers of the Legion of Light, she despised them.

Therefore, she can only bully the golden griffins who have wings like her.

Lin Yi only has a dozen golden griffins.

Today, the most powerful golden griffin has entered the late stage of the king rank, and the weakest also has the peak of the ninth rank, and the strength is also improving very fast.

Finally, there is the Legion of Light.

After this war, there were no saint-level powerhouses born in the Legion of Light.

This is the limit of their growth potential. Most of them have entered the ninth order, and a few have reached the king order.

If there is no unit evolution blueprint, or if their potential explodes unexpectedly, their rank will be considered to be the top after entering the king rank.

Finally, Lin Yi did some statistics.

Currently under his command—

Has more than 3,000 troops.

Among them, there are one hundred and eighty-five king-rank arms, including angels, elves, flaming dragons, golden griffins, and light arms.

Secondly, there are fourteen holy rank arms, eight angels, three natural elves, and three flaming dragons.

Finally, a demigod, Olivia.

last of the last...

Lin Yi himself, the early stage of the Holy Order!

This is the current state of the Castle of Angels.

"If this data report of mine is spread out..."

"I'm afraid that there will be countless castle cities and rangers scared stupid!"

Lin Yi can fully imagine how crazy the world chat channel and the inside of the major alliances will be once his troop information is exposed.

There are fourteen units of the Holy Order alone.

It's incredible!

Of course, thanks to the goblin kingdom, thanks to the fat king.

Without the sacrifice of the more than 80,000 kingdom goblins, the rank of his castle troops would have risen so fast.


Lin Yi set his sights on his castle warehouse.

Suddenly, a frame of information appeared in his field of vision.

[Castle Warehouse]

[Capacity: It contains a small different-dimensional space, and the size of the space will increase with the improvement of the castle level... ]

[Reserve materials—]

[More than 10,000 units of food, some monster materials, some gold coins, gold and silverware, gems, and noble accessories. ]

[Current Status: Invincible]

[Special reminder: If the heart of the castle is destroyed, the different-dimensional space of the warehouse will collapse, and all the reserves will fall, becoming the spoils of the hostile forces. ]

[Please protect the heart of your castle! ]



Without hesitation, Lin Yi opened the castle's upgrade information prompt.

Angel Castle is upgraded from a low-level town to a [high-level town], which requires 1 million units of wood, 500,000 units of stone, and 200,000 units of refined iron.

Now, all his supplies are ready.

And there are many more.

[Whether to upgrade to upgrade the current castle to a high-level town? ]



Lin Yi's voice fell.

A dazzling golden light appeared out of thin air, completely covering his Angel Castle.

Even the entire castle's territory was covered with golden light.

In golden light.

Angel Castle is constantly rising and getting bigger.

The territory directly under his castle is also constantly expanding outwards.

At the periphery, countless ancient trees, bluestones, jungles... all disappeared out of thin air and turned into a very flat masonry floor.

The fence, which is several meters high, is also moving outwards.

This change caught everyone's attention.

Angels, natural elves, bright goblins... all regarded it as a miracle, and they all showed their reverence.

And what they were watching was Lin Yi who was enveloped in golden light.

in their eyes.

Lin Yi is no different from a god.

Suddenly, many natural elves were promoted to followers of Lin Yi.

Among them are the great elf Erica, the elf elder Becky and others who have already planted the seeds of faith.


This mutation lasted for nearly half an hour before it was completely over.

After the golden light dissipated.

In front of Lin Yi was a giant castle nearly 100 meters high.

The whole body seems to be made of white jade.

In addition to the main fort, there are also nine sub-fortresses, each of which has a statue of an eighteen-winged angel at the top of the fort.

The castle's direct territory has also expanded several times.

The wall that was several meters high fell into Lin Yi's field of vision, like a black line, because the distance was too far.

Lin Yi immediately checked the new information about the castle.

[Angel Castle]

[Current level: high-level town]

[Ordinary buildings: warehouses, residences, noble houses, walls, watchtowers, refining shops...]

[Special buildings: Angel Reincarnation Pool, Elf Mother Tree, Temple of Holy Light, Altar of Faith]

[Upgrade requirements: 2 million units of wood, 1 million units of stone, and 500,000 units of refined iron. ]

[Next Level: Primary Main City]

[Current Status: Invincible]

[Current camp: none]


"Advanced Town!"

"The next level, the primary main city!"

"It takes 2 million wood, 1 million stones, and 500,000 fine iron, but that's not a lot! At least, I have enough stones and fine iron, so I'm just short of wood!"

Lin Yi glanced at his warehouse supplies.

He currently has more than 80 units of wood, and with another 1.1 million units of wood, he can upgrade the castle to the main city.

"With the main city, a dynasty can be established."

"However, a dynasty built with the main city as its base can only be called a small kingdom. Even if it incorporates the heart of a fetish dynasty, it will not be taken seriously by the local empire in the central area."

"It doesn't matter."

"After I conquer the dark forest, capture the kingdom of dwarves, the kingdom of forest giants, and other local forces, I will be able to upgrade Castle 3.7 to a royal capital with the sum of materials!"

"By the time..."

"The king's capital is equipped with the heart of a dynasty of fetishes, and my Angel Castle is a real dynasty power!"

Lin Yi is not impatient at all now.

His development rate has been quite fast.

It can be said that it is far more than other castle masters.

Even those top castle forces can't catch up with him.

He can steadily devour the dark forest according to the established strategic plan.

With the progress of the strategic plan, he upgraded the main city, the capital, and established the dynasty's power.

Just at this time.

Information prompts also arrived as expected.

[Congratulations, Lord of the Castle! ]

[Your Angel Castle has been upgraded to a high-level town, the territory directly under the castle has been expanded to 20 kilometers, and the sphere of influence of the castle has been increased to 100 kilometers! ]

[The defense value of the heart of the castle is increased by five times! ]

[Your Angel Castle has greatly increased its influence and prestige in the endless continent! ]

[Special reminder 1: The Dwarf Kingdom's friendliness to your Angel Castle has increased! ]

[Special reminder 2: The forest giant kingdom has increased the friendliness of your Angel Castle! ]

[Special reminder 3: Dragon Nest has greatly increased the hatred of your Angel Castle! ]

[Special reminder 4: The holy-rank Warcraft family - Phoenix Guard, has greatly improved the friendliness of your Angel Castle! ]


"Twenty kilometers directly under the territory!"

"It's no wonder that in my field of vision, the walls of the castle almost turned into a black line!"

"The sphere of influence of the castle has been increased to 100 kilometers, that is to say, as long as the expansion is doubled, the elf tribe is even within the territory of my castle!"

Lin Yi was talking to himself.

Look at a few other special reminders.

He directly ignored the first few items, and his eyes fell on the fourth item.

"Holy rank Warcraft family, Phoenix guard?"

"What kind of monster is this?"

Lin Yi has always known that there is a family of holy monsters in the dark forest.

But what kind of family it was, he didn't know.

Now, this family has appeared - Phoenix Guard!

Lin Yi's expression was very surprised: "Phoenix guard, is it the divine beast Phoenix?"

PS: Ask for power stones, ask for support.